Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini – Some Jolly Big Progress

As we near the end of the 2013 Gemini Sun cycle, a conjunction of the Sun with Jupiter (exact at 9:17a PDT this morning, but felt throughout the day and well into tomorrow) brings some much welcome jolly and joyful energy to the mix.

Yes, I said jolly.

That’s because Jupiter is the jolliest planet of them all!  It represents growth and expansion, usually of positive feelings.  That said, when Jupiter is in an especially good mood, it can also be generous – very generous.

In Gemini, Jupiter tends to instigate an abundance of ideas and/or thoughts.  It also may have a lot to say.  When conjunct with the Sun in Gemini, Jupiter brings an opportunity for those thoughts and ideas to come to Light.  It’s time to take a chance in sharing them with others.

In doing so, this could be a very fortunate time for you.  Today is the day to share the thoughts, ideas, and communications you need to share if you want it to be well-received (or to have it received better than it may otherwise be).  It is also a good day to deliver not-so-good news as Jupiter’s influence may allow everyone involved to find the humor in the matter – to see the positives rather than the negatives.

Yet sometimes with Jupiter, there can be too much of a good thing.  In fact, Jupiter is sometimes too generous for its own good.  Though you do want to share your ideas, be cautious to share enough to get the responses you need, but not to share everything you have to offer.  Otherwise, you may risk giving away everything to someone who will take all of your ideas and benefit from them for themselves, leaving you with little if anything to show for it.

This also applies to those of you listening for ideas to invest in.  Be sure that something doesn’t sound too good to be true – you may take a chance on putting a great deal of money or energy into something that may be over-hyped, or you may give more than is wise to a particular endeavor or cause.

But those are the worst-case scenarios under the influence of this Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini today.  Beyond those cautions, this is a wonderful day to communicate your ideas and see how the Universe supports you in bringing them to fruition.  It’s a time for sharing your ideas and potentially making some jolly big progress.

Embrace this energy and grow!

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Venus Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini – Positive Clarity of Intent

Roughly 36 hours after Mercury conjuncted Jupiter in Gemini, Venus follows suit , exact at 12:29p PDT today.  During this conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Gemini, there is a wonderful opportunity to be in communication with people you are in relationships or partnerships with.  Today, and for the next 2-3 days, you may find that you are able to bring much-needed clarity to aspects of your partnership that have been unclear or in a state of limbo.  You may also find that information is revealed and/or exchanged that helps clarify the intention of a relationship and determines the direction a partnership needs to move into – either closer together or further apart.

The wonderful thing about this Venus-Jupiter conjunction is that no matter what happens, both parties involved can experience positive energy and great optimism after these discussions have taken place.  The air gets cleared and everyone involved is better for it.

This is due in great part to the fact that Venus – the ruler of the air sign of Libra –  is known for bringing abundance and positive energy to relationships and partnerships because of its objectivity –  it doesn’t (despite popular belief) have an emotional stake in the outcome.  In fact, Venus does its best to keep emotional drama out of the matters at hand, keeping its eyes focused on the prizes of balance, fairness, justice, equality, and diplomacy.

In Gemini, Venus is happy traveling through a fellow air sign.  There is no emotional theater to negotiate or manage.  It’s all ideas, thoughts, and information – easy components to work with in the intention of creating open and clear lines of communication between two parties.  As long as the parties involved keep their emotional agendas out of the mix, things can get done smoothly and easily.

Jupiter is also known for bringing positive and optimistic energy into any matter, and is known for bringing growth and expansion to matters as well.  With Jupiter in Gemini, this is a wonderful element to have present at this time.  It almost ensures that any communications and information exchanged will be for the better…even if it doesn’t seem that way at first.  It also ensures that the positive effects of clear communication will grow and expand throughout everything that the two parties do from this point forward – it is very likely that there will be lasting positive effects from the ideas, insights, and information exchanged now.

My big warning message for this transit: Venus conjunct Jupiter in Gemini can be a very light and playful energy, so the temptation to play games is strong.  Yet it will serve everyone involved best to keep the games out of the mix, and to keep the information and communication direct, clear, and open.  The masterful playing of mind games is one of Gemini’s strong suits, yet it is not wise to play any games at this time.  You could, but you are likely to find that they 1) may grow bigger than you intended much more quickly than you intended, becoming more of a hassle for you to juggle than you intended, or 2) help bring clarity to the parties involved – clarity that helps them realize that they no longer want to be played with, and therefore, no longer want to interact with you.

