2015 Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Virgo – Work, Serve, and Grow

spring-sprout-vector_G1Hmqlwu - graphicstockThe Virgo Sun will bring the current status of our daily lifestyle operations to light – the best and the worst of the current operations will be seen as the glory and/or the horror that they are. Nothing remains hidden in the light of the Sun. We will see how the mundane, everyday routines, systems, and processes of our lives are actually functioning.

Virgo Jupiter will bring practical and purposeful expansion, and it will expand whatever is already in place. This is why it’s important to look at and truly see what is happening in this moment right now – whatever we are giving our energy and effort to is growing and expanding.

As the Sun and Jupiter combine their energies, it is an excellent time to notice the practical functionality of our own individual everyday lives as well as the daily operating procedures of the world around us in order to ask ourselves if we are truly making life easier or healthier for ourselves. Are our lives really functioning in healthy and healing ways? Are we really being of practical and purposeful service to ourselves and each other?

This Virgo Sun-Jupiter conjunction is felt from 24th-29th August 2015, but the transit is exact at 3:02p PDT today, 26th August 2015 – a numerological 6 universal day. Six is maternal and/or healing energy – a.k.a. “mommy energy” – and under the influence of Virgo, six wants to improve things. Virgo 6 works to solve problems in the everyday routine of life. Its objective is to nurture and restore the mundane operations of everyday life to their functional best – healed, healthy, efficient, and effective.

Much like a mother giving her nurturing energy to her child, we are nurturing certain elements and aspects of our lives by giving them our effort and energy. That which is given attention, energy, and effort will grow and expand. What isn’t given attention, energy, and effort to will diminish and decrease.

One word which sums up attention, energy, and effort is…WORK!

That’s right. Whatever you are putting your attention, energy, and effort into is what you are working for and toward in your life.

However, in the majority of the world, we have been conditioned us to perceive and believe work to be an exclusively external thing – externally focused and projected. Yet we often fail to recognize that our outward projections of effort and energy come from within us! The results on the outside are reflecting the energy and effort we are applying within ourselves!

We often think that hard work means do more externally – longer hours, harder labor, more complicated systems or processes, more money or materials, etc. Yet we fail to see that right now, the work we individually and collectively need to do is more internal than external. During this 2015 Virgo Sun period and especially under the influence of this Sun-Jupiter conjunction, we also get to look within ourselves to learn and understand what is (and isn’t) driving our external efforts in order to make our external efforts more practically efficient, effective, and purposeful.

We are now waking up to the fact that effective and productive external work is the product of effective and productive internal work. Therefore, we get to look at how we each and all go about applying our resources and efforts to create and manifest the lifestyles we want to live.

On an individual level, this means that you get to take a closer look at how you choose to practice life. Think about that for a moment – really.

  • What or who are you putting your energy into?
  • How are you going about the day-to-day of your life?
  • Why are you doing the work you are doing?
  • What is your intention in doing the work you are doing? What do you hope to accomplish?
  • What or who are you working for? Is it for yourself, for others, or both?
  • What or who works for you in your life? What or who doesn’t work for you?
  • Are you putting effort into something that works for you…or maybe doesn’t work for you?

Those questions are paramount at this time because whatever (or whomever) you are giving your energy and attention to will indeed grow and expand…for better or worse. Therefore, it’s important that whatever you are putting work into is something and/or someone you want to have a growing and expanding presence or influence in your life for the better.

Consider the people and projects which support, encourage, and nurture your healing, health, and wellness; make the day-to-day needs of your life simpler and easier to meet or manage. Those people, projects, and practices bring joy and ease to your life, so there is joy in doing that work! That joy is what transforms work into service. Authentic service is what nurtures lasting growth and expansion.

Wherever and however you authentically serve is where and how you reap lasting rewards.

  • For those of you who have been doing your internal work, your rewards may begin to make themselves known today.
  • For those who begin or do your internal work today, you will likely begin receiving rewards for your efforts in the near future.
  • For those of you who are aware of yet resist doing your internal work, you may find that it’s getting harder to continue as you have been and that you may be making it harder do the internal and external work later. Things may become more complicated or you may be more entangled in your difficulties than you are right now.
  • For those of you who have no idea that you have work to do, you may begin to realize that you might actually be responsible for some if not all of you current life circumstances. Once you start to see how your work affects your life, you may recognize a need to make some changes in your life.

