2016 Leo Full Moon – Your Brilliance, Supported and Encouraged

abstract-blue-starburst-background_My1gF05u - graphicstockThe sign of Leo often gets a bad rap for being the “attention seeker” of the Zodiac. What people often don’t understand is that it’s not necessarily attention that Leo seeks, but rather acknowledgment. Leo wants to know that who it is and what it creates can be seen by others. It wants its creative abilities and its presence to be recognized. It wants to be known as a unique individual.

Leo shares what I call “the axis of acknowledgment” with Aquarius. Aquarius also wants to be acknowledged…but as a contributor to a greater whole. It wants to be acknowledged as part of a collaborative effort rather than being individually recognized for its solo contributions. Aquarius wants to be part of a group which stands out, not necessarily to individually stand out from the group.

The Aquarian paradox is that though it wants to be part of a greater whole, it doesn’t necessarily want to blend in with its peers or colleagues. What makes the collaborative inclination of Aquarius amazing is its determination to formulate a sum of extraordinary parts – it draws in eccentrics and eclectics who are willing to contribute their unique talents and abilities to the creation of something none of them could create alone and greater than anything they could produce individually. The success of the group depends on each person being their most unique and individual selves.

On this Saturday, 23rd January 2016, the Leo Full Moon is at its fullest phase at 5:46p PST (3.48°) and reflects the light of the Aquarius Sun. Therefore, the Leo Moon is reflecting the radiance of the Aquarian whole. Whether that whole is a team, a network, a social circle, a community, or humanity-at-large, the attention is coming from the needs and desires of the group. This 2016 Leo Full Moon is also occurring on a 6 universal day, numerologically speaking. This means that there is a focus on service and support, especially in matters of healing, health, and wellness on both the physical and emotional levels.

The brilliance of your communities, affiliations, and associations is being projected onto you, yet so are their needs and desires. As you receive their light (or darkness), it’s an opportunity for you to notice if your needs and desires are also being met and supported, especially on the emotional plane. With the light of your social and networking circles shining on you, the 2016 Leo Full Moon presents a powerful and possibly inconvenient question:

How well are your teams, networks, communities, and/or humanity serving and supporting you? Continue reading

A Very Quick Catch-Up Post to Recap A Very Busy Friday – 30th January 2015

It was a very astrologically busy early day, Friday 30th January 2015…and I missed getting ahead of it, probably because I’m in the thick of it myself.  Anyway, let’s take a look at the energies of today’s astrological transits and how they may have affected our day and our collective and individual life journeys.

To start, Pisces Venus squared Sagittarius Saturn earlier at 12:23a PST. Saturn in Sagittarius is a complicated energy because the planet of focus, discipline, boundaries, and responsibility is in the sign of adventure, growth, and expansion.  This combination often reflects responsible and focused growth that is mature and disciplined.  Through Saturn’s square with Venus in Pisces arises a need to set boundaries.  It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of inspired imagination or fantastic delusion in your one-on-one relationships through Venus in Pisces.  Yet Saturn in Sagittarius brings up a need for clearly-defined and strongly-enforced boundaries when it comes to moving freely and forward in relationships, however ideal they may seem in some ways. Continue reading

2014 Full Moon in Leo – Be Your Own Valentine


2014 - photo by Michelle Miller
2014 – photo by Michelle Miller


This 2014 Full Moon in Leo on Friday, 14th February (a.k.a. – Saint Valentine’s Day) brings you into a space of emotional awareness and wellness as you have an opportunity to look at how you are fulfilling your role(s) in collaboration with others.  However, this is not about how well you are performing for others – this is about how well you are loving and honoring yourself in the process of fulfilling your community role.

In the Light of the Aquarius Sun which draws your attention to your unique contribution to your communities and being part of something bigger than yourself, you may find yourself met with a question:

As you strive to love and belong with others, how much and how well do you love and feel true to yourself as you do? Continue reading

Full Moon in Leo – Your Spotlight (or Light Bulb) Moment

With the Sun having moved into Aquarius about one week ago, and with Mercury and Mars both in the sign, there’s a good chance that you’ve been thinking a good deal about who you are and what your role is in service to humanity…or at least that you’ve been thinking about why you’re here on this earth in this life and what purpose are you here to serve.  And there’s an equally good chance that you’ve been taking actions in alignment with what you’ve discovered, or that your actions have been focused on getting answers to figure out who you are here to be.

