2014 Virgo New Moon and Mars Conjunct Saturn in Scorpio – The Conjunction Junction & The Function of Your Life

The 2014 Virgo New Moon (a.k.a. the Sun-Moon conjunction in Virgo) occurs at 7:12a PDT today, the 25th of August 2014 (2°).  This conjunction presents a wonderful opportunity to implement workable plans for practical new beginnings in the areas of your life which most support the healthy functionality of your everyday life and being.

The key here is the functionality of your everyday life and being.  Virgo is the 6th sign of the Zodiac, and its purpose is to make sure that you are addressing the mundane elements of your day-to-day life.  It makes sure that you are applying the effort you need to apply in order to attend to your ability to live the lifestyle you choose to live – lifestyles which were determined by the presence and/or influence of Taurus in your chart(s).

Virgo’s presence in our lives helps us solve problems; heal physical, emotional, and psychological wounds; and create and implement systems, processes, and routines in order to assist us in establishing and maintain the practical workability of our daily lives.  It makes sure we address our personal responsibilities for our livelihood.  For you specifically, this 2014 Virgo New Moon may represent the emergence of new ideas and/or a new way of going about how you live the day-to-day of your life in one or more areas of your life.  If you want to make a lifestyle change, this is the influence under which to create it, plan it, and begin making it real.

This 2014 Virgo New Moon is also unique in that major life shifts could happen today as another conjunction also occurs on this day – Mars conjunct Saturn in Scorpio (17°).  Though it does not make an exact major aspect with the Virgo New Moon, it does create a minor aspect – a wide quintile (a 72° aspect, but I use a 3° orb for all aspects).  This indicates that these conjunctions do strengthen each other’s power and influence, and this could make for some very interesting activities and events throughout the day.

The range of influence for the Mars-Saturn conjunction is the 20th through 30th of August.  This gives us a 10-day window of intense activity in which actions may be taken to establish clear and undeniable personal emotional-energetic boundaries. Continue reading

The 2014 Gemini New Moon – Communication is An Action

The Gemini New Moon occurs at 7.35° Gemini at 11:41a PDT today, 28 May 2014.

Gemini is an air sign that I like to think of as the student energy of the Zodiac.  This is the sign of childlike wonder and curiosity – the energy behind the kids that frequently ask “why?”, “how?”, “what is it”, and other popular simple questions used to gather information and expand their base of knowledge.

Children ask a lot of questions because they are trying to understand the world around them and figure out their place in it.  Ideally, that curiosity doesn’t diminish as we get older.  It is important for us to continue asking questions as attentiveness and inquisition prevent us from taking the ideas and information within us and around us for granted.

This 2014 Gemini New Moon occurs at a time when there isn’t much earth energy to stabilize us.  In fact, the only body in an earth sign right now is Pluto Retrograde which is busy destroying stuff – not really a good place to look to for steadiness.  Here’s the breakdown of which energies are where at the time of the New Moon: Continue reading

The 2014 Taurus New Moon-Annular Solar Eclipse – Seeds Taking Root

SAMSUNGTaurus is a fixed earth sign, meaning that it is the stalwart of the signs of its element.  Cardinal energy is the initiator or completer (Capricorn), fixed energy is the stabilizer (Taurus), and mutable energy is the agent of change (Virgo).  In the natural order of the Zodiac, Taurus the stabilizer comes first, then Virgo makes the necessary adjustments and changes in order for Capricorn to get the job done.

That said, as we wrap up a rather tumultuous time as the April 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross nears completion, this Taurus New Moon is a welcome arrival as it brings some much-needed stability to the matters at hand.  Yet don’t mistake stability as an end to the changes.  In fact, the 2014 Taurus New Moon likely marks the beginning of the real changes that are ready to occur as the seeds for change planted during the Aries Sun Cycle and the April Cardinal Grand Cross begin to take root. Continue reading

2014 Aries New Moon – First Steps

clockimage2New Moons always represent new beginnings.  Yet this time around, the new beginnings have a little more fire to them.

