2015 Mercury in Libra and Mercury Conjunct Black Moon Lilith – A Powerful Cry for Equality, Fairness, & Justice

scale-5-glyph-icon_GJZIUaU_ - graphicstockThis morning at 8:44s PDT, Mercury enters the sign of Libra. Mercury is pretty comfortable in Libra as Libra is an air sign like Mercury’s sign of rulership, Gemini. In fact, with Libra being the cardinal air sign, it is where air energy gets its inspiration and intellectual sense of direction.

Libra is about balance, equality, fairness, justice, and peace. Its Zodiac symbol represents the scales of justice, and the ideal of peace being achieved through diplomacy is its cornerstone. Since this is an air sign, the element affirms these principles and ideals to be the fruits of intellect and information, harvested when people are able to fairly and diplomatically communicate, negotiate, and compromise.

With the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Juno all in Virgo, Mercury in Libra must operate within a strong practical and purpose-driven energy. This energy already has us becoming more present to the realities of our everyday circumstances. We’re starting to pay attention to the amount of work we are putting into activities and projects and whether or not said activities bring us health, happiness, or fulfillment. More of us are seeking clarity of purpose and practice – something to work for and toward; reasons to be of service.

Yet as we perform our work under the influence of the Virgo Sun, Mercury’s move into Libra will shift the focus of our thoughts and communications to include those Libran principles of balance, equality, fairness, and justice. This is where our present events and circumstances will make this 2015 Mercury in Libra experience one for the books – people are beginning to recognize how they may not have all the information they need to make informed or intelligent choices about the everyday matters (systems, processes, routines, responsibilities, etc.) which affect their lives. Questions certain to arise over the next few weeks are: Continue reading

2015 Mercury and Jupiter in Virgo – Practical Magic

In the last few days, there’s been a palpable shift toward the practical.

As we move just beyond the Leo Sun’s halfway point, we’re already starting to feel the practical, grounding energy of Virgo.

Virgo is mutable earth energy and is the sign of the practical healer. It addresses the functionality of our daily lives – everything that makes our daily lives work. This is the sign of health and wellness, of practical service, and of systems and processes. Whatever works is sustained. Whatever doesn’t work is adjusted until it does work.


Our introduction to this hands-on energy began when Mercury entered the sign of Virgo at 12:15p PDT on Friday, 7th August. When it did, it shifted the focus and intention of our thoughts and words to the real world day-to-day operations of our lives. Continue reading

The 2015 Virgo Full Moon – “Making It Work” with Your Head in The Clouds & Your Feet On the Ground

The 2015 Virgo Full Moon is at its fullest making exact opposition to the Pisces Sun at 10:05a PST on Thursday, 5th March 2015 (14.84°).  During this Full Moon period (2nd-8th March 2015), it’s time for some serious reality checks after you’ve been aspiring to your ideals, visions, and dreams voraciously for a couple of weeks now.  For some of us, these will be mild shifts.  For others, these may be harsh grounding experiences.  Either way, get ready to have your imaginings and ideals brought into the critical eye of practical assessment.

In other words, it’s time for you to experience what it really takes to have your dreams become the actualities of your life.  Having your head in the clouds envisioning your ideals is one thing, but if your dreams are going to manifest you also need to have your feet on the ground.  That’s what this 2015 Virgo Full Moon is all about. Continue reading

A Current Events Essay – Netanyahu’s Address to U.S. Congress – 03 March 2015

What may be the big event of the week – at least so far – is Netanyahu’s address to U.S. Congress happening this morning.  Let’s take a look at what is happening as this address begins.

To set the stage, Juno Retrograde in Leo in the 3rd House is the lead planet, reflecting a commitment to relaying information in response to recent events.  Juno’s trine with Saturn in Sagittarius in the 6th House makes it very clear that Netanyahu intends to define clear boundaries of operation in order to ensure Israel’s autonomy & protection.

