The “Musical Chairs” of the 2015 Leo Sun Period – Embracing Your New Normal

More and more people are being called into their unique and individual self-expressions right now, and the upcoming 2015 Leo Sun period will be a pretty confrontational time for many as result. Some of you may be a bit scared as what you are being called to create, reveal, and express and you may not have a precedent in your life experience or in anyone else’s for that matter. By acting on your creative spark, you may be the originator of a new service, product, endeavor, or approach. What you bring to light may never have been brought forward by anyone else before you – you may be the first and only one to do it your way if at all…and this can be a lonely place to be.

Yet if you can move beyond being “the only one” and can embrace being “the first one”, you may discover that the light within you is more brilliant than you ever knew it (or yourself) to be. This could be a very exciting time for you and those around you.

Usually I reserve this type of detailed breakdown of coming events for The Life By Soul E-zine, which comes out monthly with the next edition being sent out in 2 days (register here for the mailing list – shameless plug). However, I’ve had so many people asking me about what is going on that I decided to put this bit of it out now as a blog article.

The coming month of the 2015 Leo Sun period (22 July-23 August) has more sign and direction changes than I’ve seen in a long time. There will be 7 sign changes and 2 retrogrades in the next 4.5 weeks! These changes are a major part of the rollercoaster we’ll all be on over the next few weeks.

If you though the last few months were crazy, wait until this month starts. I don’t say that to scare you – I say it to prepare you. Changes are coming, and if you want to make sure you have a seat to sit in as the ups and downs occur, be sure to listen closely to and keep up with the music.

Here’s a big part of the playlist for the next few weeks: Continue reading

2014 Full Moon in Aquarius – It’s Show-Up Time!

The Sun in Leo encourages you (and each of us) to shine your unique individual expression of Light with as much brilliance and boldness as we can muster.  That said, you also may find that as you step into your Light more fully and shine more brightly, others around you are likely to respond for better or worse to whom you are making yourself known to be.

These responses and reactions of others to your self-expression help you understand how you are showing up in the world, and give you an opportunity to find out how you are actually showing up for others (and yourself) in the world around you.  These responses and reflections of self are at their most prominent when the Moon is at its fullest in the sign of Aquarius at 11:10a PDT tomorrow, Sunday, 10th August 2014.  Yet there are a few things that make the 2014 Full Moon in Aquarius itself more unique than others. Continue reading

Full “Blue” Moon in Aquarius Opposite Leo Sun – Too Much, Not Enough, or Just Enough?

Usually, there are three full moons in a season – in astrological terms, there is one each cardinal sun sign, fixed sun sign, and mutable sun sign phase.  For example, for the summer there would be only one full moon during the Cancer Sun Cycle (cardinal sign), the Leo Sun Cycle (fixed sign), and the Virgo Sun Cycle (mutable sign).

However, there are occasions when there is a fourth moon in the mix.  One such occasion is today’s Full Moon in Aquarius, at its fullest at 6:45p PDT.  Since it is the third of four full moons within a single season, it is considered the “Blue Moon”

This “Blue Moon” in Aquarius opposite the Leo Sun again represents a time at which your unique expression of Light may stand out more than usual.  It is a time at which others may recognize just how brightly you shine, and you may receive acknowledgment simply for being who you are.

That said, you may find that the acknowledgement you receive is very positive and complementary.  You may also find that the acknowledgment is…well, not so positive or complementary.  Whichever proves the case for you, be aware that a Full Moon in Aquarius phase is a time for you to see how you are seen by others – a phase that you get to experience for a second time thanks to this “Blue Moon”.

The first Full Moon in Aquarius was on July 22nd, and gave you the same experience of learning how others see and experience your expression of Light.  The great thing about having this influence again is that you get to see if anything is different four weeks later.

Have you made any adjustments in your expression of Light since the July Aquarius Full Moon, and what is different now for you and around you during this August version?

Keep in mind that the planets have kept on moving all this time, and energies have shifted a bit since July.  One astrological change of note during this second Aquarius Full Moon is that Mercury in Leo is nearby this time around.  And even though it’s not quite within the 3° orb I usually prefer for transits, it is close enough where its presence can make an impact.  This impact could show up in one or both of the following ways:

–          You may find that others are very vocal in giving you feedback about how your Light is shining.  They may have words of praise or words of criticism.  Take notice of their feedback to help you understand how others see you and why they see you in that way.  Also remember that the feedback that others give you tells you as much about them as it does about you – notice where you sense their feedback is coming from.  Is it coming from their own ego/darkness/fear, or is it coming from their truth/Light/courage?  Remember – you are not responsible for other people’s egos.  It is not your job to please them or make them feel good.  Yet if their feedback is coming from an honest and loving place, you may need to take a good look at yourself as Full Moon energy always provides a opportunity to see and learn about ourselves through others.