This 2014 Aries New Moon enters a rather volatile scene at 11:45a PDT on Sunday 30 March.  A Cardinal T-Square of Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, and Jupiter in Cancer has been around for a while and is very potent with its feisty yet conflicted energy as the old is being cleared to make way for the new.  In the midst of this clearing, people are challenged by their connections with loved ones as they seek out ways to express their individuality within or to seek their independence from the collective whole which is being forced to evolve as the old ways disappear.  Today’s Aries New Moon/Sun-Moon conjunction will be within 3° orb of Uranus, therefore being in conjunction with the pivot point of the T-Square, bringing some intense emotional desire for new opportunities and/or fresh starts  that encourage unique individual self-expression within the collective whole or independence from the collective whole. Continue reading

2014 New Moon in Aquarius – To Be or To Belong?

New Moons always bring opportunities for new beginnings and fresh starts.  This 2014 Aquarius New Moon, exact at 1:39p PST on Thursday, 30th January 2014, brings an interesting twist to these new beginnings as Aquarius is about both individuality and collaboration.

It is important that you are uniquely you, yet it’s equally important that you contribute to something bigger than yourself while being uniquely you.  Therein lies the curious nature of the Aquarius New Moon – the question of how to find new ways to belong and be yourself at the same time.

No one can do you better than you, so it becomes a matter of how much you embrace your own uniqueness and how willing you are to be yourself in the world.  Yet, many people hesitate to be themselves fully.  Why?  They want to belong, and erroneously believe that in order to belong, they must be like everyone else around them.  They give up their uniqueness and individuality in order to make themselves like others so they can “have things in common”.  Yet pretending to like something or pretending to be someone you’re not is not having something “in common” – it’s pretending to have something in common.  After a while, one of two things happens – you either grow tired of pretending to be someone you’re not and lash out in rebellion, or you get found out as being who you really are. Continue reading

Cardinal T-Square with New Moon in Libra – The Perfect Storm

Okay.  Take a deep breath, because this one is a doosy.

First, there’s the Libra 7 Sun opposite Uranus Retrograde in Aries, which was exact yesterday October 3rd, 2013 at 7:12a PDT.  The Libra 7 Sun has a lot of people examining their one-on-one relationships of all kinds and wondering, “What is this relationship/partnership doing for me?  How is this helping me be who I need to be in the world?”  Uranus in Aries has us looking at our individual expression, and as it moves in retrograde motion, we are being asked to ourselves and what it is we really want for ourselves and our lives and whether or not our unique expressions are being supported by the communities we participate in.  These Sun and Uranus energies actually balance each other out, as this opposition helps use our relationships as reflections of our perspectives and approaches to relating to the rest of humanity.  We can find our places and roles in the big picture of humanity through this opposition.

But then there’s Pluto in Capricorn, which is now squaring both the Sun and Uranus in a Cardinal T-Square configuration.  This makes things VERY complicated.

Pluto in Capricorn is here to clear out whatever structures and institutions don’t produce results or achieve their desired goals.  Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is about power and influence and it deals in extremes.  Its all-or-nothing behavior makes for some very interesting dynamics when we are trying to balance our individual self-expressions with our community needs.  As the structures that tend to define our roles, places, and status in society are being eliminated so that newer, better structures and institutions can be built in their places, we are being challenged to make our own way through these major if not catastrophic changes.  The world is transforming, and we are being asked to transform along with it.

Therein lies the rub.  For those of us who are resistant to change, this is a very demanding and stressful time.  But just when you thought this couldn’t get worse…

…there is the New Moon in Libra later today, October 4th at 5:34p PDT.  This whole dynamic becomes excruciatingly intense as our emotions get into the mix.  Be ready for some serious wailing and gnashing of teeth as people desperately holding onto what used to be start getting their ultimate reality check:

Things are never going to be the same again.

This is “The Perfect Storm” – this is the one that starts taking down all the outgrown and outdated ways, and takes it all down for real.  The damage that has been done is done.  There is no going back; there is no taking it back.  There is nothing that can be said or done to make it go back to the way it was.  This is it.  This is change-or-die time.

The sad thing is that so much of the pain and suffering that people experience right now can be transformed by admitting the difficult truths at hand – by admitting that the goals were not achieved, that the results were not what were expected or desired, or that the big payoff isn’t coming.  There is much salvation to be had in admitting one’s own mistakes and missteps in actions and judgments.

In doing so, will things go back to the way they were? No.  But will you be able to move forward from the reality of where you are now with clarity and honesty and hopefully integrity?  Maybe.   It’s up to you.

  • How much are you willing to own up to and take responsibility for?
  • How many of your goals and ambitions are you realizing are outdated and needing to be cleared away or transformed?
  • And how much of your pride and ego-driven agenda(s) are you willing to give up to allow things to move forward?