Too little communication can lead to assumptions, misunderstandings, and/or outright lies, especially if there is emotional attachment by either party to the outcome of the communications.  And too much information can actually have a similar effect, creating confusion or lack of clarity where there was none before.  Creative liberties taken in order to make clarity out of a “TMI” (too much information) situation could prove devastating to a partnership.

The keys to success during this conjunction are clarity and balance (Venus), and allowing what has clarity and balance to grow and expand (Jupiter).  Make sure both parties have their fair and/or equal opportunity to speak their minds and share their ideas and insights – growing those qualities in your partnerships is paramount now.  Under the influence of Gemini – the perpetual student of the Zodiac – there are lessons to be learned here about clear and open communication, and they are lessons that can bring wisdom and positive personal growth for all involved.

Use the power of this powerful Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini wisely.  Reap the benefits available to you and your relationships of all kinds.  If you must play any game, challenge yourself to be as direct and open as possible and encourage others to do the same.  May your life be better as result of your exchanges in the next few days.

As always, thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings.


Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini – Choosing Your Own Communications Adventure

As mentioned earlier in the month of Gemini, Mercury is very much at home in its own sign of Gemini.  Information comes and goes quickly and effortlessly, making communicating a breeze.

Jupiter is known for its growth and expansion characteristics.  It can also make whatever it touches larger than life, therefore, it can take the information and communications of Gemini and expand them or elaborate on them.

Jupiter is also known for bringing a jolly and optimistic quality to any matter.  So, with Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini @12:56a PDT, Jupiter thinks that information is good, right?  Information is meant to be shared – why not share it in a big way and with as many people as possible?  And while we’re at it, why not dress it up a bit?

The challenge with this conjunction is that not everything is meant to be shared.  When Mercury, the ruler of Gemini conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini, you can only imagine how quickly word can spread about just about anything and everything.

And in sharing, some of what is shared spreads faster than you may intend it to.  In fact, the information may move faster than you realize, causing you to possibly miss out on an opportunity to get some control over what is being said and who it’s being said to.  On top of that, you may find that what is being said isn’t false, but there may be some elaboration of the truth.  Rather than omissions from the story, there may be additions instead.

Yet, one thing to keep in mind is that Jupiter is at home in the sign opposite Gemini, Sagittarius.  It is not only about making things bigger and more optimistic – it is also about gaining wisdom from experience.  That said, when Jupiter in Gemini is conjuncted by Mercury, it’s not just about the ideas and/or words.  It’s learning from the experience of what fast-moving information and/or quick-flying gossip can do.  There’s wisdom to be gained from the communication experiences that you have during this time.  It can be quite an adventure if you choose to see it that way.

Unfortunately, we often learn when things go badly.  So for most of you, there would need to be the experience of having information you didn’t want out being spread all over, or someone making a much bigger deal about something involving you than was actually the case.  This could be a major lesson in what to share with others, learning that what you say may not remain in close circles.  You may learn to be more aware of what you share and who you share it with.

However, some of you may have a positive experience with this Mercury-Jupiter conjunction.  In this case, you may learn how to get a positive message or helpful information to others in a fun and easy way.  You may also notice that since jolly Jupiter is bigger in size than nimble Mercury, it doesn’t move as quickly.  Much like information, good news rarely travels as quickly as bad news.  With Gemini being an air sign possessing the qualities of natural objectivity and emotional detachment, it could be a great time to take the time to have patient yet remarkably thorough conversations that help clear up any confusion that may exist in any matters at hand.  This conjunction can bring positive communicative energy to interactions of all kinds.

The effects of this Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini will last for another day or two, so make the most of this energy that allows you to choose your own communications adventure.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings.


Mercury Retrograde in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini – Any Big Ideas?

Having any big ideas lately?

Yes.  That one you just thought of and quickly stuffed down?  THAT’S the one I’m talking about.

Why aren’t you looking for a way to make that happen?

This transit of Mercury Retrograde in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (which was exact at 7:38p PST this evening on March 9th, 2013) is all about this very phenomenon of awakening to a visionary idea, and then either dismissing it or growing it way out of proportion.

Yet in this dynamic, it’s Jupiter in Gemini wanting to make the ideas grow!  Then it’s Mercury Retrograde in Pisces challenging Jupiter in Gemini’s big and bright ideas, getting your inner critic going and giving you all the reasons 1) why you shouldn’t and you pretend like you never though it in the first place even though you keep thinking about it, or 2) why you should and why you start dreaming up unicorns and pots of gold at ends of rainbows to go along with it.