–          You may also be given an abundance of acknowledgment and/or attention by others during this time.  Attention you receive from others at this time could prove to be a bit overwhelming for you, especially if you’re not seeking it out.  In contrast, you may feel there is an absence of acknowledgment of your Light which could be very frustrating for you if you are longing for attention during this Full Moon cycle.  You may you make your feelings about your emotional overwhelm or disappointment a bit more known than you usually might.  In either case, before or as you do make your feelings known, take note of whether or not you are projecting your own ego/darkness/fears onto others in order to avoid dealing with your own insecurities and fears for yourself.

Also recognize that the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, is retrograde in Aries right now.  Though it is not within aspect orb, this is important because under its influence, we are each and all internally assessing the communities, groups, social circles, and associations we have in our lives, trying to figure out who really supports, encourages, welcomes, and respects who we are as individuals.  When you consider this Full Moon in Aquarius in this astrological climate, you may find that your interactions with others and their responses to you during this Full Moon phase help you make some important and decisive choices about the company you keep.

–          Are you receiving too much or not enough attention from your friends and colleagues?

–          Are you seeking too much or not enough acknowledgment from your peers?

–          Are you being too much or not enough for others in shining your unique expression of Light?

–          How much does it matter to you whether you are meeting others’ expectations or not?

However, it is important that you don’t make these community choices in haste.  That could be rather hard not to do with the Sun and Mercury in Leo as the fiery passion of Leo burns brightest in the Sun and with Mercury in the mix, it also moves more quickly.  Be aware that your thoughts, ideas, and communications may be out and about before you can temper them or give them proper context.  The good news is that whatever does come out will be authentic and will reveal who you truly are.  The bad news may be that whatever comes out will be authentic and could be more revealing of your true nature than you may prefer.

On a collective level, this Full “Blue” Moon in Aquarius may be a case of too much attention on what doesn’t matter and too little attention on what needs to matter in our communities and our world today.  It would be wise to pay attention to the smaller news stories right now – notice what the big headlines might be covering up.  Also notice who is seeking attention, yet also notice who isn’t.  Are those seeking attention ones who were quiet before, and are those who are quiet those who were loud and seeking attention before?  These changes in expression may be valuable indicators of what is going on in the communities we are part of and in the world around us.

This Full “Blue” Moon in Aquarius is a great opportunity to look at yourselves and the world around you to become aware of what is too much, not enough, and just enough in self-expression and in one’s (or your own) need to be acknowledged.   Make the most of this energy today as we aren’t always given second chances to become self-aware in the way this second Full Moon in Aquarius allows us to, especially with the astrological dynamics present during this 2013 Leo Sun Cycle.  We are in life-changing and world-changing times.  It’s good to know who you truly are as you navigate these changes.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Mercury in Leo Trine Uranus Retrograde in Aries – Words With Legs

At this point in this 2013 Leo Sun cycle, we know that Mercury in Leo may give you a bit of a big mouth, driven by the desire you may have to be acknowledged for your thoughts, ideas, and words.  Now, with Mercury being in trine aspect with Uranus Retrograde in Aries this evening at 7:10p PDT,…

Mercury in Leo Trine Uranus Retrograde in Aries – Words With Legs

At this point in this 2013 Leo Sun cycle, we know that Mercury in Leo may give you a bit of a big mouth, driven by the desire you may have to be acknowledged for your thoughts, ideas, and words.  Now, with Mercury being in trine aspect with Uranus Retrograde in Aries this evening at 7:10p PDT, your mouth could unintentionally get even bigger as Uranus encourages you to make those thoughts, ideas, and communications known to the greater whole of your community or possibly even to the world.