Doing the internal work requires that you face the reality of your life. Not the ideal you’re hoping will become reality, but the practical and tangible reality of what you are living and dealing with right now. You will need to see yourself and your daily life and lifestyle in real, practical, tangible terms. If you’re not willing to let go of your ideals to face the reality of what-is, this Sun-Jupiter conjunction may be a very difficult time for you.

Yet if you are willing to face and accept the practical reality of your everyday life at this time, you may find that opportunities for you to progress forward and upward begin to appear. The doors open to those who are willing to open them – if you are clear and serious about your desire for healing and wellness for yourself and all around you, though it may be difficult to face some hard truths at first, you’ll likely find that optimism gradually emerges and begins to influence your life perspective and choices. Your life has purpose when you’re clear about the work you get to do, and purpose brings joy, and joy brings authenticity to your practical works and service.

Work, serve, and grow. That is the message of Sun conjunct Jupiter in Virgo. take time to look at yourself and your life, and figure out how to make this the reality of your life…and experience the growth and expansion of joy in your life.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Pisces 2012 – It’s All Connected

Pisces is about emotion, intuition, imagination, inspiration, compassion and empathy.  Known as the great philanthropist of the Zodiac, Pisces can be so caught up in its dreamy idealism or sacrificial selflessness, it often forgets that it needs to be well and taken care of in order to be able to attend to the wellness and care of others.

It’s kind of like trying to give others water from an empty well – if you’re going to offer others water, you must remember that your well needs to have some water in it for you to offer.

That said, consider the water in the well to be intuition, emotion and unconditional love.  For you to offer those qualities, you must have them for yourself first and foremost. And with these qualities, one usually evokes the others.

For example, with my own Moon in Pisces in the 7th house and four planetary influences in Scorpio, I am so intensely empathic that I tend to pick up on the emotions of others.  For a long time, I’d often take others’ emotions on as my own.  There would be times when I’d find myself happy or upset for no good reason…and I’d be so upset and angry with myself for acting or behaving a way that was sometimes completely irrelevant, inappropriate or out of proportion to the circumstances or situation at hand.

It took a lot of years for me to realize that the emotional responses belonged to someone around me.  Once I was able to make that distinction, I was able to start forgiving myself for all the times I took others’ emotions and issues on as my own.  And through the forgiveness, I was able to be more compassionate toward myself for the times when I ‘crossed over’.  I was also able to appreciate and love the gift I had been given and love myself for finding healthy and positive ways to utilize them in service to others in ways that don’t drain or detriment me and my own life.

And now that I can recognize this ‘collapsing’ of myself with others, there are still some times where I’ll catch myself owning other people’s emotional energy.  It’s funny because once I catch it, then it becomes rather interesting figuring out who the emotion(s) belong to.  But most important, it expands my ability to have compassion for the people I am picking up on, and through that compassion I find the ability to experience love for them.


You are always intuitively drawn to what you need to heal, grow and/or move forward in your soul’s journey for this lifetime.  If you are attracted to someone or something, it is for a reason that is MUCH bigger than you alone.  In fact, it is likely that either you are meant to grow from the experience of that person or situation, or they are meant to grow or be purposely affected from the involvement with you.

Even if the experience is painful or not what we envisioned or hoped, we can still have gratitude and love the person(s) involved for giving us the opportunity to learn something about people, life and most of all, about ourselves.

Whether it is through your volunteer work, your donations of time or material resource or physical activity, your creative or artistic talents, your imaginative contributions or insights, your psychic abilities and intuitive insights, or your gift for being compassionate and loving to others – it ALL connects you to someone or something else which is connected to someone or something else…which is connected to someone or something else…

Eventually, the connections begin to double back…and when they do, that’s when it proves the point of this message: it’s ALL connected.  Everyone and everything. It’s all connected in some way.  Everything and everyone comes back to its source eventually.


The Sun entered Pisces on February 18th.  When it did, it brought us all into a heightened awareness of our emotional and intuitive and empathic connections to all around us.  This month is all about opportunities to experience these connections and to become aware of our connectivity to All-That-Is.  This occurs both as we are able to make contributions to the lives and life journeys of others, and as we experience the contributions of others to our own.

The Sun joined Neptune (which entered Pisces – its natural sign association – on February 3rd) and Mercury (which entered Pisces on February 13th).  The combination of these three influences make this Pisces 2012 cycle an especially dreamy and ethereal one.  There is a LOT of feeling, intuition, and simple “knowing” that just cannot be explained in terms of tangible reality right now. There is also a great deal of dreaminess and fantasy at play right now, which can lead to some serious blurring of the distinctions between idealistic fantasy and practical reality.

