New Moon in Gemini – No Tears, Just Facts

Gemini, as an air sign, usually isn’t great about dealing with emotions.  In fact, it’s not even good at emotion.  Ideally, emotions and Gemini wouldn’t actually mix.

However, if you have Moon in Gemini in your personal astrology, or in this case, when the New Moon is in Gemini (exact at 8:56a PDT this morning, Saturday, June 8th, 2013), it’s unavoidable that the quick intellectual and logical mind of Gemini must be confronted by the emotions that the Moon inherently brings to the fore.  In this awkward blend of mind and emotion, there’s only one thing Gemini knows it can do.

Talk about it.

Now it may not actually be talking – it could be communicating via e-mail or letter, or through pictures or songs.  Direct communication would be best – the more direct, the better.  But if coming from Gemini, it could also be very indirect in a playful mind-gaming sort of way.

Nevertheless, under the influence of New Moon in Gemini, new lines of communication can be opened now bringing about fresh starts and new beginnings in whichever area(s) of your life is affected by Gemini and this New Moon.

Of course, when someone talks, ideally, someone else is hearing what is being said.  And believe it or not, this is where New Moon in Gemini may be at its best – listening.

This is because Gemini is a perpetual student.  It loves to gather information and increase its wealth of knowledge.  There is no such thing as too much information for Gemini, and Moon in Gemini is in its best emotional state when it’s “in the know”.  Knowledge is peace of mind and peace of heart for someone with a Gemini Moon or during this time of New Moon in Gemini.  The more objective information that can be exchanged now, the better everyone may feel right now .  (Yes, even Gemini has feelings, too.)

The information that gets heard during this conjunction of the Sun and Moon in Gemini is a very logical and objective expression of emotion.  Frankly, it’s the only way Gemini can truly relate to emotion – when it’s presented like a thesis of sorts.  Emotions need to be communicated in a very plain-spoken and direct manner for them to be heard, received, and understood during this time.  Any tears and tantrums will be met with a blank stare or a departure from the room – you won’t get far if anywhere by acting out drama right now.  Matter-of-fact gets your matters addressed under this New Moon in Gemini, even with Mercury (Gemini’s ruling planet) in Cancer right now.  Keep it straight and simple – no tears, just facts – and you may be surprised by just how much of your emotional issue gets attended to.

By making the most of this New Moon in Gemini by keeping the emotion out of your emotions, you may find that there is forward and upward emotional progress made that you may never have imagined possible.  And with the Moon conjuncting Jupiter in Gemini later in today/early tomorrow, the good feelings have a great deal of encouragement to grow and expand.

Who knows – maybe Gemini isn’t so bad at emotions after all.

Thank you for reading and sharing the blog posts from Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


The Only Cloud in the Sky - GDC

New Moon in Gemini…Again! – Coming Full Circle

On Tuesday, June 19th at 8:02a PDT, we have a New Moon in Gemini…for the second time in this 2012 Gemini Sun cycle.

Remember what was said about the Gemini dynamic during the first Gemini New Moon – that what we think isn’t that important may actually very important or significant to those who are listening to us (and vice-versa); that “the revelations are in the ears of the recipients”; and that everyone is getting the information (the Truth) they need to hear or see to move forward in their life journeys, whether they choose to accept it or not.

This second experience of the Gemini New Moon gives us a rare full-circle experience of a Moon cycle, and a chance to revisit some questions from the first time around:

  • What have you learned during this Gemini Sun period?
  • Has the information that has come to you in this last month proven insightful and useful to you?
  • Are you (or have you been) receiving or rejecting the information – the Truth – you’ve heard or seen and learned?
  • Does what you know now change your thoughts and beliefs and feelings about yourself, others, and the circumstances of your life?

With the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Jupiter all moving in Gemini now, there is an even larger abundance of beneficial information and revelation at hand than there was a month ago.  Even if it doesn’t all seem or feel beneficial or positive in the moment, trust that what you are hearing and learning (or have heard and learned) in the last month and during this New Moon cycle will prove very useful to you in the coming weeks and months.

This second Gemini New Moon comes late in the sign – only a few hours before the Moon moves into its ‘home’ sign of Cancer and about 30 hours before the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer as well.  But with four influences still moving through Gemini, Cancer’s emotional and protective energy won’t be strongly felt or apparent…yet.

The one planet that has already moved in the sign of Cancer at the time of the New Moon is, perfectly enough, Mercury – Gemini’s ruling planet.  Advancing the strong Cancer energy coming over the next two days, Mercury ensures that whatever is revealed or communicated right now (and especially until June 25th) is coming from a very personal, private and emotional place.


This period is not only a full-circle moment in that we revisit New Moon in Gemini – it is also a full circle moment in that begins leading us to go even further back to our own personal beginnings on a mental-emotional level.

Mercury in Cancer’s influence has us receiving information about our pasts, and guides us to begin to deal with (or resist) what comes up in us intellectually and emotionally as result.

