2016 Mercury in Pisces – In Service to Oneness

Black Hole in Space Violet Background

Mercury entered the sign of Pisces on Saturday, 5th March at 2:39a PST. When it did, it began a period of awakening to All-That-Is. The consciousness of the interconnection of everyone and everything is growing, and each and all of us are becoming aware of how everything comes together – how it all intersects and affects all else.

As we awaken, we also become more sensitive to energies and emotions happening around us – we become more empathic. This emotional-spiritual sensitivity can make us quick to play victim to the energies and emotions of others, or to feel defeated by others’ responses to or ignorance of our efforts. However, it can also make us quick to feel compassion and unconditional caring for others.

This empathy also encourages a service mindset. If you are coming from a place of compassion and caring, you may notice how you feel you might be serving a Higher calling – something far bigger and far beyond yourself and what you know as the world around you. This isn’t just service on a practical level – it is emotional and spiritual healing service. This is the type of compassion and kindness which can bring healing to long-held emotional wounds. Continue reading

2016 Virgo Full Moon – Serve One, Serve All

full moon - sky-texture-13_G1CTZUF_ GraphicstockWe’re experiencing a Full Moon in Virgo today, Monday, 22nd February 2016 – one which reaches its maximum phase at 10:20a PST (3.34°), when the Virgo Moon most fully reflects the light of the Pisces Sun.

The signs of Virgo and Pisces are opposite each other on what I call “the axis of service”.

Virgo is the energy behind our practical and purpose-driven service efforts. It is usually focused on efficiency and effectiveness, making things work or making things work better than they already do. It is also health and healing focused, and even though there is a physical inclination to this due to Virgo being an earth element sign, the health and healing principles can be applied to all levels of your life experience – mental/intellectual, emotional, spiritual, financial/professional, etc. Because it deals with practical functionality, Virgo is associated with everyday life. Your daily routine and/or everyday activities – the day-to-day operations of your life – are strongly influenced by Virgo’s energy. Virgo’s placement in your chart will reveal which areas of your life tend to be present in your daily activities.

Pisces is the energy behind our emotional, spiritual service efforts. Focused on empathy and intuition, Pisces is focused on our interconnection with All-That-Is – it brings awareness of everyone and everything being connected. Pisces tends to be of service in philanthropic and/or spiritual ways – often looking at things from a perspective of compassion, soul healing, unconditional love, and “big picture” Oneness consciousness. Because it is a water element sign usually dealing with the emotional-spiritual intangibles of everyday life, Pisces is also associated with your dreams, ideals, fantasies, and your visionary and artistic talents and abilities. It is often what you aspiring to and/or what you’re using to escape from day-to-day activities of your life.

The 2016 Virgo Full Moon occurs on a 6 Universal day, numerologically speaking. Six energy is also service-driven energy, nurturing, healing, and protecting in both emotional and practical ways strongly reminiscent of a maternal presence. The fact that this Pisces Sun-Virgo Moon opposition is happening in tandem with this 6 numerological energy indicates that this powerfully service-driven Full Moon is likely to illuminate some or all of the practical and emotional motives behind our individual and collective acts of service.

As the energies of Virgo, Pisces and 6 combine, we may learn during this 2016 Virgo Full Moon that service is not about how we serve others – it’s about how and why we serve ourselves, both individually and collectively. Continue reading

The Transits of 24-26 November 2015 – Dreams and Nightmares Come True

Trees with sunlight background - altered - graphicstockI’m getting right to it.

All of the transits I’m about to list are occurring between 6-8° of their respective signs. This means that they are all within orb and aspect of each other. This will result in a couple of planetary geometry configurations which need to be addressed.

I want you to know and understand the energies of these transits separately before I bring them all together. So let’s take a look at yesterday and tomorrow… Continue reading

Neptune Direct in Pisces – November 2015 – Victims and Martyrs, Real and Imagined

blue swirl for blog postNeptune in Pisces returned to direct motion at 8:32a PST on Wednesday, 18th November 2015 (1 universal day). When it did, it gave us permission to begin dreaming for ourselves again. Instead of being bombarded and overwhelmed by the ideals and expectations of others, we are now restoring attunement and alignment with our own ideals and visions for what is possible for the world around us.

Sadly, some of those ideals and visions have faced some harsh reality checks in last couple of weeks. Though in some ways they were much-needed reality checks, they also brought forth a great deal of pain and anguish – physical, emotional, and spiritual. Pisces is known for having a victim-martyr component to its makeup, and with Neptune – Pisces’ planetary ruler – now direct in its home sign, both sides of that component have been playing themselves out if full measure. In the last few weeks, there have been many victims of idealism, and in devastating manner, they became victims by the hands of martyrs of idealism.

The challenge here is that there are the genuine victims…then there are the imagined victims and the imagined martyrs, too. Continue reading

The Nodal Axis in Virgo-Pisces – Exercises and Lessons in Service

digital compisition of the earth

After almost 19 months in Libra and Aries, the Moon’s Nodal Axis changes signs. At 5:05p PST today, 11th November, the North Node moves into the sign of Virgo, which means the South Node moves into the sign of Pisces. The Moon’s nodes are currently in retrograde motion, as they are most of the time. That is why they move “in reverse” natural Zodiac order through the signs, and why they are now moving from Aries-Libra into Pisces/Virgo.

The Moon’s Nodal Axis is a collective karmic axis. It reveals the bigger picture lessons we are being asked to learn under its energy in order to evolve as a collective whole (humanity, Oneness). The South Node represents the karmic lessons we’ve already mastered, while the North Node represents the lessons we are now being called to learn and master in order to progress. Yet the work’s not done once we learn and master the North Node – we get to bring our North Node lessons learned back to the South Node and practice that energy with new awareness.