With the Full Moon in Leo exact at 8:38p PST tonight, the next 24-48 hours are a likely time that your Light (your inner Truth) is revealed in some way.  It may be time for you to experience an epiphany around your life’s purpose and direction and the role you are here to serve.

That epiphany won’t necessarily occur as a big, flashy, center-stage spotlight moment.  It might be, but it’s more likely to be a smaller ‘light bulb moment’ that comes up while you are in the midst of something involving groups or organizations of some sort.  Someone may say something to you about how they’ve seen you, or what they see you doing with your unique skills and talents.  They may suggest a new direction – something that you’ve never really thought of doing.  They may also suggest a return to something that you used to do, or a re-purposing of those talents and skills in a new way.  However it comes forth, it will likely come forth through the inspiration of someone else involved in the group or the organization.

I had that moment yesterday afternoon.  A friend of mine from one of the metaphysics communities I participate in did a reading for me.  As readers, most of us are very good at doing readings for others, but not so much for ourselves.  After all, even we are human – we don’t always see our own “stuff”, and so it helps to have another set of “eyes” look at our lives.  She was set of eyes for me yesterday.

During my reading, she asked me if I was involved in any creative and/or performing arts activities, like singing, dancing, acting, fine arts, etc.  I told her that I had done quite a bit of performing and choreographing when I was younger (at times throughout my childhood and through my 20’s), but it was mostly recreational and I didn’t consider it my professional career.  I also told her that I have more of a visual arts (photography) hobby now.  In her reading for me, she affirmed that the performing and visual arts were a natural fit for me, and a career focus I may want to reconsider now in my adult life.

Since that conversation, I’ve been thinking about ways I can reincorporate my performance and visual artistry back into my professional life, or at least how can I use those skills, talents, and abilities to enhance the direction I have chosen now.  But what happened during that reading was a bit more profound for me than just a suggestion.

As she shared that information with me, her vocal tone changed.  I recognized that after the last 15 months of knowing me through our group, my friend saw all of who I am and what I am capable of for the first time…and in her own way (and as any excellent metaphysics professional will do), she was calling me out for not shining my Light fully.  She had caught me hiding.

In that moment, I realized that I had indeed been hiding out, and my hiding away my talents and abilities is the main reason I have been feeling so frustrated and disappointed in my career and professional endeavors over the last 10 years or so – I wasn’t creating or channeling art anymore.  My metaphysics career is a step in the right direction as I am helping others uncover their unique creative power, yet there is so much more I can do with this direction I have chosen and am traveling now.

I share that bit of my journey with you because wherever you are in your own life’s journey right now, I want you to know that during this Full Moon in Leo, you may find your hidden or forgotten Light…or it may be revealed at this time, whether you want it to be or not.  Even if you are already living your Light now, you may find that someone around you will affirm your radiance for you during this time.

This is because during the Full Moon in Leo, the Aquarius Sun is shining its Light onto you.  Like the Sun shines onto the Moon fully and the Moon reflects it’s the Sun’s Light, other people may act as spotlights on what each of us has to contribute to the greater whole of humanity, bringing our attention our individual uniqueness and our special roles in “the big picture”.

Keep in mind – your one-of-a-kind expression of Light won’t necessarily be in the visual or performing arts, nor does it even have to be artistic.  Your Light is found in whatever role or activity you feel your best, strongest, and brightest being and doing.  It is where you feel best being whoever you are while doing whatever it is you do.  You feel joy and ease while in that/those role(s).  You feel alive.  You feel like yourself, not someone going through the motions or pretending to be doing something.  And in doing what you do, you are likely creating something that assists or serves others in inspirational ways.

So during this 2013 Full Moon in Leo phase, may the next couple of days be full of illumination and inspiration for you and those around you.  Wishing you all wonderful ‘light bulb moments’…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Full Moon in Leo – YOUR Light Coming to Light

The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Leo on Tuesday, February 7th at 1:54p PST.

If things sought after or inquired about haven’t fully come to Light before now, they are likely to come into your full awareness around this time.  The answers to your questions are coming.