In case number 1, Mercury in Pisces can lead you to convince yourself that your idea shouldn’t be pursued because it would be selfish for you to pursue your vision and you need to serve others first.  The “selfish” moniker often comes up when your vision grows so big that it becomes overwhelming to you or for you to pursue alone.  You may use “being of service” as an excuse for not going after what you want to pursue for yourself.  Your inner martyr kicks in, coming up with all the reasons to justify why you can’t because you need to be serving others, blah, blah, blah.  Yet, when you listen to that inner martyr, the kicks often end up being the ones you give yourself for not taking that idea that came up again and again and again seriously.

Recognize that in blocking the development of your ideas and visions, you may be sacrificing the gifts from the Universe that you’ve been uniquely blessed with to use in healing or serving the world.  Consider that pursuing your “selfish” idea may actually put you in a position to serve others in loving and compassionate ways.  Consider that your ideas aren’t meant to be discarded, but rather, they are meant to inspire you and spark your imagination and expansion of your connection with All-That-Is through their fulfillment.

In case number two, Mercury in Pisces can think so far outside the box into a dreamy and ethereal wonderland that you may take your ideas just a bit too far.  Creative brainstorming may grow so out of proportion under Jupiter in Gemini’s ever-expanding mind that you may lose sight of what your initial idea and your intention for it was to begin with.  Your idea may become so big and inclusive that your vision may be too complicated to explain to anyone else in ways that make enough sense to implement it.  And with Mercury in retrograde motion, a lot of this may simply be you complicating the whole matter for yourself, making it harder for you to communicate with others and ask them for what you want or need.  In complicating it, you default back to number one, and discard the whole thing with, “Never mind.  It’s too much”.

Recognize that visions and dreams should never (yes, I said never) be discarded completely.  Yet you do need to think and get clear about how you could take the first steps to make those visions and dreams tangible reality.  If “the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step”, you want to make sure you know what that first step is before you idealize yourself into the middle of nowhere.

Also remember – trying to serve everyone is rarely if ever possible, so get clear about exactly who you do want to serve.  Once you have a clear vision and intention, you can expand it from there.

Right now, with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini, we are dealing with water and air energies with a bit of fire.  There’s a lot of hot air and steam blowing around right now and it important to make sure we aren’t blowing it up someone else’s backside, or worse, up our own.

Therefore, it may be good for you to keep your visions and ideas to yourself (or to a very closely-trusted few) for another 8 days until Mercury goes direct on the 17th.  We all should have more clarity of thought and perception by that time.  Then you may find opportunities open up for you to begin communicating with others about creating the first steps for your vision(s) and idea(s) to be realized.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini – Learning and Growing in Partnership

At 5:52a PST, Venus in Pisces squared Jupiter in Gemini.  Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter is a challenging aspect, but only in that it challenges us to look at our partnerships of all kinds in different ways.  For some of us, that difference may seem to be a negative.  For others of us, it may seem to be a positive.  However it occurs for you, the shift that occurs will probably be the best thing for both (and all) parties involved for you and your partner(s) to learn some new things and gain some clarity about the true nature of your relationship.

Venus in Pisces tends to idealize relationships and partnerships with a rose-colored glasses perspective.  It looks for the best in everything, and tends to go into denial or tries to escape reality when the truth proves the fantasy to be untrue.  Though Venus is naturally associated with air energy (Libra), in Pisces it’s ability to see things clearly and objectively is drowned out by Pisces’ watery emotion.  One’s emotions are likely heavily invested in dreams, visions, and sometimes delusions of “happily ever after’.

Jupiter in Gemini tends to seek ways to expand its knowledge base and grow in its ability to have intellectual   and objective exchanges with others in ways that give all parties involved more information.  With Gemini being an air sign, Jupiter has no emotional investment in the information communicated – it’s all ideas and logic.  And with Jupiter usually associated with fire energy (Sagittarius), it is eager to make a big deal of the new truths it is discovering.  Jupiter in Gemini is enthusiastic about what it is learning and passionate about sharing it with anyone who will listen and feed its fire by giving it even more to learn.

Combining these two energies proves very interesting as Jupiter in Gemini brings information to Venus in Pisces that will likely challenge Venus’ perception that everything is good, happy, and wonderful.  Even if what is being communicated by Jupiter in Gemini isn’t absolutely true, it puts enough reasonable doubt in the air about what is or isn’t real or true – enough of a question to burst Venus in Pisces’ bubble.