The emotional impact will become more pronounced as the Moon enters Cancer later on Tuesday and especially as the Sun enters Cancer on Wednesday. But for today’s New Moon in Gemini, those connections to the past definitely begin to surface on an intellectual level.

This time through New Moon in Gemini, you and others are likely to say what you are thinking about what you are feeling, and what is said will reveal a great deal about your origins – your foundational beliefs and thought processes as influenced by your childhood (your formative years – home, family, school).  Even if what you hear or read doesn’t seem authentic, it is wise to note that on some level, it is authentic.  On some level, you and others are revealing yourselves for who you really are on a core level, how you really feel at this time, and your level of emotional maturity.

Through these revelations and communications, there is an opportunity to create new and/or different ideas and thoughts about who you are and who others are for you.  As we  move into Moon in Cancer, then Sun in Cancer, the seedlings of the themes of nurturing, caring, support and protection planted thanks to Mercury in Cancer will grow to be the focus of our lives over this next month.

And what may be most interesting of all in this particular Moon cycle – this New Moon in Gemini finds its fulfillment in Full Moon in Capricorn/Cancer on July 3rd, meaning that whatever is started is likely to find some form of fulfillment around that time.  The thoughts and ideas that are created during this New Moon should find traction and manifestation or realization over the next two weeks.

Gemini is about thought and ideas. Cancer is about what it takes to nurture, support and protect those thoughts and ideas generated by Gemini. Capricorn is about results and accomplishments.  Therefore, what you think right now during this New Moon has a very high likelihood of becoming what you get.

Which beliefs are you choosing to continue, change or clear away in order to nurture and support the life you want and are creating?

Be aware.  Take notice of what is going through your head and heart right now.  And be mindful of what you’re thinking and saying – you may just get it and then some.

Enjoy! Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


Full Moon in Sagittarius/Gemini – In Summary…

The Moon goes into its full phase in Sagittarius at 4:12a PDT on Monday, June 4th, opposing the Gemini Sun.  As it does, here is a quick reminder of the energies that the New Moon and the Annular Eclipse initiated on May 20th:

  • The New Moon in Gemini brought a new emotional beginning regarding information coming to us, and any communications we’ve given have most likely been given in order for us to get other information from others.
  • The Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini brought things that have long been hidden out of the darkness and into the Light.  Things and people that have been appearing in one way have been (or continue to be) exposed for their Truth and reality.

With the Full Moon in Sagittarius now upon us, it is time for us to summarize all of the information revealed and gathered since the New Moon and Annular Eclipse in Gemini to discover what we have learned from it all.  Where Gemini is the “perpetual student” of the Zodiac, Sagittarius is the “perpetual professor”.  Truth is paramount to Sagittarius, which is why experiencing things first-hand or getting information directly from the source is so important with this energy.  Sagittarius wants to speak and/or teach what it knows to be True through the wisdom of its experience or from Source itself, and as this is a Full Moon phase, there is a lot of emotion behind its communication of these Truths to others.

There are a couple of other influences of note at this time which will affect how this Full Moon energy shows up:

  • Mercury is traveling through its native ruling sign of Gemini, emphasizing its quick impulse to create ideas, thoughts, and communications.  Revelations and summaries will likely be shared in a fast and furious manner, and may be expressed prematurely or immaturely (i.e. – via gossip, tantrums and the like).
  • Venus is also traveling through Gemini and is doing so in retrograde, lending itself to thoughtful introspection regarding the information brought to Light.  Those who don’t give in to the pure energy of Mercury in Gemini may find themselves making conscious effort to consider the Truths being revealed as they affect their own personal journeys, and are likely taking an objective yet human approach to processing the knowledge before them.

That said, how have the Gemini New Moon-Eclipse energies affected you and your life in the last couple of weeks?  What have you learned, and what do you have to share or teach others in the summary of all you’ve learned?  And how does all of the information you now know come together to reveal Truth and bring understanding and maybe even some compassionate objectivity to the matters at hand during this Full Moon in Sagittarius phase?

I’d love to hear from you in the comment section of this post.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next time…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


The ‘Trifecta’ – Sun, New Moon, and Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Gemini makes quite an entrance on Sunday, May 20th.

The Sun enters the sign at 8:15a PDT, followed by the New Moon at 4:47p PDT.  And if it’s not enough to have those two events happening on the same day, an Annular Solar Eclipse occurs at 6:24p PDT.

This trifecta of major events is an interesting event in itself.

But before we get into the details of the events, it is important to understand what Gemini is bringing to the table.

Gemini is an air sign.  Being the first of the air signs in the natural Zodiac order, Gemini represents the beginning of mental and intellectual awareness.  It is the perpetual student of the Zodiac, and is known to be very childlike in nature.  It is an appropriate association, as children are absorbing information constantly, learning about the world and about whom they are in the world simultaneously.  Because of its youthful exuberance for gathering and exchanging information, Gemini can often comes across as downright immature, but don’t let that immaturity fool you.  Underneath that childlike “innocence” is a very cunning and intelligent mind.

