Catching Up #3 – 2014’s Last & 2015’s First Cardinal T-Square – The Nodal Axis, Uranus, and Pluto

This is the third of four blog posts to cover recent astrological and numerological events and get us all caught up.  Let’s take a look at our latest t-square configuration.

We are currently experiencing a NODAL CARDINAL T-SQUARE involving North Node in Libra and Uranus conjunct South Node in Aries with Pluto in Capricorn squaring both at the point.  This T-Square is felt 23rd December through 4th February 2015, but is most strongly felt when at its most exact on Wednesday 14th January 2015.

This T-Square configuration indicates that many disciplinary, governmental, and/or corporate institutions may find themselves confronted with choosing which side of history they are going to be on – the resistant status quo or part of the evolution.  Because Pluto in Capricorn is the epitome of “change or die”, any institution that tries to maintain their existence without adapting to the modern/present day environment will likely be defeated, destroyed, or otherwise eliminated in the name of transformation and progress.  Because all of the involved parties are also involved in one or both of the other configurations of the day, this Cardinal T-Square provides the necessary tension that initiates the changes of the day. Continue reading

Catching Up #2 – 2014 Mercury and Venus in Aquarius – “Propaganda Machine” or “Hear The People Sing”?

This is the second of four blog posts to cover recent astrological and numerological events and get us all caught up.  Let’s take a look at Venus and Mercury.

Venus entered Aquarius at 6:48a PST on 3rd January 2014, bringing relationships of all kinds into a more expansive social awareness of what partnership truly is.  There is great potential for cooperation and collaboration with the intention of bringing balance, justice, and peace to the challenges at hand.  One-on-one interactions are likely to be the focal points or the playing fields for these balancing efforts.

This potential is only strengthened by the fact that Mercury entered Aquarius the following day at 5:08p PST on 4th January 2014, shifting our individual and collective consciousness from focused and disciplined mindsets to eccentricity and innovation. It also indicates that people will be seen as humans and what is best for the whole of humanity becomes the focus.

The fascinating thing about having Venus and Mercury in Aquarius is that it shifts the focus both in one-on-one relationships and in collaborative relationships where more than two people are involved.  There is a bigger sense of the collective whole of humanity. Continue reading

2014 Gemini Full Moon – Both Sides Now (Emerging Truths, Exposing Lies)

Sag Full Moon 20141206_010904_resized - GDCThe Moon enters its fullest phase in the sign of Gemini at 4:47a PST on Saturday, 6th December 2014, opposite the Sagittarius Sun at 14°.  When it does, it has plenty to say about where we are individually and collectively and where we may be going next.

Gemini is the communicator of the Zodiac.  It thrives on gathering and exchanging information, ideas, and insights.  It’s also known as the perpetual child and/or student energy of the Zodiac, and is often found asking questions or being very observant and attentive.  Gemini is also an excellent multi-tasker, and quickly processes any and all information it gathers, often picking up on little bits of information even if you think things are too busy or chaotic for anyone to notice.  To that point, Gemini will usually pick up on whatever you may be trying to hide…

…Which is why this 2014 Gemini Full Moon is so remarkable.  Opposing the Sagittarius Sun, the Moon is reflecting the Sun’s search for Truth back onto itself.  It reminds us that our external search for Truth often reflects our internal search for Truth.  When we are seeking to explain or understand what is happening within ourselves, we tend to search outside ourselves for the answers – seeking answers, inspiration, and/or guidance through experiences or through others.

Gemini is also the sign of “the twins”, which reminds us of its duplicity and duality.  There are two sides to every story; every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  The emergence of truth means that there will also be an exposure of lies.  Both will need to be faced and dealt with under the light of this 2014 Gemini Full Moon, which may help us  finally come to terms with the truth about ourselves, both collectively and individually, through external events.

