The 2015 Cancer New Moon – Mission Emotional

The 2015 Cancer New Moon is at its maximum phase at 6:24p PDT on Wednesday, 15th July 2015. When it does, it brings the opportunity for an emotional fresh start…to those who choose to embrace it.

As I mentioned in my last blog article, this New Moon is occurring on what is already an emotionally charged day. There is a Mercury-Mars conjunction in Cancer opposite Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn that is also exact today. That means there are two conjunctions in Cancer, the sign of emotional nurturing, protection, and care – also known as the Zodiac mother.

That said, the key to this Mercury-Mars-Pluto opposition is to notice that the people, institutions, and organizations that you’ve always counted on to care for you and protect your emotional interests…well, they probably aren’t going to be there for you this time around, and they may never be there for you again. If you have depended on others to fulfill your emotional needs or to take responsibility for your emotion-based behaviors, today may bring the reality check you’ve needed to wake up and realize that no one else is responsible for your emotional well-being but you. If you haven’t stepped up to nurture and protect yourself before now, you may be forced to step into that role for yourself on or very near this New Moon day. Continue reading

Two Cardinal Grand Squares Dancing – An 11-Hour Awakening

The “two” theme from my last post continues as overnight from 31st January to early this morning 1st February, we experienced two Cardinal Grand Square/Grand Cross configurations dancing with each other in what were literally the last throes of January 2015 and the first inklings of February 2015.

Both of these Grand Squares are lunar because they are formed by the transiting Cancer Moon.  Both Grand Squares are also nodal because they involve the Nodal Axis which currently places the North Node in Libra and the South Node in Aries.

The first of the Grand Squares began at approximately 5:00p PST and completed at approximately 11:03p PST yesterday, 31st January 2015.  It included the Cancer Moon, North Node in Libra, Ceres in Capricorn, and South Node in Aries.  All components are in square or opposition angles to each other through applying or separating 3° orbs. There was tension being generated between these four elements which actually created stability, solidity, and security between the energies involved…or as least as much as there could be created considering the components. Continue reading

2015 Cancer Full Moon – Revelations of Sunlight and Water

Capricorn is the “daddy” energy of the Zodiac.  Goal-oriented, results-minded, authoritative, and disciplinarian, Capricorn energy is meant to focus and discipline us in order to help us get things accomplished in our lives.

Cancer is the “mommy” energy of the Zodiac.  Emotionally nurturing, supportive, caring, and protective, Cancer energy is meant to help us feel supported in our growth and development, encouraging us to go out into the world knowing that we are loved and cared for no matter who we become in our lives.

The Moon is in exact opposition to the Sun at 8:53p PST this evening, Sunday 04 January 2014 to create the 2015 Cancer Full Moon. Here’s what you may want to know and expect about Cancer Full Moons in general and about this particular 2015 Cancer Full Moon event. Continue reading

August 2014 – A Numerological 6 Universal Month – The Stage Parent and The Fixer

***Author’s Note***:Normally, I keep the numerological reports in the Life By Soul monthly e-zine which is exclusive to members of the Life By Soul mailing list.  However, I feel like it’s important to publish this today.  Most of this information is copied directly from the 2014 Leo E-Zine, so if you like what you read here, you may want to sign up for the monthly e-mailing.  And for those of you who already subscribe to the e-zine, I hope this post is more a reminder than redundancy, and there is some new stuff to preview the upcoming 2014 Virgo Sun Period.

The shameless promotion of the e-zine is now complete.  Now for the good stuff…

Today, the 1st day of August 2014, is not only the busiest astrological day of the 2014 Leo Sun Period.  It also brings a numerological energy shift from Leo 5 to Leo 6 Sun energy.  When we enter Leo 6 numerological energy for the month of August 2014, we may notice that there is moderate shift of focus to a more emotional motivation for garnering attention and instigating drama.

6 is the “mommy energy” of numerology, calling for nurturing, caring, and protecting. It is also the number of healing and wellness, and can be very practical in its approach to finding solutions to any problems or issues with efficiency or effectiveness.  6 energy likes to make sure things work so that life works as they believe it should. Continue reading

Mercury in Cancer Trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces and Cancer 5 Sun Square Mars in Libra – Choose Wisely

There is a confusing and possibly deceptive quality to the communications that are occurring now, thanks to a trine between Mercury in Cancer and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, exact at 10:36p PDT this evening of 18th July 2014.  The degree to which we may be choosing to delude ourselves may be made more clear by a square of the Cancer 5 Sun and Mars in Libra, exact less than an hour later at 11:42p PDT.

