The 2015 Aquarius Full Moon – Receiving Feedback & Finding Your Place on The Axis of Acknowledgment

The Sun is in Leo, happy at home in its sign of rulership.

The Moon will be in Aquarius, opposite the Leo Sun.

Uranus – the ruling planet of Aquarius – is currently retrograde in Aries.

Altogether, this is going to be a strong Full Moon experience.

Leo wants to be acknowledged for its unique, individual, and independent self-expression. This is your unique expression of Light that strives to be revealed to the world. Yet, Leo needs others to acknowledge its individuality. Without acknowledgment, Leo can become an attention whore and exhaust the patience and tolerance of those around them.

Aquarius wants to be acknowledged for its contributions to something bigger than itself. This is group, team, or community energy – the collaborative effort. Aquarius still wants to be a unique individual, but it also wants to be part of something that is acknowledged as a collective effort. Being able to make a unique contribution to a greater effort or cause is what drives Aquarius. In fact, Aquarius is so determined to make a one-of-a-kind difference to the mass of humanity that it isn’t shy about being rebellious or going rogue from the social collective in hopes of awakening others to the contribution of individual uniqueness to advance a team effort.

Leos want to shine brightly to draw acknowledgment and stand out from the crowd. Aquarians want to shine brightly to bring the collective effort acknowledgment through its individual participation in the group. This is why I call these opposing signs “the axis of acknowledgment”. They both want to be unique and seen for their uniqueness, yet they come to it through opposite means.

With the 2015 Aquarius Full Moon at its maximum phase at 3:44a PDT on 31st July 2015 (7.92°), there will be a powerful opportunity to find out where you stand on the axis of acknowledgment. You will be receiving feedback from others about how your unique expression of Light is being received by and/or impacting them. These others may be people around you whom you seek acknowledgement from. These others may be people you have been in collaboration with. Either way, it is an opportunity for you to see 1) where you shine, 2) how brightly you shine, 3) how effectively you are expressing yourself, and 4) if the impact you’re making is the impact that you want to make.

You will get feedback during this 2015 Aquarius Full Moon whether you like it or not, and the information you receive will be valuable – how you choose to receive it and use it becomes the focal point. You may be tempted to concede to the masses and do whatever gets you the acceptance and approval of others OR you may find yourself leaving the group behind to seek acceptance and agreement elsewhere.

Since we’re dealing with the Moon, an emotional-intellectual responses and reactions will be easy temptations for you. The Aquarius Moon will make sextile transit with Uranus Retrograde in Aries about 20.5 hours later at 12:10a PDT on 1st August (20.48°), giving you an opportunity to take retaliatory action…if you really want to. But be aware – your emotion-based actions probably won’t be a low-key affair. Others will respond to your emotional logic and let you know if they agree or disagree with your behavior or beliefs. Even if you don’t think what you do or say will be a big deal, whatever you say or do take to make your feelings known will have major publicity potential. Others are likely to find out about your beliefs and behaviors, even if it’s your intention to keep things private.

Of course, if you’re taking initiative action or taking what you believe is a leadership stance, you can be certain that you’ll get feedback from others. If you want others to follow you, be ready to deal with the challenges which come from being “the head honcho”. When you take steps to place yourself at the top, others may simply challenge your authority while others will want to take you down. A big part of establishing your public credibility under this 2015 Aquarius Full Moon is 1) to be effective in your reasoning with others and changing their minds or 2) to not care what any of them have to say about you.

Emotional authenticity – genuine expressions of intellect, courage, and bold initiative – will get you everywhere right now, so don’t be afraid to shine your unique expression of Light out into the world. We currently live in a world where only the bold get noticed, so it’s your job to make sure you’re seen by those who need to see you in order for your creativity to be known and/or your message to be heard. It’s also important that you truthfully express yourself – any lies or pretenses will be exposed for what they are, and they’ll be exposed in a big way. It’s in your best interests to go the full disclosure route with anything you choose to discuss with others. If you don’t want it to become public, don’t mention anything about it at this time though there’s still no guarantee that it will remain undisclosed.

