2016 Leo Full Moon – Your Brilliance, Supported and Encouraged

abstract-blue-starburst-background_My1gF05u - graphicstockThe sign of Leo often gets a bad rap for being the “attention seeker” of the Zodiac. What people often don’t understand is that it’s not necessarily attention that Leo seeks, but rather acknowledgment. Leo wants to know that who it is and what it creates can be seen by others. It wants its creative abilities and its presence to be recognized. It wants to be known as a unique individual.

Leo shares what I call “the axis of acknowledgment” with Aquarius. Aquarius also wants to be acknowledged…but as a contributor to a greater whole. It wants to be acknowledged as part of a collaborative effort rather than being individually recognized for its solo contributions. Aquarius wants to be part of a group which stands out, not necessarily to individually stand out from the group.

The Aquarian paradox is that though it wants to be part of a greater whole, it doesn’t necessarily want to blend in with its peers or colleagues. What makes the collaborative inclination of Aquarius amazing is its determination to formulate a sum of extraordinary parts – it draws in eccentrics and eclectics who are willing to contribute their unique talents and abilities to the creation of something none of them could create alone and greater than anything they could produce individually. The success of the group depends on each person being their most unique and individual selves.

On this Saturday, 23rd January 2016, the Leo Full Moon is at its fullest phase at 5:46p PST (3.48°) and reflects the light of the Aquarius Sun. Therefore, the Leo Moon is reflecting the radiance of the Aquarian whole. Whether that whole is a team, a network, a social circle, a community, or humanity-at-large, the attention is coming from the needs and desires of the group. This 2016 Leo Full Moon is also occurring on a 6 universal day, numerologically speaking. This means that there is a focus on service and support, especially in matters of healing, health, and wellness on both the physical and emotional levels.

The brilliance of your communities, affiliations, and associations is being projected onto you, yet so are their needs and desires. As you receive their light (or darkness), it’s an opportunity for you to notice if your needs and desires are also being met and supported, especially on the emotional plane. With the light of your social and networking circles shining on you, the 2016 Leo Full Moon presents a powerful and possibly inconvenient question:

How well are your teams, networks, communities, and/or humanity serving and supporting you? Continue reading

“What the $#^!@& is Going On?” – Recent Events through the Astrology & Numerology of November-December 2015 – Part Two

Question Maze 4 - BlueAs mentioned in Part One of this series, I’ve had a lot of people asking me about recent events and what has been happening in the world lately. I’ve hesitated to address some of these issues specifically because they are so emotionally, intellectually, religiously, racially, and politically charged, yet I’m choosing to do so anyway. It is not my intention to upset or offend anyone, but I also understand that in this current energetic climate, I’m bound to tick someone off. Therefore, I again ask for you to be objective in your reading of the follow content as I am being objective in writing it – see if it applies to you as I get to do with myself in everything I write and share with you.

I’ve been introducing you to the current energetic climate by introducing one component at a time. I feel with the event in the last few weeks, it’s important to visit each influence individually before delving into how they’ve come together in recent events. Part Two continues to explain the components which influence the events.

Before I cover the influences of “the middle bodies” here in Part Two, let’s quickly recap. Continue reading

The 2015 Aquarius Full Moon – Receiving Feedback & Finding Your Place on The Axis of Acknowledgment

The Sun is in Leo, happy at home in its sign of rulership.

The Moon will be in Aquarius, opposite the Leo Sun.

Uranus – the ruling planet of Aquarius – is currently retrograde in Aries.

Altogether, this is going to be a strong Full Moon experience.

Leo wants to be acknowledged for its unique, individual, and independent self-expression. This is your unique expression of Light that strives to be revealed to the world. Yet, Leo needs others to acknowledge its individuality. Without acknowledgment, Leo can become an attention whore and exhaust the patience and tolerance of those around them.

Aquarius wants to be acknowledged for its contributions to something bigger than itself. This is group, team, or community energy – the collaborative effort. Aquarius still wants to be a unique individual, but it also wants to be part of something that is acknowledged as a collective effort. Being able to make a unique contribution to a greater effort or cause is what drives Aquarius. In fact, Aquarius is so determined to make a one-of-a-kind difference to the mass of humanity that it isn’t shy about being rebellious or going rogue from the social collective in hopes of awakening others to the contribution of individual uniqueness to advance a team effort.

Leos want to shine brightly to draw acknowledgment and stand out from the crowd. Aquarians want to shine brightly to bring the collective effort acknowledgment through its individual participation in the group. This is why I call these opposing signs “the axis of acknowledgment”. They both want to be unique and seen for their uniqueness, yet they come to it through opposite means.