Neptune has rather escapist tendencies as the ruler of Pisces, and in its own sign, it’s more apt to act upon these tendencies.  With the planet in retrograde motion, this indicates that each of us may be more inclined to allow ourselves to be deceived rather than being deceived outright or unknowingly by others.  It may seem strange, but through this transit, there’s a likelihood of our being tricked into taking responsibility for the delusions of others.

Mercury in Cancer reveals that our minds are being swayed by our emotions.  There is much to say about how we feel, yet it is wise to keep in mind that in the sign of Cancer, we are in protective mommy mode when it comes to what we are emotionally invested in.  Our minds aren’t really objective as we are focused on how to protect and defend the people and projects we care about most. Continue reading

Mars in Cancer – Actions Revealing Love

Mars has energy, and a lot of it.  It has so much energy that it needs to be in action.  It needs to be doing something.  It needs to channel all that energy into something, somehow.

In Gemini, Mars took actions rooted in thoughts and ideas.  Now in the sign of Cancer, Mars takes actions rooted in your emotions.

Mars in Cancer can be a frustrating energy because its actions are driven by emotions, which are ever changing, ebbing, and flowing.  It can prove somewhat unpredictable except for one thing – you’ll know how much you care about  someone, and/or something when you find yourself taking actions to protect it or defend them/it.

In Cancer, Mars channels its energy into nurturing, caring, and protecting.  It is a ‘warrior mother’ of sorts – defending its “babies” with a ferocity often associated with wild animals (think of mother lions, tigers, and bears).  It is a love that knows no bounds if someone or something it loves or cares about is threatened by harm or hurt.

Mars enters Cancer tomorrow, July 13th, 2013 at 6:22a PDT, and when it does, it begins what may be the first-hand experience of this energy in your own life – with you being either on the giving or receiving end of this powerful placement.

I’ve mentioned in blog posts before the old cliché, “Actions speak louder than words”.  It’s a cliché that sticks around because it’s true – your actions reveal your real truth.  In the case of Mars in Cancer, your actions and reactions will reveal your heart’s deepest and truest cares and desires.

Cancer isn’t the easiest sign for Mars to travel through, as Mars is an assertive masculine energy and Cancer is a very feminine protective energy.  The one common ground they share is “the fight” – Mars simply likes to fight, and Cancer fights to protect.  With the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter also in the sign, Mars in Cancer will be in a prime position to assist and protect these other planetary bodies in following through on their own nurturing inclinations.  The Sun shines Light on what needs to be nurtured, Mercury comes up with ideas on how to nurture, Jupiter grows and expands that nurturing with Mars facilitating it all through its actions.  Mars is the one that actually gets it all going by acting upon, if not fighting for or defending, the Sun’s revelations, Mercury’s ideas, and Jupiter’s lust for expansion.

But with Mars in Cancer being part of the third Grand Trine configuration of this current Cancer Sun cycle on July 20th (along with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces), Mars in Cancer has more important role in the bigger picture of your life and the lives of others this time around.  You can be sure that what you care about most in your life – whether a person, a dream, a goal, or a heartfelt desire – has the best chance of shaping a new tangible reality of your life experience at this time, and the changes that need to happen in your life in order to manifest that reality are likely to come as Mars in Cancer squares Uranus in Aries and opposes Pluto in Capricorn during its 6-week run.

Yet despite all of this watery excitement going on, Mars (as the ruler of Aries) is most drawn to fire, and when the Sun enters Leo in a couple of weeks, you may be awakened to a new reason to fight for what you love and care about – yourself!   Ultimately, this 2013 Mars in Cancer phase is not what you care about for others as much as it’s about what you care about for yourself.  The Leo Sun marks a period in which Mars’ warrior energy may be sparked in some way to fight for the promise of the Grand Trine to attain, defend, or protect your own emotional self-interests.  You love and care about these people and/or things because you love and care about them, and this 2013 Mars in Cancer period may be just the time for you to take action for them, and in doing so, taking action for your right to love and be loved.

So, who or what do you love and care about most?  Your actions during this 2013 Mars in Cancer cycle will definitely reveal that to you if you don’t already know.  Pay attention to yourself and your actions, and to whom and what inspires you to action over these next few weeks to recognize the real truth about these matters within you.