Aquarius and Uranus are also known for bringing surprises. Expect the unexpected over the next few days, and remember – what’s good for one person may not be good for another. These next few days will bring a mixed bag of emotions. It all depends on where your self-expression (or your ego) is invested and expressed on the axis of acknowledgment…and how you choose to respond to the feedback you receive in order to find your place.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


2015 Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius – DON’T PANIC! Stop, Breathe, & Pay Attention Instead

We’ve only just begun the 2015 Aquarius Sun period, and the first major astrological event to occur after the Sun’s transit and Aquarius New Moon earlier today is…Mercury in Aquarius shifting into retrograde motion tomorrow, 21st January 2015 at 7:54a PST!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again this time with even greater resolve – when Mercury is retrograde, it is a time for you to look, listen and learn.  Messages, information, and important guidance and will be coming to you from the outside in.  You need to pay attention to what is happening around you as your environment and the people and activities in it will be providing you with the answers and feedback you’ve been asking for.

Mercury Retrograde isn’t about your being able to say or do what you want to say or do when you want to say or do it.  It’s about saying what you need to say and doing what you need to do when the timing is right and the opportunity is optimal.  The Universe often knows better than we do, and sometimes, the delays and “disasters” are intended to make the timing for an action or communication truly right, to redirect you to what is actually in alignment with what you truly want, or maybe even to stop you from doing something that is ultimately not in your best interests. Continue reading

2014-2015 Mars in Aquarius – It’s Time to Do Things Differently

It’s time to do things differently…

…Or at least that’s what Mars has to say about it as it moved into the sign of Aquarius at 3:57p PST on Thursday, 4th December 2014.

Aquarius is the eccentric of the Zodiac.  Even though it is often associated with communities, collectives, teams, and humanity-at-large, it also represents the individual who brings something unique to those collectives.  If everyone was trying to be the same, nothing would get done.  That’s why Aquarius and its ruling planet, Uranus, are so important – they make sure we are each and all held accountable for being our unique and individual selves as we also take our places within the whole of human kind.

Humans tend to be strangely predictable en masse, yet equally unpredictable as individuals.  It’s difficult for people to go rogue.  As humans, we are often conscious if not super-conscious of what others may think of us, how we may or may not fit into our communities, and can we survive on our own if we leave the rest of the pack because we can’t find a way to fit in or belong.

NOTE: If you feel like you don’t belong, it may be because you haven’t found your tribe because you haven’t been being your True self fully in order to find it.

Mars in Aquarius practically ensures that this is a time for taking action to assert your unique expression of individuality, yet to assert it in a way that reveals your unique contributions to others.

In order to find out where you truly belong and in order to feel like you truly belong there, you need to be your True self – strange, odd, bizarre, etc.  – in ALL ways!  You need to let your freak flag fly!  This is the only way you’re going to find other “freaks” that will appreciate who you are and what you have to bring to the table of humanity.  With Mars in Aquarius, you may find yourself empowered to take actions to assert your individuality to the benefit or detriment of the collective whole.  Often, these acts can be rather unexpected or unconventional – there’s likely to be something unique and/or surprising about them – something that bring a new perspective to the matters-at-hand.  You may be the one taking the steps OR you may be on the receiving end of them.  Either way, you may not look at yourself or others around you the same way again.

It’s interesting that this time around, Mars, the ruler of Aries, is in Aquarius while Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is currently traveling retrograde in Aries.  This places these planets into an astrological phenomenon called mutual reception where the energies of these two planets will actually be increased due to the fact that they are in each other’s signs.  This strengthens the initiative of individuals to make themselves known to as many people as possible and to do so through assertive if not aggressive actions.  Any social and/or cultural revolutions that have been bubbling yet haven’t surfaced before now have a much-heightened likelihood of coming up during this 2014-2015 Mars in Aquarius period.