With the 2015 Aquarius Full Moon at its maximum phase at 3:44a PDT on 31st July 2015 (7.92°), there will be a powerful opportunity to find out where you stand on the axis of acknowledgment. You will be receiving feedback from others about how your unique expression of Light is being received by and/or impacting them. These others may be people around you whom you seek acknowledgement from. These others may be people you have been in collaboration with. Either way, it is an opportunity for you to see 1) where you shine, 2) how brightly you shine, 3) how effectively you are expressing yourself, and 4) if the impact you’re making is the impact that you want to make.

You will get feedback during this 2015 Aquarius Full Moon whether you like it or not, and the information you receive will be valuable – how you choose to receive it and use it becomes the focal point. You may be tempted to concede to the masses and do whatever gets you the acceptance and approval of others OR you may find yourself leaving the group behind to seek acceptance and agreement elsewhere.

Since we’re dealing with the Moon, an emotional-intellectual responses and reactions will be easy temptations for you. The Aquarius Moon will make sextile transit with Uranus Retrograde in Aries about 20.5 hours later at 12:10a PDT on 1st August (20.48°), giving you an opportunity to take retaliatory action…if you really want to. But be aware – your emotion-based actions probably won’t be a low-key affair. Others will respond to your emotional logic and let you know if they agree or disagree with your behavior or beliefs. Even if you don’t think what you do or say will be a big deal, whatever you say or do take to make your feelings known will have major publicity potential. Others are likely to find out about your beliefs and behaviors, even if it’s your intention to keep things private.

Of course, if you’re taking initiative action or taking what you believe is a leadership stance, you can be certain that you’ll get feedback from others. If you want others to follow you, be ready to deal with the challenges which come from being “the head honcho”. When you take steps to place yourself at the top, others may simply challenge your authority while others will want to take you down. A big part of establishing your public credibility under this 2015 Aquarius Full Moon is 1) to be effective in your reasoning with others and changing their minds or 2) to not care what any of them have to say about you.

Emotional authenticity – genuine expressions of intellect, courage, and bold initiative – will get you everywhere right now, so don’t be afraid to shine your unique expression of Light out into the world. We currently live in a world where only the bold get noticed, so it’s your job to make sure you’re seen by those who need to see you in order for your creativity to be known and/or your message to be heard. It’s also important that you truthfully express yourself – any lies or pretenses will be exposed for what they are, and they’ll be exposed in a big way. It’s in your best interests to go the full disclosure route with anything you choose to discuss with others. If you don’t want it to become public, don’t mention anything about it at this time though there’s still no guarantee that it will remain undisclosed.

Aquarius and Uranus are also known for bringing surprises. Expect the unexpected over the next few days, and remember – what’s good for one person may not be good for another. These next few days will bring a mixed bag of emotions. It all depends on where your self-expression (or your ego) is invested and expressed on the axis of acknowledgment…and how you choose to respond to the feedback you receive in order to find your place.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


2015 Venus Retrograde in Virgo & Leo and Uranus Retrograde in Aries – Seeing How We (and You) Are

As some of you already know, I am an avid current events junkie. As often as possible, I go online and read the news from various news sources (both mainstream and alternative) and I read both the articles and the comment sections. I am fascinated by the events themselves, and by public reaction and opinion to them.

I love to see the current astrology transits in action, and often look to what is happening in the world to better understand how the transits are playing out and what we may expect in days, months, and years to come as result. I love to witness the build-up and release of energies – to pay attention to the seemingly little things which, when considered en masse, paint a larger picture of things to come. I look to the news and comments to learn and incorporate free will into the picture. As humans are often predictable, though occasionally, we’ll surprise ourselves.

Back on 25th July, Venus began retrograde motion in Virgo. As Virgo is the sign of practical and purposeful function, in retrograde, we receive feedback from our environment about which relationships are contributing to us.

Yesterday the 28the July, Uranus began its retrograde motion in Aries. As Aries is an indicator of initiative action, individuality, and leadership, in retrograde, we receive feedback as to how the collective whole of humanity defines us and reflects its beliefs through how it responds to individual actions.

Some of us are looking at the big events and taking them at face value. Yet these retrogrades have me looking a bit deeper at these events for what else is being revealed.