Due to the retrograde motion of Uranus, the communications that you have now will probably intend to be small or private, or at least low-key; not intended to be some grand announcement or big deal.  Yet Uranus has a reputation for assisting in mass communications.  It’s about getting information out to as many people as possible, using technology and networking to do so.  In Aries, the information you have to share with others on a larger scale is probably about you and how you are distinguishing yourself from the larger whole, revealing your uniqueness and individuality for all to see.  And despite the retrograde modesty, it is likely that what you have to say to one or a few will get around to many quickly, especially with Mercury in Leo in the mix.  Gossip thrives under conditions like these and with Mercury in Leo and Uranus Retrograde in Aries playing nicely in the sandbox right now, words are sure to fly.

Recognize that though this trine could be of great benefit to you, many of the people who will be spreading the word (or spreading your business) are also under the influence of Uranus Retrograde in Aries and Mercury in Leo.  The Mercury in Leo influence is especially strong as this behavior will reveal their desire for attention and acknowledgment for “being in the know”.  It will also help you notice who you want to have in your evolving communities.  Are their words helpful or hurtful to your progress?  Now is a perfect time to consider the individuals in your circles and how they affect your life’s journey.

There have been many points this year in which you have been and continue to be encouraged to get in touch with your inner Truth and Light, and to find the communities, groups, and social circles that support and encourage your fullest self-expression and the fulfillment of your Divine purpose.  This Mercury-Uranus Retrograde trine is another one of those moments, and it encourages you to start speaking up and out to let others know who you are becoming, what you know, what you are thinking about, and where you’re intending to go.  Just know that your “low-key” words have great potential to grow legs and run today.  I’d encourage you to go along for the run, and see how the legs help you progress on your path.

The effects of this Mercury in Leo – Uranus Retrograde in Aries trine should be felt throughout the day and well into tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Leo Square Saturn in Scorpio – How Far is “Too Far”?

It’s been said that in order to know how far is “too far”, you’ve got to go as far as you can go.  With Mercury in Leo, you got to test that theory in exercising your voice of self-expression…that is, until Mercury in Leo met Saturn in Scorpio in square aspect on Sunday, August 11th, 2013 at 11:05a PDT.  Due to that square transit, there’s a good chance that sometime within the last three days, you found out exactly where too far is.

Scorpio is the sign of transformation while Saturn is the planet of structure, discipline, and responsibility.  As you evolve and change through your life experience, so must your personal boundaries in order to protect and defend your and your chosen path as you progress on your life journey.  Think of it like this: If you try to use the same suit of armor now that you had when you were 5 years old, it’s a good bet that suit no longer fits you.  You need to create and put on a new suit of armor with which to protect yourself as you strive forward to achieve your goals. That is what Saturn in Scorpio is all about.

Recognize these new personal boundaries that you’re now discovering and defining as your new suit of armor.  These boundaries aren’t necessarily meant to keep you from experiencing hurt or pain ever again.  They are, however, meant to help you figure out who you are, who you want to have in your life, and how to stay on track in bringing your goals and intentions to fruition.  Achievement and accomplishment require focus and discipline and personal responsibility, and in order to maintain that focus and discipline, you need to know your inner truth, accept and honor your responsibility for living it, and stay in alignment with it by using it as your guide as you move forward.

In accepting responsibility for your inner truth and your chosen path, you may also need to communicate your newly-defined personal boundaries to others.  This requires you to boldly speak your truth.  This is why Mercury in Leo is so important right now – not only do you need to set new boundaries; you also get to communicate them to others.  The people in your life who can hear and accept your truth and respect your boundaries when you fully express them are definitely people you want to keep around, while those who can’t handle your truth and boundaries may be people you may want to ease out of your life.

That said, remember that others are also reassessing their personal boundaries during this time.  Yes, Mercury in Leo calls upon you to be bold and courageous in expressing your thoughts, ideas, and truths.  Yet when you find that others are communicating their truths and boundaries to you, you may want to consider how well you are listening and respecting their expressions of self.  You also get to notice how you are communicating your truths to others, what your truths may be, and your intentions in communicating them.  Most important, both you and they get to see just how far you can go in expressing yourselves fully before you drive each other crazy.

Leo is known for consciously or unconsciously drawing attention to itself or people and/or causes it champions.  It does this to receive acknowledgment, but it also tends to attract a good deal of drama into your life or the lives of those around you.  Under Saturn in Scorpio, this may have you drawing the line with others about certain matters in your life.  Yet under the influence of Mercury in Leo seeking attention or acknowledgment of your personal truths, you may also find you are being embraced by some while exiled by others as they set and enforce their own newly-clarified Saturn in Scorpio boundaries which may differ from yours.  Be aware that as much as you may think and say that you want all the drama out of your life and believe that it‘s coming from others, realize that you yourself could be the source of the drama in your life and the lives of those around you.  In this case, this Mercury-Saturn square may have had others setting boundaries with you which now has you re-assessing your own personal behaviors and boundaries.