The New Moon in Pisces that arrived on February 21st brought even more emotional and intuitive energy into this already spacey and dreamy period of time.

Think about and take note of what you started on or near the 21st, and pay attention to how it evolves over the next couple of weeks as we move toward the Full Moon in Virgo.

Also take this next few days to notice the synchronicity that is occurring in your life.

  • Notice how someone you’re thinking about suddenly calls or sends you a message.
  • Notice how the lyrics of a song you are hearing are just what you need to hear to help you understand something you’re going through or trying to figure out in your life.
  • Notice how you keep running into the same person in different places…or how people from different aspects of your life are all coming together in one place.
  • Or maybe even notice how there are people in your life who are connected that you had no idea or never imagined would be connected.

And through it all, most of all, be aware of how what we send out into the world comes back to us…eventually.

And if that’s the case, why don’t we make it a point to send out empathy, compassion, inspiration and Love?

I’d love to hear about the emotions and intuitions you are experiencing during this time, and I’d love to hear the amazing connections you notice or that are revealed to you in these next few days.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


The Numbers of the New Year

I’ve had a few requests to look at the New Year from a numerological point of view. So…

To start, 2012 is a Universal 5 year.

5 energy is an energy of variety and change. It calls upon us to be adaptable and flexible – to go with the flow, to allow changes to occur in our lives. It also means that anything that didn’t establish a solid and stable foundation in the previous 4 year is about to get renovated.

Often, people are afraid of change. As much as we may say we are open-minded or that we are open to changes, humans are more creatures of habit than we are often willing to admit. We’re fine when we are the ones making the changes…but not so fine when we are the ones being subject to changes around us. In this 5 universal year, each and all of us need to figure out how to do both well.

There will be many opportunities for us to look at aspects of our lives that have been in place for a long time. And in looking at them, we may find ourselves being challenged to choose whether those aspects stay as they are or change. Sometimes, those changes are minor. Other times, those changes may be a major: starting or ending a relationship, changing the status of a relationship, ending our participation in an long-time activity, or starting our participation in a new one. In whatever form and magnitude, there will be many changes consciously made by us this year.

Yet it would be good for us to be reminded that others are impacted by the changes we make…and in turn, we are impacted by the changes others make. Therefore, during this 5 year, it would be to our advantage to take note of the changes others are making in their lives, and to note how their changes affect us. Keep in mind – they are making the changes they perceive and believe to be best FOR THEM! Just as you are making changes that you believe or perceive are best for you, they are doing the same for themselves.

This is where “going with the flow” is critical. “The flow” isn’t about waiting for life to tell you where to go – it’s about allow whatever comes up to come up without fighting or resisting it, then adjusting our actions and behaviors to manage whatever comes up in ways that support our own choices and changes. We don’t have to give up or give in to what life brings. All change asks of us is that we allow it to evolve us and help each of us grow into our Highest and most unique expressions in this world.

January 2012 is a 6 universal month (1 + the 5 universal year or 1+2+0+1+2=6). In this month, nurturing or attending to the practical and everyday details of our lives now may prove valuable to us as the year continues. This is the month to get all the lifestyle maintenance done as next month (February 2012 – a 7 universal month – 2+2+0+1+2 = 7), we may find ourselves going within and doing a great deal of soul-searching. Self-examination mode  is rarely the best state of mind or being for attending to the day-to-day stuff of life. If you’ve procrastinating anything, you may just want to get it done now. You may be glad you did later on.

There’s always more about how the numerological energies combine with the astrological energies in the Life By Soul monthly e-zine. Each month, there is an article called “Energy Dynamics” that blends the two together for a more complete picture of what is going on and what you may expect for the month. You can see the Capricorn e-zine here:http://t.co/hhGF37g0 . The Aquarius e-zine will be out over this coming weekend. You can click on the following link or click on the ‘mailing list’ tab at the top of the page to be on the monthly e-zine mailing list – just click in the blank fields below each subject on the page to fill in your information.

Thank you for reading and following! Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


P.S. – One change you may notice – the name of this blog has changed!

It is now called “Signs and Numbers”.  Since I haven’t been posting regularly or “weekly”, it seemed appropriate. I hope to bring much to you in both regards over the coming months and years. 🙂 Thank you again for following and reading the blog.


August 2011: The 3 Universal Month and the Sun in Leo and Virgo

As we close out the month of July 2011, let’s discuss this upcoming month of August 2011.

