August 2011: The 3 Universal Month and the Sun in Leo and Virgo

As we close out the month of July 2011, let’s discuss this upcoming month of August 2011.

Numerologically speaking, August 2011 is a universal 3 month.

The universal month number of any month is determined by adding all of the digits of the date down into a single number, as demonstrated below.

August is represented by the number 8, since it is the 8th month of the calendar year.

Add down the month (8) + each digit of the current year (2011):

8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 12

Then, add down the sum:

1 + 2 = 3


I think of 3 as “the child’s energy”. 3 energy is playful and optimistic.  It doesn’t hold back its zest for life – it goes “all out” all of the time.

3 is an energy of growth and expansion, as children are growing into adulthood.

3 energy is also a curious and inquisitive energy.  People with 3 energy love to learn new things, and through learning they are growing in their understanding of the world around them and expanding in their knowledge and wisdom of life in general.  3s seek out information in abundance, and they love to be in communication with others for the purpose of gathering and exchanging knowledge.  Many people with 3 energy tend to be known as chatterboxes.  However, for as much as they can talk, do not underestimate their knack for listening and gathering information.  Just when you think they are missing a lot because they are talking so much, you may be surprised by how much they pick up and learn and eventually know.

Also, 3 energy tends to make things “larger than life”.  It likes to do thing in a big way, and sometimes makes things a bigger deal than they really have to be.  That said, it communicates with big and bold energy, sometimes to the point of exaggeration.  3s can talk a big game, yet look to their actions and results to see if it can really play the games it speaks of playing.

I bring this 3 energy into focus because I want to bring to our attention how this energy interacts with the current astrological energy, and how these combined energies show up in the world around us.

The Leo Sun energy combines with the 3 universal month energy until August 23rd.  We are entering this Leo 3 phase on the heels of a New Moon in Leo which occurred yesterday, Saturday July 30th at 11:40a PDT.

With the Sun and Venus in the sign of Leo right now, our hearts are invested in the energy of the moment, giving an emotional passion to the Leo expression of this moment.  What was occurring at the time of the New Moon is sure to grow and come to light even more than it already has in the last few hours and days.  And with the 3 energy folded into the mix, the spotlight of Leo is only going to burn brighter and bigger as we move into this month of August 2011.

During this time, it is important to make distinctions between what is being said because it really is a big deal and what is being said simply because it gets attention.  It’s much like a child testing out its vocabulary or knowledge by saying things to see what sort of response they might get.  The Leo 3 energy may have you noticing whether or not you or others are saying things because they are genuinely heartfelt and passionate sentiments or if you or another is saying it because you/they are seeking attention.

Even if a matter hasn’t been that a big deal for you before now, if you are emotionally invested in it, it will be a big deal for you during and/or after this Leo 3 period.  On the world, national, community, professional and personal levels, the drama of our lives will play out in a big way during this Leo 3 period.

That is, until the Sun enters Virgo on the 23rd.  Then the energy shifts from the dramatic to the practical.  Reality sets in, and the desire for attention becomes attention to detail.  The question at hand will likely be, “Okay.  So you’ve said this is what you’re going to do.  Now how are you actually going to do it?”

Virgo wants details and wants to get things done.  It’s practical, everyday, hands-on energy.  Once it arrives, the time for big-talk theatre is over, and the time for walking your talk begins.  In combination with the 3 energy, Virgo seeks the factual actuality of matters.  It doesn’t just want to get things done, it wants the details of how it is going to be done. Virgo almost always wants to know the plans, and with 3 energy abounding, it is going want more information than usual in its need to attend to every detail.

The big hype of the Leo 3 energy will be faced with some harsh discernment as the Virgo Sun enters the scene.  People are going to want to know the details, and people are likely going to be very critical of the details as they emerge.  It may be that whatever is chosen during the Leo 3 period will have its reality exposed in the Virgo 3 period, and that reality will likely be revealed in a far-reaching manner.  We’ll see what comes in late August.


It has been my experience that numerological energy holds just as much weight as astrological energy.  In fact, I don’t believe that one can truly be accurate without the other.  Over the next few weeks, you’ll be noticing that there will be more information about how I use both astrology and numerology together as I start to reveal more about what the Life By Soul© system is all about and how it works.  I look forward to sharing it with you over the coming weeks and months.

In the meantime, enjoy observing the 3 energy that is about to come in and how it shows up in your life and in the world around you.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



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