Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini – Some Jolly Big Progress

As we near the end of the 2013 Gemini Sun cycle, a conjunction of the Sun with Jupiter (exact at 9:17a PDT this morning, but felt throughout the day and well into tomorrow) brings some much welcome jolly and joyful energy to the mix.

Yes, I said jolly.

That’s because Jupiter is the jolliest planet of them all!  It represents growth and expansion, usually of positive feelings.  That said, when Jupiter is in an especially good mood, it can also be generous – very generous.

In Gemini, Jupiter tends to instigate an abundance of ideas and/or thoughts.  It also may have a lot to say.  When conjunct with the Sun in Gemini, Jupiter brings an opportunity for those thoughts and ideas to come to Light.  It’s time to take a chance in sharing them with others.

In doing so, this could be a very fortunate time for you.  Today is the day to share the thoughts, ideas, and communications you need to share if you want it to be well-received (or to have it received better than it may otherwise be).  It is also a good day to deliver not-so-good news as Jupiter’s influence may allow everyone involved to find the humor in the matter – to see the positives rather than the negatives.

Yet sometimes with Jupiter, there can be too much of a good thing.  In fact, Jupiter is sometimes too generous for its own good.  Though you do want to share your ideas, be cautious to share enough to get the responses you need, but not to share everything you have to offer.  Otherwise, you may risk giving away everything to someone who will take all of your ideas and benefit from them for themselves, leaving you with little if anything to show for it.

This also applies to those of you listening for ideas to invest in.  Be sure that something doesn’t sound too good to be true – you may take a chance on putting a great deal of money or energy into something that may be over-hyped, or you may give more than is wise to a particular endeavor or cause.

But those are the worst-case scenarios under the influence of this Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini today.  Beyond those cautions, this is a wonderful day to communicate your ideas and see how the Universe supports you in bringing them to fruition.  It’s a time for sharing your ideas and potentially making some jolly big progress.

Embrace this energy and grow!

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Venus in Sagittarius – Growing Together…Or Maybe Growing Apart

Many of us are often quick to get into relationships, and sadly, equally quick to get out of them.  Yet the best relationships take time, and often need that time to grow and mature.

Under the influence of Sagittarius, Venus finds that it has the freedom to grow and expand into its inherent abundance and wisdom.  It also has the space to explore new realms and dimensions of relationship.

Venus moves out of the dark and emotional depths of Scorpio into the bright and exuberant sign of Sagittarius at 8:39p PST tonight, Saturday, December 15th.

But don’t think that things are going to suddenly be all warm and fuzzy with Venus’ change of sign placement.

Many of us have idealistic notions about what relationships entail, believing that everything “should” be smooth and easy and warm and fuzzy the whole time if a relationship is “good”.  We think that challenge and difficulty is a “bad” thing, so we walk or run away from relationships when things get a little rough around the edges.

What we often fail to recognize is that it’s those rough edges that help our relationships, in the spirit of Sagittarius, grow and expand.  And as result, the growth and expansion of the relationships also helps the individuals within the relationships grow and expand as people.

Venus in Sagittarius may help two people grow together as a couple.  You may find that during this time, you provide each other with more encouragement, support, and/or companionship or partnership than usual.  You may do everything together, or you may do almost everything separately.  But either way, each of you always feel like you have each other’s backs and are making each other stronger and more fulfilled individuals over time.

However, some of us may find while we are under the influence of Venus is Sagittarius that two people, as individuals within a relationship, are also both growing…but in different directions.  You may find that the direction of your partner is not your direction, and that it does not serve you or them well to stay together.  Doing things together may find you in constant conflict or resentment of each other, and there may be no encouragement or support of one another to pursue individual or collective goals.

