2015 Gemini Full Moon – Lessons in Letting Go (of What You Don’t Know)

Fog Fantasy background - GraphicstockThe Full Moon in Gemini is happening today, Wednesday 25th November at 2:44p PST. Here we have the Sagittarius Sun opposing the Gemini Moon.

While the Sun in Sagittarius loves seeking truth and wisdom of experience – the Moon in Gemini loves gathering information and asking why. In other words, the Sun is shining light on the all we have learned in our life and we are questioning our feelings about it.

A personal reflection to explain what I’m talking about:  A little over a week ago I was feeling pretty solid with my sense of self. Then, I got confronted with some unresolved self-doubt issues. I was beginning to think my own life experiences was not enough wisdom for me to actually move forward with my life’s work. This brought up my own feelings not being “qualified or capable” enough in guiding people towards their own healing and awareness. In short,  I figured that  I needed to collect more data before moving forward in any way. This had me feeling stuck, frustrated and mentally overstimulated.

Follow along here, I promise all of it will connect… Continue reading

Mercury Re-Enters Cancer – July 2014 – Second Time’s The Charm?

Mercury’s second entrance into Cancer in 2014 is a bit more subtle this time around.  Coming in at 9:45p PDT on 12th July 2014, Mercury sneaks back into Cancer under the hype of the Capricorn Full Moon and the combustible Libra Mars-Ceres conjunction.  It does not directly aspect any other astrological bodies upon its entrance, which makes its energetic shift somewhat unnoticeable at first.  Whether this quiet entrance is for better or worse has yet to be seen.

Mercury’s mindset shifts back to emotional nurturing, caring, and protection in the sign of Cancer.  However, this is not an easily fulfilled role for Mercury as Cancer is a water sign, which means it is rooted in emotion.  Not only that, Cancer is known as the Zodiac mother, making this the sign of fundamental emotional energy – it is where the basis of our individual emotional principles is established.  The Moon (the ruler of Cancer) represents our emotional core, but where Cancer resides in your individual chart is where you feel most emotionally stable and secure and where in your life you are inclined to nurture, care for, and protect others, especially your loved ones.

Mercury is not comfortable with any of this, as it is a quick-minded intellectual.  Curiosity, reason, and mental playfulness are its preferred methods of operation.  Mercury takes emotions and tries to process them intellectually – it tries to make logical sense of them.  It’s not easy or fun as emotions rarely make logical sense, which makes this a very challenging combination as Mercury has to modify its usual emotionally-detached approach to accommodate Cancer’s emotional sensitivities and needs.

The objective for Mercury in Cancer is to bring a consideration of emotional investment into the logic and reasoning process, and to do so with efficiency, charm, and wit.  Continue reading

Mercury Direct in Gemini – 12 Days of Swiftness

IT’S OVER!  The dreaded (or for some, welcomed)  Mercury Retrograde ended earlier this morning, Tuesday, 1st July 2014 at 5:50a PDT in the sign of Gemini.  Now in direct motion in its sign of rulership, Mercury is happy to be at home in its element of quick-moving intellect and information for the next 12 days before moving into the emotionally nurturing sign of Cancer on 12th July.

Of course, just like anything changing direction, there is a bit of a pause before things are going full speed ahead.  Even though Mercury in Gemini is now direct, things may still be a bit slow for a day or two more before suddenly increasing their rate of motion into a fast-moving stream of mental and communicative activity.  Take advantage of the (very brief)  momentary lull. Continue reading

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio – Back into the Darkness

Mercury represents our mental-intellectual and communicative energies and when in retrograde motion, Mercury draws these energies within.  We shift focus away from the world and onto our individual selves.  Our internal dialogue and thought process comes to the fore rather than the expressing of our ideas and thoughts outwardly to others.

Mercury Retrograde also brings a ‘do-over’ element to matters.  You may find that you either need to revisit or do things again that you thought were done before, or that things you start or say during a Mercury Retrograde period may need to be done again or will come up again once Mercury goes direct.

Sometimes, you may find that the “do-over” is more about being given a second chance.  If you wanted to say or do something before and you didn’t seize the opportunity then, this influence may give you a chance to do it this time around.

That said, when Mercury is in Sagittarius, Sagittarius is about learning and teaching from experience.  It is the wise man/woman of the Zodiac, and it is in a constant seeking of the ultimate Truth in everything and everyone.  In order to find that Truth, it goes out into the world, seeking adventures, traveling and exploring new places and new peoples, making the most of the classroom of life and the world we live in.  It seeks adventures to have the experiences and to be able to learn then speak first-hand of what it has found to be true through its experience.

When Mercury in Sagittarius is in retrograde, it encourages you to do an inward assessment of your life experiences.  What have you learned from our experiences?  How do you apply what you have learned to your life?  What to you have to share with and/or teach to others as result of your experiences?  It has you take time to assess all of this for yourself.  This was earlier in this week.