This could be a wonderful time to create or define new parameters for relationships of all kinds.   Boundaries can be re-drawn.  Structures can finally be cleared for something new to be built.  There is always new dawn and under this incredibly dynamic energy, it gets to come when you decide to let it come.

Later in the day is better for making these connections, however.  As the Cardinal T- square + New Moon effect really kicks in, there could be a major tension release…and even if it doesn’t seem positive in the moment, it may actually be a positive one in the long run.  The partnerships that emerge from the rubble out of this frame of time will be mindful of the changes happening in each individual party/person, both of you as one, and how you each and both navigate these major changes happening in the world.  You may also want to take note of the Mercury-Neptune trine that is phasing out this day as well – if you’ve been very open and honest and candid with each other in developing this connection, this could be the beginning of very beautiful new partnerships and a very beautiful new world.

It all depends on what you’re willing to admit to, own up to, and take responsibility for letting go of, and take initiative in changing.  You call your shots.  You get to decide just how quickly this change is going happen.  Just remember – you don’t get to decide alone and you don’t get to decide for others.

Each member of humanity now gets to decide for themselves.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Cardinal T-Square with New Moon in Libra – The Perfect Storm

Okay.  Take a deep breath, because this one is a doosy.

First, there’s the Libra 7 Sun opposite Uranus Retrograde in Aries, which was exact yesterday October 3rd, 2013 at 7:12a PDT.  The Libra 7 Sun has a lot of people examining their one-on-one relationships of all kinds and wondering, “What is this relationship/partnership doing for me?  How is this helping me be who I need to be in the world?”  Uranus in Aries has us looking at our individual expression, and as it moves in retrograde motion, we are being asked to ourselves and what it is we really want for ourselves and our lives and whether or not our unique expressions are being supported by the communities we participate in.  These Sun and Uranus energies actually balance each other out, as this opposition helps use our relationships as reflections of our perspectives and approaches to relating to the rest of humanity.  We can find our places and roles in the big picture of humanity through this opposition.

But then there’s Pluto in Capricorn, which is now squaring both the Sun and Uranus in a Cardinal T-Square configuration.  This makes things VERY complicated.

Pluto in Capricorn is here to clear out whatever structures and institutions don’t produce results or achieve their desired goals.  Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is about power and influence and it deals in extremes.  Its all-or-nothing behavior makes for some very interesting dynamics when we are trying to balance our individual self-expressions with our community needs.  As the structures that tend to define our roles, places, and status in society are being eliminated so that newer, better structures and institutions can be built in their places, we are being challenged to make our own way through these major if not catastrophic changes.  The world is transforming, and we are being asked to transform along with it.

Therein lies the rub.  For those of us who are resistant to change, this is a very demanding and stressful time.  But just when you thought this couldn’t get worse…

…there is the New Moon in Libra later today, October 4th at 5:34p PDT.  This whole dynamic becomes excruciatingly intense as our emotions get into the mix.  Be ready for some serious wailing and gnashing of teeth as people desperately holding onto what used to be start getting their ultimate reality check:

Things are never going to be the same again.

This is “The Perfect Storm” – this is the one that starts taking down all the outgrown and outdated ways, and takes it all down for real.  The damage that has been done is done.  There is no going back; there is no taking it back.  There is nothing that can be said or done to make it go back to the way it was.  This is it.  This is change-or-die time.

The sad thing is that so much of the pain and suffering that people experience right now can be transformed by admitting the difficult truths at hand – by admitting that the goals were not achieved, that the results were not what were expected or desired, or that the big payoff isn’t coming.  There is much salvation to be had in admitting one’s own mistakes and missteps in actions and judgments.

In doing so, will things go back to the way they were? No.  But will you be able to move forward from the reality of where you are now with clarity and honesty and hopefully integrity?  Maybe.   It’s up to you.

  • How much are you willing to own up to and take responsibility for?
  • How many of your goals and ambitions are you realizing are outdated and needing to be cleared away or transformed?
  • And how much of your pride and ego-driven agenda(s) are you willing to give up to allow things to move forward?

This could be a wonderful time to create or define new parameters for relationships of all kinds.   Boundaries can be re-drawn.  Structures can finally be cleared for something new to be built.  There is so much potential for healing so many people and so much in the world on such a deep and profound level.  There is an amazing new dawn possible and under this incredibly dynamic energy, it gets to come when you decide to let it come.