Sagittarius is optimistic and expansive fire energy.  So when Venus and its focus on one-on-one relationships and partnerships is warmed by Sag’s fiery warmth, there is an opportunity for us to look for the most positive and inspiring way to grow – whether that growth leads us together or apart.  Whichever direction is moves us, as long as we hold the intention that the growth is for the highest good of each and all involved, we can move forward with positive and warm feelings.  And because it is expansive, we can share the warmth of our unions and separations with all others around us.

One note of caution:  Venus in Sagittarius may encourage you to take generosity to an extreme.  In its expansive and joyful nature, especially during the holiday season, it may encourage you to go a bit too far to encouraging or supporting someone else in order to save a relationship or two.  You may find it difficult to pull back the reins when Sun in Capricorn’s subjective focus kicks in less than a week from now.  Be very aware of how you are extending yourself within your relationship with others and what the impact of your gifts may be upon their life…and your own.

Enjoy this warmer, more positive energy and the potential for joyful expression in your relationship experiences – both in the growing togethers and the growing aparts – with Venus in Sagittarius.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Venus in Libra – The Balancing (or Parting) of Partnerships

At 7:04a PDT this morning, Venus leaves Virgo, the sign of practical purpose in everyday life.  The focus on how efficient and effective our relationships are in getting us through the day-today of our lives shifts.  Now at the heart of the matter is whether or not the relationships and partnerships in our lives are really balanced, peaceful, and good for both parties involved.

Venus now enters its natural sign of LibraLibra, is an air sign often represented by the image of scales of justice or balance.  It helps us objectively see where our partnerships are equal and balanced, fair and just, and peaceful.  It also helps us see which relationships help us look good, feel good, and create abundance in our lives.  With the doubled strength of the sign and the planet that rules it, this is a formidable energy to have available to us for the next few weeks.

Especially during this Sun in Scorpio cycle, many of us will be more aware than usual of the relationships and partnerships in our lives that are out of balance – where things are not fair, just or equal.  This is because Scorpio tends to extremes – all or nothing, in or out, right or wrong, good or bad, etc.  There is no compromise or gray area under Scorpio’s influence.  This will make Venus in Libra’s job a bit more challenging than usual as both Venus and Libra are in the business of diplomacy and compromise – they try to find (with great objectivity) that balance to make both parties happy.

Creating balance and fairness in an environment where those qualities have been lacking is challenging and can be frustrating if not maddening.  When matters are extremely out of balance, Venus in Libra doesn’t hesitate to go to the other side of an extreme in order to bring equilibrium to a matter at hand.  Under the current abundance of Scorpio energy (Sun, Mercury, Saturn, North Node), this Venus influence may seem more drastic than it actually is.  Some of us will see what is needed for balancing a relationship as an ultimatum more than an adjustment, and react accordingly. You may find that you want to throw the whole thing out – bathwater, baby, and all…yet that may not be the best way to face what you are dealing with.

First of all, if it seems that severe a shift, it’s probably a shift that has needed to happen but hasn’t until now.  It hasn’t only because you (or the other person) have resisted it for so long trying to see something as balanced and fair that hasn’t been either for some time now.

Secondly, especially if it’s a romantic partnership in question, we need to remember that Neptune is in its natural sign of Pisces right now.  Pisces energy can intensify the “rose-colored glasses” effect and have us glossing over some major injustices in our relationships in order to “keep the dream alive”.  It can also bring forth a sense of martyrdom and victimization in relationship matters.  In these imbalanced situations, it can be easy for us to rush to play victim to the other party involved, blaming them for not doing their part while relinquishing our own personal responsibility for the state of the relationship.

Venus in Libra creates a perfect space for you and your partner(s) to work these issues out.  However, if you have been trying to find a balance for some time now, it may come clear for the two of you that you are at impasse and that a peaceful separation may be best for both and all parties involved.

The key is that the conclusion of the partnership comes after every effort of diplomatic negotiation has been made.  You really have owned up to your part in the matter objectively, done everything you can to balance it out and make it work, and have mutually come to the conclusion that it’s time to bring the relationship to an end.  When this choice is made objectively and agreed upon by both parties, it is usually peaceful and in many cases easier to accept than if one person makes the decision and leaves the other behind to deal with it.