During the Sagittarius New Moon and numerological 9 energy on 22nd November, there was an opportunity to move on from the outgrown and outdated to begin new adventures, especially on an emotional level.  Now under the 2014 Gemini Full Moon and the numerological 1 energy of December 2014, this is a wonderful opportunity to understand what is behind your desired course shift and to bring a new intellectual component to your human experience adventure.  For you as an individual, you are in a position to understand why you are becoming who you are becoming in your life if have chosen to shift course into uncharted territory.  And for those of you who are doing your best to stick with the status quo, you may gain some great insight into why you are choosing to remain the same.

Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, is within 3° conjunction orb of the Sagittarius Sun (at 12° Sagittarius), and is therefore opposite its sign of rulership and the Full Moon.  This is an indicator that there will be plenty of information coming to Light in ways that are big, bold, and blunt.  Truths will be revealed in ways that cannot be hidden or denied.  This will include truths revealed to ourselves by ourselves.  Our own behaviors and beliefs will help us awaken to who we are truly being in our lives, giving us an opportunity to know ourselves in ways we may never have seen ourselves before now.

We get to face the truths and lies about ourselves and our lives in ways that we haven’t been able to before now.  There are experiential, emotional, and intellectual comprehensions that get to come into focus at this time and may change the course of humanity permanently in doing so.  This may very well be a tipping point where we begin to awaken to what we have become up to this point, and where we get to decide where and how we are going from here.

We see this as we are currently experiencing a global increase in awareness of racial, religious, sexual, and cultural prejudices and the detrimental behaviors that result from them is having many of us reassessing both our thoughts, beliefs, and the credibility of our information sources.   The questions abound:

  • Who can we trust?
  • Is what they are saying actually and factually true?
  • Do they really believe what they are saying?
  • Do we really believe what they are saying?
  • Are we believing and saying what is really true for ourselves?

There are so many things coming to Light that are having us question ourselves and our lives, and this is wonderful!  This may be revealing that it is time for us to experience intellectual independence and/or an information revolution.  This 2014 Gemini Full Moon may mark the seeds of the resurrection of critical thinking as individuals begin to realize that what they are being told may not actually be real or true.

It’s time to begin distinguishing the truth from the lies for ourselves as Sagittarius’ essence is awakened in the reflection of the Sagittarius Sun’s light by this 2014 Gemini Full Moon.  We get to see both sides now.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Full Moon in Libra – Through Them, Back To You

The Moon was in its maximum full phase at 2:28a PDT earlier today, March 27th, 2013 in the sign of Libra.

Libra is the sign of partnerships and one-on-one relationships of all kinds.  It also addresses fairness, justice, and beauty.  It is an air element sign, so it usually emotionally detached in its assessments, which is why having the Full Moon in this sign is always an interesting occurrence.

With the Moon being our emotional core (in this case, on a collective level), there is a tendency to process our emotions through our minds when the Full Moon is in an air sign.  In this case, the filter of Libra may find us asking questions about all areas of our lives where interactions with others take place.  Questions such as:

Is this fair?  Is this just? Is this equal?  Is this balanced? Is this beautiful?

If the answer to any of those questions is ‘no’, then it is likely our emotions will be heavily invested in our efforts to “right the wrongs” that we perceive.

Full Moons are always reflecting the light of the Sun. So of course, when the Full Moon is in Libra, that means the Sun is in AriesAries Sun means that the Light or the central focus is on the self.  Aries is an initiative energy, a starting energy, leading the charge.  It is also often “all about me” or “me first”.

This isn’t to say that all Aries Sun people are selfish or self-centered.  It is to say that during an Aries Sun cycle, we all tend to look more closely at ourselves and to assess if we are getting what we individually want or need in our lives.  During the Full Moon in Libra, that look is often focused on who we ourselves are being in our one-on-one relationships and partnerships of all kinds.

This Full Moon is only enhanced by the fact that the planet that rules Libra, Venus in Aries right now.  This brings us into a dual-purpose process of assessing who we are in our relationships and assessing how our relationships serve our individual needs and wants.