Later in the day is better for making these connections, however.  As the Cardinal T- square + New Moon effect really kicks in, there could be a major tension release…and even if it doesn’t seem positive in the moment, it may actually be a positive one in the long run.  The partnerships that emerge from the rubble out of this frame of time will be mindful of the changes happening in each individual party/person, both of you as one, and how you each and both navigate these major changes happening in the world.  You may also want to take note of the Mercury-Neptune trine that is phasing out this day as well – if you’ve been very open and honest and candid with each other in developing this connection, this could be the beginning of very beautiful new partnerships and a very beautiful new world.

It all depends on what you’re willing to admit to, own up to, and take responsibility for letting go of, and take initiative in changing.  You call your shots.  You get to decide just how quickly this change is going happen.  Just remember – you don’t get to decide alone and you don’t get to decide for others.

Each member of humanity now gets to decide for themselves.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


New Moon in Virgo – Plans Worth “Dying” For

In the wake of the Virgo Sun trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn earlier in the week, the Virgo New Moon arrives at 4:36a PDT on Thursday, September 5th, to help us starting putting our new plans to work.

The shallow explanation of New Moon in Virgo is that it is an opportunity for you to set plans in motion that help improve your life’s functionality.

The deeper explanation of New Moon in Virgo is that it is an opportunity for you to set plans in motion that help you to heal old wounds and bring forth solutions to long-standing problems.

It is my observation and experience that Chiron – “The Wounded Healer” –is the ruler of Virgo. That said, when the New Moon occurs this sign, there is an opening for emotional healing to occur.  Couple that with the fact that the Moon will also trine Pluto as it approaches its maximum New Moon phase, and there is especially transformative emotional healing potential available during this 2013 Virgo New Moon.

But in true Plutonic fashion, the healing can only occur when something is released or destroyed in order to clear the way for the healing to begin.  Transformation is a process of dying in order to be re-born, and in the case of this particular Virgo New Moon trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, there is a phoenix that gets to rise from the ashes of the old standards and transitions of living.  This phoenix energy is what is at the core of the intention and/or plan you’ve hopefully created to help you move forward on your life’s journey.

By just solving your problem on the surface, you may ease present tensions, but those tensions are bound to arise again because the root cause of the problem has not been addressed and dealt with.  The next time something pokes at the root of the problem or wound, those same old tensions will surface again.

Through the deeper healing and problem-solving process, you are facing, dealing with, and healing the problem at its roots, you can ensure that they will not be able to be triggered again.  Instead of it sucking you back into the depths of darkness and/or a disorganized and dysfunctional day-to-day experience of your life, you are able to overcome that past and build a more reliable daily operating system for your life based upon healed wounds and the absence of the problem.  You have a clean slate to build upon.

Of course, the phoenix process is challenging to most of us for one major reason: in order to be re-born, a part of us must die.  This is where things get complicated.

When considering what needs to go, you may want to consider what Virgo represents.  It represents how you go about being of service to yourself and others on a daily basis.  It deals with the details of your basic operating systems – mentally, physically, and worldly – and health and wellness are priorities in this area simply because your physical body and your whole being have to be functioning well in order to support your functionality in day-to-day life.

That said, when applying New Moon in Virgo trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn to your own life, you may want to look at which standards, structures, or traditions are you living by that are outdated or otherwise no longer serve you well.  Especially if you notice that your own physical health and well-being are compromised in your day-to-day life, you may consider withdrawing from things that drain your energy or remain the same despite your efforts to change them.  You may also look to some of your emotional issues as your physical health challenges or your difficulties in attending to certain matters in your life may be rooted in those.

Once you identify what is causing the challenge, then comes the hard part – choosing to let go of the struggle.  You may be saying, “Of course I want to let it go!  It’s holding me back!”  Yet when you’ve grown accustomed to living with a particular wound or a problem, it may be quite a task to imagine living a life without it.  Releasing it or letting it die can be very confronting when you’ve identified yourself with the pain and suffering for such a long time.

However, is the symbolic death of your old, dysfunctional everyday reality worth the new, healthy, and functional daily life that emerges from it?  That is the question you get to answer for yourself as you step into the energy of this 2013 New Moon in Virgo.  You may find that the simple and practical plans you have made in order to move forward in your life may well be worth dying for.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


New Moon in Leo – Out of the Shadows, Into the Light

As always, New Moons are wonderful times for planting seeds for new endeavors.  What would you like to see grow over the next few weeks and months?  Now is the time to set those things in motion.

