World Powers Essay #1 – The United States – The Healing Starts at Home

American Flag - United States of America Flag Illustration.

So my little follow-up post to yesterday’s Mars in Virgo-Pluto Direct in Capricorn post has become more extensive than I expected.

As I looked into the dynamics of each nation involved in recent world events, I realized that it may be best to simply write about each nation.

That said, since I’m an American,  I guess I’ll start with the U.S. This is easier in some ways because I live here, but it’s also more difficult because the United States of America has had a rough couple of weeks, and frankly, a rough couple of years. Most recently, another mass school shooting in Oregon, an “accidental” military bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan, Russia stepping into partnership with Syria and into a prominent leadership role in bringing order to the Middle East region, accusations and questions about possible human rights violations by its Middle East allies and in its own military and intelligence activities in the region, and with religion, immigration, racism, sexism, and abortion continuing to be hot-button issues in its internal affairs, the U.S. has a lot on its plate…and most of it isn’t very appetizing.

Yet what I’d like to do in this post is explain why this is happening and what is happening to the U.S. as a whole right now. I’ll say it now – this isn’t going to be pretty, yet I don’t believe in sugar-coating what I see in any chart I study. Though some of you may take offense and/or accuse me of looking at my country with a n objectively critical eye, I’m only stating what I see for the U.S. now and ahead through the eyes of astrology and numerology. I hope it helps us understand what is happening, and that it helps us get through all that is happening now and next with an optimistic and hopeful outlook for our future.

This essay will be more technical than most of my posts, so I hope I don’t lose anyone with the details. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment on this post or to email directly with any technical questions or comments you may have. For astrologers, I’ve used the Sibly chart for the U.S. in this analysis.

That said, let’s begin. Continue reading

2015-2017 Saturn in Sagittarius – Eyes on The Prize

digital visualization of eyes

Saturn in Sagittarius may seem like a potentially painful blend of energies. Yet, if you take a moment to understand how these energies can actually complement each other well, you may find that this is actually a call to get serious about your personal growth.

You may say it, but do you really want to expand your mind or expand your experience of life? Do you really want to achieve success and expand upon it? When Saturn enters Sagittarius at 7:50p PDT on Thursday, 17th September 2015, consider it your invitation to embark on a two-year journey to expand beyond your perceived boundaries and limitations and discover things about yourself and your life you may not even have known were possible for you. Continue reading

01 July 2015 – The “Super Mommy” Dynamic and The 2015 Capricorn Full Moon

2015 Capricorn Full Moon 20150630_213607As we begin this calendar month of July 2015, we continue on in the 2015 Cancer Sun period while entering a numerological 6 universal month. Cancer is the “mommy” energy of the Zodiac. Six is the “mommy” energy of numerology. This double dose of maternal dynamism is a rather extraordinary experience…

…and it’s an intensely emotional one, too.

People will be more emotionally sensitive and responsive than usual over the next 3+ weeks, simply because their fundamental emotional truths are being both supported and tested in ways they haven’t been before.

You may find yourself desperate to keep the past in place –maintaining a sense of emotional safety and security that is long familiar to you to avoid feeling any kind of emotional discomfort or pain. Alternatively, you may find yourself eager to move beyond the past into a present and future that doesn’t have the same emotional pain that you’ve felt for so long.

This is the influence of Cancer 6 – a.k.a. the “Super Mommy” dynamic. Like mother bears fiercely protecting their cubs, you’ll notice there will be people defending their emotional status quo. And like snakes shedding their skins, there will also be people releasing their emotional pasts for a more positive and loving emotional experience. Continue reading

2015 Mars in Pisces – Bridging The Past, Present, & Future (a.ka. – Fantasy or Sci-Fi?)

Mars entered Pisces at 2:20a on 12th January 2015.  When it did, it opened up the possibility of a transition for the ages.

As I was contemplating this post, I recalled a conversation I had with a friend last night.  We were debating the content of and our personal preferences for either fantasy versus science fiction stories.

