2015 Gemini Full Moon – Lessons in Letting Go (of What You Don’t Know)

Fog Fantasy background - GraphicstockThe Full Moon in Gemini is happening today, Wednesday 25th November at 2:44p PST. Here we have the Sagittarius Sun opposing the Gemini Moon.

While the Sun in Sagittarius loves seeking truth and wisdom of experience – the Moon in Gemini loves gathering information and asking why. In other words, the Sun is shining light on the all we have learned in our life and we are questioning our feelings about it.

A personal reflection to explain what I’m talking about:  A little over a week ago I was feeling pretty solid with my sense of self. Then, I got confronted with some unresolved self-doubt issues. I was beginning to think my own life experiences was not enough wisdom for me to actually move forward with my life’s work. This brought up my own feelings not being “qualified or capable” enough in guiding people towards their own healing and awareness. In short,  I figured that  I needed to collect more data before moving forward in any way. This had me feeling stuck, frustrated and mentally overstimulated.

Follow along here, I promise all of it will connect… Continue reading

2015 Venus in Libra – Choosing the Middle “Side”

arrow-34-glyph-icon_M1Bq5hLu_LIt’s that time of year again – when Venus returns to its home sign of Libra for a few weeks. As of 7:31a PST on Sunday, 8th November 2015, Venus is back its familiar environment of reason, logic, and intellect to objectively assess its one-on-one relationships with others.

Libra is a cardinal air sign. Cardinal signs initiate their elemental energy, so Libra is the starting (and completion) point for air’s intellectual, logical, and reasonable processes. This is where thoughts, ideas, and communications begin. The beauty and elegance in which these ideas are presented and delivered, balance, fairness, and equality applied execution of these ideas, and the peace and ease which can result from the application of these logical and diplomatic solutions – these are the usual subjects at hand under the influence of Libra. These subjects influence our one-on-one relationships of all kinds now through the 5th of December.

Libra’s desire for balance and equality goes to the public in Aquarius (fixed air) for assessment and comparison. How does this new idea play in the community? What is the popular opinion? What are the masses calling for in response (or reaction) to it? Then the desire goes through Gemini (mutable air) who gathers and assesses information, then crafts a message that can be brought back to Libra’s negotiating table to balance the scales. Each time this cycle occurs, the collective or public opinion shifts a bit more. This is why what was popular 50 years ago may not be so popular today. What was ordinary and accepted in the past may not be so acceptable now. Continue reading

Black Moon Lilith Conjunct North Node in Libra – Making Peace with Our Dark Sides

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The early morning of Friday, 4th September 2015 brings us a conjunction of the North Node and Black Moon Lilith in Libra, most exact at 6:24a PDT (1.23°). This isn’t a commonly covered transit, yet considering what is happening in the world right now, I found it worth addressing.

The North Node in a general sense represents the karmic lesson you are supposed to learn in your current lifetime. However, when looking at the transiting North Node, this represents the karmic lesson that we as humanity get to learn at this time in history.

The North Node has been in the sign of Libra (and the South Node in Aries) since 19th February 2014, and will continue in the sign for about two more months until 11th November 2015. With the North Node in Libra, we are learning lessons of balance, fairness, justice, equality, and true partnership. This is not an easy lesson, especially as many people are fervently trying to hold onto the past. The South Node in Aries energy is assertive if not aggressive, competitive if not combative as people try to hold onto their comfort zones. The challenge here is that those comfort zones which are not balanced, equal, fair, or just are being pushed to adjust to a balanced state. For those who have benefited from the imbalance, these necessary changes may not be so welcome. Continue reading

2015 Mercury in Libra and Mercury Conjunct Black Moon Lilith – A Powerful Cry for Equality, Fairness, & Justice

scale-5-glyph-icon_GJZIUaU_ - graphicstockThis morning at 8:44s PDT, Mercury enters the sign of Libra. Mercury is pretty comfortable in Libra as Libra is an air sign like Mercury’s sign of rulership, Gemini. In fact, with Libra being the cardinal air sign, it is where air energy gets its inspiration and intellectual sense of direction.

Libra is about balance, equality, fairness, justice, and peace. Its Zodiac symbol represents the scales of justice, and the ideal of peace being achieved through diplomacy is its cornerstone. Since this is an air sign, the element affirms these principles and ideals to be the fruits of intellect and information, harvested when people are able to fairly and diplomatically communicate, negotiate, and compromise.

With the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Juno all in Virgo, Mercury in Libra must operate within a strong practical and purpose-driven energy. This energy already has us becoming more present to the realities of our everyday circumstances. We’re starting to pay attention to the amount of work we are putting into activities and projects and whether or not said activities bring us health, happiness, or fulfillment. More of us are seeking clarity of purpose and practice – something to work for and toward; reasons to be of service.

Yet as we perform our work under the influence of the Virgo Sun, Mercury’s move into Libra will shift the focus of our thoughts and communications to include those Libran principles of balance, equality, fairness, and justice. This is where our present events and circumstances will make this 2015 Mercury in Libra experience one for the books – people are beginning to recognize how they may not have all the information they need to make informed or intelligent choices about the everyday matters (systems, processes, routines, responsibilities, etc.) which affect their lives. Questions certain to arise over the next few weeks are: Continue reading

2015 Venus in Pisces – Losing Our Minds or Healing Our Hearts?

Venus entered Pisces at 7:00a PST on Tuesday, 27th January 2015.  Though Venus rules the cardinal air sign of Libra, make no mistake about it – in Pisces, Venus may encourage us to lose our minds, figuratively and literally.