Under Mars in Cancer, your actions will always reveal your love – the love you have for others and the love you have for yourself.

Mars will be in the sign of Cancer until August 28th.

Thank you again for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light , Love, and Blessings,


Sun in Cancer Opposite Pluto in Capricorn – A Demonstration of Partnership and A Promise of the Phoenix’s Rise

Under Pluto in Capricorn, we are all experiencing some major changes in our societal and worldly structures.  Our collective definitions of success and accomplishment are changing, and as result, the standards for “making it” in the world are changing.  There is no blanket definition for being at the top echelon of society any longer, if there is even a top echelon anymore.  These changes are challenging many of us to figure out what success and accomplishment mean for ourselves, collectively and therefore, individually.

With Cancer being opposite Capricorn in the Zodiac order, there are naturally changes in the rest of our lives when the societal structures we live within change.  As our structures change, the ways we nurture and care for ourselves and our loved ones also need adjustment.  In doing so, we also get to define how we nurture, care for, and protect our collective and individual interests, both privately and publicly, personally and professionally.

Sun in Cancer means that the “spotlight” is on how we “mother” the people, beings, and things that we care about or love.  It brings attention to what it is we actually nurture and protect, and has us check if we are indeed truly caring for what we say we care about.

Pluto in Capricorn means that the great agent of transformation is now transforming the standards of power and influence by changing the defining benchmarks of public and private success and achievement.  It is having us create a new definition not only for us collectively, but with Pluto in retrograde motion, we are also creating it anew personally as the retrograde shifts the focus of Pluto’s energy inward.

How does the “mother” energy within us show loving care for our loved ones change now that the goalposts are moving?  And what is the “father” energy to strive for, or even more basically, to provide for its loved ones as these benchmarks change?

This great balancing act is brought to our attention clearly through this transit of Cancer Sun opposite Capricorn Pluto, exact at 5:05p PDT on July 1st, 2013.

In an interesting sort of way, this is a demonstration of the partnership that exists between the cosmic mother and father energies of Cancer and CapricornPluto is making the institutional or “paternal” changes, and the Sun is revealing them fully so we can adapt our “maternal” energies to nurturing ourselves through the death of the old world to eventually give birth to a new world around us.  And though we are admittedly still on the ‘death’ side of things where the old is still being cleared away, this transit gives us a chance to awaken and to recognize, if only for a few days, how we are cultivating the death of the old.

The Sun also awakens us enough for us to remember Pluto’s promise of transformation, helping us to maintain optimism through it all, for it is the promise of the phoenix that burns itself out only to rise again from the ashes that can help us through what are likely to be some challenging times ahead.

After all, there’s a lot of cultural and institutional change occurring right now under Pluto in Capricorn, and much of it is happening in very different ways from before.  With Pluto in retrograde motion, individuals are standing up and coming together to take ownership for the changes they want to see in the world – they understand that these changes affect them on a personal level, not just in a blanket or far-removed way.

There are peaceful demonstration marches in Brazil and most newly in Egypt – both with numbers in the hundreds of thousands if not millions.  There is a redefining of civil rights in the US with the overturning of California’s Proposition 8 last week in the U.S. Supreme Court.  Even with the less peaceful efforts in Syria and Turkey, there are major changes occurring to those societal and governmental establishments as well.  And those are just a few examples.  This is a time of profound change, and frankly, a great transformation of the world we live in.

For historical reference’s sake, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn, it was the time of the French Revolution and the U.S. Revolutionary War (1762-1778).  Before that, the Spanish landed in the Americas and the “Reformation” period began in Europe (1516-1533).

If we consider all of that, we can now recognize that we are in the midst of an extraordinary period of the journey of humanity, and possibly even of the Earth itself.  We are living in especially historic times, and this transit of Sun in Cancer opposite Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn gives us an opportunity to recognize, realize, and personalize this experience.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


2013 Mercury Retrograde in Cancer – The Mother in the Mirror

At 6:07a PDT on Wednesday, June 26th , Mercury entered its dreaded retrograde motion in the sign of Cancer.  I will now tell you why this is NOT a bad thing this time around.

Poor Mercury Retrograde gets blamed for all kinds of drama every time it goes into retrograde motion.  It takes the rap for all kinds of communication and technological breakdowns, for all kinds of human brain farts and calamities, and well, pretty much anything that goes wrong or not according to plan.

Yet this time,  Mercury Retrograde is in the water sign of Cancer, the Zodiac “mommy”.  And though there are quite a few of us who love to blame our mothers for everything, in this case, it’s not our external mothers who get the finger point.