We can already see the signs of these changes bubbling to the surface in the events of the last few days and weeks – physical and verbal protests challenging systems, processes, institutions, etc.  The way things have been are no longer serving the ways things are now, and people are speaking up and acting out for change.

Aquarius is also a sign that represents technology, innovation, and mass communication.  Mars in Aquarius could also indicate that mass media and social media could play huge roles in how individuals and groups take actions to make themselves and their unique, unconventional, rebellious, revolutionary, enlightening, and/or inspiring messages known to others.  You can already see it in the ways many people and groups have organized themselves for these protests using the media technology available to them.

Mars will be in the sign of Aquarius from 4th December 2014 through 12th January 2015.  Uranus will be in Aries throughout Mars’ entire run.

It’s time to expect some long-expected “unexpected” events.  It’s time to do things differently.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


The Cancer 5 Sun Transits of Early July 2014 – No More Drama?

It started on the 4th of July with the Cancer 5 Sun – Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn opposition.  The emotional effects of the major changes that have been occurring around us will still be present and fresh in our consciousness as the Cancer 5 Sun continues to make its presence intensely known on a number of different levels with three Sun transits occurring within a 24-hour period.  There may be a whole lot of emotional drama that comes to a head over the next few days, but there’s also a great opportunity to set up new structures in your life that provide you with completely new and different ways for managing or eliminating the drama that arises in your life. Continue reading

A Current Events Essay – The Disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

astro_2gw_219_malaysia_air_mh370.72460.54572Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 departed from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 08 March 2014 at 12:41a local time.  The chart is drafted for that specific date, time, and place.

The departure date of the flight is a numerological 9 day, which represents fulfillment, completions, and endings.  There are indications that this flight could fit into any or all of these categories. Continue reading

Uranus in Aries Direct – The Arrival of The Unexpected

NOTE:  This article was going to post yesterday morning, Friday, December 14th.  It was already running late, with Uranus going direct in Aries at 4:03a PST on Thursday, December 13th, so I was rushing to get it done when I heard of the shootings in Connecticut and the stabbings in China.  With the emergence of those events, I wanted to preface this post differently.  I apologize in advance for the much longer than usual post.

Though I don’t think I could explain the details of what happened yesterday through astrology or numerology, I can at least give some general insights into the energy that is in motion right now.  And I can earnestly say that Uranus going direct in Aries probably played a big part in the shift that opened the opportunities for events such as these to occur.

Almost all of what follows below was written before yesterday’s events came to light.  I felt it would be important to keep as much of this in tact as possible because it still speaks true to the essence of this Uranus in Aries direction change.  I hope that it can provide some insights and maybe some solace in a bigger picture kind of way.


Aries is the sign of initiative and action.  It can also be very competitive and assertive, and sometimes even downright aggressive in an unquenchable desire to be first and/or to win in everything it takes on.  It is exclusively rules by the planet Mars, and is often referred to as a strong, masculine, warrior energy.

Uranus is the planet of the unexpected and unpredictable.  It is also associated with individuals within the context of a group dynamic and therefore, humanity at large.  It is often looked to when assessing matters of mass communication, publicity, or humanitarian efforts.  Groups, teams, social circles, associations, affiliations, corporations, governments – any collection of 3 or more people or any institution that serves many is going to be associated with Uranus.  Uranus is the ruling planet of the sign of Aquarius.

When these two energies are combined as Uranus in Aries in direct motion, it can make for some very interesting events.  Sometimes, it can even make for some devastating ones.

When a planet is moving retrograde, much of what happens is happening within an individual.  With Uranus in Aries retrograde, you may have found that you were more aware of the people you’ve been associated and affiliated with and what they inspire you to be and do.  You may have been surprised that you were interested in spending your social time with new groups of people, or that you are outgrowing the energy dynamic in some of your long-time affiliations.  You may have even been preparing to take actions to change things up a bit in regard to these areas of your life.  A retrograde is more of a private if not introspective process.

