01 July 2015 – The “Super Mommy” Dynamic and The 2015 Capricorn Full Moon

2015 Capricorn Full Moon 20150630_213607As we begin this calendar month of July 2015, we continue on in the 2015 Cancer Sun period while entering a numerological 6 universal month. Cancer is the “mommy” energy of the Zodiac. Six is the “mommy” energy of numerology. This double dose of maternal dynamism is a rather extraordinary experience…

…and it’s an intensely emotional one, too.

People will be more emotionally sensitive and responsive than usual over the next 3+ weeks, simply because their fundamental emotional truths are being both supported and tested in ways they haven’t been before.

You may find yourself desperate to keep the past in place –maintaining a sense of emotional safety and security that is long familiar to you to avoid feeling any kind of emotional discomfort or pain. Alternatively, you may find yourself eager to move beyond the past into a present and future that doesn’t have the same emotional pain that you’ve felt for so long.

This is the influence of Cancer 6 – a.k.a. the “Super Mommy” dynamic. Like mother bears fiercely protecting their cubs, you’ll notice there will be people defending their emotional status quo. And like snakes shedding their skins, there will also be people releasing their emotional pasts for a more positive and loving emotional experience. Continue reading

Aggression Meets Empathy – 2015 Mars in Cancer and Chiron Retrograde in Pisces

On 24th July, 2015, Mars entered the sign of Cancer at 6:33a PDT.

Mars is the action planet. Known as the “warrior” of the Zodiac and the ruler of Aries, Mars is at least assertive and at most aggressive or violent, and needs to be active in order to keep its wits about it. Sitting still and being quiet is NOT a very Martian thing to do.

Cancer is a cardinal water sign, so it is inclined to take emotional initiative. Known as the “mommy” sign – the sign of emotional nurturing and encouragement – Cancer reveals what has us feel emotionally safe, stable, and secure. Cancer’s ruler is the Moon which moves very quickly through the Zodiac. In fact, the Moon moves through all 12 signs of the Zodiac within a 4.5 week Sun period!

In this case of Mars in Cancer, Mars only amplifies Cancer’s natural initiative to act on its emotional inclinations, while Cancer gives Mars an emotion-based trigger for its actions. Mars in Cancer may encourage us to act upon our emotional self-interests, not so concerned about the feelings of others unless they are same or similar to their own.

That said, this 2015 Mars in Cancer is one under which people’s actions will reveal their true feelings about various matters…and the after-effects of their emotion-driven actions will challenge them to be held accountable and responsible for what they feel.

And yes, “them” includes you. Continue reading