Questions to work with as Venus in Libra is with us for the next few weeks:

  • Which relationships are you recognizing as out of balance or are you perceiving as unfair?
  • In which relationships do you find yourself blaming the other person for not doing their part?  Ask yourself if you have done yours.  Have you been there for them?
  • What have you done to make the relationship work?  Can you allow yourself to see what the other person has done to make the relationship work?
  • Can you let this relationship go with peaceful and loving intention?  If not, what do you need to say to the other party to make your peace? Does it allow you to leave the relationship with love and a sense that this parting is for the best for both of you?

I’d love to hear how this 2012 Venus in Libra cycle plays out in your life.  Please post your comments or stories either here on the blog, or on the Life By Soul Facebook or Google + pages.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



New Moon in Gemini…Again! – Coming Full Circle

On Tuesday, June 19th at 8:02a PDT, we have a New Moon in Gemini…for the second time in this 2012 Gemini Sun cycle.

Remember what was said about the Gemini dynamic during the first Gemini New Moon – that what we think isn’t that important may actually very important or significant to those who are listening to us (and vice-versa); that “the revelations are in the ears of the recipients”; and that everyone is getting the information (the Truth) they need to hear or see to move forward in their life journeys, whether they choose to accept it or not.

This second experience of the Gemini New Moon gives us a rare full-circle experience of a Moon cycle, and a chance to revisit some questions from the first time around:

  • What have you learned during this Gemini Sun period?
  • Has the information that has come to you in this last month proven insightful and useful to you?
  • Are you (or have you been) receiving or rejecting the information – the Truth – you’ve heard or seen and learned?
  • Does what you know now change your thoughts and beliefs and feelings about yourself, others, and the circumstances of your life?

With the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Jupiter all moving in Gemini now, there is an even larger abundance of beneficial information and revelation at hand than there was a month ago.  Even if it doesn’t all seem or feel beneficial or positive in the moment, trust that what you are hearing and learning (or have heard and learned) in the last month and during this New Moon cycle will prove very useful to you in the coming weeks and months.

This second Gemini New Moon comes late in the sign – only a few hours before the Moon moves into its ‘home’ sign of Cancer and about 30 hours before the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer as well.  But with four influences still moving through Gemini, Cancer’s emotional and protective energy won’t be strongly felt or apparent…yet.

The one planet that has already moved in the sign of Cancer at the time of the New Moon is, perfectly enough, Mercury – Gemini’s ruling planet.  Advancing the strong Cancer energy coming over the next two days, Mercury ensures that whatever is revealed or communicated right now (and especially until June 25th) is coming from a very personal, private and emotional place.


This period is not only a full-circle moment in that we revisit New Moon in Gemini – it is also a full circle moment in that begins leading us to go even further back to our own personal beginnings on a mental-emotional level.

Mercury in Cancer’s influence has us receiving information about our pasts, and guides us to begin to deal with (or resist) what comes up in us intellectually and emotionally as result.

The emotional impact will become more pronounced as the Moon enters Cancer later on Tuesday and especially as the Sun enters Cancer on Wednesday. But for today’s New Moon in Gemini, those connections to the past definitely begin to surface on an intellectual level.

This time through New Moon in Gemini, you and others are likely to say what you are thinking about what you are feeling, and what is said will reveal a great deal about your origins – your foundational beliefs and thought processes as influenced by your childhood (your formative years – home, family, school).  Even if what you hear or read doesn’t seem authentic, it is wise to note that on some level, it is authentic.  On some level, you and others are revealing yourselves for who you really are on a core level, how you really feel at this time, and your level of emotional maturity.