However, in this November 2012 cycle, Mercury Retrograde moves back into Scorpio, which it did earlier this week at 12:43a PST on Wednesday, November 14th.  In Scorpio, Mercury Retrograde encourages you to go beyond the experiential truths and lessons of Sagittarius and to go deeper into your darkness and your emotional depths to find the truths that are hidden there as well.  This is because at this point in the overall evolution of humanity (and your individual role in that process), it is important that you not only seek the experiences, but that you understand the reasons why you seek the adventures and experiences that you do.

As I have stated in previous posts, Scorpio does not like gray area.  It is very decisive – all or nothing energy.  It is most comfortable when things are clearly defined, which is why it tends to extremes and polarized thinking – birth and death, Light and darkness, good and evil, right and wrong.  During this particular Mercury Retrograde motion, you get to look at your individual self and important aspects of your life in these polarizing terms.  You have the opportunity to more clearly define yourself and who you are as an individual.  You get the chance to define yourself – for yourself (before you do so for anyone else) – your expression of Love, Light, and Life in this world.

The distinction that this is a time for defining yourself for yourself is a powerful one.  Each of us must be confident in who we are as individuals in order to bring about and manifest all that we set out do be and do and have in this world and in our human experience.  Without a clear sense of self, we drift with the wind and often find ourselves playing victim to circumstances rather than feeling and being empowered in our choices and in the direction of our lives.

However, it is not to say that this self-definition we give ourselves is permanent – far from it.  It is actually giving each of us a starting point from which to experience our personal (individual) and collective (group) evolution.  It is a chance to establish a new foundation from which to grow and expand ourselves in our world.

Mercury will be retrograde until November 26th, at which time it will go back into direct motion in Scorpio.  At this point in time, it is likely that you will find yourself outwardly reflecting who and what you have defined yourself to be in the world.

Mercury then moves back into Sagittarius on December 10th, at which time you may find yourself sharing and/or teaching what you have discovered and realized with others in the hopes that they, too, will learn, grow, and expand their lives through you.

Yes, there will always be the quirky things that happen during Mercury Retrograde, too.  For example – I lost my car keys yesterday. I am fortunate to have had a spare, and the journey from ‘momentary despair’ to ‘salvation by the spare’ helped remind me that I have wonderful and generous people in my life to be thankful for.  The key ring also had a couple of things on it that in losing them signified for me (in true Scorpio fashion) the ending of a couple of things that had served their purpose for me.  The losses couldn’t have come at a better time for me as it affirmed my belief that everything happens for a reason and a season.  When the “season” changes, so do the reasons why certain things and people do (or don’t) belong in my life.

Mercury Retrograde has a reputation for affecting communications and information.  I have had friends who have had e-mails mistakenly sent or rebounded, paperwork misplaced or lost, important calls missed…and a few more having significant and life-altering experiences like family members and close friends dying or nearing death.  It has been quite an intense Scorpio cycle in 2012 – a lot of profound change.

Yet the changes are and will prove for the better.  Trust in that, even if it doesn’t seem so in the moment.  We are growing and evolving into our True selves in every moment.  Embrace the Truth and the Light you can find going back into the darkness of this 2012 Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Mercury in Virgo – Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize

Mercury enters Virgo this evening, August 31st, 2012 at 7:33p PDT.  With it comes a shift in our mental and communicative focus – away from the attention we draw to ourselves and what we reveal ourselves to be, and toward the implementation of the plans we have been creating to align our lives with the Truth of who we are.

Virgo is about organizing, systematizing, and practical implementation.  It is also about healing and wellness, clearing out what is toxic to us and bringing things back into integrity and good health.  Its practical and purposeful nature often associates Virgo with your works, service, and daily routine.

Mercury joins the Sun in the sign of Virgo for an amplification of this practical and purposeful energy.  With our minds and communications now shifting into this realm, you are likely to see a stark contrast between the theatrical drama of Leo we’ve been experiencing over the last few weeks and the nuts and bolts approach of Virgo.  Things will almost suddenly become pretty simple and straight-forward, and there will be a more cut-and-dried approach to getting things started and/or done.  There won’t be much tolerance for drama or excess over the next few weeks.  If it isn’t effective or efficient, it’ll probably be discarded or ignored. The intention in the next couple of weeks is to “keep your eyes on the prize”.

That said, Mercury’s journey through Virgo this time around will be a quick and useful one – it will be in direct motion its entire time in Virgo, moving into Libra on September 16th.  Ideas and thoughts and our communications of them will likely be clear, concise and very deliberate.  They will also serve the dual purpose of 1)  helping us implement plans and intentions, and 2) healing the wounds that may surface as we start letting go of all that no longer serves us well.

This Virgo 5 Sun-Mercury cycle is a time of clearing away who and what distracts, discourages, or otherwise detriments us in the pursuit of our goals and dreams.  We clear away the negatives to create space for all that is practical, tangible and positive to come into our live to assist us with the manifestation of our plans and intentions.  Though there will be some tangible and physical actions taken, the majority of this work done during Mercury in Virgo will be done through words more than any other means.