Though similar, the notable difference between Venus in Aries and this Full Moon in Libra is that under Venus in Aries alone, we are looking at “what’s in it for us”.  But while Venus is awakening us to how the partnership serves us, the Full Moon brings our attention to “what’s in me for them?” or “who am I for them?”  Under Full Moon in Libra, we could learn a great deal about ourselves through how we are reflected back on ourselves through our partnerships, and possibly even through our partners themselves.

We get to see who we are being in our partnerships and for our partners, and in doing so, we awaken to previously unrevealed truths about ourselves that help us better understand our roles in our one-on-one relationships.

It is at times like these when we realize that maybe that imbalance or injustice in the relationship has a lot to do with who we ourselves are being, and when we realize that the righting of the wrongs may lie in our own hands.  This Full Moon in Libra, more than any other Full Moon, is a wonderful reminder that there are two sides to every story, so you may also recognize that there may be two sides to you in your relationships. Ask yourself:

  • If I present myself in two different ways in and/or outside of my relationship(s), why?
  • If I were my true self with my partner(s), what might happen?
  • What would I do or say differently if the injustice or imbalance in one of my partnerships was due to who I choose to be or what I choose to do in the relationship – if it were my fault?
  • Now that I know who I am for my partner, do I want to be in that role?
  • Now that I know who my partner is for me, do I want them to be in that role?

Make the most of this exploration of who you are in the one-on-one relationships in all areas of your life through this Full Moon in Libra phase.  The effects of the Full Moon are always felt for about 1-2 days before and after the maximum phase, even after the Moon changes sign.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


New Moon in Aquarius and the Lunar New Year – True Communities

The New Moon in Aquarius (as of 11:21p PST on February 9th) annually brings the beginning of the Lunar New Year – the first of 13 lunar cycles begins today.  It is interesting that the beginning of the Lunar New Year happens during Western Astrology’s Aquarius cycle – it speaks to our cultural differences while also speaking to our common humanity and our connection to All-That-Is.

The fact is, everything in the natural world is cyclical.  Cycles are what makes the world go round.  Everyday the sun goes up in the east and sets in the west.  Every year, there is spring giving way to summer then autumn then winter, back into spring.  Every year, the Moon makes its way around the Sun 13 times.  These are experiences we all share.

Yet as important as it may be to acknowledge our commonalities, our difference are crucial to making the humanity and the world work.  And each of us has a very specific role within it – we each have a place we belong in the big picture.

It’s rather profound that during this 2013 New Moon in Aquarius, all of the “inner planetary bodies” are either in Aquarius or Pisces, and that three of the six popular outer influences are in water signs.  There is a lot of emotional and spiritual awakening and awareness occurring right now, and in that process we are awakening to what connects us all together in the Universe, in the world, in our human experience, in our cultural experiences, in our social experiences, and most of all, our individual experiences.  In the face of becoming more aware of our connections to others and our environments, we are also being called upon to recognize what we each individually get to bring to the rest of the collective whole.

There is no one else like you, and that is never more welcome than during the Aquarius Sun period and during the New Moon in Aquarius.  The Aquarius New Moon and the Lunar New Year give each of us the opportunity to emotionally awaken to how we can make a difference in the lives of others by being exactly who we are, fully expressed.  Many times, we hesitate to express ourselves fully because we fear the rejection or humiliation of others.  Yet the only way we ever find where we truly belong in the world – the only way we ever really know who will know us and accept us for who we really are is to put ourselves out there into the world and let everyone see us completely.  Through our most full self-expression, we find our True communities.  We find where we belong in others’ lives, and we find who belongs in our lives.  The people we surround ourselves with reflect our Light back onto ourselves.

The New Moon arrives on a numerological 9 day for most of us (10.February.2013 = 1+2+6 = 9).  The 9 energy is important, as it signifies an energy of completion.  Many of us may experience the completion of our associations or participations with certain groups or communities as we step into our fullest self-expression and therefore, our fullest self-awareness.