When Uranus in Aries goes direct, that energy shifts direction and flows outward.  When it does, those actions become visible and notable to everyone around you.  Suddenly, your preparations are implemented into action, and the people you interact with in these groups and circles with may be surprised by what you are choosing to do.

That said, Uranus in Aries direct is a general influence, meaning that we all get to begin taking actions to make changes to our affiliations and associations.  We’ve all been reassessing who we spend our time with and how we take action within those groups to some degree.  Now, we will get to initiate necessary changes through our actions.

Keeping in mind the associations of Uranus and Aries, these are likely changes that have been much needed and coming forth for a long time.  This Uranus in Aries combination can be pretty explosive, so it’s likely that the events that begin to occur during this Uranus in Aries direct period have been a long time in coming, and are finally having their day.

That said, you may find that people around you will surprise you with the changes that they are making, and with how they choose to take action in their lives.  You may be surprised by how they choose to respond to your own choices and actions to initiate change.  The unexpected travels both directions under this Uranus in Aries direction change, and it is very possible some sparks will fly.  These changes are sure to be lively, maybe even seeming harsh or militant in the sense of urgency and assertiveness under which they are being made.

How Uranus in Aries aspects specific planets and points in your personal chart will help you understand how this may uniquely affect you.  However, on a collective note, this is a pretty powerful energy that will affect all of us collectively for a while to come.  Uranus will be in Aries into March of 2019, so we will experience quite a few assertive, possibly aggressive collective changes over the next 6-7 years.

There are two major aspects that occur shortly after Uranus goes direct in Aries that should be of note:

1)      Early on Friday the 14th (3:10a PST/6:10a EST), Aries Uranus trines Sagittarius Mercury, bringing surprisingly truthful communication energy to the fore.  You may not be expecting to hear or know what comes to light under this influence.  Even if you know something will be said or done, you may not expect what that something ends up being.  You may also be surprised that the news itself may become much more publicly known than expected or desired.  Be aware that whatever comes to Light may not be or remain as private or secret as you think or hope.

2)      On Wednesday the 19th (1:39p PST/4:39p EST), Aries Uranus trines Sagittarius Venus, and there may be some surprises occurring within your one-one-one partnerships of all kinds.  There may be unexpected shifts in the direction of your relationship(s), and these may have to do with a need for more free and open individual self-expression by one or both individuals within the partnership.  And again, be prepared for the news of any change to not remain as private or secret as you may want it to.

However, keep in mind – trines are generally considered “positive” aspects, meaning that the energies of the two planets in aspect interact nicely with each other.  Traditionally, they usually bring out the qualities of each of the planets involved in a harmonious way and therefore tend to bring out the best qualities of the people or parties involved, even if it may not seem that way at the moment the changes happen.  Whatever unexpected events occur will likely prove best in the long run for everyone involved.  Trust that these are collective changes that need to happen for each and all of us to serve and/or fulfill our collective and individual life journeys.

And if your “private business” does become “public knowledge”, trust that it’s because there are people who learn of the news who can help you move forward and upward from them.  There are doors that will close, clearing people from your life that you no longer need to have with you on your journey.  There will also be other doors that open that will bring new people in to your life experience and help you move toward the awakening to the Light within you, the fulfillment of your life purpose, and ultimately, your True happiness.

Allow these changes to happen. Don’t fight them, even if they prove extremely difficult, as fighting what comes forth may be what you (also) are inclined to do under this influence.  See what the changes are bringing to a close for you, but also look to see what they are opening up…or at least open yourself up to finding out what may be possible now that these changes have occurred.  You may find that these changes may become bigger blessings than you could have ever hoped for or dreamed of – for yourself and for others.


In the aftermath of the tragedies of December 14, 2o12, I can only hope that the injuries and losses of those precious lives is not in vain, and that something wonderful and beneficial to many may come out of such devastating and senseless heartbreak.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of the victims of yesterday’s events, and to all of the survivors as well.  I pray for your wellness, your recovery, your strength and courage to continue on.