The Leo New Moon, exact at 2:51p PDT today, August 6th, 2013, is an especially special time because the seeds you plant now will help shape who YOU are growing into.  Leo is about shining your unique expression of Light boldly and brightly shone into the world and being acknowledged for the brilliance you display.  Your Light is not meant to be hidden away – it is meant to illuminate the world.  Through the energy of this New Moon, you get to set into motion the means and method by which you make your presence known.

Whatever you start now, be prepared have it come center stage and be associated with you.  You could very well become visible in ways you never imagined, and for that reason, you want to make sure that whatever you put out there is something that you want to be known for and in an area of your life that you want to be known for.  It’s time for you to get out of your seat in the audience or of the bench on the sideline and to start moving toward the stage to be seen.  If you’re not sure where or how you shine, you may look to your natal astrology chart to see which houses the sign of Leo covers, the signs that cover your 5th House, and the house your natal Sun occupies in your chart.  All of these will be strong indicators of how you are meant to shine your Light in the world or what you want to be acknowledged for.

This Leo New Moon will be in trine aspect with Uranus Retrograde in Aries.  Uranus represents how each person’s unique and individual expression of Light makes a contribution to a greater whole, and Aries represents putting oneself first and taking actions to do so.  When Uranus in Aries is retrograde, it represents each individual checking in with their inner truth to find the community or collective in which their individuality can truly be seen, received, and appreciated.

Through this trine with Uranus, this Leo New Moon may have you not only getting in touch with who you really want to be and be known for in this world, it may also have you reassessing your social and professional participations.  Be prepared for your communities and circles to undergo some changes…mostly by your choosing.  Yet also remember that others are going through this process, too, and others may be leaving and entering your circles as much as you are leaving and entering theirs.

Where do you want to be “center stage” in your life?  Today’s the day to begin taking the first steps out of shadows and into your Light.

Shine on.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


New Moon in Aries – “Might As Well Jump”

The New Moon in Aries will occur at 2:35a PDT, Wednesday, April 10.  This is an especially wonderful New Moon as it embodies everything that a New Moon can bring forth because it occurs during an Aries 1 energy cycle.

Aries is the sign of initiative action.  It can be assertive, sometimes even aggressive.  It has a warrior spirit, and loves to compete or fight for its passions.  It wants to be first in everything, but that doesn’t necessarily mean winning – in most cases, it simply means being first.  It can also be associated with a “me first” attitude.

Numerological 1 energy is very much like Aries energy.  It is also initiative energy, and represents beginnings and getting things started.  It enjoys taking the lead in any matter, and usually doesn’t care whether anyone else is following them or not when they take off running.

The combination of these two energies alone (which will be present until April 19th) is enough to put a flame of initiative under your backside to get you up and taking actions to get new things started in your life.  Yet having a New Moon in Aries 1 means that this energy holds even more punch.

New Moons are already inclined to be prime times to begin new endeavors or to move in new directions.  But with New Moon in Aries 1, some exceptionally exciting and very profound new beginnings can occur in your life.  In fact, there may be so much excitement for those new directions and endeavors that you may find yourself leaping into action before you look at where you may be going…but don’t worry about that.  The strange thing is that during this particular New Moon phase, you may not be able to see where you’re going even if you do look.

As mentioned in previous posts and in the recent LBS Aries e-zine, there is still a great deal of watery Pisces energy in the mix.  Water + the fire of Aries = steam and fog, which obscure clarity.  Therefore, even if you look, you may not see anything because of the fog.

That said, jumping into the next steps of your life may require some faith on your part – faith that moving forward is what is needed, even if you cannot yet see exactly where you are going.  This Aries 1 New Moon calls you to take the steps, even if the only thing you know is that they are steps forward.  These steps are more important than you may realize right now, and whether you take them or not, the reasons you being called to make them will begin to reveal themselves as Venus moves into Taurus on April 15th.

So the passionate new beginnings that you may embark upon during this Aries New Moon may indeed more likely be passionate leaps of faith.  And by leaping into the foggy unknown, you may find yourself on an amazing journey, possibly the journey of a lifetime.

In the famous words of a popular rock song from the 1980’s (Van Halen), you “might as well jump”.

Make the most of this very special upcoming New Moon in Aries energy, and begin living a passionate new life today.  Take that first step today…and most of all, enjoy the adventure!  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