You may realize that your Light is not shining as brightly as it could be in a group you are part of, or that others may feel you aren’t contributing as much as you could to the benefit of the group.  Or maybe your Light shines too brightly and you need to be among others who shine as brightly or more brightly than you do, or maybe you need to step back a level to learn or experience more at an intermediary step before you can be at the level you are trying to belong to now.

Whatever the case may be, New Moon in Aquarius is now a wonderful time to get in touch with where you stand in your communities and associations, and to bring some affiliations to an end so that new ones can begin.

Thank you for reading and sharing!  Happy Lunar New Year!

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Libra – The Balancing (or Parting) of Partnerships

At 7:04a PDT this morning, Venus leaves Virgo, the sign of practical purpose in everyday life.  The focus on how efficient and effective our relationships are in getting us through the day-today of our lives shifts.  Now at the heart of the matter is whether or not the relationships and partnerships in our lives are really balanced, peaceful, and good for both parties involved.

Venus now enters its natural sign of LibraLibra, is an air sign often represented by the image of scales of justice or balance.  It helps us objectively see where our partnerships are equal and balanced, fair and just, and peaceful.  It also helps us see which relationships help us look good, feel good, and create abundance in our lives.  With the doubled strength of the sign and the planet that rules it, this is a formidable energy to have available to us for the next few weeks.

Especially during this Sun in Scorpio cycle, many of us will be more aware than usual of the relationships and partnerships in our lives that are out of balance – where things are not fair, just or equal.  This is because Scorpio tends to extremes – all or nothing, in or out, right or wrong, good or bad, etc.  There is no compromise or gray area under Scorpio’s influence.  This will make Venus in Libra’s job a bit more challenging than usual as both Venus and Libra are in the business of diplomacy and compromise – they try to find (with great objectivity) that balance to make both parties happy.

Creating balance and fairness in an environment where those qualities have been lacking is challenging and can be frustrating if not maddening.  When matters are extremely out of balance, Venus in Libra doesn’t hesitate to go to the other side of an extreme in order to bring equilibrium to a matter at hand.  Under the current abundance of Scorpio energy (Sun, Mercury, Saturn, North Node), this Venus influence may seem more drastic than it actually is.  Some of us will see what is needed for balancing a relationship as an ultimatum more than an adjustment, and react accordingly. You may find that you want to throw the whole thing out – bathwater, baby, and all…yet that may not be the best way to face what you are dealing with.

First of all, if it seems that severe a shift, it’s probably a shift that has needed to happen but hasn’t until now.  It hasn’t only because you (or the other person) have resisted it for so long trying to see something as balanced and fair that hasn’t been either for some time now.

Secondly, especially if it’s a romantic partnership in question, we need to remember that Neptune is in its natural sign of Pisces right now.  Pisces energy can intensify the “rose-colored glasses” effect and have us glossing over some major injustices in our relationships in order to “keep the dream alive”.  It can also bring forth a sense of martyrdom and victimization in relationship matters.  In these imbalanced situations, it can be easy for us to rush to play victim to the other party involved, blaming them for not doing their part while relinquishing our own personal responsibility for the state of the relationship.

Venus in Libra creates a perfect space for you and your partner(s) to work these issues out.  However, if you have been trying to find a balance for some time now, it may come clear for the two of you that you are at impasse and that a peaceful separation may be best for both and all parties involved.

The key is that the conclusion of the partnership comes after every effort of diplomatic negotiation has been made.  You really have owned up to your part in the matter objectively, done everything you can to balance it out and make it work, and have mutually come to the conclusion that it’s time to bring the relationship to an end.  When this choice is made objectively and agreed upon by both parties, it is usually peaceful and in many cases easier to accept than if one person makes the decision and leaves the other behind to deal with it.