Some questions to consider over the next 16 days:

  • Who and what supports you in “winning the prize(s)” in your life…and who and what seems to distract you or take you away from it?
  • What do you need to get what will support or encourage you in manifesting your goals and dreams? What and/or who stands in the way of getting what you need?
  • Is it really someone or something else, or it is your own beliefs and behaviors and thoughts that need to change?

We aren’t done with Leo entirely.  Venus enters Leo on September 6th, and will bring a little drama back into our lives as others begin to respond and react to the communications we make.  We are likely to have our ‘drama moments’ as well – after all, we aren’t the only ones who are making changes.

Everyone in our lives is under the influence of this Virgo 5 Sun-Mercury combination.  So we’ll need to deal with our feelings and thoughts about being on both the giving and receiving end of the changes we are all undergoing.  For some of us who are already well-aligned with our inner Truths, the changes we are called to make may be small and barely noticeable.  But for some of us who have found ourselves to be more out of alignment with our inner Truths than we may like, we may find ourselves called upon to make some pretty major life changes in these next few weeks.  And of course, as we make these changes, they inevitably have an effect on not only us but those closest to us.  Our relationships will be affected, and the relationship effect will only be more pronounced once Mercury moves into Libra on the 16th.

But for now, we focus on implementing the details of our plans.  We focus on getting ourselves and our lives cleaned, cleared and organized for the new and wonderful people and things we are bringing into our lives – all of whom will help us “keep our eyes on the prize” so we may manifest and fulfill our goals and dreams.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and blessings,


The ‘Trifecta’ – Sun, New Moon, and Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Gemini makes quite an entrance on Sunday, May 20th.

The Sun enters the sign at 8:15a PDT, followed by the New Moon at 4:47p PDT.  And if it’s not enough to have those two events happening on the same day, an Annular Solar Eclipse occurs at 6:24p PDT.

This trifecta of major events is an interesting event in itself.

But before we get into the details of the events, it is important to understand what Gemini is bringing to the table.

Gemini is an air sign.  Being the first of the air signs in the natural Zodiac order, Gemini represents the beginning of mental and intellectual awareness.  It is the perpetual student of the Zodiac, and is known to be very childlike in nature.  It is an appropriate association, as children are absorbing information constantly, learning about the world and about whom they are in the world simultaneously.  Because of its youthful exuberance for gathering and exchanging information, Gemini can often comes across as downright immature, but don’t let that immaturity fool you.  Underneath that childlike “innocence” is a very cunning and intelligent mind.

It is very important to understand that from the Gemini point of view, any exchange of communication is primarily for gathering information.  They aren’t trying to let you know about themselves (unless they have a large dose of Aries or Leo in their charts as well).  Nope.  It’s all about picking your brain and learning about what is going on around them.  It is a very observant, objective and emotionally detached way of going about things.  And it’s not personal. It’s not about you – it really is about them.  It is about their learning and growing in their mental and intellectual self-awareness.

All of that being said, the Sun entering Gemini brings an end to the material and physical focus of Taurus, and a beginning to all of the ideas we come up with and information we assemble to either 1) use all of the stuff we’ve accumulated, or 2) obtain all that we now recognize that we want or need to accumulate.  It is a time of gathering information and knowledge in order to make the most of the material and physical resources we have available to us.

The New Moon in Gemini brings a new emotional beginning regarding information and the communication of that information.  Often, this is in the form of information coming to us rather than our giving information.  In true Gemini fashion, any communications we give are most likely given in order to get other information from others more so now than at any other time of year.

And all of this comes on the same day there is a Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini.  Eclipses often bring forth major turning points in our lives, and major events or major life-altering decisions come out of the events that happen around eclipses.  With Solar Eclipses, often things that have long been hidden come to Light.  Things that have been appearing in one way are exposed as their reality as the eclipse lifts.  The Truth comes out of the shadows, and it’s not a reflection or perception of the Truth – it’s the real Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

The funny thing about the Gemini dynamic is that what we are saying that we think is not important may actually very important or significant to those who are listening to us, and vice-versa.  It is often said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.  Well, in the case of this significant Gemini trifecta, ‘the revelation is in the ears of the recipient’.  Everyone gets the information they need to hear to move forward in their life journeys.  The question is…do we receive or reject the information – the Truth – we hear?

Do we embrace the information, knowledge, and Truth presented to us and learn from it to make life choices that empower and enliven us and move us forward…or do we choose to be in denial and fight the Truth being revealed to us, remaining stagnant or moving backward, losing our power and aliveness in the process?

With those questions on our minds, pay attention to the messages and information coming to you during this next few days.  And as always with eclipses, remember that the effects of this period are sure to be felt for a long time to come.  This isn’t a passing fancy or a phase to be taken lightly – the choices you make based on the information you get now are likely to have a major impact on your life and may affect you and your life for at least the next 4-6 months, if not the rest of your life.

It may seem a little heavy for a “child’s mind”, but our inner children are stronger than we often give them credit for being.  Allow yourself to see and receive the revelations!  See where they take you and your life from here and now.  Enjoy the power and process of this Gemini trifecta.

Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
