We’ve Only Just Begun

The New Moon in Aquarius didn’t only bring forth new perspectives and changes on personal levels – it brought a great deal of new and true to the emotional awareness and responses of the world at large.

The Lunar New Year brings forth emotional renewal, as the Moon represents the emotional center of all matters, let alone one’s individual astrology chart and being. In the wake of its occurance each year in the Western Astrology sign of Aquarius, the Lunar New Year is practically a barometer of the emotional wellness of our world and our collective society. At the point of the New Moon in Aquarius on Wednesday, February 2nd @ 6:31p PST, the Sun and Moon were both moving into conjunction with Mars in Aquarius, making note that taking action (and assertive and/or aggressive action at that) will be a major theme over the next 3-4 weeks. And the events of the world will likely be the results of people and groups of people who seem to be acting on collective logic, yet who are really acting on their emotional truths beneath that “logic”.

On a global scale, we see this occurring in the events in Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, and Jordan, as these countries are re-aligning their governments through rebellion, referendum, revolution, and reign – it’s no accident that all of this is happening in Northern and Central Africa and in the Middle East – in the lands where “civilization began” (and possibly humanity itself). It seems the shift of world consciousness is (also) beginning here, and it’s starting straight from ‘the heart’ – from the emotional investment people in these regions have in transforming the way their lives and cultures occur.

I mentioned last week how many people feel powerless in their ability to live into their inner truths because they are waiting for others to tell them what those truths are (a.k.a. – waiting for others to do the work for them), or they are waiting for others to validate their perspectives. What is happening in the world right now is the result of what happens when people find other people who share the same perspectives and/or who have a similar inner truth. When we can find others who share our inner clarity and our passion to pursue it, there is strength and power in numbers…especially when that strength and power is emotionally charged.

This is why it is so important for each of us to tap into what is really true for our individual selves from the inside out. Once we are clear for ourselves about what is important to us, we can find others (individuals, acquaintances, associations, etc.) who are in alignment with who we are committed to becoming and/or what we are committed to bringing forth in the community (if not, the world) around us. Ultimately, we must be interdependent to survive. Even if we find ourselves looking to the natural resources around us to support us in our sustenance rather than other human beings, we cannot do it alone, and we are not meant to – we are symbiotic beings, and whether we like it or not, we depend on living entities other than ourselves to have our lives be fruitful and fulfilling.

Moon is in Pisces, conjunct with Uranus in the same sign later today, may have emotional reactions occur rather unexpectedly and unpredictably on the large scale (as well as on a personal level). We must understand that at this point, we are now all collectively attuning to the emotional energies behind these shifts, and that actions rooted in these emotions are likely about to surface, for better and worse. There is plenty more to come out of what is happening in Africa…and it will spread out of Africa to the rest of the world in ways appropriate to the regions awakened by the expansion of this energy of rebellion and revolution.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is only the beginning.

Until next week…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