Through these revelations and communications, there is an opportunity to create new and/or different ideas and thoughts about who you are and who others are for you.  As we  move into Moon in Cancer, then Sun in Cancer, the seedlings of the themes of nurturing, caring, support and protection planted thanks to Mercury in Cancer will grow to be the focus of our lives over this next month.

And what may be most interesting of all in this particular Moon cycle – this New Moon in Gemini finds its fulfillment in Full Moon in Capricorn/Cancer on July 3rd, meaning that whatever is started is likely to find some form of fulfillment around that time.  The thoughts and ideas that are created during this New Moon should find traction and manifestation or realization over the next two weeks.

Gemini is about thought and ideas. Cancer is about what it takes to nurture, support and protect those thoughts and ideas generated by Gemini. Capricorn is about results and accomplishments.  Therefore, what you think right now during this New Moon has a very high likelihood of becoming what you get.

Which beliefs are you choosing to continue, change or clear away in order to nurture and support the life you want and are creating?

Be aware.  Take notice of what is going through your head and heart right now.  And be mindful of what you’re thinking and saying – you may just get it and then some.

Enjoy! Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


Jupiter in Gemini – Great Ideas and Greater “Word of Mouth”

Jupiter moves out of safe, stable and stubborn Taurus into the quick-moving, quick-thinking, and fast-talking sign of Gemini at 10:22a PDT this morning, Monday, June 11, 2012.

It’ll be an interesting change, especially after Jupiter in Taurus brought such increased awareness of our financial, material and physical resource needs and comforts to the fore – either increasing our resources, teaching or reminding us of what we need to do to stabilize or increase them, or making us painfully aware of what we don’t have in that regard.

Now that Jupiter has brought us into increased awareness of those Taurus-based needs, Jupiter now begins to help us think of ways to generate and manifest the fulfillment of those needs as it moves into Gemini.

Jupiter is known as the symbol of growth, increase, expansion and abundance.  It can make ‘normal’ things larger than life.  With Jupiter in Gemini, remember that Gemini is an air sign.  Gemini is a mental energy – thoughts, ideas, and communications that can hold great creative power.

With Jupiter joining the Sun and Venus currently traveling through the sign of Gemini, it could be that you are having more positive thoughts and more creative ideas than you usually would about certain matters.  Those matters are likely in regard to whichever house(s) Gemini occupies in your natal chart.

Also, what you think about and speak about most has greater potential for expansion and manifestation at this time.  Your ideas and thoughts can also become much more known as you begin to share them with others in order to gain information as to how to manifest them into reality.  Again, your thoughts, ideas and words are likely to expand in ways influenced strongly by whichever house(s) Gemini occupies in your natal chart.

Because Gemini can move and learn so quickly, it also tends to have a rather short attention span.  This can be a dangerous thing at this time, as your thoughts and ideas can have so power and influence right now.  Having your mind on too many things may make it difficult to nurture the growth of any of them.

Do your best to focus your mental energy on one, two, or a few interconnected ideas rather than trying to expand all of your ideas and thoughts.  Choose what is truly most important to you and to what you are committed to creating in and for your life.

Communications (both valuable information and prolific gossip) will increase at this time.  Be aware of what you are saying or what is being said about you and your ideas – word will likely get around.  It is a great time for getting ideas and thoughts out into the world by “word of mouth” – making or asking for referrals, networking with others, or even sharing your ideas with people who can do something to help you develop them.

That said, with Mercury now in Cancer, be aware that those word-of-mouth communications will likely have some degree of emotional charge involved.  People may be more emotionally invested than usual in their communications about you or your ideas, either eagerly building you up or eagerly tearing you down.  People tend to speak positively and promote what they feel they can believe in and trust, and tend to speak negatively about what they don’t trust and/or what they are afraid of.

Recognize that either way, people are saying more about who they are than who you are.  Don’t let their criticisms bring you down, but also don’t let their praises build you up too much.  Use their criticisms help you learn and grow in positive ways, and let their encouragement help build confidence in your ideas and in your ability to see them through.

