New Moon in Aquarius and the Lunar New Year – True Communities

The New Moon in Aquarius (as of 11:21p PST on February 9th) annually brings the beginning of the Lunar New Year – the first of 13 lunar cycles begins today.  It is interesting that the beginning of the Lunar New Year happens during Western Astrology’s Aquarius cycle – it speaks to our cultural differences while also speaking to our common humanity and our connection to All-That-Is.

The fact is, everything in the natural world is cyclical.  Cycles are what makes the world go round.  Everyday the sun goes up in the east and sets in the west.  Every year, there is spring giving way to summer then autumn then winter, back into spring.  Every year, the Moon makes its way around the Sun 13 times.  These are experiences we all share.

Yet as important as it may be to acknowledge our commonalities, our difference are crucial to making the humanity and the world work.  And each of us has a very specific role within it – we each have a place we belong in the big picture.

It’s rather profound that during this 2013 New Moon in Aquarius, all of the “inner planetary bodies” are either in Aquarius or Pisces, and that three of the six popular outer influences are in water signs.  There is a lot of emotional and spiritual awakening and awareness occurring right now, and in that process we are awakening to what connects us all together in the Universe, in the world, in our human experience, in our cultural experiences, in our social experiences, and most of all, our individual experiences.  In the face of becoming more aware of our connections to others and our environments, we are also being called upon to recognize what we each individually get to bring to the rest of the collective whole.

There is no one else like you, and that is never more welcome than during the Aquarius Sun period and during the New Moon in Aquarius.  The Aquarius New Moon and the Lunar New Year give each of us the opportunity to emotionally awaken to how we can make a difference in the lives of others by being exactly who we are, fully expressed.  Many times, we hesitate to express ourselves fully because we fear the rejection or humiliation of others.  Yet the only way we ever find where we truly belong in the world – the only way we ever really know who will know us and accept us for who we really are is to put ourselves out there into the world and let everyone see us completely.  Through our most full self-expression, we find our True communities.  We find where we belong in others’ lives, and we find who belongs in our lives.  The people we surround ourselves with reflect our Light back onto ourselves.

The New Moon arrives on a numerological 9 day for most of us (10.February.2013 = 1+2+6 = 9).  The 9 energy is important, as it signifies an energy of completion.  Many of us may experience the completion of our associations or participations with certain groups or communities as we step into our fullest self-expression and therefore, our fullest self-awareness.

You may realize that your Light is not shining as brightly as it could be in a group you are part of, or that others may feel you aren’t contributing as much as you could to the benefit of the group.  Or maybe your Light shines too brightly and you need to be among others who shine as brightly or more brightly than you do, or maybe you need to step back a level to learn or experience more at an intermediary step before you can be at the level you are trying to belong to now.

Whatever the case may be, New Moon in Aquarius is now a wonderful time to get in touch with where you stand in your communities and associations, and to bring some affiliations to an end so that new ones can begin.

Thank you for reading and sharing!  Happy Lunar New Year!

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


We’ve Only Just Begun

The New Moon in Aquarius didn’t only bring forth new perspectives and changes on personal levels – it brought a great deal of new and true to the emotional awareness and responses of the world at large.

The Lunar New Year brings forth emotional renewal, as the Moon represents the emotional center of all matters, let alone one’s individual astrology chart and being. In the wake of its occurance each year in the Western Astrology sign of Aquarius, the Lunar New Year is practically a barometer of the emotional wellness of our world and our collective society. At the point of the New Moon in Aquarius on Wednesday, February 2nd @ 6:31p PST, the Sun and Moon were both moving into conjunction with Mars in Aquarius, making note that taking action (and assertive and/or aggressive action at that) will be a major theme over the next 3-4 weeks. And the events of the world will likely be the results of people and groups of people who seem to be acting on collective logic, yet who are really acting on their emotional truths beneath that “logic”.

On a global scale, we see this occurring in the events in Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, and Jordan, as these countries are re-aligning their governments through rebellion, referendum, revolution, and reign – it’s no accident that all of this is happening in Northern and Central Africa and in the Middle East – in the lands where “civilization began” (and possibly humanity itself). It seems the shift of world consciousness is (also) beginning here, and it’s starting straight from ‘the heart’ – from the emotional investment people in these regions have in transforming the way their lives and cultures occur.

I mentioned last week how many people feel powerless in their ability to live into their inner truths because they are waiting for others to tell them what those truths are (a.k.a. – waiting for others to do the work for them), or they are waiting for others to validate their perspectives. What is happening in the world right now is the result of what happens when people find other people who share the same perspectives and/or who have a similar inner truth. When we can find others who share our inner clarity and our passion to pursue it, there is strength and power in numbers…especially when that strength and power is emotionally charged.