A few things that are happening here in and/or involving the U.S. – Continue reading

The 2015 Aquarius New Moon-Pisces Sun Transit – We’re Still Connected…

We start with the second Aquarius New Moon of 2015 occurring at 3:47p PST – only one minute before the Moon enters Pisces at 3:48p PST & three minutes before the Sun enters Pisces at 3:50p PST!  This is a very quick shift in energy which brings more frequently-occurring synchronistic events and a better understanding of how everything and everyone is interconnected.

Things that seemed rather random and unrelated may begin to reveal their mutual bonds.  What didn’t seem to make sense before may begin to make sense.  For all we have done and continue to do to divide and separate ourselves from each other and others, we may come to realize the futility of our actions in the next few weeks.  We may come to recognize and truly understand just how tied together we really are.  Despite ourselves, we’re still connected to All-That-Is.  Everyone and everything is One, and we’re collectively becoming more conscious of it…especially now. Continue reading

2015 Ceres conjunct Pluto in Capricorn – What’s Really Important to You (When No One Else is Telling You What’s Important)?

Earlier this morning of Sunday, 15th February 2015 – at 12:17a PST to be exact – Ceres made an exact conjunction with Pluto at 14.63° Capricorn.

Pluto has been in Capricorn for a while. Since 2008 and continuing well into 2023, it’s doing its transformation thing by clearing out long-held standards for power, influence, success, and achievement which no longer serve us well.  This process has been forcing the “powers-that-be” – all of the governments, religions, educational institutions, corporations, and other similar societal establishments – that abide by and practice outdated standards to change to align with the modern world, or to die by extinction or destruction.  The influence of Pluto in Capricorn has had many of us in a state of uncertainty as the people and/or institutions we’ve always looked up to for guidance or direction are falling from the ivory towers many of us placed them upon.

Ceres is the ruler of Taurus, and represents our personal lifestyle needs and values.  It’s our ‘physical mother’, helping us know what we need materially, physically, and financially in order to feel stable, safe, & secure.
In Capricorn, Ceres indicates a very goal-oriented and results-driven lifestyle, one in which societal achievements and having tangible results to back them up are very important.  Ceres in Capricorn’s influence may have you making sure that things aren’t only getting done in your life and your environment, but that they’re getting done in alignment with your personal values.

That said, this 2015 Ceres-Pluto conjunction brings two major challenges to your attention: Continue reading

The February 2015 Lunar Fire Grand Trine – Sparking the ‘The New Success Movement’

Who knew that sorting through new marketing ideas for Life By Soul would bring me the inspiration for this Signs and Numbers post about this February 2015 Lunar Fire Grand Trine, which occurs mid-day today, Friday 13th February 2015.

I admit – in my search to further develop Life By Soul’s brand, I’ve been a bit frustrated.  It seems that there’s all these “new” tools and methods for promoting one’s business, yet most of them fail to resonate with me.  They all seem money-driven, which on one hand is fine.  After all, most of us need to make money to have the resources to sustain ourselves in the way this world currently operates.  Yet on the other hand, for all the nobility and good intentions of “sharing what worked for me with the world”, the way some of these tools and methods are presented and made available also seem to covertly (or not-so-covertly) take advantage of people eager to…well, follow the leader(s).

This fascinates me as much as frustrates me because it reveals to me an unnerving truth about our world today.  It’s amazing how as a collective society, it seems most of us have grown so accustomed to looking to or depending on others to tell us what success is and/or how to be successful in the world that we’ve forgotten how to look to and within ourselves for inspiration.  The people we look to as our heroes and gurus are often the inventors and entrepreneurs who found a way to “make it work” for themselves.  They’ve had the courage to come up with something no one else was willing to develop and nurture into reality.  They took (and continue to take) the actions no one else is willing to take.  Our heroes and gurus are the pioneers, the innovators, and the originators. Continue reading

The 2015 Leo Full Moon – Don’t Hold Back!

The 2015 Leo Full Moon occurs today, Tuesday, 3rd February 2015, and is at its fullest exactly opposite the Aquarius Sun at 3:09p PST.

I refer to the Leo-Aquarius axis of the Zodiac wheel as the “axis of acknowledgment” as Aquarius and Leo are opposite signs.  On the Leo end, you may notice that you want to be acknowledged for who you are as an individual and for your own unique self-expression.  On the Aquarius end, you may notice that you want to be acknowledged for being a part of a greater collaborative effort and/or for what you uniquely bring to a collective effort (groups, teams, communities, and such).