Now when I say “things” and “answers”, it’s likely to be details and answers about who you are for others around you and where you fit within your group associations, teams, colleagues, etc.  What is coming to Light is YOUR LIGHT – the revelation and acknowledgement of your unique individual contribution to the greater whole.

Now this may not be a MAJOR event. It could be a little something, like…

  • A co-worker stating how much you make a difference for them in your workplace
  • A family member making a comment about how you are the glue that holds your family together
  • A fellow member of your rec team mentioning how you are such a positive and motivating force for the team
  • A promotion in your current workplace or maybe even being given an award of some sort in your workplace

And keep in mind – it doesn’t have to be a big event to have a big impact on your perception of yourself and to encourage you to shine and share your Light more fully with the rest of humanity.  It just has to make you aware of how important you and your life purpose is.

Though the Full Moon is in the sign of Leo, the Sun (the Light illuminating the Full Moon) is currently in Aquarius…and Aquarius is always full of surprises.  Of course, if you’ve been paying attention over the last couple of weeks, chances are you’ve been given some signs – some small bits of information along on the road to this Full Moon.   If anything ‘big’ is going to happen or be revealed in the next few days, you probably have a sense of what it may be already.  It probably won’t come as a total surprise unless you’ve been in major denial about what the little things coming to Light so far have been trying to tell you.

However it comes forth – big or small – it will be significant moving forward from here. The information that comes forth is important in helping you distinguish who you are being and who you are becoming for yourself and others.  It is helping you to define and develop your life purpose and your role in this lifetime.

Embrace all that is revealed to you through this Full Moon in Leo.  Be open to discovering how you shine for people.  Be proud of who you are for people.  And if you find that you aren’t proud of who you are, use what is revealed to you in this period to give you clarity and guidance about what you can transform about yourself and your life.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~Light, Love and Blessings,


All We Need Is…

The idealistic notion of Valentine’s Day is turned on its side a bit this year. There’s likely to be a very romantic energy this week, with the Aquarius Sun gradually moving into a conjunction aspect with Neptune also in Aquarius (within 3° orb on Monday, exact on Thursday at 1:58a) – romantic idealism is definitely in the air. However, both the Sun and Neptune joining forces in the sign of Aquarius means this isn’t so much about one-on-one romance. In fact, now, more than ever, this is about the idealism and romanticism of the human condition and our idealistic notions of society and humanity at large. Now that much of the political combustion of the last few weeks is beginning to reveal its progress and effects, the revolutionary ideals that sparked the flames now have space to be implemented. The question becomes…exactly how do we go about bringing these ideals into reality? There maybe even a bit “why the heck did we do all of this in the first place?”. These questions may be the major presence in our thoughts this week as we begin to distinguish the after effects of what has been happening over these last few months, especially in the emotional and political renewal of the last couple of weeks.

The Full Moon in Leo brings up questions on a personal level as well. The Full Moon is always reflecting the light of the Sun, making it a mirror of the sign energy of the Sun. In this case, the Leo Full Moon is reflecting the light of the Aquarius Sun. Leo energy on its own merit is always about your radiating your light for others to see, but when it is reflecting Aquarius energy, the questions are rooted in what the motivation or reason is for radiating your light:

  • Are you being yourself, or are you being who you think you need to be to have others like or love you?
  • Are you trying to look good for others?
  • Are you really shining your light for your personal fulfillment and everyone’s benefit, or are you shining it to fill your own emotional need for attention and acknowledgment and for your own ego-based satisfaction?

Let me clarify. It is not my intention to say that wanting attention or acknowledgment is a bad or wrong thing to want. I am saying that most of us have a tendency to present ourselves as wanting something for everyone, when we really want it for ourselves. When the Aquarius-Leo axis is at its worst, we are demanding attention and acknowledgment from others and willing to do whatever it takes to get it or we are refusing to shine our light claiming to be doing what is best for everyone else involved (or maybe even thinking we are avoiding getting everyone else involved by repressing our light) – it is ego-driven.