This is why it is so important for each of us to tap into what is really true for our individual selves from the inside out. Once we are clear for ourselves about what is important to us, we can find others (individuals, acquaintances, associations, etc.) who are in alignment with who we are committed to becoming and/or what we are committed to bringing forth in the community (if not, the world) around us. Ultimately, we must be interdependent to survive. Even if we find ourselves looking to the natural resources around us to support us in our sustenance rather than other human beings, we cannot do it alone, and we are not meant to – we are symbiotic beings, and whether we like it or not, we depend on living entities other than ourselves to have our lives be fruitful and fulfilling.

Moon is in Pisces, conjunct with Uranus in the same sign later today, may have emotional reactions occur rather unexpectedly and unpredictably on the large scale (as well as on a personal level). We must understand that at this point, we are now all collectively attuning to the emotional energies behind these shifts, and that actions rooted in these emotions are likely about to surface, for better and worse. There is plenty more to come out of what is happening in Africa…and it will spread out of Africa to the rest of the world in ways appropriate to the regions awakened by the expansion of this energy of rebellion and revolution.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is only the beginning.

Until next week…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Alignment from Within

New Moon in Aquarius this week (Wednesday, February 2nd @ 6:31p PST – also marking the Lunar/Chinese New Year) brings forth the beginning of new associations and affiliations and/or new perspectives of the ones we’ve had. This new moon day is also an universal ‘8’ day, so these new and shifting relationships are likely to hold powerful potential for contribution to the manifestation of our true goals and ambitions.

Many of us have been experiencing a strange tension in the last 2-3 weeks – an anxious energy that seems to be present underneath everything going on and seems to be building toward some sort of epiphany. It’s like we’ve been gradually awakening to the truths within ourselves, and as part of the process, we are being confronted with questions about how our actions and associations reflect (or don’t reflect) those truths. With the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius bringing us into hyper-awareness of our places in the world, Mercury currently in Capricorn keeping our minds on our goals and intentions, and Venus still in Sagittarius keeping us conscious of truth in our hearts, we may experience some interesting moments of clarity this week regarding what we are really up to and if our associations are actually supporting or detracting from those objectives. These questions will likely continue for about another month or so, asking us to look at ourselves and our lives to recognize how we can best claim our collective and individual-personal powers and live into our inner truths. During this time, we will either find ourselves either accepting or resisting the answers that ring true in our hearts.

Many people feel powerless in their ability to live into their inner truths because they are waiting for others to tell them what those truths are (a.k.a. – waiting for others to do the work for them), or they are waiting for others to validate them (as if that will make them really true). There is no real ownership of those truths because they are not coming from within, and therefore, there is no value or worth to the good that may come from them because there is no true alignment with them. Those people resist the good that comes to them in their lives because deep down, they know the rewards don’t belong to them – they didn’t do the work for it. However, if and when they are willing to face their inner truths, and once they choose to do the work themselves to honor and express those truths, that is when they can genuinely embrace the love, power, and prosperity that comes into their lives. That is when they can experience the power of love which comes through both giving and sharing their inner truths with others and receiving from others as those others share their inner truths.

It all comes down to is this: establishing alignment from within. In this universal ‘4’ year of setting up a solid foundation for what we are creating our world to be, it is very important to make sure that everything we are putting into place in our lives empowers and supports us in what we are committed to building. It is also important that we are choosing to associate with people and be involved in activities which further our progress and development and truly support us in building our structures for success in what is important to us. A major part of this process is recognizing who and what contributes to your capacity to be and do what you say you are committed to being and doing.

I invite you to ask yourself these questions this week:

  • Are you doing (or starting to do) what you said you would be doing, or are you just talking about it and not actually getting anything done?
  • Are the people around you holding you accountable for what you said you would do (and are you allowing them the space to do that), or are they letting you off the hook for not doing anything to get it done?
  • Are you depending on others to hold you accountable to get done what you said you’d get done, or are you holding yourself accountable and getting it done because it’s truly important to you?
  • Are the activities you are participating in moving you closer or taking you away from doing what you said you would do?
  • And most important, is what you say you are doing and is what you are doing really what you want to be doing – does it ring true for you? (And if not, then why are you doing it?)

Consider your answers to these questions, and from your answers, consider that a shift in alignment may be due for you. If you aren’t already doing so, I ask you to engage in this inquiry this week and see what happens when you begin to do what you say you want to and will do. Enjoy the adventure of the process! I’d love to hear what you find! Please comment or send me messages to let me know.

Until next week…

~ Light, Love, and blessings,


Admin note: Special thanks to my friends Lisa (for the hought-provoking conversation) and and Nathaniel (for your thoughtful FB post) that got me thinking and contributed to the writing of this post today. I love you both!