However, the most noticeable thing astrologically speaking is an Angular Grand Sextile configuration involving Jupiter Retrograde in Leo in the local 3rd House sextile the Gemini 6 Ascendant sextile Venus conjunct Uranus intercepted in Aries in the 11th House sextile Mercury in Aquarius in the 9th House.  This reveals to me that this address will indeed educate the world with the wisdom of his and his nation’s experience (Mercury in Aquarius in 9th), yet Netanyahu and the involved parties will also receive a LOT of feedback about his and Israel’s place and role in the world as result. Continue reading

2014 Mercury in Virgo – Constructive or Destructive Criticism?

On Friday, 15th August 2014, Mercury entered the sign of Virgo.  In doing so, it raises the question – are your thoughts and words solving problems and healing wounds, or are they causing them?

Mercury traditionally represents intellect and communication.  The ruler of the sign of Gemini, Mercury is known for having a quick mind and a quick mouth.  Though very charming and youthful in nature, Mercury can also be very logical.

In the sign of Virgo (ruled by Chiron), Mercury may find that its more serious intellectual and communicative skills are being applied to some rather mundane yet necessary situations as Virgo attends to the day-to-day of life.  Life’s practical and functional matters are addressed here, such as:  Did the bills get paid?  Did the laundry get done?  Did you do the grocery shopping?  Are you healthy and well – physically, mentally, and emotionally?

To that point, Mercury in Virgo may find its quick and curious mind applied to finding solutions and fixes for things that aren’t working in your own life or the lives of others.  If they aren’t working, you’ll need to fix them.  If they are working, you may find that you’re called upon to make them work better or more efficiently or effectively. Continue reading

August 2014 – A Numerological 6 Universal Month – The Stage Parent and The Fixer

***Author’s Note***:Normally, I keep the numerological reports in the Life By Soul monthly e-zine which is exclusive to members of the Life By Soul mailing list.  However, I feel like it’s important to publish this today.  Most of this information is copied directly from the 2014 Leo E-Zine, so if you like what you read here, you may want to sign up for the monthly e-mailing.  And for those of you who already subscribe to the e-zine, I hope this post is more a reminder than redundancy, and there is some new stuff to preview the upcoming 2014 Virgo Sun Period.

The shameless promotion of the e-zine is now complete.  Now for the good stuff…

Today, the 1st day of August 2014, is not only the busiest astrological day of the 2014 Leo Sun Period.  It also brings a numerological energy shift from Leo 5 to Leo 6 Sun energy.  When we enter Leo 6 numerological energy for the month of August 2014, we may notice that there is moderate shift of focus to a more emotional motivation for garnering attention and instigating drama.

6 is the “mommy energy” of numerology, calling for nurturing, caring, and protecting. It is also the number of healing and wellness, and can be very practical in its approach to finding solutions to any problems or issues with efficiency or effectiveness.  6 energy likes to make sure things work so that life works as they believe it should. Continue reading

Venus in Virgo – When Your Relationships Get Real

If you’ve been living the dream life in your relationships, Venus in Virgo brings notice:

Your relationships are about to get real.

Now the dream may very well be the reality of your relationship, and if that is the case for you, congratulations and many wishes for continued bliss!

However, for most of you, Venus in Virgo may be quite an awakening.

So many people get caught up in relationships for relationship’s sake, yet fail to recognize when the relationship doesn’t serve them well in the reality of their lives.  There’s the dreamy, romantic relationship ideal that is often represented by Pisces (Virgo’s Zodiac opposite), and then there’s the tangible, no-nonsense relationship reality that is Virgo.

Virgo energy is about the work and service that makes things healed, healthy, and whole.  It’s about functionality – making things practical and purposeful, efficient and effective.  It wants to make things work on a day-to-day level.

That said, Venus entered the sign of Virgo at 5:41a PDT this morning, July 22nd, and asks you to look at how your one-on-one relationships of all kinds are really working for you.  And when I say working, I’m not kidding.

Venus in Virgo reveals the daily work of life through the context of relationship.