However, when the Aquarius-Leo axis is at its best, each person recognizes their unique contribution to humanity and shines their light to share it with others. In doing so, each person recognizes and is recognized for their one-of-a-kind contribution to the greater whole – it is love-driven, selfless while allowing also the self to be expressed. The acknowledgment is symbiotic and essentially so – each person acknowledges that they have something to offer to humanity and in offering it they acknowledge humanity. In turn, having that expression being received and implemented by the whole of humanity acknowledges and encourages that person’s contribution to it. In this Aquarius-Leo polarity, we each and all have an opportunity to look at what we’re really up to in shining and sharing our light, both individually and collectively to increase our awareness of what we are capable of being in and for the world.

Speaking collectively, as we project those personal questions onto the greater whole of humanity…are we now setting up our new world order to be who we really are, or to be who we think we ought to be at this stage in humanity’s evolution? What is our collective motivation – are we doing what we are doing for the greater good of all, or for the benefit of who we want others to see us to be?

Herein lies the irony of Valentine’s Day. We have this day that we have made about the expression of the ideal of love and romance through gifts and physical affection. Yet if we look at the astrology of it, its timing in the sign of Aquarius each year advances the Sun’s entrance into the epitome of romantic idealism – the sign of Pisces – the following week, initiating our transition into a larger inquiry of what true love really is. And as we choose to place our focus and energy on tangible and physical expressions of  love tomorrow, as the week continues we may find ourselves asking…

…exactly what is love, anyway?

 Just a (not so) little something to think about. Until next week…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


We’ve Only Just Begun

The New Moon in Aquarius didn’t only bring forth new perspectives and changes on personal levels – it brought a great deal of new and true to the emotional awareness and responses of the world at large.

The Lunar New Year brings forth emotional renewal, as the Moon represents the emotional center of all matters, let alone one’s individual astrology chart and being. In the wake of its occurance each year in the Western Astrology sign of Aquarius, the Lunar New Year is practically a barometer of the emotional wellness of our world and our collective society. At the point of the New Moon in Aquarius on Wednesday, February 2nd @ 6:31p PST, the Sun and Moon were both moving into conjunction with Mars in Aquarius, making note that taking action (and assertive and/or aggressive action at that) will be a major theme over the next 3-4 weeks. And the events of the world will likely be the results of people and groups of people who seem to be acting on collective logic, yet who are really acting on their emotional truths beneath that “logic”.

On a global scale, we see this occurring in the events in Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, and Jordan, as these countries are re-aligning their governments through rebellion, referendum, revolution, and reign – it’s no accident that all of this is happening in Northern and Central Africa and in the Middle East – in the lands where “civilization began” (and possibly humanity itself). It seems the shift of world consciousness is (also) beginning here, and it’s starting straight from ‘the heart’ – from the emotional investment people in these regions have in transforming the way their lives and cultures occur.

I mentioned last week how many people feel powerless in their ability to live into their inner truths because they are waiting for others to tell them what those truths are (a.k.a. – waiting for others to do the work for them), or they are waiting for others to validate their perspectives. What is happening in the world right now is the result of what happens when people find other people who share the same perspectives and/or who have a similar inner truth. When we can find others who share our inner clarity and our passion to pursue it, there is strength and power in numbers…especially when that strength and power is emotionally charged.

This is why it is so important for each of us to tap into what is really true for our individual selves from the inside out. Once we are clear for ourselves about what is important to us, we can find others (individuals, acquaintances, associations, etc.) who are in alignment with who we are committed to becoming and/or what we are committed to bringing forth in the community (if not, the world) around us. Ultimately, we must be interdependent to survive. Even if we find ourselves looking to the natural resources around us to support us in our sustenance rather than other human beings, we cannot do it alone, and we are not meant to – we are symbiotic beings, and whether we like it or not, we depend on living entities other than ourselves to have our lives be fruitful and fulfilling.

Moon is in Pisces, conjunct with Uranus in the same sign later today, may have emotional reactions occur rather unexpectedly and unpredictably on the large scale (as well as on a personal level). We must understand that at this point, we are now all collectively attuning to the emotional energies behind these shifts, and that actions rooted in these emotions are likely about to surface, for better and worse. There is plenty more to come out of what is happening in Africa…and it will spread out of Africa to the rest of the world in ways appropriate to the regions awakened by the expansion of this energy of rebellion and revolution.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is only the beginning.

Until next week…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
