Neptune Direct in Pisces – November 2015 – Victims and Martyrs, Real and Imagined

blue swirl for blog postNeptune in Pisces returned to direct motion at 8:32a PST on Wednesday, 18th November 2015 (1 universal day). When it did, it gave us permission to begin dreaming for ourselves again. Instead of being bombarded and overwhelmed by the ideals and expectations of others, we are now restoring attunement and alignment with our own ideals and visions for what is possible for the world around us.

Sadly, some of those ideals and visions have faced some harsh reality checks in last couple of weeks. Though in some ways they were much-needed reality checks, they also brought forth a great deal of pain and anguish – physical, emotional, and spiritual. Pisces is known for having a victim-martyr component to its makeup, and with Neptune – Pisces’ planetary ruler – now direct in its home sign, both sides of that component have been playing themselves out if full measure. In the last few weeks, there have been many victims of idealism, and in devastating manner, they became victims by the hands of martyrs of idealism.

The challenge here is that there are the genuine victims…then there are the imagined victims and the imagined martyrs, too. Continue reading

01 July 2015 – The “Super Mommy” Dynamic and The 2015 Capricorn Full Moon

2015 Capricorn Full Moon 20150630_213607As we begin this calendar month of July 2015, we continue on in the 2015 Cancer Sun period while entering a numerological 6 universal month. Cancer is the “mommy” energy of the Zodiac. Six is the “mommy” energy of numerology. This double dose of maternal dynamism is a rather extraordinary experience…

…and it’s an intensely emotional one, too.

People will be more emotionally sensitive and responsive than usual over the next 3+ weeks, simply because their fundamental emotional truths are being both supported and tested in ways they haven’t been before.

You may find yourself desperate to keep the past in place –maintaining a sense of emotional safety and security that is long familiar to you to avoid feeling any kind of emotional discomfort or pain. Alternatively, you may find yourself eager to move beyond the past into a present and future that doesn’t have the same emotional pain that you’ve felt for so long.

This is the influence of Cancer 6 – a.k.a. the “Super Mommy” dynamic. Like mother bears fiercely protecting their cubs, you’ll notice there will be people defending their emotional status quo. And like snakes shedding their skins, there will also be people releasing their emotional pasts for a more positive and loving emotional experience. Continue reading

Aggression Meets Empathy – 2015 Mars in Cancer and Chiron Retrograde in Pisces

On 24th July, 2015, Mars entered the sign of Cancer at 6:33a PDT.

Mars is the action planet. Known as the “warrior” of the Zodiac and the ruler of Aries, Mars is at least assertive and at most aggressive or violent, and needs to be active in order to keep its wits about it. Sitting still and being quiet is NOT a very Martian thing to do.

Cancer is a cardinal water sign, so it is inclined to take emotional initiative. Known as the “mommy” sign – the sign of emotional nurturing and encouragement – Cancer reveals what has us feel emotionally safe, stable, and secure. Cancer’s ruler is the Moon which moves very quickly through the Zodiac. In fact, the Moon moves through all 12 signs of the Zodiac within a 4.5 week Sun period!

In this case of Mars in Cancer, Mars only amplifies Cancer’s natural initiative to act on its emotional inclinations, while Cancer gives Mars an emotion-based trigger for its actions. Mars in Cancer may encourage us to act upon our emotional self-interests, not so concerned about the feelings of others unless they are same or similar to their own.

That said, this 2015 Mars in Cancer is one under which people’s actions will reveal their true feelings about various matters…and the after-effects of their emotion-driven actions will challenge them to be held accountable and responsible for what they feel.

And yes, “them” includes you. Continue reading

The 2015 Sagittarius Full Moon “After-Party” – A Double Lunar Grand Trine and the Other Retrograde (Ceres)

So the big celebrity event of the astrological day yesterday, 2nd June 2015, was the Sagittarius Full Moon that was at its fullest phase at 9:19a PDT. In my previous post, I noted that the Sagittarius Moon was also a player in two lunar mutable t-square configurations leading up to the Moon’s maximum full phase – one at 3:28a PDT, and the other at 7:24a PDT. I mentioned that there were quite a few truths factual and emotional that would come to Light and need to be addressed during the course of the day & for a couple of days before and after.

What I didn’t mention in the Full Moon post is that the T-squares and the Full Moon were not the only big events of the day. There was a LOT of transit activity yesterday. I chose to focus on what I thought would be most significant when discussing the Full Moon, yet there was so much more.

Later, as the Sagittarius Full Moon made its second (post-maximum) appearance in the night sky last night, there were a few more astrological events of note. Continue reading

A Very Quick Catch-Up Post to Recap A Very Busy Friday – 30th January 2015

It was a very astrologically busy early day, Friday 30th January 2015…and I missed getting ahead of it, probably because I’m in the thick of it myself.  Anyway, let’s take a look at the energies of today’s astrological transits and how they may have affected our day and our collective and individual life journeys.