And if yesterday’s events are an indicator of things to come, I pray for us all to be safe and well in the coming days, months, and years under Uranus in Aries’ influence.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius – Whatcha Got To Say? – Part Two: The U.S. Election Day and The Big Picture

As I stated in the last post, the timing of this Mercury Retrograde is especially interesting…at least for those of us here in the United States.

With Election Day on Tuesday, November 6th here in the U.S., and with the selection of who will fulfill the role of President of our country being one of the choices for us to make, it is a very important election cycle.

However, this importance is only made more powerful and profound by the abundance of transformative energy in the astrological air.

We are currently in a Scorpio Sun cycle, with Saturn and the North Node both in Scorpio as well.  This indicates not only a transformative period, but a period in which the choices we make could bring a major overhaul of what we perceive to be the normal way of living as an American.

  • The Sun brings Light to Scorpio’s vulnerability and its emotional intensity in protecting its emotional truth.
  • Saturn brings structure, stability, and discipline and in Scorpio, there is a good chance that structures, institutions, and ideals that have long been in place can be overturned, or people who have long held offices could be replaced…or that in a desperate need for stability and security in the ever and quickly changing world, people choose to vote for the status quo not realizing that even in keeping things the same, changes will continue to occur.
  • And with the North Node, there is a sense of purpose and destiny in play – we are being guided toward a world of loving and compassionate oneness in which the old and outdated is being destroyed and cleared away for the new and progressive to have space to come in.

The question becomes – do the changes happen because our government finally chooses to function as a unified and co-partisan whole to create effective and efficient solutions, or does the staunch and hostile partisanship that has been in place for the last few years continue to force and manifest implosive circumstances?

Either way, change will happen.  It is inevitable, as change is the only constant in all of life.

However, Mercury Retrograde turns change on its head a bit.

Mercury’s retrograde cycle begins late in this election day (3:04p PST) and in this motion, and in retrograde motion, Mercury is known for reaping all kinds of havoc when it comes to communications and information.  All kinds of things could happen.  Most astrologically-aware people expect various elections to be so close that we experience an abundance of recounts, including the high likelihood of another re-counting of votes for the Presidential role reminiscent of the 2000 election.  Others expect a major malfunction or conspiracy causing delays or investigations of the unfair or unlawful processing of votes. (In my opinion, the latter is more likely with Mercury in Sagittarius in trine aspect to Uranus in Aries as the day gets under way.)

But most important to remember, Mercury Retrograde also has a distinct do-over element.

Could this do-over energy result in an Obama re-election, as in giving his administration another chance to make the positive changes they pledged to make?

Or is it simply the desire to do-over for a different kind of change altogether, resulting in a changing of the guard to a Romney administration?

Or is it simply another re-count of votes (doing the counting over again)?

Either way on this 2012 election day, once Mercury goes retrograde, all bets are off.  I will say this – I’d suspect that though it seems the early returns will have a major effect on the ultimate outcome of this election (with whatever seems to be going into place at the beginning of the day will be the likely outcome coming out), there could be surprises coming by the hands of voters casting their ballots at the last minute.  They may vote based upon what they are hearing and how they feel about the feedback and/or returns from early voting polls and returns being announced as they are going into their polling stations.

But that isn’t to say that people are going to vote for what seems to be the popular choice.  With Mercury in Sagittarius, their votes will likely reveal not what is popular, but rather, what is true.

Because the search and striving for truth is so important to Sagittarius, as last-minute voters (decided or not) go into the booths, they are likely to find themselves hearing all the goings-on of the day and asking themselves, “What rings true to me?  What feels good and true to me?”  Of course, these are questions we’d like to believe every voter asks every time they vote.  But this time around, these questions hold much more power and could effect much more than just the next four years.

Sagittarius also considers the bigger picture of matters at hand.  It doesn’t only think about itself – it thinks about how its choices and what it has to offer could affect everyone around them as well.  It courageously asks, “What rings true for all of us, not just me?”

