New Moon in Virgo – Are You Feeling Your Plans?

The Moon entered a New Moon phase in Virgo at 7:11p PDT on Saturday, September 15th, 2012, conjuncting with the Sun at 23° Virgo.

As reflect back on this past week to see which plans and intentions you’ve actually set in motion in your life after the Virgo Sun-Mercury conjunction earlier in the week, the New Moon in Virgo arrives for you to feel the emotional impact of these plans and intentions.  It’s likely you are now finally feeling the effects of the plans and intentions you’ve set in motion over these last few weeks.

  • How do you feel about the changes that you’ve been intending in your life in these last few weeks?
  • How do you feel about what is showing up in your life as result of your intentions?

Some of you may feel really good about what has been set in motion.  Others of you, not so much.

What is being revealed to you by this New Moon in Virgo is that where your energy is being directed is what is really and truly important to you.  What you actually attend to in the day-to-day of your life is what really matters to you, even if you may verbally say it isn’t so.  It may not even be where you consciously want your energy to go, yet with Mars in Scorpio’s presence in the mix right now (even though it is not in major aspect to the New Moon), the interests and activities that are getting your attention and energy speak volumes to what your truest and deepest intentions really are..

The Moon represents what you are emotionally connected to or what energy is affecting your emotions right now.  What you really care about and/or are emotionally invested in right now becomes obvious through your choices on all levels of your consciousness – conscious, subconscious, and unconscious.  With the Moon in Virgo, whichever areas and aspects of your life have you getting practical day-to-day matters addressed, attending to health and wellness issues, or healing, fixing, or making things more efficient and effective – these are the areas of your life that are most important to you right now.  These are the areas of your life aligned with your heart’s deepest desires.

The main question is:  Does it feel good to be doing what you are planning and choosing to do?

If that question doesn’t clear some things up for you, let me ask you these:

  • Do the choices you are making feel good to you?  Or do you feel badly making the choices you are making for yourself and your life?
  • Are the choices you are making in alignment with what you say are your plans and intentions?
  • Are your choices revealing your plans and intentions to you?  If so, do you like what is being revealed to you now?
  • Do you see ways to alter your course to create what is in alignment with your heart’s desires?

One major message that could be emerging for you at this time is that your heart’s deepest desires may not be in alignment with your intentions and your plans.  If that is the case for you, now is the time to make some serious course adjustments.  Otherwise, you may find that your actions end up betraying your inner truth and that you are unhappy or not feeling good about yourself as result of the choices you are making in and for yourself and your life.  When you don’t feel good about yourself, it is much more challenging for you to manifest your heart’s desires.

If you are finding a ‘disconnect’ between what your heart wants and what you are actually manifesting, you may need to use the energy of the New Moon to set a new course that does connect your heart with your actions and allow you to manifest what you truly desire.  This is a challenging element for some, especially those of you who often block out or flat out deny your emotions in favor of logic when making your life’s decisions.

For some of you (especially those with natal air sign Moons), your thoughts and emotions are likely intertwined.  Therefore, you may consider how you feel about what you are thinking about most rather than your actions.  If you find yourself upset or angry, you may want to ask why negative feelings are coming up as result of your thoughts Or you may ask yourself why you are thinking a certain way when you don’t feel that way.  Chances are that your thoughts aren’t in alignment with your heart’s desires if your feelings don’t align with your thoughts.

Mars in Scorpio’s influence isn’t the only one making its presence known.  Saturn in Libra makes an exact semi-sextile aspect to Mercury in Virgo around this New Moon time, so its presence right now is very strong. You may find that relationships are on your mind, and you are hyper-aware of the ones that are holding you back (or that feel like they are) right now.  These oppressive or restrictive partnerships are helping you clarify your direction.  A change of course is now possible for you, and it’s likely that you’re making the change(s) out of discomfort, disappointment, or dissatisfaction.  This awareness of the effects of your relationships only heightens as the Moon will move into Libra – the sign of partnerships and balance – for a short while not long after this New Moon.  Consider the next 1-2 days a preview of what may be in the works for you as the Libra Sun cycle begins on September 22nd.