Generally speaking, the Leo Full Moon reflects the light of the Aquarius Sun.  Being part of a group or community is important, but the Leo Full Moon helps remind you of your individuality and your unique contribution to the greater whole.  It’s not all about you only for your own sake, but it is about you being all of who you uniquely are so you can make your most brilliant contributions to the lives of others – contributions that only you can make. Continue reading

A Powerful Trio: The Cardinal T-Square, The Boomerang, & the Golden Rectangle of 14th January 2015

There are three major astrological configurations that are at their most exact tomorrow, Wednesday 14th February 2015 – a Nodal Cardinal T-Square, a Boomerang, and a Golden Rectangle.  These configurations literally converge to make for a potentially challenging, impactful, and rewarding day and week.

What’s great about these three configurations all hitting their peak at approximately the same time is that there will be a great deal of clarity that emerges from the events of the week if not the day.  Agendas will be revealed, actions will return results, and answers to questions will emerge.

The 14th January 2015 will not be a day to take lightly.  This isn’t to say that it will be a “bad” day – it may have some significant positive effect in the long run.  Yet, it has the potential to transform matters in a very powerful way.   In fact, having a day like this so early in the new calendar year may prove to be a profound day that may set the tone for many months if not many years to come.

Let’s review each of these configurations one at a time to understand their possible effects on each and all of us. Continue reading

2014-2015 Mars in Aquarius – It’s Time to Do Things Differently

It’s time to do things differently…

…Or at least that’s what Mars has to say about it as it moved into the sign of Aquarius at 3:57p PST on Thursday, 4th December 2014.

Aquarius is the eccentric of the Zodiac.  Even though it is often associated with communities, collectives, teams, and humanity-at-large, it also represents the individual who brings something unique to those collectives.  If everyone was trying to be the same, nothing would get done.  That’s why Aquarius and its ruling planet, Uranus, are so important – they make sure we are each and all held accountable for being our unique and individual selves as we also take our places within the whole of human kind.

Humans tend to be strangely predictable en masse, yet equally unpredictable as individuals.  It’s difficult for people to go rogue.  As humans, we are often conscious if not super-conscious of what others may think of us, how we may or may not fit into our communities, and can we survive on our own if we leave the rest of the pack because we can’t find a way to fit in or belong.

NOTE: If you feel like you don’t belong, it may be because you haven’t found your tribe because you haven’t been being your True self fully in order to find it.

Mars in Aquarius practically ensures that this is a time for taking action to assert your unique expression of individuality, yet to assert it in a way that reveals your unique contributions to others.

In order to find out where you truly belong and in order to feel like you truly belong there, you need to be your True self – strange, odd, bizarre, etc.  – in ALL ways!  You need to let your freak flag fly!  This is the only way you’re going to find other “freaks” that will appreciate who you are and what you have to bring to the table of humanity.  With Mars in Aquarius, you may find yourself empowered to take actions to assert your individuality to the benefit or detriment of the collective whole.  Often, these acts can be rather unexpected or unconventional – there’s likely to be something unique and/or surprising about them – something that bring a new perspective to the matters-at-hand.  You may be the one taking the steps OR you may be on the receiving end of them.  Either way, you may not look at yourself or others around you the same way again.

It’s interesting that this time around, Mars, the ruler of Aries, is in Aquarius while Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is currently traveling retrograde in Aries.  This places these planets into an astrological phenomenon called mutual reception where the energies of these two planets will actually be increased due to the fact that they are in each other’s signs.  This strengthens the initiative of individuals to make themselves known to as many people as possible and to do so through assertive if not aggressive actions.  Any social and/or cultural revolutions that have been bubbling yet haven’t surfaced before now have a much-heightened likelihood of coming up during this 2014-2015 Mars in Aquarius period.

We can already see the signs of these changes bubbling to the surface in the events of the last few days and weeks – physical and verbal protests challenging systems, processes, institutions, etc.  The way things have been are no longer serving the ways things are now, and people are speaking up and acting out for change.

Aquarius is also a sign that represents technology, innovation, and mass communication.  Mars in Aquarius could also indicate that mass media and social media could play huge roles in how individuals and groups take actions to make themselves and their unique, unconventional, rebellious, revolutionary, enlightening, and/or inspiring messages known to others.  You can already see it in the ways many people and groups have organized themselves for these protests using the media technology available to them.

Mars will be in the sign of Aquarius from 4th December 2014 through 12th January 2015.  Uranus will be in Aries throughout Mars’ entire run.

It’s time to expect some long-expected “unexpected” events.  It’s time to do things differently.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