It’s not just about who leads our country.  There are many other roles and issues to be decided upon that will have an enduring impact on our way of life this time around.  It is more important than ever to recognize the turning point we have come to.

So if you haven’t yet voted, consider what rings true for you and to you when you go into the booth tomorrow.  Consider not only what you believe to be best for you as an individual, but also what is best for your city, county, state, country, and the world as a whole… you, and you as part of the bigger picture.

It’s bound to be a very profound day.

Thanks for reading and sharing…and voting.

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Leo Direct – It’s No Secret

Mercury ends its latest retrograde motion cycle and goes direct in Leo at 10:40p PDT on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012.

While in retrograde motion, Mercury in Leo has given us the chance to introspectively look at ourselves and how we do or don’t shine out into the world.  We’ve had some time to think about whom we want to declare ourselves to be in the world and how we want to create and/or establish the details and circumstances of our lives so that they reflect and support our unique expressions of Light in the world.

These last few weeks have also presented us with an opportunity to retrospectively set the record straight and to retrospectively ask for what we need in order to get our unique expressions of Light out into the world for others to see.

Now, with Mercury going direct, now is the time to outwardly start letting others know exactly who we are, what we are up to, and what we are committed to creating in and for our lives now and moving forward.  We now get to ask for what we need in order to be supported in expressing our unique expressions of Light in this moment and for the future we are building for ourselves.

Leo can be rather dramatic in its expression, especially when Mercury in Leo goes direct while the Sun is also in Leo.  The light of the Sun exposes the Truth of just about everything, and Mercury is quick to share what the Sun exposes.  So when something comes to light, it can do so quickly and in big way under this double Leo influence.  What you say and share may either come out in dramatic fashion, or it may create a lot of drama around you for better or worse.  If ever there is a time when the Light of your unique expression could come off as a blinding glare rather than a warm glow, now through August 22nd is the time.

It is very important for you to be aware of the potential impact of what you are saying or sharing may have on your environment or on others in your environment.  There is very little if anything hidden during Sun in Leo, so with both the Sun and Mercury Direct in Leo, it is very unlikely that any secrets shared in confidence will be kept.

This is not to say that no one can be trusted.  It is to say that what you think is private or secret communication during this time may not be as private or secret as you think it is or should be.  You may be surprised to find out that more people already know or are aware of what you have to say than you are aware of.  In fact, any communication surprises are more likely to be on you than on anyone else as Mercury goes direct in Leo.

However, the surprises may be to your advantage.  You may be surprised, for example, that someone you share with may have a contact they share your communication with who is able to get you what you need to move your plans and intentions along.  You may be surprised that you are sought after or acknowledged for your unique self-expression as result of your initial communication or expression of your True self to someone(s) else.

Once the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd, the energy will shift from getting attention for how you are shining your unique expression of Light into the world, and will shift to how you are practically attending to your unique expression in the everyday living of your life.

Virgo is about attending to the details of day-to-day life – maintaining your health, your overall well-being, and the things that make your life work on any given day.  It’s still about you, but it’s more about you on practical terms rather than in idealistic or creative terms.  When Mercury in Leo combines with Sun in Virgo, it will become a matter of taking the ideas and expression you’ve created for yourself during Sun in Leo and establishing a plan for implementation or fulfillment of them, giving yourself something(s) you can do everyday to make sure your Light continues to shine and expand its reach out into the world.

But for the next two weeks, it’s still all about you and your Light.  There is no secret about what you have to offer the world now.  All there is for you to do is to choose to shine it brightly for all to see and to ask for the support you need to shine it.  You may find yourself pleasantly surprised by what you have the opportunity to receive.  Be open and allow it all to come into your life.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


Catching Up #1: New Moon in Aquarius

So it’s been a while since I’ve posted here on the blog, yet quite a bit has been happening astrologically, so let’s get caught up.

One of the most prominent events of the past week has been the New Moon in Aquarius on January 22nd at 11:39p PST.

The best thing I can tell you about New Moon in Aquarius is…”expect the unexpected”.  I know it sounds really cliché…but it’s also very true, especially now.