To start, Pisces Venus squared Sagittarius Saturn earlier at 12:23a PST. Saturn in Sagittarius is a complicated energy because the planet of focus, discipline, boundaries, and responsibility is in the sign of adventure, growth, and expansion.  This combination often reflects responsible and focused growth that is mature and disciplined.  Through Saturn’s square with Venus in Pisces arises a need to set boundaries.  It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of inspired imagination or fantastic delusion in your one-on-one relationships through Venus in Pisces.  Yet Saturn in Sagittarius brings up a need for clearly-defined and strongly-enforced boundaries when it comes to moving freely and forward in relationships, however ideal they may seem in some ways. Continue reading

2014 Mercury in Scorpio – Diplomacy’s Wild Ride (from Scorpio to Libra to Scorpio)

Mercury is going to be on quite the wild ride over the next six weeks or so.  Let’s discuss…

To start, Mercury entered Scorpio at 3:39p PDT yesterday, Saturday, 27th September 2014.  This takes Mercury out of Libra – which brought mindsets and communications focused on peace, diplomacy, fairness, and balance – and moves Mercury into the near-opposite experience of dealing in extremes and polarities.  Matters will be looked at through a filter of good or bad, right or wrong, yes or no, etc.  This time in Scorpio is very uncomfortable for Mercury, which is much more at home in the air element of Libra.  Water energy (especially Scorpio) is difficult for Mercury as it skews intellectual objectivity and emotional detachment, which are the cornerstones of Mercury’s mode of operation.  This is what will make Mercury seem a bit schizophrenic.  It will be toggling between extremes of its comfort and discomfort – between logic and emotion – for about six weeks as it moves from Libra to Scorpio, back to Libra, and eventually back to Scorpio. Continue reading

Current Events Essay – Scotland’s Vote For Independence (a.k.a. – The Wake-Up Call)

Scotland votes for its independence on Thursday, 18th September 2014, starting at 7:00a Scotland local time.  Here is a chart I drafted for the moment voting begins, using Glasgow as the location:

Scotland Independence Vote

The Virgo Sun will be exactly conjunct the Virgo Ascendant at 7:00a, placing the start of the vote literally at dawn.  However, by just a touch, the Virgo Sun will favor the 1st House, ensuring that the people of Scotland will definitely vote in full alignment with how they see and know themselves to be – a very good influence under which to begin such a significant event.

The Sun-Ascendant conjunction being in the sign of Virgo indicates that the ultimate question is, “Can Scotland function on its own?”  Virgo is the sign of ‘making it work’ in practical and purposeful ways.  At the time the vote begins, the question of whether or not Scotland can function with healthy well-being and practical prosperity on its own merits is at the root of this all. Continue reading

2014 Mars in Scorpio – Choosing Sides

***Author’s Note***:  Mars entered Scorpio at 7:25p on the 25th of July, and I’m just now getting to this blog post.  I’ve been doing a great deal of writing for the book and a great deal of work in the field, so I apologize for the delay as Mars in Scorpio is an especially important player in what is happening in our lives and in the world right now.  Let’s get to the info!

Mars leaves the sign of Libra where it’s had an unusually long run taking actions to restore fairness and justice in matters since December of 2013, and enters the sign of Scorpio at 7:25p PDT on the 25th of July 2014 where it will be taking very clear and decisive actions now through the 13th September 2014.  It makes this transition only three days after the Sun enters the grand stage of Leo.  Mars in Scorpio will surely and quickly make its presence known on that stage.

Mars in Scorpio has a reputation for being rather intense.  This reputation is well-founded.  Scorpio is a sign that deals in extremes – all or nothing, yes or no.  There is no gray area with Scorpio, and that’s the way it likes it as it inherently knows that there can be trust established where and when things are clearly-defined.  With Mars – the planet of action and activity, the “warrior” of the Zodiac – in this sign, things get very interesting. Continue reading

24th July 2014 – A Busy Day in The Big Picture (including Water Grand Trine #1)

Today, the 24th of July 2014, is an 11 numerological day.  11 energy is the energy of community and collective.  It is recognizing the unique contributions of each individual within the collective whole, knowing that each person brings something only they can bring to the big picture of humanity.  Without their contribution – without their expression of their individual Light – the picture is not complete.

This day is a call for each and all of us to find the Leo Sun within us and allow ourselves to shine our brightest to the benefit of something bigger than any of us could do alone.  We are being asked to recognize the contributions that our fellow humans make, but maybe more important, the contributions we have to offer to the world community that no one else can.  Some of us will feel empowered to allow ourselves to be known fully today.  Others of us may feel overwhelmed when we realize who we are and exactly what we are capable of.

That said, there is so much happening astrologically on this 11 numerological day that may assist us in fully stepping into the expressions of our brightest and boldest individual selves that it may be best to simply give you a rundown transit by transit. Continue reading

Mercury Re-Enters Cancer – July 2014 – Second Time’s The Charm?

Mercury’s second entrance into Cancer in 2014 is a bit more subtle this time around.  Coming in at 9:45p PDT on 12th July 2014, Mercury sneaks back into Cancer under the hype of the Capricorn Full Moon and the combustible Libra Mars-Ceres conjunction.  It does not directly aspect any other astrological bodies upon its entrance, which makes its energetic shift somewhat unnoticeable at first.  Whether this quiet entrance is for better or worse has yet to be seen.

Mercury’s mindset shifts back to emotional nurturing, caring, and protection in the sign of Cancer.  However, this is not an easily fulfilled role for Mercury as Cancer is a water sign, which means it is rooted in emotion.  Not only that, Cancer is known as the Zodiac mother, making this the sign of fundamental emotional energy – it is where the basis of our individual emotional principles is established.  The Moon (the ruler of Cancer) represents our emotional core, but where Cancer resides in your individual chart is where you feel most emotionally stable and secure and where in your life you are inclined to nurture, care for, and protect others, especially your loved ones.

Mercury is not comfortable with any of this, as it is a quick-minded intellectual.  Curiosity, reason, and mental playfulness are its preferred methods of operation.  Mercury takes emotions and tries to process them intellectually – it tries to make logical sense of them.  It’s not easy or fun as emotions rarely make logical sense, which makes this a very challenging combination as Mercury has to modify its usual emotionally-detached approach to accommodate Cancer’s emotional sensitivities and needs.

The objective for Mercury in Cancer is to bring a consideration of emotional investment into the logic and reasoning process, and to do so with efficiency, charm, and wit.  Continue reading