2016 Leo Full Moon – Your Brilliance, Supported and Encouraged

abstract-blue-starburst-background_My1gF05u - graphicstockThe sign of Leo often gets a bad rap for being the “attention seeker” of the Zodiac. What people often don’t understand is that it’s not necessarily attention that Leo seeks, but rather acknowledgment. Leo wants to know that who it is and what it creates can be seen by others. It wants its creative abilities and its presence to be recognized. It wants to be known as a unique individual.

Leo shares what I call “the axis of acknowledgment” with Aquarius. Aquarius also wants to be acknowledged…but as a contributor to a greater whole. It wants to be acknowledged as part of a collaborative effort rather than being individually recognized for its solo contributions. Aquarius wants to be part of a group which stands out, not necessarily to individually stand out from the group.

The Aquarian paradox is that though it wants to be part of a greater whole, it doesn’t necessarily want to blend in with its peers or colleagues. What makes the collaborative inclination of Aquarius amazing is its determination to formulate a sum of extraordinary parts – it draws in eccentrics and eclectics who are willing to contribute their unique talents and abilities to the creation of something none of them could create alone and greater than anything they could produce individually. The success of the group depends on each person being their most unique and individual selves.

On this Saturday, 23rd January 2016, the Leo Full Moon is at its fullest phase at 5:46p PST (3.48°) and reflects the light of the Aquarius Sun. Therefore, the Leo Moon is reflecting the radiance of the Aquarian whole. Whether that whole is a team, a network, a social circle, a community, or humanity-at-large, the attention is coming from the needs and desires of the group. This 2016 Leo Full Moon is also occurring on a 6 universal day, numerologically speaking. This means that there is a focus on service and support, especially in matters of healing, health, and wellness on both the physical and emotional levels.

The brilliance of your communities, affiliations, and associations is being projected onto you, yet so are their needs and desires. As you receive their light (or darkness), it’s an opportunity for you to notice if your needs and desires are also being met and supported, especially on the emotional plane. With the light of your social and networking circles shining on you, the 2016 Leo Full Moon presents a powerful and possibly inconvenient question:

How well are your teams, networks, communities, and/or humanity serving and supporting you? Continue reading