It is very important to understand that from the Gemini point of view, any exchange of communication is primarily for gathering information.  They aren’t trying to let you know about themselves (unless they have a large dose of Aries or Leo in their charts as well).  Nope.  It’s all about picking your brain and learning about what is going on around them.  It is a very observant, objective and emotionally detached way of going about things.  And it’s not personal. It’s not about you – it really is about them.  It is about their learning and growing in their mental and intellectual self-awareness.

All of that being said, the Sun entering Gemini brings an end to the material and physical focus of Taurus, and a beginning to all of the ideas we come up with and information we assemble to either 1) use all of the stuff we’ve accumulated, or 2) obtain all that we now recognize that we want or need to accumulate.  It is a time of gathering information and knowledge in order to make the most of the material and physical resources we have available to us.

The New Moon in Gemini brings a new emotional beginning regarding information and the communication of that information.  Often, this is in the form of information coming to us rather than our giving information.  In true Gemini fashion, any communications we give are most likely given in order to get other information from others more so now than at any other time of year.

And all of this comes on the same day there is a Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini.  Eclipses often bring forth major turning points in our lives, and major events or major life-altering decisions come out of the events that happen around eclipses.  With Solar Eclipses, often things that have long been hidden come to Light.  Things that have been appearing in one way are exposed as their reality as the eclipse lifts.  The Truth comes out of the shadows, and it’s not a reflection or perception of the Truth – it’s the real Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

The funny thing about the Gemini dynamic is that what we are saying that we think is not important may actually very important or significant to those who are listening to us, and vice-versa.  It is often said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.  Well, in the case of this significant Gemini trifecta, ‘the revelation is in the ears of the recipient’.  Everyone gets the information they need to hear to move forward in their life journeys.  The question is…do we receive or reject the information – the Truth – we hear?

Do we embrace the information, knowledge, and Truth presented to us and learn from it to make life choices that empower and enliven us and move us forward…or do we choose to be in denial and fight the Truth being revealed to us, remaining stagnant or moving backward, losing our power and aliveness in the process?

With those questions on our minds, pay attention to the messages and information coming to you during this next few days.  And as always with eclipses, remember that the effects of this period are sure to be felt for a long time to come.  This isn’t a passing fancy or a phase to be taken lightly – the choices you make based on the information you get now are likely to have a major impact on your life and may affect you and your life for at least the next 4-6 months, if not the rest of your life.

It may seem a little heavy for a “child’s mind”, but our inner children are stronger than we often give them credit for being.  Allow yourself to see and receive the revelations!  See where they take you and your life from here and now.  Enjoy the power and process of this Gemini trifecta.

Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


New Moon-Eclipse in Gemini: The Game-Changer?

Tomorrow, Wednesday June 1st, there is a New Moon in Gemini at 2:03p PDT. This New Moon is also a partial solar eclipse, so due to the eclipse its effects will last much longer than the usual month-long (28 day) lunar cycle.

What makes this Gemini New Moon-Eclipse special is that Gemini represents ideas and thoughts and communications. After the heavy Taurus influence of the last 4-6 weeks, you may now have a solid idea of what you desire or require regarding your material-financial-physical security. With the New Moon representing initiation and new beginnings, it brings forth an opportunity for you to begin communicating your intentions and desires in that regard. It is the beginning of creating and manifesting what you think and say you really want for yourself and your life on a tangible level. Your choices and communications could be “game-changers” for the course of your life.

That said, it’s a small window for initiation on a personal level. Jupiter enters Taurus on June 5th on the same day the Full Moon in Sagittarius (also an eclipse day) makes its appearance known and presence felt. Jupiter in Taurus, with its abundant generosity, begins to tangibly bring forth elements of and connections with whatever you are creating and putting into motion with your ideas, thoughts, and communications at this time. And with the influence of Jupiter (which interestingly enough is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius), these elements are likely to show up much bigger or much more expansive than you may have initially intended or believed.

On a larger scale, this New Moon-Eclipse is also an agent of changing thoughts and perspectives. This could be quite a game-changer. New ideas and thoughts are brought into our field of consciousness, likely through tangible-physical events that shake us from our routine consciousness. As Gemini represents youthful exuberance and inquiry as the “why child” of the Zodiac, our perspectives of the world may be altered in significant ways as we attempt to answer our questions of “why?” in response to these potential events.

However, this New Moon-Eclipse in 11° Gemini also occurs in trine (positive) aspect to Saturn in 11° Libra. Saturn is a stabilizing force, and Libra is about establishing balance and justice. Could the events on or around the New Moon-Eclipse be catalysts for establishing balance in matters and situations which are out of balance and/or the result of long-present imbalance(s) and injustice(s)?

So in this time of the Gemini New Moon-Eclipse, take note of the ideas you are having. Be aware of your thoughts. Pay attention to how and what you are communicating, and to whom you are communicating it to. Most of all, be careful what you ask for as you just might get it this time. Be specific. Be clear. Be decisive. This New Moon’s effects and your choices during this time may be with you for a long time moving forward.


Thanks for reading and sharing. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