Questions to work with as Venus in Libra is with us for the next few weeks:

  • Which relationships are you recognizing as out of balance or are you perceiving as unfair?
  • In which relationships do you find yourself blaming the other person for not doing their part?  Ask yourself if you have done yours.  Have you been there for them?
  • What have you done to make the relationship work?  Can you allow yourself to see what the other person has done to make the relationship work?
  • Can you let this relationship go with peaceful and loving intention?  If not, what do you need to say to the other party to make your peace? Does it allow you to leave the relationship with love and a sense that this parting is for the best for both of you?

I’d love to hear how this 2012 Venus in Libra cycle plays out in your life.  Please post your comments or stories either here on the blog, or on the Life By Soul Facebook or Google + pages.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



New Moon in Virgo – Are You Feeling Your Plans?

The Moon entered a New Moon phase in Virgo at 7:11p PDT on Saturday, September 15th, 2012, conjuncting with the Sun at 23° Virgo.

As reflect back on this past week to see which plans and intentions you’ve actually set in motion in your life after the Virgo Sun-Mercury conjunction earlier in the week, the New Moon in Virgo arrives for you to feel the emotional impact of these plans and intentions.  It’s likely you are now finally feeling the effects of the plans and intentions you’ve set in motion over these last few weeks.

  • How do you feel about the changes that you’ve been intending in your life in these last few weeks?
  • How do you feel about what is showing up in your life as result of your intentions?

Some of you may feel really good about what has been set in motion.  Others of you, not so much.

What is being revealed to you by this New Moon in Virgo is that where your energy is being directed is what is really and truly important to you.  What you actually attend to in the day-to-day of your life is what really matters to you, even if you may verbally say it isn’t so.  It may not even be where you consciously want your energy to go, yet with Mars in Scorpio’s presence in the mix right now (even though it is not in major aspect to the New Moon), the interests and activities that are getting your attention and energy speak volumes to what your truest and deepest intentions really are..

The Moon represents what you are emotionally connected to or what energy is affecting your emotions right now.  What you really care about and/or are emotionally invested in right now becomes obvious through your choices on all levels of your consciousness – conscious, subconscious, and unconscious.  With the Moon in Virgo, whichever areas and aspects of your life have you getting practical day-to-day matters addressed, attending to health and wellness issues, or healing, fixing, or making things more efficient and effective – these are the areas of your life that are most important to you right now.  These are the areas of your life aligned with your heart’s deepest desires.

The main question is:  Does it feel good to be doing what you are planning and choosing to do?

If that question doesn’t clear some things up for you, let me ask you these:

  • Do the choices you are making feel good to you?  Or do you feel badly making the choices you are making for yourself and your life?
  • Are the choices you are making in alignment with what you say are your plans and intentions?
  • Are your choices revealing your plans and intentions to you?  If so, do you like what is being revealed to you now?
  • Do you see ways to alter your course to create what is in alignment with your heart’s desires?

One major message that could be emerging for you at this time is that your heart’s deepest desires may not be in alignment with your intentions and your plans.  If that is the case for you, now is the time to make some serious course adjustments.  Otherwise, you may find that your actions end up betraying your inner truth and that you are unhappy or not feeling good about yourself as result of the choices you are making in and for yourself and your life.  When you don’t feel good about yourself, it is much more challenging for you to manifest your heart’s desires.

If you are finding a ‘disconnect’ between what your heart wants and what you are actually manifesting, you may need to use the energy of the New Moon to set a new course that does connect your heart with your actions and allow you to manifest what you truly desire.  This is a challenging element for some, especially those of you who often block out or flat out deny your emotions in favor of logic when making your life’s decisions.

For some of you (especially those with natal air sign Moons), your thoughts and emotions are likely intertwined.  Therefore, you may consider how you feel about what you are thinking about most rather than your actions.  If you find yourself upset or angry, you may want to ask why negative feelings are coming up as result of your thoughts Or you may ask yourself why you are thinking a certain way when you don’t feel that way.  Chances are that your thoughts aren’t in alignment with your heart’s desires if your feelings don’t align with your thoughts.