To understand where we’re going, let’s first discuss where we’ve been. Continue reading

2015 Pisces Full Moon – Making Waves to Make Progress

Pisces Full Moon - 20150828_230051 - GDC

The Pisces Full Moon will reach maximum phase on Saturday 8/29 at 11:35a PDT (6.10°), reflecting the light of the Virgo Sun. The watery, dreamy, and imaginative quality of Pisces (mutable water) reflects the earthy and practical sign of Virgo (mutable earth) to bring your dreams and ideals into your “everyday view”. This means your visionary insights and emotional sensitivities will be seen for the purpose they serve in your real-world, everyday life.

Usually, the Full Moon works to bring a different perspective to the Sun. A Pisces Full Moon generally encourages you to check in with yourself and how you feel about the reality of the life you are living in an everyday, practical way. Being one of if not the most spiritual sign of the zodiac, Pisces gets to touch the ground with Virgo during this time making the experience of otherworldly realms and sensations felt on a practical level. It reminds you to remember your dreams and visions, and to honor your intuitive messages in your everyday routine.

However, this 2015 version is much more of a two-way street than usual. Continue reading

The 2015 Pisces New Moon-Solar Eclipse – Are You Ready for A Higher Consciousness?

We get to experience a rather remarkable New Moon this Friday, 20th March 2015 at 2:36a PDT (best viewed in the Arctic Circle, Scandinavia, Europe, and northwestern Russia).  Not only is the event itself pretty spectacular, there’s also some extremely potent energy present that can make a huge impact on the lives of many if not all of us.

To start, the 2015 Pisces New Moon is also a total solar eclipseNew Moons often represent new beginnings, and total solar eclipses (which can only happen during New Moons) bring MAJOR new beginnings. Yet the effect of a total solar eclipse is much like a taking a leap of faith into the future.  The Moon (emotional energy) obstructs the Sun’s light (our authentic self energy), leaving you to make choices with your heart alone.  This could be challenging if you aren’t one to tap into your genuine emotions OR if you’re still clinging on to negative emotional energies (such as fear, regret, resentment, anger, etc.).

This 2015 Pisces New Moon-Solar Eclipse occurs while the Sun, Mercury, Chiron, and Neptune are also traveling through the sign of Pisces.  Though they are not in aspect to the New Moon-Eclipse or each other (within a 3° orb), the fact that all of these bodies are in Pisces and that Pisces is the only body-occupied water sign in the sky right now indicates that this New Moon-Solar Eclipse is a time full of great potential for compassion, forgiveness, and profound emotional healing…yet this time also holds potential for great delusion and despair if emotional expectations for healing or triumph aren’t fulfilled. Continue reading

2015 Mercury in Pisces – Ideals and Consequences

Mercury in Pisces represents a mindset shift from social causes, humanitarian efforts, social &/or technological innovation, and social rebellion & revolution to compassion, selfless service, unconditional love, and philanthropic efforts.  You may find your thoughts and communications being intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually drawn to considerations beyond yourself and your immediate environment.  You may also find yourself called into consciousness of matters that affect humanity yet are beyond humanity.

Yet, Pisces is also known as the sign of dreams, visions, imagination, ideals, and delusions.  Pisces and its ruler, Neptune, are notoriously known as the bearers of “the rose-colored glasses effect”.  When you place Mercury – the ruler of quick-minded, intelligent, and intellectual Gemini – in the sign of imagination, vision, and transcendent service, the possibilities are endless as to what can be thought up, envisioned, and communicated.  In some ways, Mercury in Pisces is an artist’s dream pairing as it holds great potential for amazing visionary ideas and intentions to be created and developed.

Mercury entered Pisces at 8:52p PDT on Thursday, 12th March 2015 Continue reading

The 2015 Virgo Full Moon – “Making It Work” with Your Head in The Clouds & Your Feet On the Ground

The 2015 Virgo Full Moon is at its fullest making exact opposition to the Pisces Sun at 10:05a PST on Thursday, 5th March 2015 (14.84°).  During this Full Moon period (2nd-8th March 2015), it’s time for some serious reality checks after you’ve been aspiring to your ideals, visions, and dreams voraciously for a couple of weeks now.  For some of us, these will be mild shifts.  For others, these may be harsh grounding experiences.  Either way, get ready to have your imaginings and ideals brought into the critical eye of practical assessment.

In other words, it’s time for you to experience what it really takes to have your dreams become the actualities of your life.  Having your head in the clouds envisioning your ideals is one thing, but if your dreams are going to manifest you also need to have your feet on the ground.  That’s what this 2015 Virgo Full Moon is all about. Continue reading

2015 Venus Conjunct Neptune in Pisces opposite Black Moon Lilith in Virgo – The Actual, Practical, & Factual Reality of Your Idealistic Dreams

Earlier today, 1st February 2015 at 9:36a PST, Venus in Pisces made an exact conjunction with Neptune in the same sign.  Venus isn’t exactly comfortable in Pisces as Venus rules an air sign (Libra), so it’s usually in more logical, reasonable, and rational environments. When paired with Neptune – the ruler of Pisces – in Pisces, Venus’ intellectual objectivity and reasoning process is severely compromised as it’s outnumbered 3 elements to 1.

This 2015 conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Pisces has a bit more intensity and depth than the others from these recent years.  In this 2015 version, the imaginative and visionary elements of this combination and their impact on your everyday life are a bit more pronounced.  Artistic and philanthropic vision abounds, and there are more efforts being taken to implement these creative and visionary ideas than ever before.  There is also more idealism and romanticism than there has been in previous years, and this may result in more partnerships and relationships experiencing challenges due to deception, co-dependency, or martyrdom. Continue reading