  • Is your laundry getting done?
  • How about the grocery shopping?
  • And did your bills get paid this month?
  • Did you blow your budget trying to impress someone else?

Those are the kinds of details that need to be addressed while Venus is in Virgo because it’s not just about how the relationship itself functions – it’s also about how your individual life functions while you are in your relationships.

That said, there’s a few more questions to consider:

  • Which relationships assist, support, or encourage you in the day-to-day of your life?
  • Which relationships help you heal and move on from your mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual wounds?
  • Which relationships actually make your day-today life easier to attend to?

Answering these questions are the ways that you can assess which relationships are actually healthy and helpful in your life, and which ones are draining you of energy or denying you access to your health and well-being.  Venus in Virgo is the time to recognize the roles each of the relationships in your life play for you.

If your relationship can withstand the day-to-day of everyday life, if it can get through the most mundane, boring, and tedious of tasks, then you’ve got a real deal relationship – you’ve got a keeper.  That’s what Venus in Virgo is all about – the relationships that can survive the daily grind.

Venus is travelling through Virgo until August 16th, 2013.  Take this time to really assess which relationships in your life serve you well and help you to keep things real in the everyday reality of your life.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Virgo – Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize

Mercury enters Virgo this evening, August 31st, 2012 at 7:33p PDT.  With it comes a shift in our mental and communicative focus – away from the attention we draw to ourselves and what we reveal ourselves to be, and toward the implementation of the plans we have been creating to align our lives with the Truth of who we are.

Virgo is about organizing, systematizing, and practical implementation.  It is also about healing and wellness, clearing out what is toxic to us and bringing things back into integrity and good health.  Its practical and purposeful nature often associates Virgo with your works, service, and daily routine.

Mercury joins the Sun in the sign of Virgo for an amplification of this practical and purposeful energy.  With our minds and communications now shifting into this realm, you are likely to see a stark contrast between the theatrical drama of Leo we’ve been experiencing over the last few weeks and the nuts and bolts approach of Virgo.  Things will almost suddenly become pretty simple and straight-forward, and there will be a more cut-and-dried approach to getting things started and/or done.  There won’t be much tolerance for drama or excess over the next few weeks.  If it isn’t effective or efficient, it’ll probably be discarded or ignored. The intention in the next couple of weeks is to “keep your eyes on the prize”.

That said, Mercury’s journey through Virgo this time around will be a quick and useful one – it will be in direct motion its entire time in Virgo, moving into Libra on September 16th.  Ideas and thoughts and our communications of them will likely be clear, concise and very deliberate.  They will also serve the dual purpose of 1)  helping us implement plans and intentions, and 2) healing the wounds that may surface as we start letting go of all that no longer serves us well.

This Virgo 5 Sun-Mercury cycle is a time of clearing away who and what distracts, discourages, or otherwise detriments us in the pursuit of our goals and dreams.  We clear away the negatives to create space for all that is practical, tangible and positive to come into our live to assist us with the manifestation of our plans and intentions.  Though there will be some tangible and physical actions taken, the majority of this work done during Mercury in Virgo will be done through words more than any other means.

Some questions to consider over the next 16 days:

  • Who and what supports you in “winning the prize(s)” in your life…and who and what seems to distract you or take you away from it?
  • What do you need to get what will support or encourage you in manifesting your goals and dreams? What and/or who stands in the way of getting what you need?
  • Is it really someone or something else, or it is your own beliefs and behaviors and thoughts that need to change?

We aren’t done with Leo entirely.  Venus enters Leo on September 6th, and will bring a little drama back into our lives as others begin to respond and react to the communications we make.  We are likely to have our ‘drama moments’ as well – after all, we aren’t the only ones who are making changes.

Everyone in our lives is under the influence of this Virgo 5 Sun-Mercury combination.  So we’ll need to deal with our feelings and thoughts about being on both the giving and receiving end of the changes we are all undergoing.  For some of us who are already well-aligned with our inner Truths, the changes we are called to make may be small and barely noticeable.  But for some of us who have found ourselves to be more out of alignment with our inner Truths than we may like, we may find ourselves called upon to make some pretty major life changes in these next few weeks.  And of course, as we make these changes, they inevitably have an effect on not only us but those closest to us.  Our relationships will be affected, and the relationship effect will only be more pronounced once Mercury moves into Libra on the 16th.