Mars in Scorpio’s influence isn’t the only one making its presence known.  Saturn in Libra makes an exact semi-sextile aspect to Mercury in Virgo around this New Moon time, so its presence right now is very strong. You may find that relationships are on your mind, and you are hyper-aware of the ones that are holding you back (or that feel like they are) right now.  These oppressive or restrictive partnerships are helping you clarify your direction.  A change of course is now possible for you, and it’s likely that you’re making the change(s) out of discomfort, disappointment, or dissatisfaction.  This awareness of the effects of your relationships only heightens as the Moon will move into Libra – the sign of partnerships and balance – for a short while not long after this New Moon.  Consider the next 1-2 days a preview of what may be in the works for you as the Libra Sun cycle begins on September 22nd.

This Virgo New Moon is somewhat understated in its initial presence, yet may prove to be profound in its effect over this last week of this 2012 Virgo Sun cycle.  Gather as much information and insight as you can from its revelations of feeling and intention as you’ll likely need to use what you learn very soon.  And make any necessary adjustments to your plans and intentions while you can – you may find yourself firmly set on a course sooner than later.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~Light, Love and blessings,


Sun-Mercury Conjunction in Virgo – Intentions Speak Louder Than Words

The Sun and Mercury in Virgo, conjuncted in 18° Virgo on Monday, September 10th at 5:44a PDT.

With this transit, plans and intentions were set in motion.  Even if you haven’t been consciously planning anything, even if you didn’t think you had a clear intention behind your words and actions, this conjunction likely began to reveal whatever it is that you’ve been setting into motion.

As you begin to see what is moving forward and/or manifesting in your life right now, you may be excited.  You may find yourself saying “I didn’t realize that I was doing that!  How wonderful!”.  You could just as easily find yourself saying “I didn’t realize I was doing/saying that” or “I didn’t mean for that to happen”.  Whichever scenario is the case (and you may be experiencing a bit of both),  the intentions that have been there are coming to Light.

Mercury in Virgo represents ideas, thoughts, and communications about the practical matters in your life and your plans to improve or heal them.  In conjunction with the Sun in Virgo, these plans – both spoken and unspoken – begin to reveal themselves.

The thing that may have been rather surprising about the effects of this Sun-Mercury conjunction is that the whole concept of “what you think about, you bring about” may be proving itself to be true in your life.  What is showing up in your life right now and how it is showing up may be exactly what you intended for yourself and your life through your ideas and thoughts about it, even if you didn’t realize you were creating it that way.  You may be surprised to see what is being revealed if it’s something that you’ve thought or believed that you don’t or didn’t want.

If you find yourself saying, “But I didn’t want this” or “I didn’t mean for this to happen”, ask yourself:

  • What have you been thinking about most in the last few weeks?
  • For what have you been generating the most ideas for in the last few weeks?
  • What have most of your conversations been about over the last few weeks?
  • What has been your real intention in saying the things you have been saying to or sharing with others?

Whatever the answers to these questions are, these may give you valuable insights into how and why you’ve been manifesting what is showing up for you right now.

Ask yourself those questions even if things have been showing up exactly as you wanted and hoped they would!  Ask them so you can learn how to re-create this manifestation pattern again if you like what is showing up for you now.

During this conjunction, Mars is also in Scorpio, indicating clear and decisive actions.  Making choices for what stays and what goes in your life aren’t really difficult right now.  In fact, the choices you need or want to make are pretty apparent at this time though the choices you are making, both large and small.  The question under this influence is…are your choices aligning with your plans and intentions?