Numerologically speaking, August 2011 is a universal 3 month.

The universal month number of any month is determined by adding all of the digits of the date down into a single number, as demonstrated below.

August is represented by the number 8, since it is the 8th month of the calendar year.

Add down the month (8) + each digit of the current year (2011):

8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 12

Then, add down the sum:

1 + 2 = 3


I think of 3 as “the child’s energy”. 3 energy is playful and optimistic.  It doesn’t hold back its zest for life – it goes “all out” all of the time.

3 is an energy of growth and expansion, as children are growing into adulthood.

3 energy is also a curious and inquisitive energy.  People with 3 energy love to learn new things, and through learning they are growing in their understanding of the world around them and expanding in their knowledge and wisdom of life in general.  3s seek out information in abundance, and they love to be in communication with others for the purpose of gathering and exchanging knowledge.  Many people with 3 energy tend to be known as chatterboxes.  However, for as much as they can talk, do not underestimate their knack for listening and gathering information.  Just when you think they are missing a lot because they are talking so much, you may be surprised by how much they pick up and learn and eventually know.

Also, 3 energy tends to make things “larger than life”.  It likes to do thing in a big way, and sometimes makes things a bigger deal than they really have to be.  That said, it communicates with big and bold energy, sometimes to the point of exaggeration.  3s can talk a big game, yet look to their actions and results to see if it can really play the games it speaks of playing.

I bring this 3 energy into focus because I want to bring to our attention how this energy interacts with the current astrological energy, and how these combined energies show up in the world around us.

The Leo Sun energy combines with the 3 universal month energy until August 23rd.  We are entering this Leo 3 phase on the heels of a New Moon in Leo which occurred yesterday, Saturday July 30th at 11:40a PDT.

With the Sun and Venus in the sign of Leo right now, our hearts are invested in the energy of the moment, giving an emotional passion to the Leo expression of this moment.  What was occurring at the time of the New Moon is sure to grow and come to light even more than it already has in the last few hours and days.  And with the 3 energy folded into the mix, the spotlight of Leo is only going to burn brighter and bigger as we move into this month of August 2011.

During this time, it is important to make distinctions between what is being said because it really is a big deal and what is being said simply because it gets attention.  It’s much like a child testing out its vocabulary or knowledge by saying things to see what sort of response they might get.  The Leo 3 energy may have you noticing whether or not you or others are saying things because they are genuinely heartfelt and passionate sentiments or if you or another is saying it because you/they are seeking attention.

Even if a matter hasn’t been that a big deal for you before now, if you are emotionally invested in it, it will be a big deal for you during and/or after this Leo 3 period.  On the world, national, community, professional and personal levels, the drama of our lives will play out in a big way during this Leo 3 period.

That is, until the Sun enters Virgo on the 23rd.  Then the energy shifts from the dramatic to the practical.  Reality sets in, and the desire for attention becomes attention to detail.  The question at hand will likely be, “Okay.  So you’ve said this is what you’re going to do.  Now how are you actually going to do it?”

Virgo wants details and wants to get things done.  It’s practical, everyday, hands-on energy.  Once it arrives, the time for big-talk theatre is over, and the time for walking your talk begins.  In combination with the 3 energy, Virgo seeks the factual actuality of matters.  It doesn’t just want to get things done, it wants the details of how it is going to be done. Virgo almost always wants to know the plans, and with 3 energy abounding, it is going want more information than usual in its need to attend to every detail.

The big hype of the Leo 3 energy will be faced with some harsh discernment as the Virgo Sun enters the scene.  People are going to want to know the details, and people are likely going to be very critical of the details as they emerge.  It may be that whatever is chosen during the Leo 3 period will have its reality exposed in the Virgo 3 period, and that reality will likely be revealed in a far-reaching manner.  We’ll see what comes in late August.


It has been my experience that numerological energy holds just as much weight as astrological energy.  In fact, I don’t believe that one can truly be accurate without the other.  Over the next few weeks, you’ll be noticing that there will be more information about how I use both astrology and numerology together as I start to reveal more about what the Life By Soul© system is all about and how it works.  I look forward to sharing it with you over the coming weeks and months.

