2016 Mercury in Pisces – In Service to Oneness

Black Hole in Space Violet Background

Mercury entered the sign of Pisces on Saturday, 5th March at 2:39a PST. When it did, it began a period of awakening to All-That-Is. The consciousness of the interconnection of everyone and everything is growing, and each and all of us are becoming aware of how everything comes together – how it all intersects and affects all else.

As we awaken, we also become more sensitive to energies and emotions happening around us – we become more empathic. This emotional-spiritual sensitivity can make us quick to play victim to the energies and emotions of others, or to feel defeated by others’ responses to or ignorance of our efforts. However, it can also make us quick to feel compassion and unconditional caring for others.

This empathy also encourages a service mindset. If you are coming from a place of compassion and caring, you may notice how you feel you might be serving a Higher calling – something far bigger and far beyond yourself and what you know as the world around you. This isn’t just service on a practical level – it is emotional and spiritual healing service. This is the type of compassion and kindness which can bring healing to long-held emotional wounds. Continue reading

2016 Venus in Aquarius – Unlikely Pairings for Unexpected Progress

Different colors sliced apple isolated on white

At 8:17p PST on Tuesday, 16th February 2016, Venus entered the sign of Aquarius. As result, we may see some partnerships forming or blossoming which buck convention in some way over the next 4 weeks.

Whether unconventional in their composition (two parties with opposing or diverging views coming together for a common cause) or unconventional in their collaborative effort (two or more parties coming together to promote or initiate a socially or culturally divergent act), there is something in the air which is bringing people together in a social climate which seems to favor the individual.

A large part of this may have to do with the fact that Uranus – the ruling planet of Aquarius – is currently in Aries. Aries is the “me, me, me” sign – the sign of individuality and initiative leadership. It’s encouraging each of us to be leaders for ourselves in our individual lives. Yet not everyone is eager to embrace their self-leadership or to take responsibility for their personal choices and actions. This is why some people stand out as leaders more than others – this is why more people follow than lead.

To that point, that’s what makes Venus in Aquarius a curious entry into the astrological scene at this time. Individuals are now looking for partners to assist them in furthering their initiatives. It seems that more people who would normally “go it alone” are realizing that they can’t do it alone – they need collaborators. They need a partner or a team. In fact, the more independent that are or have been, the more they may need a partner, collaborator, or team at this time in order to move forward.

But how do you form a team when you’ve got so many people doing their own things?

You allow the people who come into your life to contribute to your journey as little or as much as they can. Recognize that your “team” may not be a traditionally-organized team or group. Instead, it may be everyone around you. Everyone you interact with in your day-to-day activity can contribute to your circumstances in some way. If you can recognize all of humanity as your team – even those who seem to disagree with you – you may find that you gain more information, illumination, and insight to move forward on your path than you ever imagined possible.

Don’t disregard others’ insights and opinions just because they may not be coming from the sources you believe it should come from. In fact, this 2016 Venus in Aquarius is almost a plea to you to seek partnership and counsel from people you wouldn’t normally seek it from. In order to change your status quo, you can’t keep going to the same people and groups you always go to. It’s a perfect time to branch out and find truly new connections in order to make positive progress forward on your path.

Who knows – you may even find a newer or Truer expression of yourself in the process.

The 2016 Venus in Aquarius doesn’t make any transits under the 2016 Aquarius Sun. In fact, it’s rather quiet until the last day of February:

  • Aquarius Venus square Juno in Scorpio, most exact on 29th February – Opportunities to connect with new partners may have you realizing that the path you’ve been on may not be the path that aligns with your truth…or that you’re not getting the support you truly need in order to continue walking the path you’re committed to walking.
  • Aquarius Venus sextile Saturn in Sagittarius, also most exact on 29th February – New partners or community connections may help you see your circumstances differently. Rather than seeing yourself as stuck, you may recognize that you’re being redirected instead. Is it time to adjust or change your goals or ambitions?

Your best information will come from the most unlikely sources under this 2016 Venus in Aquarius. Keep an open mind and open ears – you never know where what you need might come from or who it might come through.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,


2016 Mercury in Aquarius – Perceiving, Believing, and Receiving

connected-world_zyJbbOq_Mercury entered the sign of Aquarius at 2:43p PST on Saturday, 13th February 2016.