But for now, we focus on implementing the details of our plans.  We focus on getting ourselves and our lives cleaned, cleared and organized for the new and wonderful people and things we are bringing into our lives – all of whom will help us “keep our eyes on the prize” so we may manifest and fulfill our goals and dreams.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and blessings,


Let’s Get Grounded!

I know that as some of you read this week’s post title, you’re thinking that we’re all about to be punished for something.  The word ‘grounded’ often evokes memories of sitting in one’s bedroom with nothing to do, locked in your room until your parent(s) say you can come out while your siblings and friends are all out having a great time.

It’s not really that kind of grounding.

Now some of you may experience it as a punishment of sorts.  However, that’s not really what is going on.  In fact, just the opposite is occurring.

This week, we had the Full Moon in Taurus opposite the Scorpio Sun on Thursday November 10th.  Since Taurus is an earth sign, this brought Light to the tangible reality of what has us feel most deeply emotional – our survival resource needs.  Usually, your deepest emotional responses are born of your most basic survival needs being met or unmet.  When you’re not having your food, shelter, money(or currency of choice), or sex in ways that are comfortable or desired by you, you are likely frustrated and upset.  And if you haven’t been facing or wanting to face the tangible reality of your life, then the Full Moon may have been a rough element for you this week.

We also had Mars enter the sign of Virgo on November 10th, which shifted the focus and intentions of our actions to the day-to-day maintenance of our lives.  You may find that your actions are more purposeful and intentional right now, making sure the everyday routine of your life is actually creating or establishing the life you want to live and have.  Virgo is also an earth sign, and is committed to having your everyday life be healthy, healing, practical, and productive for you  – whatever it takes to have your life “work” or function effectively and efficiently.

Because Taurus and Virgo are both earth signs, I see this last week as the beginning of an opportunity to be “grounded” – to become aware of the tangible aspects and practical realities of our lives.  It’s a great time to see how who you’ve been choosing to be produces certain results in your life.  “Grounding” gives you the opportunity to get real with yourself.  Yes, this is a good thing.

However, Mercury and Venus are both in Sagittarius right now.  This likely has your mind and thoughts focused on how you can experience freedom, joy, growth and expansion in all areas of your life – it’s definitely not a grounding energy, but an inspiring energy. With Sagittarius’ influence, your relationships with others may help you recognize what needs to be handled or dealt within the practical and tangible reality of your life for the freedom and joy you desire to be established. It can inspire you into practical and productive action.

Combining the explorer’s energy of Sagittarius with the tangible and practical energies of Taurus and Virgo, it’s like a big “you are here” button on the journey of your life.  This period in time is giving you and all of us a chance to see what we’ve got and what we want to do about it to be free or to experience joy and freedom in our lives.  The Scorpio Sun is making sure you are experiencing the emotional impact of your current circumstances and choices.  Awakening to and feeling the emotional impact of your everyday actions and thoughts may be just the thing you need to begin taking action to refocus yourself on the life you really want to be living…if you’re not already living it.

If you are someone who is loving the life you are living, this may be the opportunity for you to assist others in grounding and focusing their energies.  You can share with them what had you get focused and channel your thoughts and energies into establishing the life you are living.  Use this opportunity to teach and heal others, to share your joy. It may not be easy to do – some people won’t be open to hearing what you have to say.  Recognize these people as being unwilling to grow or expand.  Then move on to those who really do want to experience a transformation of their lives and who will receive the wisdom you have to offer to them.

Enjoy the shift available to you this week!  And please feel free to share your experiences with me by commenting on the blog post.  I’ll be happy to open up a dialogue with you and others…and look forward to it.


Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next week…


~ Light, Love and Blessings,