This time, you get to point your finger at the “mother” in the mirror.

Yes, that means yourself.

I don’t necessarily mean those of you who are actual mothers – this is NOT meant to be a literal translation.  However, I DO mean the part of you that gives yourself nurturing, loving, care and protection – your internal mother.  All of us – women and men alike – have our own mother within us.

Our internal mother is also known as self-love and self-respect.

This is challenging for some of you to wrap our heads around because some of you don’t know how to love or respect yourselves.  There are some of you who believe that love and respect means having others cater to your every need, or that others are responsible for making you feel good about yourself or your life.  You look to people and things outside of yourself to feel cared for, loved, nurtured, and secure in your being.

Others of you believe that “loving” others by catering to their every need and desire will bring that same loving care and attention back to you.  You mother the people in your life endlessly, either expecting or hoping that your efforts will be reciprocated.  Many times they are not, but you may keep trying anyway.

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is an opportunity for you to acknowledge and, if you choose to, change those beliefs and behaviors.

By learning how to love and respect yourself, you curb your dependency on others to validate your lovability or determine your worthiness of receiving love and respect.  By admitting to yourself exactly what you need to feel cared for, nurtured, and loved and then providing that for yourself, you begin to heal and/or open your heart in ways you may never have known possible.  Through your experience of self-love and self-respect, you begin to interact with others in all stations in life as your equals, as true peers.

Compassion and tolerance for others awakens, yet so does your consciousness and truth.  You also learn what you are willing to deal with and not willing to deal with in your interactions with others – you learn how to love and respect yourself enough to not endure treatment from others that is not genuinely loving or honest.

That said, some of the most loving communications you may try to receive from yourself or others may seem challenging.

  • You may take words intended by others to awaken you to your lack of self-love or self-respect as hurtful or ill-intended because they challenge the reality you have chosen to live or believe about yourself.
  • You may even notice how you may speak to yourself in an abusive or derogatory way or how difficult it is for you to have others to speak well or highly of you.  This may be because you see yourself in such a negative way that you cannot allow yourself to see or believe the Divine Light others see you in.
  • You may even project your lack of self-love and self-detriment onto others, accusing them of having feelings about themselves that are actually the feelings you have about yourself because you cannot take responsibility for how you feel about yourself.  It’s easier for you to accuse them than to acknowledge yourself as the source of the negativity.

Recognize that Cancer energy is often rooted in the past as it is often sourced from your early childhood as your ideas and images of what nurturing care and love were likely demonstrated to you in those earliest months and years.  There’s a good chance that you decided to live your life a certain way based on certain past experiences that had a significant emotional impact on you.  At some point, you chose to define yourself by those experiences, and over time, you allowed these choices to become the truth of your life experience moving forward.

This 2013 Mercury Retrograde in Cancer gives you a wonderful opportunity to let go of your past once and for all – to not only claim responsibility for the choices you’ve made to get you where you are, but also to seize responsibility for the present moment and the future you want to create from this moment on.

So while Mercury Retrograde in Cancer focuses you on how you think, feel, and speak about yourself through July 20th, notice who and what is around you that is helping you become aware of how you do or don’t nurture, protect, or love yourself.

Then look to yourself to answer how you can begin to implement your lessons learned so you may begin to provide that maternal nurturing and protection for yourself first and foremost, then for others from a healthy, happy, self-loving, and self-respecting you.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


2013 – The Year of Love…and Mothers

I’ve shared with you the astrological dynamics of the beginning of this New Year in the recent blog posts and in the e-zine for the month of Capricorn 2012-13.  However, I’d like to get more in-depth about the numerology of 2013.

2013 is a Universal 6 Year, numerologically speaking.

6 is an energy of nurturing, caring, and protecting.  It is a maternal energy, and it tends to be emotionally based.  It is also associated with healing and wellness.  Many people who have this influence in their natal charts tend to be drawn toward professions or activities that encourage and support good health.  These could be roles such as nurses, psychotherapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, nutritionists, etc.  Generally speaking, 6 is a number inclined to roles and professions in which they can provide nurturing, caring, and loving service to others.

The good news about this influence is that it can prove to be very nurturing and healing.  6 could very well be called “The Love Number” because it is that geared toward providing whatever is needed for others to feel emotionally cared for.  In my practice, I tend to call 6 energy “Mommy Energy”, as it can represent maternal energy at its best and worst.