When it did, it shifted our conversations away from ambitions, goals, and shifted them toward what both connects to others and distinguishes from others us in community and humanity. Our thoughts, ideas, and communications are taking on a larger perspective as we begin to recognize how our individual thoughts and words have a much larger reach than we may have believed.

Under the influence of the 2016 Mercury in Aquarius, you will likely begin to see how your individual beliefs and ideas may be affecting others around you, for better and worse. You may finally be able to see and acknowledge that the way you think and speak really does affect the world…or at least your perspective of it.

You are now being given an opportunity to look at what you truly believe about your fellow human beings – how you (and others) interact with them, how you think and speak of them, and how you think and speak to them. Mercury in Aquarius puts you in a space to consider how you perceive and believe the world to be for yourself and for others, and to see how the world receives and perceives your communications in both individual and collaborative terms. Continue reading

2016 Mercury in Aquarius & Capricorn – Direct, Retrograde, & Direct Again (Four Days Forward, Three Weeks Back)

Forward, Back, ForwardAs we begin a new calendar year, we are both reflective and creative. We look back at the year past, and assess what worked and what didn’t; what we enjoyed and what we didn’t; what we achieved, and what we didn’t. Then we usually begin creating our new year out of our old.

This time around, creating the new year can be a very different experience than it has been before. This time around, we get to create something completely new and different than we’ve ever experienced before. We get to be courageous and bold in our creative process.

As you set our intentions for the New Year, it’s crucial that you speak what’s truly on your mind and to what you truly want to create or contribute with and for others. That’s how you find your true tribe. That’s how you find where you belong.

That’s what this 2016 Mercury in Aquarius is all about. This transit began on the first day of the new year at 6:20p PST on 1st January 2016 – an 11 universal day in a 1 universal month in 9 universal year, encouraging us to make finding or creating the communities we align with a top priority in the 366 days ahead. Continue reading

2015 Mercury in Capricorn – Bold Truths Meet Serious Realities

Brick WallMercury has been traveling through Sagittarius since 22nd November 2015, bringing truth to light in big ways on both personal and collective levels of our life experiences. The ideas and communications of the last 3 weeks have generated larger than intended or expected impacts upon our lives and the world we live in, and intellectual movements have gained traction and grown their followings. Some of these movements have grown bolder in their proclamations of “truth”, though the factuality of those truths may not always be as strong as their voices are loud.

With Mercury moving into Capricorn at 6:35p PST on Wednesday, 9th December 2015, these bold truths are about to both challenge and be challenged by the powers-that-be.

The 2015 Mercury in Capricorn brings the same thirst for exchanging information and sharing communications. However, it does so with much more focused and deliberate intent. There are results to produce and goals to be achieved – this is no time for playing games unless those games get you closer to the success you’re aiming for. Continue reading

2015 Mercury in Cancer – Releasing The Past for a New Emotional Present & Future

Mercury entered Cancer at 11:52a PDT on Wednesday 8th July 2015. When it did, Mercury moved out of its Zodiac home and ventured into the sign next door to begin its next full journey around the Sun.

Cancer is a cardinal water sign, making it the energy from which we initiate our emotion-based actions, experiences, and responses. Our emotional experiences of our lives originate from the sign of Cancer.

With Mercury – the planet of intellect, information, and communication – now in the sign of Cancer, we need to be prepared for our ideas and words or means of communication to truly reflect and affect us on the emotional plane – both on the personal-individual level and on the public-collective level.

The primary job of Mercury in Cancer is to help us articulate the emotions we feel within ourselves so we may become more mindful of what we are expressing to others. That means we get to feel our feelings, then intellectually figure out the words which capture the essence of what we want to say, and then make sure we say those words in ways that are clearly understood by others while maintaining the integrity of our emotional truth.

The other job Mercury in Cancer has is to help us understand how and why we feel the way we feel (a.k.a. – where our feelings come from), and to provide us with opportunities to learn new and/or different ways to experience and express our emotions. This is a time during which we may recognize just how much our intellectual beliefs influence our emotional responses.