I observed that fantasy storylines and content seems to echo the past – idealizing the days and stories of medieval hand-to-hand combat, fires and bombs, magical myth and lore, and the fight between good and evil.  There seems to be much bloodshed and suffering in the fantasy realm, and an almost constant vying for power and supremacy that is played out in battles for land/territory over religion, culture, and origin.  It’s reminiscent of the actual fighting during The Crusades, the various empires of the day (Roman, Ottoman, and such), World Wars I and II, etc.

I also observed that science fiction seems to look forward to a future ideal in which everyone is considered and treated as equal, making efforts to overcome race, gender, and species differences.  Sci-Fi also tends to bring historical references into the mix, but only with the intention of showing us how the perceived wrongs of the past can be righted.  Of course, to present a world in which these differences are non-existent and the racial, cultural, and religious battles of the present have been overcome and transcended is a bit idealistic in its own right. And sci-fi also has its laser guns, bombs, and other tools of warfare. Continue reading

Water Grand Trine of Sun in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces – Taking Off Your Rose-Colored Glasses

There are three Water Grand Trine configurations during this 2013 Cancer Sun cycle!  This collection and combination of transits and the planets involved make these Grand Trine transits a pretty big deal.

Let’s discuss.

To start, the common thread of all three of these 2013 Cancer Sun Cycle Water Grand Trines is the Saturn in Scorpio-Neptune in Pisces trine. 

Saturn is in the sign of Scorpio.  In this sign, Saturn is establishing transformation and evolution as the new structure for our collective experience, asking us to accept that depth and substance is being established as our new structure for living.  It calls upon us to focus on the deeper depths of who we are and what we are doing to accomplish our goals in this world.

Under the influence of Saturn in Scorpio, there is no longer a place for superficial small talk or polite façades in our efforts to achieve our goals or manifest our desired results.  If we want to establish what we say we want to establish in our world, we must get real with ourselves and each other on a very deep and profound level.

Saturn in Scorpio (currently in retrograde motion) asks us to go within yourself and to dig below the surface to get to the deepest and darkest truths of who you are and why you do what you do, somehow understanding that when you explore our darkest depths, you are blessed with access to your brightest expression of Divine Light.   Due to the retrograde of Saturn  at this time, you get the luxury of experiencing this exploration from the inside out – recognizing from within yourself the changes that need to occur in your life on the outside.  This is a much easier process that the way those lessons could come to you otherwise.

Neptune is traveling (also currently in retrograde motion) its home sign of Pisces – inspired and visionary, and also artistic, creative, and imaginative.  It calls upon recognize and access our collective Oneness, which gives awakening to both our spirituality and artistry, allowing us to honor and take steps to bring our visions into the reality of our lives.

However, Neptune in Pisces may also bring an extra dose of idealism, so fantasy and delusion are also highlighted now, especially if you have planets in your natal or progressed charts that are in conjunction or trine aspect with these.  It is important not to let your head be so high up in the clouds that you lose contact with a grounded reality.

This is why it’s good that Neptune is trine with such an intense Saturn right now – these two will help keep each other in check.  Neptune allows you to follow your dreams, yet Saturn holds you accountable and responsible for the emotional reality of your life – responsibility and accountability which, in their lacking, may actually be keeping those dreams from becoming your tangible and experiential reality.

This first of three 2013 Cancer Sun Cycle Water Grand Trines includes the Sun in Cancer, which trined Saturn at 2:12a PDT on Wednesday, June 26th, then trined Neptune at 10:48a PDT later that same morning. When combined with Saturn and Neptune, the Sun brings Light to whatever has been hidden from view in matters regarding the manifestation of your dreams.  That means that whatever has been hiding underneath the surface now gets to be revealed to you, and whichever dreams or visions have you being especially delusional get to be brought down to earth.  This gives you a chance to face and deal with these revelations for yourself first so you can reveal these truths to others later.

Grand trines are very fortunate configurations, and ultimately bring forth positive and healing outcomes.  But for some of you who may be deeply emotionally attached to your veils, secrets, and delusional beliefs, this may be more a gentle wake-up call and a not-so-positive experience for you – at first.