In the meantime, enjoy observing the 3 energy that is about to come in and how it shows up in your life and in the world around you.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



The Development of Self-Love – Part Two

To recap last Sunday’s blog post, self-love is the foundation of truly loving relationships with everyone and everything in our lives.  Without love for ourselves, we aren’t able to discern or distinguish what love is in our interactions with others or with the things or activities that are important to us in our lives.  Self-love is granting ourselves permission to be who we are truly and fully.  The Sun is still moving through Cancer is still important. And that heart’s desire energy of Cancer + Taurus takes on a new twist as you may discover that you are now beginning to find your voice for communicating your desires in many areas of your life as Mercury has moved into Leo. Through our communications of all kinds, we reveal where we are in our development of self-love.

When it comes to assessing where we stand in the development of  our own self-love, we may find a great deal of value in looking at the current cycles of societal Uranus in Aries and the generational Neptune in Pisces.

If we remember back to Aries energy, we are reminded that it is initiative energy – active and assertive. It starts things, and usually leads what it starts by the simple fact that it is the first one to take the step forward or take action. It’s not a follower – it’s a pioneer. Yet in its enthusiasm to be the one to start, it may be alone in taking that first step.

With Uranus in Aries, it’s a Universal nudge to take your first step(s) out of your comfort zone and into the risk of the unknown to find yourself in ways you never have before.  These nudges come in very subtle moments, or they come in bold, sudden and/or surprising events.  Either way, the guidance of Uranus in Aries leads you to opportunities to choose, declare, create, and manifest the life of your heart’s desires…if you choose to heed the guidance being given to you.

The possibility to discover and/or embrace our unique roles and contributions to the world is stronger than ever right now.  And even though Uranus is a collective energy, we aren’t becoming aware of said roles and contributions in a collective way.  Instead, we are becoming aware of them in very personal and individual ways.

I’m a bit in awe over how many people in my life (including myself) are making major life changes right now – changing jobs or careers, long-time relationships ending and/or beginning, relocating/moving.  The shifts are amazing!  What is even more interesting to me is how some of these changes have been intended and planned, yet many of these shifts seem to be unexpected or unpredicted.

Quite a few of us seem to be surprised by the events of our lives right now – we didn’t see certain shifts coming, or we chose to be in denial about all of the signs being given to us.  There are even some of us who thought we would get away with certain behaviors we knew weren’t in our best interests yet carried on anyway and are now “getting caught”.  Now seems to be a time of “seeing the light” or “being exposed by the light”.

As relationships of all kinds end and begin, as workplaces and careers change and evolve or are left behind, you may awaken to who you are choosing to be and what you are choosing to bring into or release from your life.  If your communications and actions are in are in alignment with those choices, things will move forward smoothly and effortlessly.

This Uranus in Aries energy will be with us until May 2018, giving us ample time and opportunity to make significant changes to our individual and collective life course(s)…if we choose to.

With Neptune in Pisces, we are highly aware of our roles in All-That-Is and our interconnection with everyone and everything.  We are in acceptance of this Oneness, or we are deeply in denial of it.  This interconnection is more than the common thread of humanity.  It is an awareness of how each and all of us are connected to each other and everything around us – energetically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This Oneness may sometimes surprise you and even upset you as the more aware of it you become, the more it demands you to live into the fullest expression of your unique self.  You are a one-of-a-kind piece of the puzzle – an essential part of the whole picture of All-That-Is.  And because we are each and all striving for love and connection, you may find that you are upset or angry when you cannot truly connect with others.  Yet how can you connect with others if you haven’t connected with yourself?  It’s difficult to connect with others if you aren’t aware of what you individually have within you to share outwardly with others or if you are resisting or denying your inner truth and your true soul identity.  You simply cannot connect with others while denying, avoiding or suppressing the truth of your very existence.

If you have gained clarity and confidence in who you are and what you have to offer as part of the greater whole, this Neptune cycle is likely to be a fairly easy one as you will allow yourself to collaborate with others in a healthy flow of energetic and emotional consciousness and interdependence.

However, if you have not gotten clear about who you are and what you have to offer as part of the greater whole, this may a time of great emotional distress for you.  You may find yourself playing victim to others and/or your circumstances, or you may find yourself engaging in escapist or delusional behaviors to avoid facing or fulfilling your unique role in All-That-Is.

The fact that Neptune is moving retrograde in Pisces right now gives us a brief taste of this transcendent awareness and the possibility (or idealism) of our spiritual and emotional Oneness that comes with it.  Neptune will move back into Aquarius come August, bringing us back into a more human and intellectual experience of Oneness.  That intellectual human awareness and idealism of Aquarius will be around until February 2012 when that Pisces awareness and possibility comes back to plant roots until 2026.

