2016 Venus in Aquarius – Unlikely Pairings for Unexpected Progress

Different colors sliced apple isolated on white

At 8:17p PST on Tuesday, 16th February 2016, Venus entered the sign of Aquarius. As result, we may see some partnerships forming or blossoming which buck convention in some way over the next 4 weeks.

Whether unconventional in their composition (two parties with opposing or diverging views coming together for a common cause) or unconventional in their collaborative effort (two or more parties coming together to promote or initiate a socially or culturally divergent act), there is something in the air which is bringing people together in a social climate which seems to favor the individual.

A large part of this may have to do with the fact that Uranus – the ruling planet of Aquarius – is currently in Aries. Aries is the “me, me, me” sign – the sign of individuality and initiative leadership. It’s encouraging each of us to be leaders for ourselves in our individual lives. Yet not everyone is eager to embrace their self-leadership or to take responsibility for their personal choices and actions. This is why some people stand out as leaders more than others – this is why more people follow than lead.

To that point, that’s what makes Venus in Aquarius a curious entry into the astrological scene at this time. Individuals are now looking for partners to assist them in furthering their initiatives. It seems that more people who would normally “go it alone” are realizing that they can’t do it alone – they need collaborators. They need a partner or a team. In fact, the more independent that are or have been, the more they may need a partner, collaborator, or team at this time in order to move forward.

But how do you form a team when you’ve got so many people doing their own things?

You allow the people who come into your life to contribute to your journey as little or as much as they can. Recognize that your “team” may not be a traditionally-organized team or group. Instead, it may be everyone around you. Everyone you interact with in your day-to-day activity can contribute to your circumstances in some way. If you can recognize all of humanity as your team – even those who seem to disagree with you – you may find that you gain more information, illumination, and insight to move forward on your path than you ever imagined possible.

Don’t disregard others’ insights and opinions just because they may not be coming from the sources you believe it should come from. In fact, this 2016 Venus in Aquarius is almost a plea to you to seek partnership and counsel from people you wouldn’t normally seek it from. In order to change your status quo, you can’t keep going to the same people and groups you always go to. It’s a perfect time to branch out and find truly new connections in order to make positive progress forward on your path.

Who knows – you may even find a newer or Truer expression of yourself in the process.

The 2016 Venus in Aquarius doesn’t make any transits under the 2016 Aquarius Sun. In fact, it’s rather quiet until the last day of February:

  • Aquarius Venus square Juno in Scorpio, most exact on 29th February – Opportunities to connect with new partners may have you realizing that the path you’ve been on may not be the path that aligns with your truth…or that you’re not getting the support you truly need in order to continue walking the path you’re committed to walking.
  • Aquarius Venus sextile Saturn in Sagittarius, also most exact on 29th February – New partners or community connections may help you see your circumstances differently. Rather than seeing yourself as stuck, you may recognize that you’re being redirected instead. Is it time to adjust or change your goals or ambitions?

Your best information will come from the most unlikely sources under this 2016 Venus in Aquarius. Keep an open mind and open ears – you never know where what you need might come from or who it might come through.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,


2016 Leo Full Moon – Your Brilliance, Supported and Encouraged

abstract-blue-starburst-background_My1gF05u - graphicstockThe sign of Leo often gets a bad rap for being the “attention seeker” of the Zodiac. What people often don’t understand is that it’s not necessarily attention that Leo seeks, but rather acknowledgment. Leo wants to know that who it is and what it creates can be seen by others. It wants its creative abilities and its presence to be recognized. It wants to be known as a unique individual.

Leo shares what I call “the axis of acknowledgment” with Aquarius. Aquarius also wants to be acknowledged…but as a contributor to a greater whole. It wants to be acknowledged as part of a collaborative effort rather than being individually recognized for its solo contributions. Aquarius wants to be part of a group which stands out, not necessarily to individually stand out from the group.

The Aquarian paradox is that though it wants to be part of a greater whole, it doesn’t necessarily want to blend in with its peers or colleagues. What makes the collaborative inclination of Aquarius amazing is its determination to formulate a sum of extraordinary parts – it draws in eccentrics and eclectics who are willing to contribute their unique talents and abilities to the creation of something none of them could create alone and greater than anything they could produce individually. The success of the group depends on each person being their most unique and individual selves.

On this Saturday, 23rd January 2016, the Leo Full Moon is at its fullest phase at 5:46p PST (3.48°) and reflects the light of the Aquarius Sun. Therefore, the Leo Moon is reflecting the radiance of the Aquarian whole. Whether that whole is a team, a network, a social circle, a community, or humanity-at-large, the attention is coming from the needs and desires of the group. This 2016 Leo Full Moon is also occurring on a 6 universal day, numerologically speaking. This means that there is a focus on service and support, especially in matters of healing, health, and wellness on both the physical and emotional levels.