What may prove challenging for you is that Sun in Cancer is likely to reveal the areas and aspects of your life that you give a great deal of nurturing and protective energy to.  Though we all like to think that we are nurturing people, relationships, beliefs, behaviors, and/or things that support and encourage us to fulfill intentions and achieve goals, some of what you may care for and protect may not be serving you well any longer if it ever did in the first place.  There may prove to be some painful truths revealed to us by Sun in Cancer that is magnified in the power of this Water Grand Trine.

Even though it may not feel good at first, it would be very wise to take heed and start taking care of your emotional matters now.  The first week of July may prove very challenging if you believe that you can move forward without having to give up or transform any of your old emotionally protective ways.

In resisting the call of the Sun-Saturn-Neptune Water Grand Trine to face and deal, the upcoming Venus-Saturn square and especially Saturn returning to direct motion may prove very enlightening in ways that may force you from the outside in to face the emotional demons you’ve been hiding and to begin the emotional releasing and healing work you’ve been avoiding.

This Sun-Saturn-Neptune Water Grand Trine announces that it’s time to take off your rose-colored glasses and deal with yourself and the emotional truth of your life so you can have the life you want – you can choose to take them off, or you can have them taken off for you.  The choice is yours.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


New Moon in Leo – You Shine It, You Own It

With the Sun in Leo these last few weeks, there has been a lot of focus on yourself and who you are choosing to be in and for the world, and who have around you who supports or detriments your ability to shine your unique expression of Light into the world.  The Sun, of course, is still in Leo for another few days, and Mercury is continuing its presence in the sign in direct motion for a couple more weeks.

So by now, you know you have an unique expression of Light inside you that is shining outwardly to the world, whether you are aware of it or not.  And unless you have chosen to hide out in a cave somewhere, with both Sun and Mercury in Leo right now, everyone sees what you have to offer from the inside out.

Now the Moon joins the Sun and Mercury in Leo, and the Moon conjuncts the Sun at 8:55a PDT on Friday, August 17th, 2012.  This conjunction is also known as New Moon in Leo.

The questions at hand are:

  • Do you see yourself completely?
  • Do you fully realize who you are and what you have to share with others?
  • And do you own your complete self-expression from the inside out?

With the New Moon in Leo, there is an opportunity to not only know your Light but to own your Light.  When I say ‘own’, I mean to claim it and be responsible and accountable for it from the inside out.  Owning the expression of Light you shine – owning your unique identity – means to be able to say “Yeah, this is me. What about it?”  to anyone who questions your outward self-expression.  It also means that you are willing to own up to who you are being in your life (for better and worse) because you feel the truth of your self-expression in and from your inner being.

This inward talk of feelings and emotions is heart language, and for those of you who aren’t comfortable with your emotions or with expressing your emotions, this may be a challenging time for you as you are being called upon to be aware of and own your inner feelings as much as you are being aware of and owning your outward expression at this time.  True ownership is being able to inwardly and outwardly express yourself.  Feeling a certain way on the inside and expressing yourself outwardly in alignment with that inner Truth is the ultimate of ownership for who you are being in and for the world.

As stated in the previous blog post and earlier in this one, with the Sun and Mercury both in Leo right now, who you truly are and how you truly feel is probably no secret…to you or anyone else.  Not much can be hidden in the glow of the Leo Sun, and especially with Mercury in Leo, it’s not as if people aren’t already seeing you or talking about what they see.  The question under this New Moon in Leo is whether or not you choose to take 100% ownership for who you are being in your outward expression.

If taking conscious ownership of your self-expression is a challenge for you, it may be because you are not outwardly expressing yourself in full alignment with your inner Truth.  You may find yourself saying things that defend or justify your actions and behaviors – things like, “That’s not really me” or “That’s not what I meant”.  Those types of statements are clues that your emotions and actions are not in alignment with each other, and there is something you get to examine about yourself as to why they aren’t reflecting the Truth of who you know yourself to be and what you meant to express.

New Moons are great times to start something new – it brings an emotional awareness of your self-expression energy, which allows for an emotional renewal of energy.  This Leo New Moon is a perfect opportunity to align how you choose to express yourself on the outside with who you really are on the inside.  It’s a chance to show the world your True colors and to feel comfortable and confident in revealing them to others.