But for now, these Uranus in Aries and Neptune in Pisces energies combine to encourage each of us to take our first steps in to our true identities and into loving ourselves as those identities.  After all, why choose to be a follower of others when you could be choosing to be the leader for yourself?  How can you possibly embrace, accept and be at peace with your place and your role in the world if you don’t allow yourself to find and be the proud owner of your unique expression first?

Take actions to create the life you want to have, empowering yourself to choose what is in alignment with your deepest truth.  Stop reacting to the circumstances of your life in ways that has you creating a life that has you be subject to the power of others…and start choosing what is in alignment with the truth of who you are – the truth of your soul.

Whether by conscious choice or by force of circumstance, we are now being encouraged to take steps in our development of self-love.  As we each learn and increase our capacity to love and trust ourselves, we individually and collectively begin to live and share a new experience of our lives in a new world created by Love.

Until later this week when I post about the Full Moon…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,



Your Future is Now – All You Have to Do is Create It.

I’m not big on horoscopes and forecasting the future, which may sound strange coming from an astrologer because that’s what most people contact astrologers for – for consultations on the future, right? I can do the future stuff and I do it very well, but it’s not something I choose do on a regular basis because I’m not a strong advocate for that type of work.

The thing is…I am a proponent of free choice. I believe that as an astrologer, it’s my job to give you the information based on who you are (as you were born – your personal blueprint, so to speak) and on the present energies in your life. This is so you can make an empowered choice about the things in your life that matter to you and create a future for yourself based on that choice. Consider me the messenger who delivers the blueprints and/or road maps – how you choose to go about building your life or traveling down the highway of life once you’ve got the tools is entirely up to you.

So why it is that we as humans feel we have to know things before we experience them? After all, we have a large portion of the metaphysics industry based upon providing access to the future for those who say and believe they can’t see it for themselves, and yet, they do have the capacity to see it for themselves. The truth is that we each have the capacity and ability to see the future for ourselves, yet we don’t trust ourselves so we don’t trust what we see. That’s why we go to others – to tell us what we already know yet tell ourselves we don’t. And that’s why I do what I do. I want to have people awaken to and know that they have it within themselves to know their future because it’s a future they are choosing to create…out of their own free will.

What if we could learn to trust our own visions, insights, and intuitions? What if we could be self-confident in acting upon what we genuinely know is best for us, even when it flies in contrast to what others may be telling us or the circumstances we find ourselves in? What if we could filter our doubts and fears and recognize the certainty and clarity of our heart’s desires?

And that’s why I do and love the work I do as an astrologer-numerologist. I believe it’s crucial to let people know how they’re uniquely designed, how they tend to behave in certain situations, and how those characteristics and behaviors have influenced their choices and have them in the circumstances they are in. That way, they know themselves well enough to distinguish who they truly are regardless of what they or others think and say they are.

I don’t look at astrology and numerology as tools for predicting the future, as much as I look to them as tools to be used to understand where we are right now and to create a future from here. The power of awareness that these practices make available to us is so amazing in that it empowers us to look to ourselves to discern what is important to us individually, to recognize what our individual and unique contribution(s) to the world can be, and how we are solely responsible for putting it out there and sharing it with others so all of us can benefit from each of us being in the world. It really is about uncovering how each of us is remarkable in our individuality, and acknowledging that each of us really is one of its kind, and one of a kind for a reason. We each have a role to play in this world and that role is important, whether to one person or one billion people. Does knowing the future really matter if we are focused on whom we are or can be right now, delivering our individual life purpose to human kind?

I share my gift for providing this work so that people may recognize their gifts and share them with others so that forward motion of contribution can continue from now into that future we are creating individually and collectively. When we choose to share with and contribute to each other, we all experience fulfillment, and when we are experiencing fulfillment, we are looking at what we have to offer now rather than the experience of what is missing and we need to get. In that state of being, there is no space for fear or doubt or anxiety about what is going to happen in the future – it simply doesn’t matter. We are each living in the present moment, and enjoying it to the fullest by living our lives to the fullest. That is the future I am committed to creating through my astrology-numerology practice – a future in which we are each and all fully expressed in our greatness, knowing what we’re meant to give so others can receive it and live more fully through it. I am committed to your being aware of your greatness and the contribution you have to make to the world around you while you’re here.

It’s a beautiful thing, sharing the gifts we’ve been given with others. What kind of future could be created if we all shared our best now instead of wishing for it later?

Enjoy the week. Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings, Grace