Both of these jobs are the reasons Mercury is not an easy fit with Cancer. On one hand, we are being asked to exchange or debate emotionally-charged ideas and information with others by providing intellectual explanations for the emotions we feel. On the other hand, we are being asked to bring intellectual logic to emotional matters in our lives – ideas and approaches that are much different than our own, and we are being asked to share our emotional responses differently than we ever may have shared them before. Continue reading

The February 2015 Lunar Fire Grand Trine – Sparking the ‘The New Success Movement’

Who knew that sorting through new marketing ideas for Life By Soul would bring me the inspiration for this Signs and Numbers post about this February 2015 Lunar Fire Grand Trine, which occurs mid-day today, Friday 13th February 2015.

I admit – in my search to further develop Life By Soul’s brand, I’ve been a bit frustrated.  It seems that there’s all these “new” tools and methods for promoting one’s business, yet most of them fail to resonate with me.  They all seem money-driven, which on one hand is fine.  After all, most of us need to make money to have the resources to sustain ourselves in the way this world currently operates.  Yet on the other hand, for all the nobility and good intentions of “sharing what worked for me with the world”, the way some of these tools and methods are presented and made available also seem to covertly (or not-so-covertly) take advantage of people eager to…well, follow the leader(s).

This fascinates me as much as frustrates me because it reveals to me an unnerving truth about our world today.  It’s amazing how as a collective society, it seems most of us have grown so accustomed to looking to or depending on others to tell us what success is and/or how to be successful in the world that we’ve forgotten how to look to and within ourselves for inspiration.  The people we look to as our heroes and gurus are often the inventors and entrepreneurs who found a way to “make it work” for themselves.  They’ve had the courage to come up with something no one else was willing to develop and nurture into reality.  They took (and continue to take) the actions no one else is willing to take.  Our heroes and gurus are the pioneers, the innovators, and the originators. Continue reading

The Lunar Grand Trine-Kite of 29 January 2015 – Playing With Fire

On 29th January 2015, there is an Air Grand Trine at its most exact. But thanks to the involvement of the Moon and the Nodal Axis in this configuration, this Grand Trine becomes an Air-Fire Lunar Nodal Kite.  Let’s discuss what that means.

Planetary configurations which involve the Moon often make a big impact in a very short frame of time.  In this case, the Moon will be in Gemini while this Kite is in effect.  Gemini Moons tend to have us attempting to process our emotions through our minds – a very intellectual approach to very heartfelt matters.  Emotional matters may be approached with the intellectual care and ease of a tabloid journalist who eagerly and craftily seeks the expression of feelings that may not be easily articulated.  On the other hand, the Moon in Gemini may make it easier to articulate our feelings and the emotional energies we are experiencing in ways others can understand. Continue reading

2014 Mercury in Libra – Diplomacy At Its Finest…Or At Its Worst?

Mercury enters Libra at 10:38p PDT on Monday, the 1st of September, 2014.  As the ruler of Gemini, Mercury represents learning and intellect, quick thinking, expedient communication of the ideas and thoughts behind the words we choose and use.  It is also known to accelerate anything it is part of.

In the sign of Libra, Mercury is comfortable in another air element sign as logic and reason are the modus operandi here – Mercury in Libra will apply this M.O. objectively, or at least it would in ideal circumstances as Libra is the great diplomat of the Zodiac.  Often represented by an image of the scales of justice, Libra’s goal is to balance said scales by seeking and finding the most fair and just resolutions of imbalances in order to restore a sense of balance and/or equality and peace.  This is often done through intellectual exchanges (a.k.a. – communication).  Diplomacy at its finest… Continue reading

Mercury Direct in Gemini – 12 Days of Swiftness

IT’S OVER!  The dreaded (or for some, welcomed)  Mercury Retrograde ended earlier this morning, Tuesday, 1st July 2014 at 5:50a PDT in the sign of Gemini.  Now in direct motion in its sign of rulership, Mercury is happy to be at home in its element of quick-moving intellect and information for the next 12 days before moving into the emotionally nurturing sign of Cancer on 12th July.

Of course, just like anything changing direction, there is a bit of a pause before things are going full speed ahead.  Even though Mercury in Gemini is now direct, things may still be a bit slow for a day or two more before suddenly increasing their rate of motion into a fast-moving stream of mental and communicative activity.  Take advantage of the (very brief)  momentary lull. Continue reading