And with Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun in Pisces today as well, the truths that come to Light may leave Venus in Pisces either having to come to terms with its dreams being tempered with reality, or desperate to escape the truth that is emerging.

For you as an individual, you may find yourself choosing to accept the reality of a situation that you have been resisting for some time as information comes forth that has you let go of your ideal to make the best of what you’ve got.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that the dream is dead – just that it may come in a way different that you envisioned, or that something even better than you could ever imagine is coming to you instead.

On the other hand, if you are really emotionally invested in a particular outcome, you may find that this Pisces Venus-Gemini Jupiter square has you running to escape the truths coming to Light.  You may find yourself in heavy denial, seeking shelter from the reality that is revealing itself so harshly.

The tension dynamics of Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter are likely to be visible in matters of partnerships and one-one-one relationships of all kinds.  This may show up as one partner wanting to grow intellectually with the other or as one wanting to grow in a new or different direction than their partner to expand their knowledge or to put themselves in a position to have more communication or interaction with others.  The other partner may not want to grow closer in this way or may feel their ability to think for themselves is being compromised by their partner.

Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter could be especially notable in partnerships of a romantic nature.  Partners who have been feeling a great deal of emotional or spiritual connection may now take time to actually talk or think about what is happening between them rather than just going by their feelings and emotions alone.  In doing so, they may realize that they don’t have much more than emotions and dreams – that there’s no intellectual connection or that they don’t think enough alike for their connection to work out long term.  Others may find that they connect better in their meeting of the minds than they do emotionally or spiritually, or vice-versa, and this may lead them to shift the dynamic of their relationship.

Either of the afore-mentioned reactions of acceptance or denial could be yours, but they could also be the experience of your partner if you are the one holding the intellectual cards in the dynamic of this transit.  They may not see this conversation or revelation coming, and your thoughts on the nature of your partnership could be quite upsetting for them.  Be aware of this possibility before you drop what may be a bomb on their vision, and if you are on the receiving end of the news, be aware that your partner probably doesn’t intend to hurt you.

These are the growing pains of relationships – the ones in which we realize that partnership is not all always easy or fun or dreamy.  Sometimes, there are some realities that needs to be addressed for it to work if it’s going to last.  Even then, if they do last, the relationships may not always last in the way we think or hope they will.

Remember that however Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter occurs for you today, any shift that occurs will probably be the best thing for all parties involved for you and your partner.  Embrace any changes that may happen today, and allow them to help you learn and grow in your knowledge and understanding of the true nature of partnership.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blesings,


Full Moon in Capricorn/Cancer – Emotional Accountability

The Full Moon arrives in the sign of Capricorn at 11:52a PDT on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012.

Since the Sun entered Cancer on June 21st, you’ve had the chance to look at your life in the context of nurturing.  This Sun sign cycle has given you a chance to gain clarity about what you really need to feel emotionally nurtured, cared for and supported in your life.

In contrast to Cancer’s emotional nurturing and warmth, Capricorn is all about tangible results.  It is goal-oriented, ambitious, and coolly disciplined in its approach to manifesting its desired results.

Yet, it is the Moon – Cancer’s ruling planetary body – achieving its full phase in this rather strict and focused sign of Capricorn.  Therefore, this Full Moon in Capricorn represents what you want to be emotionally accountable for creating and establishing at this moment in your life.


Full Moon in Capricorn reminds you that you are responsible for choosing the environment that emotionally supports you and the pursuit and achievement of your goals and ambitions.  You choose the relationships, the interactions, the associations, the energy – you choose the people and things to have around you that provide you with either support or sabotage of your goals and ambitions.  You also choose how you respond to the environments of your creation.  It is important for you to create and/or align yourself with environments and people who truly emotionally support and encourage you in your pursuit of your goals and dreams…and if you don’t like what you have around you or coming up within you, it is up to you to change it.

The Cancer-Capricorn axis brings awareness of how much your emotional foundation and well-being really does affect your ability to achieve and succeed in your life.  When you have a strong emotional support structure behind or beside you, you know you have something or someone to catch you when you fall or to encourage you to get up when you are ready to sit down and let your life pass you by.  Without that support, you may find yourself hiding from life, protecting yourself from possible hurt and/or failure, so afraid of the emotional pain of not achieving your goals that you may never even set out to try to achieve them in the first place.

This is not to say that everyone or everything that causes you emotional pain should be instantly disregarded or discarded from your life.  In fact, it is just the opposite – pay attention to what hurts you emotionally right now and ask yourself why it hurts you so much.   With Venus and Jupiter both in Gemini during this Full Moon cycle, the answers to ‘why’ can bring profound, positive, and possibly even profitable personal growth for you and your life.