The brilliance of your communities, affiliations, and associations is being projected onto you, yet so are their needs and desires. As you receive their light (or darkness), it’s an opportunity for you to notice if your needs and desires are also being met and supported, especially on the emotional plane. With the light of your social and networking circles shining on you, the 2016 Leo Full Moon presents a powerful and possibly inconvenient question:

How well are your teams, networks, communities, and/or humanity serving and supporting you? Continue reading

Uranus in Aries Direct – December 2015 – “Different” is The New Normal

yellow falling-lights_fkjLwKBO - GraphicstockNOTE: Happy 2016 to you! I’m playing a bit of post-holiday catch-up on transits, so bear with me. This is the first of a few posts which will be coming over the next day or two.

While Uranus in Aries was retrograde, each and all of us were getting feedback. We may not have liked the feedback we were getting, but it was an opportunity for us to recognize that we’ve been trying to let each other know that the status quo has become a “no go”.

As of 7:53p PST on Friday, 25th December 2015, Uranus in Aries turned back to direct motion and as it did, it also turned the tide. If you didn’t receive the message that was being forecast about people wanting something new or different, that message is now being delivered loud and clear.

The outcasts and eccentrics are now becoming the mainstream. “Different” is the new normal.

People want different – something new, something unique, something that doesn’t subscribe to convention or tradition. They want people and processes which are “outside the box”. They want unpredictability. They want rebels, outcasts, and eccentrics…and with Uranus now direct, they’re beginning to act upon their desires for something out of the ordinary. Continue reading

“What the $#^!@& is Going On?” – Recent Events through the Astrology & Numerology of November-December 2015 – Part Two

Question Maze 4 - BlueAs mentioned in Part One of this series, I’ve had a lot of people asking me about recent events and what has been happening in the world lately. I’ve hesitated to address some of these issues specifically because they are so emotionally, intellectually, religiously, racially, and politically charged, yet I’m choosing to do so anyway. It is not my intention to upset or offend anyone, but I also understand that in this current energetic climate, I’m bound to tick someone off. Therefore, I again ask for you to be objective in your reading of the follow content as I am being objective in writing it – see if it applies to you as I get to do with myself in everything I write and share with you.

I’ve been introducing you to the current energetic climate by introducing one component at a time. I feel with the event in the last few weeks, it’s important to visit each influence individually before delving into how they’ve come together in recent events. Part Two continues to explain the components which influence the events.

Before I cover the influences of “the middle bodies” here in Part Two, let’s quickly recap. Continue reading

The “Musical Chairs” of the 2015 Leo Sun Period – Embracing Your New Normal

More and more people are being called into their unique and individual self-expressions right now, and the upcoming 2015 Leo Sun period will be a pretty confrontational time for many as result. Some of you may be a bit scared as what you are being called to create, reveal, and express and you may not have a precedent in your life experience or in anyone else’s for that matter. By acting on your creative spark, you may be the originator of a new service, product, endeavor, or approach. What you bring to light may never have been brought forward by anyone else before you – you may be the first and only one to do it your way if at all…and this can be a lonely place to be.

Yet if you can move beyond being “the only one” and can embrace being “the first one”, you may discover that the light within you is more brilliant than you ever knew it (or yourself) to be. This could be a very exciting time for you and those around you.

Usually I reserve this type of detailed breakdown of coming events for The Life By Soul E-zine, which comes out monthly with the next edition being sent out in 2 days (register here for the mailing list – shameless plug). However, I’ve had so many people asking me about what is going on that I decided to put this bit of it out now as a blog article.

The coming month of the 2015 Leo Sun period (22 July-23 August) has more sign and direction changes than I’ve seen in a long time. There will be 7 sign changes and 2 retrogrades in the next 4.5 weeks! These changes are a major part of the rollercoaster we’ll all be on over the next few weeks.

If you though the last few months were crazy, wait until this month starts. I don’t say that to scare you – I say it to prepare you. Changes are coming, and if you want to make sure you have a seat to sit in as the ups and downs occur, be sure to listen closely to and keep up with the music.

Here’s a big part of the playlist for the next few weeks: Continue reading

The 2015 Aquarius New Moon-Pisces Sun Transit – We’re Still Connected…

We start with the second Aquarius New Moon of 2015 occurring at 3:47p PST – only one minute before the Moon enters Pisces at 3:48p PST & three minutes before the Sun enters Pisces at 3:50p PST!  This is a very quick shift in energy which brings more frequently-occurring synchronistic events and a better understanding of how everything and everyone is interconnected.