This is the challenge of Mercury in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio – the awkward dance of setting and crossing boundaries to find the perfect blend of self-expression and self-respect in your own behavior while at the same time, honoring the self-expression and self-respect of others.

The last three days have been a time to find out how far you can go and how far others can go with you.  What have you learned about your limits…and theirs?

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Leo Square Saturn in Scorpio – How Far is “Too Far”?

It’s been said that in order to know how far is “too far”, you’ve got to go as far as you can go.  With Mercury in Leo, you got to test that theory in exercising your voice of self-expression…that is, until Mercury in Leo met Saturn in Scorpio in square aspect on Sunday, August 11th, 2013 at 11:05a PDT.  Due to that square transit, there’s a good chance that sometime within the last three days, you found out exactly where too far is.

Scorpio is the sign of transformation while Saturn is the planet of structure, discipline, and responsibility.  As you evolve and change through your life experience, so must your personal boundaries in order to protect and defend your and your chosen path as you progress on your life journey.  Think of it like this: If you try to use the same suit of armor now that you had when you were 5 years old, it’s a good bet that suit no longer fits you.  You need to create and put on a new suit of armor with which to protect yourself as you strive forward to achieve your goals. That is what Saturn in Scorpio is all about.

Recognize these new personal boundaries that you’re now discovering and defining as your new suit of armor.  These boundaries aren’t necessarily meant to keep you from experiencing hurt or pain ever again.  They are, however, meant to help you figure out who you are, who you want to have in your life, and how to stay on track in bringing your goals and intentions to fruition.  Achievement and accomplishment require focus and discipline and personal responsibility, and in order to maintain that focus and discipline, you need to know your inner truth, accept and honor your responsibility for living it, and stay in alignment with it by using it as your guide as you move forward.

In accepting responsibility for your inner truth and your chosen path, you may also need to communicate your newly-defined personal boundaries to others.  This requires you to boldly speak your truth.  This is why Mercury in Leo is so important right now – not only do you need to set new boundaries; you also get to communicate them to others.  The people in your life who can hear and accept your truth and respect your boundaries when you fully express them are definitely people you want to keep around, while those who can’t handle your truth and boundaries may be people you may want to ease out of your life.

That said, remember that others are also reassessing their personal boundaries during this time.  Yes, Mercury in Leo calls upon you to be bold and courageous in expressing your thoughts, ideas, and truths.  Yet when you find that others are communicating their truths and boundaries to you, you may want to consider how well you are listening and respecting their expressions of self.  You also get to notice how you are communicating your truths to others, what your truths may be, and your intentions in communicating them.  Most important, both you and they get to see just how far you can go in expressing yourselves fully before you drive each other crazy.

Leo is known for consciously or unconsciously drawing attention to itself or people and/or causes it champions.  It does this to receive acknowledgment, but it also tends to attract a good deal of drama into your life or the lives of those around you.  Under Saturn in Scorpio, this may have you drawing the line with others about certain matters in your life.  Yet under the influence of Mercury in Leo seeking attention or acknowledgment of your personal truths, you may also find you are being embraced by some while exiled by others as they set and enforce their own newly-clarified Saturn in Scorpio boundaries which may differ from yours.  Be aware that as much as you may think and say that you want all the drama out of your life and believe that it‘s coming from others, realize that you yourself could be the source of the drama in your life and the lives of those around you.  In this case, this Mercury-Saturn square may have had others setting boundaries with you which now has you re-assessing your own personal behaviors and boundaries.

This is the challenge of Mercury in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio – the awkward dance of setting and crossing boundaries to find the perfect blend of self-expression and self-respect in your own behavior while at the same time, honoring the self-expression and self-respect of others.

The last three days have been a time to find out how far you can go and how far others can go with you.  What have you learned about your limits…and theirs?

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Leo – Searching For Acknowledgment, Revealing Truth

Mercury entered the sign of Leo at 5:13a PDT this morning, and in doing so, it draws attention to our thoughts, our words, and our actions.