One especially interesting detail about this Full Moon is that the New Moon that led into it was not in the current Sun sign cycle.  The previous New Moon was a second appearance in Gemini.  That has this Full Moon leading us right into a maturity of the Cancer-Capricorn axis energy – immediately into a focus on the results we want to receive and/or achieve through establishing and developing the emotional foundations of our lives.  In a way, we will be putting the cart before the horse – getting clear about what we want to manifest in and for our lives, then creating the emotional environment to support us in bringing it into tangible reality.


There are two other planetary shifts that will have a influence upon this Full Moon cycle:

  • The Moon makes a brief conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn before going completely full on Tuesday.  This makes for a very interesting dynamic as Pluto brings a transformative (a.k.a. – powerful and sometimes destructive) energy to matters.  This Full Moon comes in the wake of a rather profound event or revelation.  Since Pluto is retrograde, it may be a revelation from within yourself rather than something affecting you from the outside world – certain recent events or a series of seemingly unrelated moments may suddenly reveal their common connection or collective reason for why they occurred.  This revelation is likely to help you make choices about things that you have been indecisive about for quite a while now.
  • Also, Mars enters Libra only about 6 hours before the Moon goes full (at 5:31a PDT).  This is an interesting shift because it encourages us to take actions in regard to the relationships and partnerships in our lives.  To have this influence happening just hours before the Full Moon definitely indicates a focus shift – once you recognize the changes you want to make within yourself, you then take the necessary actions to make changes outside of yourself.

A transformation of your emotional support structure is at hand.  Embrace the opportunity to feel your emotions, recognize your inner Truth, make choices, and take actions to make sure you have the support structure in place to become all you want to and strive to be in your life.


Make the most of this Full Moon in Capricorn cycle.  It is bound to be profound!

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…


~ Light, Love and Blessings,


New Moon in Gemini…Again! – Coming Full Circle

On Tuesday, June 19th at 8:02a PDT, we have a New Moon in Gemini…for the second time in this 2012 Gemini Sun cycle.

Remember what was said about the Gemini dynamic during the first Gemini New Moon – that what we think isn’t that important may actually very important or significant to those who are listening to us (and vice-versa); that “the revelations are in the ears of the recipients”; and that everyone is getting the information (the Truth) they need to hear or see to move forward in their life journeys, whether they choose to accept it or not.

This second experience of the Gemini New Moon gives us a rare full-circle experience of a Moon cycle, and a chance to revisit some questions from the first time around:

  • What have you learned during this Gemini Sun period?
  • Has the information that has come to you in this last month proven insightful and useful to you?
  • Are you (or have you been) receiving or rejecting the information – the Truth – you’ve heard or seen and learned?
  • Does what you know now change your thoughts and beliefs and feelings about yourself, others, and the circumstances of your life?

With the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Jupiter all moving in Gemini now, there is an even larger abundance of beneficial information and revelation at hand than there was a month ago.  Even if it doesn’t all seem or feel beneficial or positive in the moment, trust that what you are hearing and learning (or have heard and learned) in the last month and during this New Moon cycle will prove very useful to you in the coming weeks and months.

This second Gemini New Moon comes late in the sign – only a few hours before the Moon moves into its ‘home’ sign of Cancer and about 30 hours before the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer as well.  But with four influences still moving through Gemini, Cancer’s emotional and protective energy won’t be strongly felt or apparent…yet.

The one planet that has already moved in the sign of Cancer at the time of the New Moon is, perfectly enough, Mercury – Gemini’s ruling planet.  Advancing the strong Cancer energy coming over the next two days, Mercury ensures that whatever is revealed or communicated right now (and especially until June 25th) is coming from a very personal, private and emotional place.


This period is not only a full-circle moment in that we revisit New Moon in Gemini – it is also a full circle moment in that begins leading us to go even further back to our own personal beginnings on a mental-emotional level.

Mercury in Cancer’s influence has us receiving information about our pasts, and guides us to begin to deal with (or resist) what comes up in us intellectually and emotionally as result.

The emotional impact will become more pronounced as the Moon enters Cancer later on Tuesday and especially as the Sun enters Cancer on Wednesday. But for today’s New Moon in Gemini, those connections to the past definitely begin to surface on an intellectual level.