It’s also a chance to remember – if you’re the one who put it out there, it’s yours.  You shine it, you own it.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


Full Moon in Capricorn/Cancer – Emotional Accountability

The Full Moon arrives in the sign of Capricorn at 11:52a PDT on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012.

Since the Sun entered Cancer on June 21st, you’ve had the chance to look at your life in the context of nurturing.  This Sun sign cycle has given you a chance to gain clarity about what you really need to feel emotionally nurtured, cared for and supported in your life.

In contrast to Cancer’s emotional nurturing and warmth, Capricorn is all about tangible results.  It is goal-oriented, ambitious, and coolly disciplined in its approach to manifesting its desired results.

Yet, it is the Moon – Cancer’s ruling planetary body – achieving its full phase in this rather strict and focused sign of Capricorn.  Therefore, this Full Moon in Capricorn represents what you want to be emotionally accountable for creating and establishing at this moment in your life.


Full Moon in Capricorn reminds you that you are responsible for choosing the environment that emotionally supports you and the pursuit and achievement of your goals and ambitions.  You choose the relationships, the interactions, the associations, the energy – you choose the people and things to have around you that provide you with either support or sabotage of your goals and ambitions.  You also choose how you respond to the environments of your creation.  It is important for you to create and/or align yourself with environments and people who truly emotionally support and encourage you in your pursuit of your goals and dreams…and if you don’t like what you have around you or coming up within you, it is up to you to change it.

The Cancer-Capricorn axis brings awareness of how much your emotional foundation and well-being really does affect your ability to achieve and succeed in your life.  When you have a strong emotional support structure behind or beside you, you know you have something or someone to catch you when you fall or to encourage you to get up when you are ready to sit down and let your life pass you by.  Without that support, you may find yourself hiding from life, protecting yourself from possible hurt and/or failure, so afraid of the emotional pain of not achieving your goals that you may never even set out to try to achieve them in the first place.

This is not to say that everyone or everything that causes you emotional pain should be instantly disregarded or discarded from your life.  In fact, it is just the opposite – pay attention to what hurts you emotionally right now and ask yourself why it hurts you so much.   With Venus and Jupiter both in Gemini during this Full Moon cycle, the answers to ‘why’ can bring profound, positive, and possibly even profitable personal growth for you and your life.


One especially interesting detail about this Full Moon is that the New Moon that led into it was not in the current Sun sign cycle.  The previous New Moon was a second appearance in Gemini.  That has this Full Moon leading us right into a maturity of the Cancer-Capricorn axis energy – immediately into a focus on the results we want to receive and/or achieve through establishing and developing the emotional foundations of our lives.  In a way, we will be putting the cart before the horse – getting clear about what we want to manifest in and for our lives, then creating the emotional environment to support us in bringing it into tangible reality.


There are two other planetary shifts that will have a influence upon this Full Moon cycle:

  • The Moon makes a brief conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn before going completely full on Tuesday.  This makes for a very interesting dynamic as Pluto brings a transformative (a.k.a. – powerful and sometimes destructive) energy to matters.  This Full Moon comes in the wake of a rather profound event or revelation.  Since Pluto is retrograde, it may be a revelation from within yourself rather than something affecting you from the outside world – certain recent events or a series of seemingly unrelated moments may suddenly reveal their common connection or collective reason for why they occurred.  This revelation is likely to help you make choices about things that you have been indecisive about for quite a while now.
  • Also, Mars enters Libra only about 6 hours before the Moon goes full (at 5:31a PDT).  This is an interesting shift because it encourages us to take actions in regard to the relationships and partnerships in our lives.  To have this influence happening just hours before the Full Moon definitely indicates a focus shift – once you recognize the changes you want to make within yourself, you then take the necessary actions to make changes outside of yourself.

A transformation of your emotional support structure is at hand.  Embrace the opportunity to feel your emotions, recognize your inner Truth, make choices, and take actions to make sure you have the support structure in place to become all you want to and strive to be in your life.


Make the most of this Full Moon in Capricorn cycle.  It is bound to be profound!

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…


~ Light, Love and Blessings,