There  have been quite a few surprises in the world around us and probably have been quite a few in your life in the last few days as well…and there will probably be quite a few more to come in this Sun in Aquarius cycle of 2012.

With Aquarius, like its zodiac opposite Leo, there is a focus on being your unique self and shining your unique expression of Light a brightly as possible.  Yet while Leo is about shining and standing out in your own right, Aquarius brings about revelations of how your individuality contributes to something greater than yourself alone…and those revelations are likely to be coming in unforeseen and unpredictable ways.

Questions that may have come up or may have been unexpectedly answered over the last few days…or that may be answered in the near future:

  • Where do you fit into the bigger picture (i.e. – groups you are involved in, affiliations you may have, humanity at large, etc)?
  • How do you fit into the bigger picture?  What is your unique role that no one else can fulfill?
  • What are your unique talents and gifts that you and only you can share with the rest of humanity?
  • How do your life experiences make you specially qualified to make the contributions you want to make or feel called upon to make?

With an open mind and an open heart, welcome all that occurs in these next few days as opportunities and occurrences come forth for you to answer these questions.

And to return to the theme of New Moon in Aquarius in ‘expecting the unexpected’, be prepared for some if not all of these answers to be revealed to you in rather surprising ways.

Keep in mind – surprises aren’t always bad nor are they always good…but they are always unexpected. 😉

Embrace the revelations that have come forth already, and enjoy the revelations in these days leading up to the Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius coming on February 7th.

Until next post, thanks for reading and sharing.

~ Light, Love and Blessings,



Uranus Retrograde Turns Direct – An Unexpected Blast to the Past

Uranus in Aries turned direct on Friday, December 9th.  During its retrograde, it encouraged us to look at the action we were/are taking in our lives and assess whether or not we are using our unique individuality to make a greater contribution to the greater whole, or if we were giving up our uniqueness to be part of the crowd.  It also gave us second chances to make our unique talents and abilities known to others.

With Uranus now direct, we are being guided to take actions (or further actions) to express our individuality – to find ways to make our unique contributions to humanity known.

It’s an opportunity to take that class or to begin that hobby or recreational project you’ve been wanting to do for a long time.  It’s a chance to share your hidden talent(s) with your friends, co-workers or networking groups.

At my day job, we had a decorating contest at work in which each team had to decorate their area with a scarecrow and an autumn them.  Our supervisor asked us who on our team had artistic skills that could be put to use for the contest. Two of us volunteered for the job.  My co-worker and I built our scarecrow from scratch – he did most of the structural work, and I did most of the attire, making our “girl” a dress from scratch out of wrapping paper.  So many of our co-workers kept asking me where I learned to make something like that, and I shared with them that I had gone to school for fashion design.

Our team won the contest, and in the process, my co-worker and I got to share some of our talents with the rest of the people we work with.  It was so much fun to express those aspects of myself that I had put into the background of my life for such a long time.

I noticed that with Uranus in retrograde, many talents and skills that had been so important in my life for so many years when I was younger had been socked away.  I had resigned myself to thinking they’d have no purpose in my life today (my fashion design skills, my interior design skills, my drawing skills, etc.).  It was great to dust them off and put them to use in a way that benefitted myself and others.

With Uranus now moving direct, my co-workers and others continue to learn more about me in general, discovering who I am as an individual professionally…and a little bit socially as well.  I am also rediscovering myself as I continue sharing what I considered my past with them now.  And of course, I am also learning a great deal about them in the process.

  • What did you learn about yourself during the Uranus retrograde?
  • Which parts of your past did you dust off and put to good use over the last few weeks?
  • What did you share with others that you didn’t expect to share about yourself?

Much of the introspective influence of Uranus in retrograde has subsided, but the effects of the recent retrograde and the turn to direct motion will continue to influence us as we continue on through this month of December 2011.

Enjoy the energy of Uranus direct as you create your goals and intentions for the upcoming New Year.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