This time through New Moon in Gemini, you and others are likely to say what you are thinking about what you are feeling, and what is said will reveal a great deal about your origins – your foundational beliefs and thought processes as influenced by your childhood (your formative years – home, family, school).  Even if what you hear or read doesn’t seem authentic, it is wise to note that on some level, it is authentic.  On some level, you and others are revealing yourselves for who you really are on a core level, how you really feel at this time, and your level of emotional maturity.

Through these revelations and communications, there is an opportunity to create new and/or different ideas and thoughts about who you are and who others are for you.  As we  move into Moon in Cancer, then Sun in Cancer, the seedlings of the themes of nurturing, caring, support and protection planted thanks to Mercury in Cancer will grow to be the focus of our lives over this next month.

And what may be most interesting of all in this particular Moon cycle – this New Moon in Gemini finds its fulfillment in Full Moon in Capricorn/Cancer on July 3rd, meaning that whatever is started is likely to find some form of fulfillment around that time.  The thoughts and ideas that are created during this New Moon should find traction and manifestation or realization over the next two weeks.

Gemini is about thought and ideas. Cancer is about what it takes to nurture, support and protect those thoughts and ideas generated by Gemini. Capricorn is about results and accomplishments.  Therefore, what you think right now during this New Moon has a very high likelihood of becoming what you get.

Which beliefs are you choosing to continue, change or clear away in order to nurture and support the life you want and are creating?

Be aware.  Take notice of what is going through your head and heart right now.  And be mindful of what you’re thinking and saying – you may just get it and then some.

Enjoy! Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


Jupiter in Gemini – Great Ideas and Greater “Word of Mouth”

Jupiter moves out of safe, stable and stubborn Taurus into the quick-moving, quick-thinking, and fast-talking sign of Gemini at 10:22a PDT this morning, Monday, June 11, 2012.

It’ll be an interesting change, especially after Jupiter in Taurus brought such increased awareness of our financial, material and physical resource needs and comforts to the fore – either increasing our resources, teaching or reminding us of what we need to do to stabilize or increase them, or making us painfully aware of what we don’t have in that regard.

Now that Jupiter has brought us into increased awareness of those Taurus-based needs, Jupiter now begins to help us think of ways to generate and manifest the fulfillment of those needs as it moves into Gemini.

Jupiter is known as the symbol of growth, increase, expansion and abundance.  It can make ‘normal’ things larger than life.  With Jupiter in Gemini, remember that Gemini is an air sign.  Gemini is a mental energy – thoughts, ideas, and communications that can hold great creative power.

With Jupiter joining the Sun and Venus currently traveling through the sign of Gemini, it could be that you are having more positive thoughts and more creative ideas than you usually would about certain matters.  Those matters are likely in regard to whichever house(s) Gemini occupies in your natal chart.

Also, what you think about and speak about most has greater potential for expansion and manifestation at this time.  Your ideas and thoughts can also become much more known as you begin to share them with others in order to gain information as to how to manifest them into reality.  Again, your thoughts, ideas and words are likely to expand in ways influenced strongly by whichever house(s) Gemini occupies in your natal chart.

Because Gemini can move and learn so quickly, it also tends to have a rather short attention span.  This can be a dangerous thing at this time, as your thoughts and ideas can have so power and influence right now.  Having your mind on too many things may make it difficult to nurture the growth of any of them.

Do your best to focus your mental energy on one, two, or a few interconnected ideas rather than trying to expand all of your ideas and thoughts.  Choose what is truly most important to you and to what you are committed to creating in and for your life.

Communications (both valuable information and prolific gossip) will increase at this time.  Be aware of what you are saying or what is being said about you and your ideas – word will likely get around.  It is a great time for getting ideas and thoughts out into the world by “word of mouth” – making or asking for referrals, networking with others, or even sharing your ideas with people who can do something to help you develop them.

That said, with Mercury now in Cancer, be aware that those word-of-mouth communications will likely have some degree of emotional charge involved.  People may be more emotionally invested than usual in their communications about you or your ideas, either eagerly building you up or eagerly tearing you down.  People tend to speak positively and promote what they feel they can believe in and trust, and tend to speak negatively about what they don’t trust and/or what they are afraid of.

Recognize that either way, people are saying more about who they are than who you are.  Don’t let their criticisms bring you down, but also don’t let their praises build you up too much.  Use their criticisms help you learn and grow in positive ways, and let their encouragement help build confidence in your ideas and in your ability to see them through.

Jupiter will be in Gemini for approximately one year, moving in to Cancer in late June 2013.  Use its powerful influence of “word of mouth” wisely – it’s available for you to use to your advantage over these next twelve months.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,