Leo is the sign of brilliance, creativity, and shining your unique expression of Light in to the world.  It is often described as being an attention-seeking energy, but I have found that it is actually a need for acknowledgment that drives Leo.  When it knows it is appreciated, Leo can be warm and generous, and its affinity for life can be radiant, bringing a warm glow to any environment it is in.

Mercury is about intellect and the communication and exchange of ideas and thoughts.  It is also about quickness and acceleration, so those ideas and thoughts can come and be communicated at high-speed.  News and information may travel and spread more quickly now with Mercury under the influence of Leo, and with Leo being about the radiance of Light, you can be sure that whatever information is shared has great potential to reveal things long hidden in darkness.

With Mercury in Leo, the ideas, thoughts, and communications that you put out there into the world may attract more attention than usual right now.  Whether you are standing on top of a table screaming at the top of your lungs, or whether you whisper something into someone else’s ear that is so profound they feel they need to share it – one way or another, your voice can be heard and acknowledged now.

Also, any information or communication that is truly needed for things to progress in the world and the Universe will not be contained.  The truths of matters in your life can come out whether you’re ready for it or not during Mercury in Leo.  You might as well be the one to say them.

That said, Leo, unlike its opposing sign Aquarius, is more about the individual than the group or community.  Even though you may want or need to be acknowledged by others, the ideas and information that come to Light during Mercury in Leo will likely bring more personal revelations than general ones.  Even if they are general or public, there will be a personalization of them on your part – a perspective of “what’s in it for you”.  Anything you communicate will have a flavor of self-awareness or self-absorption.  You’ll also be highly attuned to how any information you receive from others applies specifically to you and your life.

The key here is to recognize how your voice – your ideas and thoughts, and your communication of them – may be received now.

Ideally, Leo’s influence has you speaking boldly, authentically, and honestly without a care about what anyone else has to say about it.  However, we live in a world where ego feathers often get ruffled quickly and easily, so we usually need to exercise some level of awareness of the possible impact our words may have on others.  Your communications may be received well and celebrated, or received poorly and scorned.  This is always possible, but more so under Mercury in Leo’s spotlight.

The question is: Are you saying something brings acknowledgment to something or someone that needs to be brought to Light through you, or are you simply saying something to draw attention to yourself for your ego’s gratification?

Be aware of what you say and how you are saying it now, as the communications you send out to others and the communications you receive from them may do much more to reveal the truth of who you are than anything else you’ve done or said recently.

Mercury is in Leo through August 23rd.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


New Moon in Leo – You Shine It, You Own It

With the Sun in Leo these last few weeks, there has been a lot of focus on yourself and who you are choosing to be in and for the world, and who have around you who supports or detriments your ability to shine your unique expression of Light into the world.  The Sun, of course, is still in Leo for another few days, and Mercury is continuing its presence in the sign in direct motion for a couple more weeks.

So by now, you know you have an unique expression of Light inside you that is shining outwardly to the world, whether you are aware of it or not.  And unless you have chosen to hide out in a cave somewhere, with both Sun and Mercury in Leo right now, everyone sees what you have to offer from the inside out.

Now the Moon joins the Sun and Mercury in Leo, and the Moon conjuncts the Sun at 8:55a PDT on Friday, August 17th, 2012.  This conjunction is also known as New Moon in Leo.

The questions at hand are:

  • Do you see yourself completely?
  • Do you fully realize who you are and what you have to share with others?
  • And do you own your complete self-expression from the inside out?

With the New Moon in Leo, there is an opportunity to not only know your Light but to own your Light.  When I say ‘own’, I mean to claim it and be responsible and accountable for it from the inside out.  Owning the expression of Light you shine – owning your unique identity – means to be able to say “Yeah, this is me. What about it?”  to anyone who questions your outward self-expression.  It also means that you are willing to own up to who you are being in your life (for better and worse) because you feel the truth of your self-expression in and from your inner being.

This inward talk of feelings and emotions is heart language, and for those of you who aren’t comfortable with your emotions or with expressing your emotions, this may be a challenging time for you as you are being called upon to be aware of and own your inner feelings as much as you are being aware of and owning your outward expression at this time.  True ownership is being able to inwardly and outwardly express yourself.  Feeling a certain way on the inside and expressing yourself outwardly in alignment with that inner Truth is the ultimate of ownership for who you are being in and for the world.