This is a great energy to have present coming out of all of the changes during our previous 5 Universal Year.  Some of those changes were pretty intense, and some healing energy is definitely welcome now.  In this 6 Year, It would be wise for people to seek out others who can help them come to terms with the challenges they face as result of these changes – to help them adjust to the new landscapes of their lives.  Others may do best being of loving and nurturing service to others, finding that being nurturing and healing for others proves to be healing for their own hearts as well.

The challenge with this influence is that like a mother protecting her child, people may protect their “loved” interests or their loved ones with great ferocity.  The concept of “circling the wagons” is how this influence will show up for some.  It could also show up as over-protection of loved ones, and disrespect for privacy or personal boundaries may be seen as “necessary” in order to protect one’s emotional interests.

There could also be some “tough love” dealt out, with less warm and fuzzy being shared and more pushing loved ones out of the nest in order to break emotionally clingy or dependent ties.

Either way, there are usually good loving and nurturing intentions here – after all, it is a mothering influence.  But for all their good intentions, sometimes mothers make some not-so-good choices.  We will definitely experience both the good and the not-so-good this year.


In personal matters, there are people who will either have a need for loving care and nurturing awakened in them, or who will find themselves very uncomfortable with allowing others to care for, nurture, or protect them.

For those who awaken to a need for this energy, these individuals will either seek out others who will provide them with this loving and nurturing care or they will seek out others they can provide this care to.

With the latter, the helpful element is that they can provide much-needed healing service to others at this time – helping others become healthy and well, developing within them the confidence and courage to move on with their lives.  The challenging detail here is that they may be so caring and nurturing, they could end up smothering or controlling those they care for – becoming over-protective and dependent on those they “need” to take care of to the point where they don’t allow their loved ones to grow up or develop independence and self-responsibility.

With the former, they are often the recipients of this type of care and nurturing.  Their openness to receive can be as healing for the ones giving them that care.  However, like the caregivers, the receivers can become dependent and not be willing to further develop their independence or growth.  They may seek out protection and control of others, giving up their personal power to others in order to avoid taking responsibility for themselves.

On the uncomfortable side, these individuals may feel they are giving up their individuality and freedom in allowing others to care for them or in having to take care of others. “Smothered”, “controlled”, or “manipulated” are usually words used by these individuals who are deeply afraid of being or becoming dependent on others.  These people may find themselves having to confront their issues around loving relationships with family and close friends.  Some will find themselves unable to make a healthy shift, pushing away others who try to love or care for them – like a turtle or a crab, they will withdraw into their shell to “protect” themselves from being emotionally vulnerable to others.  However, others may turn a corner and open themselves up to healthy emotional vulnerability.  In doing so, they may very well experience an appreciation for receiving and/or giving loving care and protection like they never have before.


On a larger scale, this 6 Universal Year energy could show up as corporations, governments, and other large institutions making major strides to care for and nurture their employees or citizens.  There could be some very humanitarian or philanthropic efforts and acts to be of service to as many people as possible in the most positive, healing, and healthy ways.  There will be acts of protection and provision that may be much needed and welcomed by its recipients.

However, these large scale acts and efforts could just as well result in the eliminating of public privacy safeguards or eliminating or overstepping legal boundaries in order to provide this “protection” or “service” to others.  This type of protection and nurturing can be detrimental as it creates either dependency or abandonment dynamics in cultures and societies.  Individuals within these social structures may find themselves at the mercy of the larger entities, feeling like they are being forced into circumstances they don’t want to be in yet feeling obligated to comply.  This has been occurring in some ways for a while now, but be prepared to see it and feel the effects of it (and responses to it) far more clearly in this 6 Year.


2013 starts off with January 2013 being a 7 Universal Month, meaning that there is a thoughtful, analytical, and somewhat introverted energy in the air.  Many of us will be thinking about the year we are coming out of, and thinking just as much if not more about what we are creating for this New Year.  We will also be observing and taking note of what is happening around us.  With the 6 energy of the Universal Year, we are probably going to look at what supports, nurtures, and cares for us both on the personal/private and external/public levels of our everyday lives…and more important, the balance of provision and self-responsibility.

February 2013 will be an 8 month, and in that month be prepared to see some actions taken in order to claim power, position, and control.  Much like December 2012, there will be some intense dynamics, but this time around they are likely to involve individuals coming together to champion larger causes and concerns that are humanitarian or philanthropic in nature.