And with Venus in Leo at this time, the choices which do or don’t align with your plans and intentions are probably making themselves pretty obvious to you.  Relationships and partnerships can play a crucial role in how we choose to proceed in our lives, and you may find that the ones that have the most significant effects are coming to Light.  If you haven’t been in a conscious inquiry about who and/or what is in your life in these last few weeks, you may be surprised to see which relationship and partnerships (of all kinds) are showing up as important to you.  You may also be surprised by what they are revealing to you about the intentions you are setting in motion.

Reflect back on this past week to see what you’ve been implementing in your life.  As the New Moon in Virgo comes in at the end of the week, you’ll begin to feel the emotional and spiritual impact of your plans and intentions.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and blessings,


Mercury in Leo Direct – It’s No Secret

Mercury ends its latest retrograde motion cycle and goes direct in Leo at 10:40p PDT on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012.

While in retrograde motion, Mercury in Leo has given us the chance to introspectively look at ourselves and how we do or don’t shine out into the world.  We’ve had some time to think about whom we want to declare ourselves to be in the world and how we want to create and/or establish the details and circumstances of our lives so that they reflect and support our unique expressions of Light in the world.

These last few weeks have also presented us with an opportunity to retrospectively set the record straight and to retrospectively ask for what we need in order to get our unique expressions of Light out into the world for others to see.

Now, with Mercury going direct, now is the time to outwardly start letting others know exactly who we are, what we are up to, and what we are committed to creating in and for our lives now and moving forward.  We now get to ask for what we need in order to be supported in expressing our unique expressions of Light in this moment and for the future we are building for ourselves.

Leo can be rather dramatic in its expression, especially when Mercury in Leo goes direct while the Sun is also in Leo.  The light of the Sun exposes the Truth of just about everything, and Mercury is quick to share what the Sun exposes.  So when something comes to light, it can do so quickly and in big way under this double Leo influence.  What you say and share may either come out in dramatic fashion, or it may create a lot of drama around you for better or worse.  If ever there is a time when the Light of your unique expression could come off as a blinding glare rather than a warm glow, now through August 22nd is the time.

It is very important for you to be aware of the potential impact of what you are saying or sharing may have on your environment or on others in your environment.  There is very little if anything hidden during Sun in Leo, so with both the Sun and Mercury Direct in Leo, it is very unlikely that any secrets shared in confidence will be kept.

This is not to say that no one can be trusted.  It is to say that what you think is private or secret communication during this time may not be as private or secret as you think it is or should be.  You may be surprised to find out that more people already know or are aware of what you have to say than you are aware of.  In fact, any communication surprises are more likely to be on you than on anyone else as Mercury goes direct in Leo.

However, the surprises may be to your advantage.  You may be surprised, for example, that someone you share with may have a contact they share your communication with who is able to get you what you need to move your plans and intentions along.  You may be surprised that you are sought after or acknowledged for your unique self-expression as result of your initial communication or expression of your True self to someone(s) else.

Once the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd, the energy will shift from getting attention for how you are shining your unique expression of Light into the world, and will shift to how you are practically attending to your unique expression in the everyday living of your life.

Virgo is about attending to the details of day-to-day life – maintaining your health, your overall well-being, and the things that make your life work on any given day.  It’s still about you, but it’s more about you on practical terms rather than in idealistic or creative terms.  When Mercury in Leo combines with Sun in Virgo, it will become a matter of taking the ideas and expression you’ve created for yourself during Sun in Leo and establishing a plan for implementation or fulfillment of them, giving yourself something(s) you can do everyday to make sure your Light continues to shine and expand its reach out into the world.

But for the next two weeks, it’s still all about you and your Light.  There is no secret about what you have to offer the world now.  All there is for you to do is to choose to shine it brightly for all to see and to ask for the support you need to shine it.  You may find yourself pleasantly surprised by what you have the opportunity to receive.  Be open and allow it all to come into your life.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


Venus in Cancer – Watering Your Relationships

Venus moves out of the “perpetual student” energy of Gemini and into the “nurturing mother” energy of Cancer at 6:43a PDT on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012.