Things that seemed rather random and unrelated may begin to reveal their mutual bonds.  What didn’t seem to make sense before may begin to make sense.  For all we have done and continue to do to divide and separate ourselves from each other and others, we may come to realize the futility of our actions in the next few weeks.  We may come to recognize and truly understand just how tied together we really are.  Despite ourselves, we’re still connected to All-That-Is.  Everyone and everything is One, and we’re collectively becoming more conscious of it…especially now. Continue reading

2015 Mercury Direct in Aquarius – Share Yourself

Okay.  ‘Stop, look, and listen time’ is over.  Now it’s time to share what you’ve learned with the class.

That’s right! It’s almost here!  Mercury in Aquarius goes back into direct motion at 6:57a PST tomorrow morning, Wednesday 11th February 2015.  When it does and if you’ve been paying attention and learning from what you’ve seen and heard, you’ll know exactly how you want to communicate to the world about who you are and what you stand for.

This 2015 Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius has been about watching others being their unique selves within a community, group, or other collective whole.  Through observation of how they navigate their individual identities within a group or community context, you may have found answers to your questions about how to better navigate in your own circles.

You may also have gotten important feedback about how your social and professional circles do or don’t support or encourage your goals and ambitions.  You may have noticed how others define you within your communities and groups.  It was a good time to notice the roles others have given you and/or expected you to play for them.

Now with Mercury Direct, you get to let your collaborators know the role you are designed to play.  You get to let them know all that you (and only you) have to contribute to the world. Continue reading

2015 Venus Conjunct Chiron in Pisces – Martyring Your Ego (For The Whole of Humanity)

Exact at 9:00p PST this evening, Sunday 8th February 2015, we are experiencing a Venus-Chiron conjunction in Pisces (15.62°).  The effects of this conjunction have been felt since 6th February 2015 and will continue to be felt through 10th February 2015.

This 2015 version of Venus conjunct Chiron in Pisces is a bit more profound than its recent predecessors.  There seems to be a lot more at stake this time around as the sense of interconnection that Pisces can bring into our collective consciousness is strangely more palpable in our shared everyday experience.

Pisces is the Zodiac sign known for its imaginative ideals, its boundless vision, and its selfless service.  Ruled by the planet Neptune, it can be a sign of emotional and spiritual transcendence, romanticism, artistry, and inspirational vision.  Yet Pisces also has a dark side – a side that reveals playing victim to self and others, martyrdom, and emotional or spiritual avoidance, delusion, denial, and escapism.  Pisces’ highs can be among the highest and brightest…and its lows can be among the lowest and darkest.

When we place Pisces into the context of Oneness, we may find that Venus in Pisces could be interpreted as partnership with All-That-Is and Chiron in Pisces could represent the healing of All-That-Is.  Blend these two influences together, and we have partnerships that can heal collective emotional and/or spiritual wounds and restore the truth of interconnection and Oneness to everyone and everything.  That may seem like a tall order, but under the influence of Pisces, that grand vision seems (and is very much) possible. Continue reading

The 2015 Leo Full Moon – Don’t Hold Back!

The 2015 Leo Full Moon occurs today, Tuesday, 3rd February 2015, and is at its fullest exactly opposite the Aquarius Sun at 3:09p PST.

I refer to the Leo-Aquarius axis of the Zodiac wheel as the “axis of acknowledgment” as Aquarius and Leo are opposite signs.  On the Leo end, you may notice that you want to be acknowledged for who you are as an individual and for your own unique self-expression.  On the Aquarius end, you may notice that you want to be acknowledged for being a part of a greater collaborative effort and/or for what you uniquely bring to a collective effort (groups, teams, communities, and such).

Generally speaking, the Leo Full Moon reflects the light of the Aquarius Sun.  Being part of a group or community is important, but the Leo Full Moon helps remind you of your individuality and your unique contribution to the greater whole.  It’s not all about you only for your own sake, but it is about you being all of who you uniquely are so you can make your most brilliant contributions to the lives of others – contributions that only you can make. Continue reading

The Lunar Grand Trine-Kite of 29 January 2015 – Playing With Fire

On 29th January 2015, there is an Air Grand Trine at its most exact. But thanks to the involvement of the Moon and the Nodal Axis in this configuration, this Grand Trine becomes an Air-Fire Lunar Nodal Kite.  Let’s discuss what that means.

Planetary configurations which involve the Moon often make a big impact in a very short frame of time.  In this case, the Moon will be in Gemini while this Kite is in effect.  Gemini Moons tend to have us attempting to process our emotions through our minds – a very intellectual approach to very heartfelt matters.  Emotional matters may be approached with the intellectual care and ease of a tabloid journalist who eagerly and craftily seeks the expression of feelings that may not be easily articulated.  On the other hand, the Moon in Gemini may make it easier to articulate our feelings and the emotional energies we are experiencing in ways others can understand. Continue reading