Jupiter will be in Gemini for approximately one year, moving in to Cancer in late June 2013.  Use its powerful influence of “word of mouth” wisely – it’s available for you to use to your advantage over these next twelve months.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


Venus in Gemini – A Student of Love and Abundance

Venus enters Gemini today at 8:18a PDT, and in doing so, it begins a journey into childlike search for answers to your questions about love and abundance.

Gemini is the child’s mind of the Zodiac.  It is a perpetual student – constantly seeking information and knowledge.  It must be learning or expanding its mind.  Always.  If it’s not learning, it’s looking for ways to verify its information. Gemini is the ultimate when it comes to mind games.  Its intellect is its greatest strength, but sometimes also its greatest downfall as it can often intimidate or alienate it from others

With Venus – the planet of love and abundance – entering the sign, Venus takes on a more mental expression.  Love is looking for ways to be expressed, and so it is looking for information in how to do that.  Wealth and abundance is also looking for an outlet of expression or manifestation, so be aware of opportunities to learn ways of bringing more of this into your life as well.

The questions are being formulated in your mind today.  Mercury is still retrograde in Pisces for one more day, going direct tomorrow on the 4th.  So the questions coming up for you today are likely to be ones that will direct the course of your search for infomation.  Take note that your questions are emotion-based, and are probably sparked by your intuition and inner Truth.  It’s likely that deep down, you already know the answer – you are just looking for confirmation of what your heart and soul are trying to tell you.

That said, Gemini is also known as the communicator of the 12 Zodiac signs.  What is interesting about this is that Gemini only communicates so it can gather knowledge and information, or so it can prove what it knows (in an immature, childlike way).  Pay attention to who you are talking with and what you are talking with them about to recognize what information or confirmation you are really seeking…or what you want others to know you already know and don’t think you want or need to hear again.  Also consider that synchronicity may be at work, and the Universe may be giving you the answers you are seeking in the form of “coincidence” or repetition.  Therefore, it is important to keep an open mind during this transit.  If you are hearing or seeing something again and again, it may be because it is or it holds the answer to your question…even if it’s not the answer you want to hear or see.

Remember that as Venus travels through Gemini today through August 7th, this is your opportunity to seek positive answers and make positive progress in your life.  Learn to look for the good in the answers you receive.  Even if they aren’t what you want (or don’t seem to be), hold the promise that the Universe only wants what is best for you, and that not getting what you want may be the best thing for you in the long run.  The closing of one door may be redirecting you to the door you need to go through to bring forth the love and abundance you have been asking about.

Enjoy this transit of Venus in Gemini, and enjoy your day.  Thanks for reading and sharing.

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


A Flurry of Activity

There may not be any rain or snow here in California right now, but astrologically speaking, there’s a flurry of activity with five aspects and events occurring within a 36-hour period.

Let’s take these one by one, shall we?

Mars in Aquarius square Saturn in Scorpio Saturday late Saturday morning (11:32a PST) has us recognizing the effect the events of the world have been having on us.  All that we have believed to be “the way things are” is being challenged right now.

Systems and structures that have long been in place as “the ways” to do things are now being reviewed and changes are coming if they aren’t already in effect.  These systems are large scale – likely on a societal or cultural level, not so much on the individual level.

That isn’t to say that this aspect won’t be felt on an individual level.  On both the individual and collective levels, this may be an especially challenging time with the Scorpio energy in play, as there is likely to be great emotional investment in the structures that need to be changed or discarded.

Mercury enters Capricorn late on Saturday (11:32p PST), shifting our thoughts and words away from growth and expansion and into our goals and ambitions.

This isn’t just a stand-alone shift into this new energy. Mercury in Capricorn makes a positive trine aspect with Jupiter in Taurus mid-Sunday morning (10:05a PST), bringing the opportunity to make actual and tangible plans to manifest an increase and expansion of financial-material abundance.  In other words, it’s a chance for each and all of us to make some effective plans for increasing the flow of money and material resources in our lives.