That’s because logic is pretty much out the window and our heads can be up in the clouds when it comes to relationship and diplomatic matters under Venus in Pisces.  If logic and reason aren’t out completely, they may be severely compromised.  Idealism and delusion tend to rule the day when it comes to our interactions with others when Venus is in dreamy and ethereal Pisces, and within our current world events and circumstances, this affinity for upholding ideology for idealism’s sake may pose a compelling challenge. Continue reading

Catching Up #2 – 2014 Mercury and Venus in Aquarius – “Propaganda Machine” or “Hear The People Sing”?

This is the second of four blog posts to cover recent astrological and numerological events and get us all caught up.  Let’s take a look at Venus and Mercury.

Venus entered Aquarius at 6:48a PST on 3rd January 2014, bringing relationships of all kinds into a more expansive social awareness of what partnership truly is.  There is great potential for cooperation and collaboration with the intention of bringing balance, justice, and peace to the challenges at hand.  One-on-one interactions are likely to be the focal points or the playing fields for these balancing efforts.

This potential is only strengthened by the fact that Mercury entered Aquarius the following day at 5:08p PST on 4th January 2014, shifting our individual and collective consciousness from focused and disciplined mindsets to eccentricity and innovation. It also indicates that people will be seen as humans and what is best for the whole of humanity becomes the focus.

The fascinating thing about having Venus and Mercury in Aquarius is that it shifts the focus both in one-on-one relationships and in collaborative relationships where more than two people are involved.  There is a bigger sense of the collective whole of humanity. Continue reading

2014 Venus in Libra – Peace or Pretenses?

Venus enters its home sign of Libra at 1:52p PDT on Monday, 29th September 2014.  When it does, the qualities of beauty, peace, fairness, justice, and equality come out in full force.  Especially under the influence of the Libra Sun, Venus makes its presence known during this 2014 run through its own sign.  With Venus in Libra now through 23rd October 2014, this is a wonderful time for couples and partnerships to be affirmed or strengthened, and for diplomatic efforts and agreements to be made.

The dark side of Venus and Libra is that there is a strong tendency to gloss over problems or imbalances in order to keep the peace.  Instead of pointing out issues or problems that need to be addressed and dealt with (as they were during Venus in Virgo), Venus in Libra is more likely to pretend that there is nothing unfair, unjust, or imbalanced going on.  It would rather go along making it seem as if everything is going along just swimmingly…until it’s not.  Once the imbalance or injustice or inequality is too much to bear, Venus in Libra will do what it needs to do in order to bring matters back into balance…but things often need to get to the point where they cannot be denied. Continue reading

2014 Mercury in Libra – Diplomacy At Its Finest…Or At Its Worst?

Mercury enters Libra at 10:38p PDT on Monday, the 1st of September, 2014.  As the ruler of Gemini, Mercury represents learning and intellect, quick thinking, expedient communication of the ideas and thoughts behind the words we choose and use.  It is also known to accelerate anything it is part of.

In the sign of Libra, Mercury is comfortable in another air element sign as logic and reason are the modus operandi here – Mercury in Libra will apply this M.O. objectively, or at least it would in ideal circumstances as Libra is the great diplomat of the Zodiac.  Often represented by an image of the scales of justice, Libra’s goal is to balance said scales by seeking and finding the most fair and just resolutions of imbalances in order to restore a sense of balance and/or equality and peace.  This is often done through intellectual exchanges (a.k.a. – communication).  Diplomacy at its finest… Continue reading

Mercury in Cancer Trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces and Cancer 5 Sun Square Mars in Libra – Choose Wisely

There is a confusing and possibly deceptive quality to the communications that are occurring now, thanks to a trine between Mercury in Cancer and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, exact at 10:36p PDT this evening of 18th July 2014.  The degree to which we may be choosing to delude ourselves may be made more clear by a square of the Cancer 5 Sun and Mars in Libra, exact less than an hour later at 11:42p PDT.

Neptune has rather escapist tendencies as the ruler of Pisces, and in its own sign, it’s more apt to act upon these tendencies.  With the planet in retrograde motion, this indicates that each of us may be more inclined to allow ourselves to be deceived rather than being deceived outright or unknowingly by others.  It may seem strange, but through this transit, there’s a likelihood of our being tricked into taking responsibility for the delusions of others.

Mercury in Cancer reveals that our minds are being swayed by our emotions.  There is much to say about how we feel, yet it is wise to keep in mind that in the sign of Cancer, we are in protective mommy mode when it comes to what we are emotionally invested in.  Our minds aren’t really objective as we are focused on how to protect and defend the people and projects we care about most. Continue reading

Venus Enters Cancer – July 2014 – Protect At All Costs

Venus entered the sign of Cancer at 7:06a PDT today, 18th July 2014.  In some ways, it couldn’t have come at a better time. In other ways, it couldn’t have come at a worse one.

It’s often overlooked that Venus is the ruler of Libra – an air sign.  Think of it like a quintessential multi-tasker in the sense that it needs to be very objective in order to get things done.  It isn’t that it doesn’t care.  It’s that it needs to be somewhat emotionally detached to be able to do it and move on to next point of business to be of support to its partner(s).

In the sign of Cancer, Venus becomes a very emotionally supportive partner.  Cancer is the maternal energy of the Zodiac, so Venus’ expression is softened and more sensitive here.  Under its influence, there is an increased desire to nurture and protect the people and things that are emotionally important to you.

This Venus in Cancer energy dynamic could be equated to a mother defending and protecting her children.  A mother’s logic is to defend and protect her family at all costs.  Therefore, anyone or anything that you consider to be home and/or family will be something you may find yourself going to great lengths to safeguard.

Considering the energetic climate right now, there is a great deal to protect and defend from.  This is where the presence of Venus in Cancer could be both good and bad.  If objectivity could rule the day, this could be good.  But if the emotions rule the day (which is more likely), this could be a rough few weeks. Continue reading