The Transits of 24-26 November 2015 – Dreams and Nightmares Come True

Trees with sunlight background - altered - graphicstockI’m getting right to it.

All of the transits I’m about to list are occurring between 6-8° of their respective signs. This means that they are all within orb and aspect of each other. This will result in a couple of planetary geometry configurations which need to be addressed.

I want you to know and understand the energies of these transits separately before I bring them all together. So let’s take a look at yesterday and tomorrow… Continue reading

2015 Mercury Direct in Gemini – Dealing With Facts

Today’s the day many of you have been waiting for. Mercury in Gemini ends its retrograde and turns back to direct motion at 3:33p PDT! The time for listening for and being receptive to the messages being communicated to you is winding down, and opportunities for making your voice heard are coming forth soon.

There’s a reason I say “soon” – it’ll take a little bit for Mercury to get back up to speed. It won’t take long, though, as Mercury continues to be its fast thinking, fast talking, and quick witted self at home in its home sign of Gemini. Like a car making a u-turn, it needs to slow down to make the turn, but it will get itself going at full speed rather quickly. Continue reading

Mercury in Cancer Trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces and Cancer 5 Sun Square Mars in Libra – Choose Wisely

There is a confusing and possibly deceptive quality to the communications that are occurring now, thanks to a trine between Mercury in Cancer and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, exact at 10:36p PDT this evening of 18th July 2014.  The degree to which we may be choosing to delude ourselves may be made more clear by a square of the Cancer 5 Sun and Mars in Libra, exact less than an hour later at 11:42p PDT.

Neptune has rather escapist tendencies as the ruler of Pisces, and in its own sign, it’s more apt to act upon these tendencies.  With the planet in retrograde motion, this indicates that each of us may be more inclined to allow ourselves to be deceived rather than being deceived outright or unknowingly by others.  It may seem strange, but through this transit, there’s a likelihood of our being tricked into taking responsibility for the delusions of others.

Mercury in Cancer reveals that our minds are being swayed by our emotions.  There is much to say about how we feel, yet it is wise to keep in mind that in the sign of Cancer, we are in protective mommy mode when it comes to what we are emotionally invested in.  Our minds aren’t really objective as we are focused on how to protect and defend the people and projects we care about most. Continue reading

New Moon in Gemini – No Tears, Just Facts

Gemini, as an air sign, usually isn’t great about dealing with emotions.  In fact, it’s not even good at emotion.  Ideally, emotions and Gemini wouldn’t actually mix.

However, if you have Moon in Gemini in your personal astrology, or in this case, when the New Moon is in Gemini (exact at 8:56a PDT this morning, Saturday, June 8th, 2013), it’s unavoidable that the quick intellectual and logical mind of Gemini must be confronted by the emotions that the Moon inherently brings to the fore.  In this awkward blend of mind and emotion, there’s only one thing Gemini knows it can do.

Talk about it.

Now it may not actually be talking – it could be communicating via e-mail or letter, or through pictures or songs.  Direct communication would be best – the more direct, the better.  But if coming from Gemini, it could also be very indirect in a playful mind-gaming sort of way.

Nevertheless, under the influence of New Moon in Gemini, new lines of communication can be opened now bringing about fresh starts and new beginnings in whichever area(s) of your life is affected by Gemini and this New Moon.

Of course, when someone talks, ideally, someone else is hearing what is being said.  And believe it or not, this is where New Moon in Gemini may be at its best – listening.

This is because Gemini is a perpetual student.  It loves to gather information and increase its wealth of knowledge.  There is no such thing as too much information for Gemini, and Moon in Gemini is in its best emotional state when it’s “in the know”.  Knowledge is peace of mind and peace of heart for someone with a Gemini Moon or during this time of New Moon in Gemini.  The more objective information that can be exchanged now, the better everyone may feel right now .  (Yes, even Gemini has feelings, too.)

The information that gets heard during this conjunction of the Sun and Moon in Gemini is a very logical and objective expression of emotion.  Frankly, it’s the only way Gemini can truly relate to emotion – when it’s presented like a thesis of sorts.  Emotions need to be communicated in a very plain-spoken and direct manner for them to be heard, received, and understood during this time.  Any tears and tantrums will be met with a blank stare or a departure from the room – you won’t get far if anywhere by acting out drama right now.  Matter-of-fact gets your matters addressed under this New Moon in Gemini, even with Mercury (Gemini’s ruling planet) in Cancer right now.  Keep it straight and simple – no tears, just facts – and you may be surprised by just how much of your emotional issue gets attended to.

By making the most of this New Moon in Gemini by keeping the emotion out of your emotions, you may find that there is forward and upward emotional progress made that you may never have imagined possible.  And with the Moon conjuncting Jupiter in Gemini later in today/early tomorrow, the good feelings have a great deal of encouragement to grow and expand.

Who knows – maybe Gemini isn’t so bad at emotions after all.

Thank you for reading and sharing the blog posts from Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


The Only Cloud in the Sky - GDC