This Virgo New Moon is somewhat understated in its initial presence, yet may prove to be profound in its effect over this last week of this 2012 Virgo Sun cycle.  Gather as much information and insight as you can from its revelations of feeling and intention as you’ll likely need to use what you learn very soon.  And make any necessary adjustments to your plans and intentions while you can – you may find yourself firmly set on a course sooner than later.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~Light, Love and blessings,


Venus in Cancer – Watering Your Relationships

Venus moves out of the “perpetual student” energy of Gemini and into the “nurturing mother” energy of Cancer at 6:43a PDT on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012.

Venus is the planetary representative of one-on-one relationships of all kinds.  It is the ambassador of partnership, which is why it is also usually associated with the ideals of love and beauty.  However, Venus is considered the ruler of Libra – an air sign.  Air is mental energy – intellect, detachment, objectivity.  It is an important distinction to make as beauty and love are often in the eye of the beholder.  Therefore, love is often what we make it, and what we make it is often what we think it should be rather than how it may actually show up or what it actually is.

Sometimes, our perceptions of love and beauty aren’t really even our own, but rather are someone else’s ideals of love and beauty that we have adopted as our own. It is very important for us to get in touch with what is real and True for us as individuals so we can find our true partners in all areas of our lives.  In knowing what genuinely resonates as lovely and beautiful to us as individuals, we can then seek out the company of others with truly like minds and hearts.

When we remind ourselves that love is objective and unconditional, then we can embrace our relationships for what they are, and we can embrace the people we are in relationship with for who they are instead of trying to change them or make them into something they are not.  It is when we accept others as they are that we are open to the Truth and actuality of Love, we are open to beauty in all its forms, and we allow ourselves to receive and embrace the expressions of love and beauty which come into our lives.

That said, with Venus entering the sign of Cancer, we revisit Cancer’s nurturing, caring and protective energy.  With Venus in this sign, we may find ourselves being called upon to nurture and protect the relationships and partnerships that are important to us and which bring a healthy and balanced exchange of love and beauty into our lives.

Venus in Cancer is much like caring for plants.

If you don’t water a plant, it dies.  If you over-water a plant, it dies.  So it is important to water the plant, yet also important not to water it too much.

Water is often associated with emotional energy in the Zodiac and Tarot.  Therefore, if we think of the water in the plant analogy as the emotions in our relationships:

  • If we nurture and care for our relationships – if we give them just enough of the emotional attention (“water”) they need – then they can thrive.
  • However, if we don’t give them enough emotional attention we may find that those relationships dry up and disappear from our lives, or sometimes, if we give them too much emotional attention, we can overwhelm them with so much care or protection that it’s too much and they feel the need to escape from our lives.

In this Leo 4 period, the energy is such where we are being called upon to establish and/or define the foundations or structures that support us in shining our unique expressions of Light into the world.  When we bring Venus in Cancer in to that mix, it is important for us to notice the relationships that we are “watering” in our lives.

  • Which ones do we say are important to us, yet we don’t nurture and protect?
  • Which ones do we say are not important to us, yet we find ourselves giving plenty of emotional attention to?
  • Which ones do we find ourselves nurturing and protecting even though they may be non-supportive, detrimental or destructive to our unique expression?
  • And which ones do we find we are trying to kill off even though they may be encouraging and supporting us to shine our individual Light brightly out into the world?

Recognize the roles that others are playing for you in your life.  Distinguish if they are a positive, healthy and genuinely supportive influence in your life, or if they are a negative or unhealthy influence for you, detracting from what you are committed to creating in your life.

Also notice if you have any resistance to people who want to support, nurture, and/or protect you and your expression of your True self out into the world.  If you are resisting, ask yourself why.

  • What are your fears or aversions to receiving this support from others?
  • What are you afraid of giving up or letting go of in your life in order to receive the support you really need to grow and succeed in your expression of your unique and individual self?
  • Is what you say you are committed to creating really in alignment with who you truly are, or are you resisting because you are adopting someone else’s ideals of love and beauty as your own and deep down you know it is not true to who you are or want to be?

There is a lot to consider as you move forward through the remainder of this Venus in Cancer cycle which continues through September 6th.   It’s a quick trip through a very important period of 2012.  I hope awareness of the energy available to you helps you make the most of this precious opportunity to establish a solid support structure for the next steps of your life’s journey.

Water the “plants” that are important to you.  Help them grow…and know that you’re helping yourself grow in the process.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,