All in all, 2013 will provide us with many opportunities in a grand variety of ways on many different levels to help each of us assess and re-define what Love is and how Love is expressed in our lives.  I hope this article gives you some valuable insights for the early part of 2013.  There will be more to come over the coming weeks and months.

Wishing you all the best for 2013!

~Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury Retrograde in Leo – “…Get What You Need”

Mercury goes retrograde in Leo at 7:16p PDT on Saturday, July 14th, 2012.  It will be in retrograde motion until late on August 7th when it goes back into direct motion still in the sign of Leo.

With the Sun as its planetary ruler, Leo is about shining one’s Light fully and brightly.  It is rather fitting that this sign is in the midst of the Summer season, radiating its warmth to all who are willing to receive its glow.

Of course, with Leo, sometimes that warm glow can be more of a blinding glare.  And that is where this Mercury Retrograde cycle can become rather interesting.

Leo is at its best and healthiest when it shining its Light brightly bringing positive attention to itself, and then sharing its Light to powerfully bring attention to that and those it has affinity for.  It is at its worst and in its detriment when it is seeking Light from others – when it believes it doesn’t have enough Light on its own to garner the attention it craves.

Mercury represents mental energy – intellect and the communication of ideas and thoughts. It is the ‘perpetual student’, gathering information and knowledge from as many sources as possible.  It also embodies acceleration, and things tend to happen more quickly under Mercury’s influence.  Information and ideas are processed quickly and news travels fast when Mercury is in the mix.

However, when Mercury is in retrograde, it tends to draw those mental energies inward.  We are more introspective and more inclined to look within ourselves for the answers to our burning questions.  We also have the opportunity to go back and review our ideas, thoughts and communications to consider which ones we now can and want to implement and also which ones we’d like to “do over”.  Communications or actions in our lives which may have been left unclear or undefined in their initial expressions now come to the surface to be clarified and defined.  It’s a great time to gather and organize your thoughts and ideas, getting your mind clear and focused on what has been, is and is becoming in your life.

Therefore, in the sign of Leo, Mercury Retrograde is a chance to look at yourself and how you shine (or fail to shine) your unique expression of Light out into the world.  This particular Mercury Retrograde cycle begins during the Sun cycle of Cancer, so Leo’s energy is inclined to be focused on the areas of you life where you need or want more emotional care, nurturing, and protection to start. However, in about 8 days from now, the Sun moves into Leo as well (its home sign), bringing the focus completely on you and your individual self-expression.

You get to look back at where you could have or should have said certain things to stand up for, protect, and/or bring nurturing attention to yourself, to issues that have long gone unaddressed, or to sentiments that have long gone unexpressed for you.  You may also be given the chance to now be retrospectively recognized and acknowledged for your ideas, knowledge and your expressions of your individual uniqueness, both in the recent and distant past.  This recognition is likely to be emotionally fulfilling for you on some level.

The key to mastering this cycle is having the courage to speak up once you retrospectively recognize what you really need to learn, know or be acknowledged for.  Then you must speak with confidence in asking for it.  You will get what you ask for, making the key to a positive experience of this Mercury Retrograde in Leo cycle to do just that – ask.  Verbalize your needs. You must ask for what you need once you identify those needs for yourself.

It will be important for you to identify whether or not what you are asking for is actually necessary for your soul’s development or if it’s simply an ego-driven want.

  • If it is something or someone that makes you feel good about who you are and supports and encourages your unique expression, and is truly necessary for you to move forward into your most radiant self, then by all means – give yourself permission to ask for it and go after it.
  • But if it is something or someone that makes you feel badly about yourself or that denies or distracts you from your fullest self-expression, you may want to ask yourself why you insist on diminishing your Light instead.

It will also be important for you to ask with confidence, but not with arrogance or a sense of entitlement.  This is where the distinction between “warm glow” and “blinding glare” is made.  It will be clear to those you approach whether or not you are asking from a place of courage, honesty and integrity which attracts others to your radiant truth, or from a place of fear, desperation and insecurity that repels others with “look at me, look at me” behaviors.  Choose the words that speak to the reality of who you truly are and what you truly want to say to (and receive from) those you are communicating with.  The more genuine the intention and more positive the words, the more likely the response you receive will be clear and positive.

In the words of the Rolling Stones, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need”.

Here’s to your getting everything you need and maybe even what you want during this 2012 Mercury Retrograde in Leo cycle.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next time…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,
