2015 Pisces Full Moon – Making Waves to Make Progress

Pisces Full Moon - 20150828_230051 - GDC

The Pisces Full Moon will reach maximum phase on Saturday 8/29 at 11:35a PDT (6.10°), reflecting the light of the Virgo Sun. The watery, dreamy, and imaginative quality of Pisces (mutable water) reflects the earthy and practical sign of Virgo (mutable earth) to bring your dreams and ideals into your “everyday view”. This means your visionary insights and emotional sensitivities will be seen for the purpose they serve in your real-world, everyday life.

Usually, the Full Moon works to bring a different perspective to the Sun. A Pisces Full Moon generally encourages you to check in with yourself and how you feel about the reality of the life you are living in an everyday, practical way. Being one of if not the most spiritual sign of the zodiac, Pisces gets to touch the ground with Virgo during this time making the experience of otherworldly realms and sensations felt on a practical level. It reminds you to remember your dreams and visions, and to honor your intuitive messages in your everyday routine.

However, this 2015 version is much more of a two-way street than usual. Continue reading

The 2015 Aquarius New Moon-Pisces Sun Transit – We’re Still Connected…

We start with the second Aquarius New Moon of 2015 occurring at 3:47p PST – only one minute before the Moon enters Pisces at 3:48p PST & three minutes before the Sun enters Pisces at 3:50p PST!  This is a very quick shift in energy which brings more frequently-occurring synchronistic events and a better understanding of how everything and everyone is interconnected.

Things that seemed rather random and unrelated may begin to reveal their mutual bonds.  What didn’t seem to make sense before may begin to make sense.  For all we have done and continue to do to divide and separate ourselves from each other and others, we may come to realize the futility of our actions in the next few weeks.  We may come to recognize and truly understand just how tied together we really are.  Despite ourselves, we’re still connected to All-That-Is.  Everyone and everything is One, and we’re collectively becoming more conscious of it…especially now. Continue reading

31st January 2014 – It’s A Very Astrologically Active Day

Sun Rise Over the South Pacific - International Space StationIt’s an early start to our very astrologically active day as we began with a Jupiter-Pluto opposition at 1:16a PST.

As we’ve discussed previously, Pluto in Capricorn is an indicator of large-scale societal-cultural transformations happening in the world which are causing each of us to re-assess our personal goals and ambitions as cultural/social standards for success and status hierarchy change.  As the world is experiencing a shift in what defines success and status, you are being challenged to shift your own personal definitions of what success and status are – your personal goals and ambitions must be adjusted as result.

Jupiter is currently in retrograde motion in the sign of Cancer, which lends each of us to think about the roles our loved ones play in how we feel about our personal growth and expansion.  Which loved ones support or encourage your growth and expansion?  Which loved ones tend to hold you back or prevent your emotional growth?  The answers to these questions help you figure out which of your goals and ambitions are outdated and need to be cleared away, and which new goals may need to replace them.   Yet these answers may also reveal which close relationships need to be cleared away in order for you to grow and expand into the success and status you want to achieve.

The opposition of Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn brings an opportunity to balance these transformations occurring in the world around you with your personal connections in ways that may help you feel supported and encouraged in creating new goals and ambitions for yourself and moving forward in your life. Continue reading

What Is Love? – Part Two

So I thought all week about a story to share with you about having a strong Pisces influence in my chart…and well, there’s so many to choose from I couldn’t choose one. So I’ve chosen to give you a summary of my experiences and what I’ve learned from my collective experience of Pisces.

I have Moon in Pisces in the 7th house of my astrology chart. What does that mean? And how does that show up in my own life experience?

  • Moon represents the emotional and intuitive center of self. It also represents of a person’s feminine energy (even in men).
  • Pisces is the 12th sign of the 12-sign zodiac, and it represents how a person is of contribution and service to others (and to themselves as an extension of others) through empathy and emotional expression with and/or to the world. It also represents inspiration, imagination, idealism, philanthropy, compassion, empathy, beliefs, dreams, fantasy, illusion, delusion, victimization, and martyrdom. It is most often associated with spiritual or religious practices and principles.
  • The 7th house represents partnerships and one-on-one relationships of all kinds. It also tends to be the filter through which we assess other individuals. It’s often the house associated with ‘love’ (though I’ve found it to be more objective in regard to partnership).

In my past, once I’d get an emotional or empathic ideal in my head about someone or something, my mind would almost immediately align with that emotional ideal – I’d become emotionally and mentally invested. Once I was invested, it would be tough for me to let go and move on completely from that ideal. Even after I said I’d let it go, there was still a part of me hoping and wishing that my dream or ideal would come through or come true. I’d be so attached to manifesting my ideal, I’d let other things in my life that I really needed for my own well-being and needed to be responsible for in my everyday life simply fall by the wayside. I’d make choices to seek out and align with the other person and their best interests (or what I believed to be their best interests) rather than to make choices in my own best interests for my own life. I’d give them my money or resources or time – even if I had to borrow it from elsewhere to give it to them. Or I’d cancel appointments or activities that were important to me to be of assistance to them or to participate in an event. I’d choose to martyr myself for the relationships.

Inevitably, that is when the core of my idealism would surface – my emotional idealization of partnership. To me, partnership means equal contribution, and fairness and balance are of paramount importance to me in partnerships. There have been many times in my life that I have emotionally withdrawn (and eventually completely withdrawn) from relationships in which I felt I was treated unfairly or in which I felt I treated someone else unfairly. I had definite ideals about give and take in relationships believing that I’d get what I wanted in exchange for what I gave, or that I should give to others in exchange for what they have given me. And sometimes, that exchange would occur, but definitely not in the way I wanted it or expected it. When my desired outcome wouldn’t show up, I’d play victim to the circumstances or blame the other person/people for not reciprocating…or I’d internally beat myself up for not being able to reciprocate their contributions to me. However, there were times where my desired outcomes did show up…but I’d miss them because they wouldn’t come through exactly as I hoped, so I didn’t (or wouldn’t) see them and I’d miss out on the blessings.

I now see how these denials and rejections of my own needs and of others’ offerings were acts of force – my feeble attempts to control the outcomes of those relationships. And whenever we try to control or force an outcome, we rarely get what we truly want – we rarely experience love. Instead, our wants come at a price. For me, that price was often the emotional fulfillment – the love – I was seeking. Many of my past accomplishments were emotionally empty for me as result.

Yet I’ve learned from my unfulfilling experiences that what I truly seek emotionally is the opportunity to make a positive difference in someone else’s life, in a group, or for the whole mankind, and that I want (and need) to be acknowledged for that contribution. I seem to receive that acknowledgment more clearly and deeply when it comes from a one-on-one interchange – when I can understand how who I am or what I’ve done affected another individual and how their life is affected for the better. It’s my intention that we all recognize our equality with and among each other., that we all recognize the love that is present and waiting to be tapped into.

I also have developed an amazing objectivity in my relationships and partnerships. Instead of allowing myself to become emotionally invested in partnerships or relationships right away, I now consider what our roles may be in each others’ lives – looking at why have we come together, even briefly. In situations, I consider what the purpose may be of the moment or occurrence. I am ever increasing in my awareness of love in All-That-Is.

This is my experience of Pisces through the filter of my life experience. Thanks for reading it.

There’s more to be explored on the subject of what love truly is…but we’ll do that next week.

Until then…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