However, Mercury in Capricorn squares Uranus in Aries Sunday in the mid-afternoon (3:23p PST), and whatever plans we put in place earlier in the day begin to show their effects rather quickly as the changes necessary for our abundance to come through become almost instantly apparent.  For the changes we want to have happen – for the abundance to come into our lives – we have to be willing to let go of and/or change a few things that have been in place for a while.

And if that isn’t enough happening in a 36-hour period, the Moon reaches maximum fullness in Cancer opposite the Capricorn Sun late Sunday night (11:30p PST).  This Full Moon shines light on the emotional motivations behind our newly-established plans and ambitions, which may be rooted in our childhood upbringing/past family dynamics or our present family and domestic matters.

Full Moon in Cancer is a powerful and emotional Full Moon, as we become astonishingly aware of how much our ambitions and goals mean to us on an emotional level…or maybe how our pursuit of our ambitions affects our emotional well-being.

Some of us may find that we work so hard, we have neglected or begun to neglect our emotional needs.  Some of us may find that we’ve been so focused on emotional fulfillment, we’ve neglected to do what is needed to actually achieve our goals.

There’s a lot to take in for this next day and a half, so here’s some points to remember:

  • Which systems or structures around you are being challenged to change?  Which one(s) of them are you emotionally invested in?
  • What aspects of your financial and material resources are you committed to taking on this year?  Have you created a plan yet?…
  • …And to achieve those financial-material goals, what in or about your life is going to need to be changed or eliminated?
  • What have you been working hard at lately?  Has your work caused you to neglect your emotional connections, your family relationships or your home life?…
  • …Or have you been deeply involved with your emotional connections with family or home matters?  To the point where you haven’t been doing anything to achieve your goals or ambitions regarding your career or life’s work?


Enjoy the ride over these next couple of days.  Make the most of the opportunities to answer these questions now, as they may lead to a wonderful and prosperous year ahead for you.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


There’s No Place Like Home

Venus entering Capricorn late last week seems to have brought a “nesting” energy to the collective masses, proving Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz correct in her sentiment that “there’s no place like home”.

It seems there are quite a few people looking for and/or securing places to live right now.

This came to my attention the other day as I was speaking with 5 of my co-workers, all of whom have just purchased a home, are looking at homes, or are looking for places to live – including myself!  It’s been quite the synchronicity, and I’ve noticed that we all began discussing our domestic and residential circumstances shortly after Venus moved into Capricorn last Friday.

Capricorn is an earth sign focused on accomplishment and results.  It’s goal-oriented nature encourages us to focus on exactly what we are wanting to accomplish through our actions and the tangible results we want to produce as result of those actions.  It’s not just about the work- it’s about what we have to show for it. It’s our measure of “success”, whatever that is for us.

Venus is also loosely associated with wealth and abundance, so when Venus is in the sign of Capricorn, it’s likely our goals and accomplishments are not small or insignificant.  In fact, it’s more likely that we are looking to accomplish major results for ourselves and our lives.

Purchasing a home or moving into a new home would be considered a major step or major result in one’s life, yes?

Combine Venus in Capricorn with Jupiter moving retrograde in Taurus (these two were in harmonious trine aspect on Sunday 11/27), and there are some BIG moments in the works regarding our collective and individual material and financial resources.  For those of us who embrace this energy, this could be a very positive time in financial and material matters.  For those who resist this energy, it can be a very devastating time in these matters.

Keep your ears and eyes open for opportunities to increase your financial and material resources.  Give yourself permission to ask for your “big dream” and to do whatever it takes to make it the reality of your life.  Say ‘yes’ to the chance to achieve your goals and to find and put securely into place what has you feel “at home”.

Enjoy the week. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blesssings,