As stated in the previous blog post and earlier in this one, with the Sun and Mercury both in Leo right now, who you truly are and how you truly feel is probably no secret…to you or anyone else.  Not much can be hidden in the glow of the Leo Sun, and especially with Mercury in Leo, it’s not as if people aren’t already seeing you or talking about what they see.  The question under this New Moon in Leo is whether or not you choose to take 100% ownership for who you are being in your outward expression.

If taking conscious ownership of your self-expression is a challenge for you, it may be because you are not outwardly expressing yourself in full alignment with your inner Truth.  You may find yourself saying things that defend or justify your actions and behaviors – things like, “That’s not really me” or “That’s not what I meant”.  Those types of statements are clues that your emotions and actions are not in alignment with each other, and there is something you get to examine about yourself as to why they aren’t reflecting the Truth of who you know yourself to be and what you meant to express.

New Moons are great times to start something new – it brings an emotional awareness of your self-expression energy, which allows for an emotional renewal of energy.  This Leo New Moon is a perfect opportunity to align how you choose to express yourself on the outside with who you really are on the inside.  It’s a chance to show the world your True colors and to feel comfortable and confident in revealing them to others.

It’s also a chance to remember – if you’re the one who put it out there, it’s yours.  You shine it, you own it.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


Mercury in Leo Direct – It’s No Secret

Mercury ends its latest retrograde motion cycle and goes direct in Leo at 10:40p PDT on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012.

While in retrograde motion, Mercury in Leo has given us the chance to introspectively look at ourselves and how we do or don’t shine out into the world.  We’ve had some time to think about whom we want to declare ourselves to be in the world and how we want to create and/or establish the details and circumstances of our lives so that they reflect and support our unique expressions of Light in the world.

These last few weeks have also presented us with an opportunity to retrospectively set the record straight and to retrospectively ask for what we need in order to get our unique expressions of Light out into the world for others to see.

Now, with Mercury going direct, now is the time to outwardly start letting others know exactly who we are, what we are up to, and what we are committed to creating in and for our lives now and moving forward.  We now get to ask for what we need in order to be supported in expressing our unique expressions of Light in this moment and for the future we are building for ourselves.

Leo can be rather dramatic in its expression, especially when Mercury in Leo goes direct while the Sun is also in Leo.  The light of the Sun exposes the Truth of just about everything, and Mercury is quick to share what the Sun exposes.  So when something comes to light, it can do so quickly and in big way under this double Leo influence.  What you say and share may either come out in dramatic fashion, or it may create a lot of drama around you for better or worse.  If ever there is a time when the Light of your unique expression could come off as a blinding glare rather than a warm glow, now through August 22nd is the time.

It is very important for you to be aware of the potential impact of what you are saying or sharing may have on your environment or on others in your environment.  There is very little if anything hidden during Sun in Leo, so with both the Sun and Mercury Direct in Leo, it is very unlikely that any secrets shared in confidence will be kept.

This is not to say that no one can be trusted.  It is to say that what you think is private or secret communication during this time may not be as private or secret as you think it is or should be.  You may be surprised to find out that more people already know or are aware of what you have to say than you are aware of.  In fact, any communication surprises are more likely to be on you than on anyone else as Mercury goes direct in Leo.

However, the surprises may be to your advantage.  You may be surprised, for example, that someone you share with may have a contact they share your communication with who is able to get you what you need to move your plans and intentions along.  You may be surprised that you are sought after or acknowledged for your unique self-expression as result of your initial communication or expression of your True self to someone(s) else.

Once the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd, the energy will shift from getting attention for how you are shining your unique expression of Light into the world, and will shift to how you are practically attending to your unique expression in the everyday living of your life.

Virgo is about attending to the details of day-to-day life – maintaining your health, your overall well-being, and the things that make your life work on any given day.  It’s still about you, but it’s more about you on practical terms rather than in idealistic or creative terms.  When Mercury in Leo combines with Sun in Virgo, it will become a matter of taking the ideas and expression you’ve created for yourself during Sun in Leo and establishing a plan for implementation or fulfillment of them, giving yourself something(s) you can do everyday to make sure your Light continues to shine and expand its reach out into the world.

But for the next two weeks, it’s still all about you and your Light.  There is no secret about what you have to offer the world now.  All there is for you to do is to choose to shine it brightly for all to see and to ask for the support you need to shine it.  You may find yourself pleasantly surprised by what you have the opportunity to receive.  Be open and allow it all to come into your life.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,