Venus is the planetary representative of one-on-one relationships of all kinds.  It is the ambassador of partnership, which is why it is also usually associated with the ideals of love and beauty.  However, Venus is considered the ruler of Libra – an air sign.  Air is mental energy – intellect, detachment, objectivity.  It is an important distinction to make as beauty and love are often in the eye of the beholder.  Therefore, love is often what we make it, and what we make it is often what we think it should be rather than how it may actually show up or what it actually is.

Sometimes, our perceptions of love and beauty aren’t really even our own, but rather are someone else’s ideals of love and beauty that we have adopted as our own. It is very important for us to get in touch with what is real and True for us as individuals so we can find our true partners in all areas of our lives.  In knowing what genuinely resonates as lovely and beautiful to us as individuals, we can then seek out the company of others with truly like minds and hearts.

When we remind ourselves that love is objective and unconditional, then we can embrace our relationships for what they are, and we can embrace the people we are in relationship with for who they are instead of trying to change them or make them into something they are not.  It is when we accept others as they are that we are open to the Truth and actuality of Love, we are open to beauty in all its forms, and we allow ourselves to receive and embrace the expressions of love and beauty which come into our lives.

That said, with Venus entering the sign of Cancer, we revisit Cancer’s nurturing, caring and protective energy.  With Venus in this sign, we may find ourselves being called upon to nurture and protect the relationships and partnerships that are important to us and which bring a healthy and balanced exchange of love and beauty into our lives.

Venus in Cancer is much like caring for plants.

If you don’t water a plant, it dies.  If you over-water a plant, it dies.  So it is important to water the plant, yet also important not to water it too much.

Water is often associated with emotional energy in the Zodiac and Tarot.  Therefore, if we think of the water in the plant analogy as the emotions in our relationships:

  • If we nurture and care for our relationships – if we give them just enough of the emotional attention (“water”) they need – then they can thrive.
  • However, if we don’t give them enough emotional attention we may find that those relationships dry up and disappear from our lives, or sometimes, if we give them too much emotional attention, we can overwhelm them with so much care or protection that it’s too much and they feel the need to escape from our lives.

In this Leo 4 period, the energy is such where we are being called upon to establish and/or define the foundations or structures that support us in shining our unique expressions of Light into the world.  When we bring Venus in Cancer in to that mix, it is important for us to notice the relationships that we are “watering” in our lives.

  • Which ones do we say are important to us, yet we don’t nurture and protect?
  • Which ones do we say are not important to us, yet we find ourselves giving plenty of emotional attention to?
  • Which ones do we find ourselves nurturing and protecting even though they may be non-supportive, detrimental or destructive to our unique expression?
  • And which ones do we find we are trying to kill off even though they may be encouraging and supporting us to shine our individual Light brightly out into the world?

Recognize the roles that others are playing for you in your life.  Distinguish if they are a positive, healthy and genuinely supportive influence in your life, or if they are a negative or unhealthy influence for you, detracting from what you are committed to creating in your life.

Also notice if you have any resistance to people who want to support, nurture, and/or protect you and your expression of your True self out into the world.  If you are resisting, ask yourself why.

  • What are your fears or aversions to receiving this support from others?
  • What are you afraid of giving up or letting go of in your life in order to receive the support you really need to grow and succeed in your expression of your unique and individual self?
  • Is what you say you are committed to creating really in alignment with who you truly are, or are you resisting because you are adopting someone else’s ideals of love and beauty as your own and deep down you know it is not true to who you are or want to be?

There is a lot to consider as you move forward through the remainder of this Venus in Cancer cycle which continues through September 6th.   It’s a quick trip through a very important period of 2012.  I hope awareness of the energy available to you helps you make the most of this precious opportunity to establish a solid support structure for the next steps of your life’s journey.

Water the “plants” that are important to you.  Help them grow…and know that you’re helping yourself grow in the process.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,
