Mercury in Cancer Trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces and Cancer 5 Sun Square Mars in Libra – Choose Wisely

There is a confusing and possibly deceptive quality to the communications that are occurring now, thanks to a trine between Mercury in Cancer and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, exact at 10:36p PDT this evening of 18th July 2014.  The degree to which we may be choosing to delude ourselves may be made more clear by a square of the Cancer 5 Sun and Mars in Libra, exact less than an hour later at 11:42p PDT.

Neptune has rather escapist tendencies as the ruler of Pisces, and in its own sign, it’s more apt to act upon these tendencies.  With the planet in retrograde motion, this indicates that each of us may be more inclined to allow ourselves to be deceived rather than being deceived outright or unknowingly by others.  It may seem strange, but through this transit, there’s a likelihood of our being tricked into taking responsibility for the delusions of others.

Mercury in Cancer reveals that our minds are being swayed by our emotions.  There is much to say about how we feel, yet it is wise to keep in mind that in the sign of Cancer, we are in protective mommy mode when it comes to what we are emotionally invested in.  Our minds aren’t really objective as we are focused on how to protect and defend the people and projects we care about most. Continue reading

The Cancer 5 Sun Transits of Early July 2014 – No More Drama?

It started on the 4th of July with the Cancer 5 Sun – Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn opposition.  The emotional effects of the major changes that have been occurring around us will still be present and fresh in our consciousness as the Cancer 5 Sun continues to make its presence intensely known on a number of different levels with three Sun transits occurring within a 24-hour period.  There may be a whole lot of emotional drama that comes to a head over the next few days, but there’s also a great opportunity to set up new structures in your life that provide you with completely new and different ways for managing or eliminating the drama that arises in your life. Continue reading

Cancer 5 Sun opposite Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn – Facing The Fires of Change

I’m not usually one to blog about the Sun transits.  However, there are quite a few of them coming up in the next few days.  This one – Cancer 5 Sun opposite Capricorn Pluto Retrograde, exact at 1:03a on 4th July 2014 – starts them off.

We all know that change is the only constant in life.  However, most of my clients, people I know, and myself have been experiencing major life changes – both self-initiated and (for lack of a better phrase at the moment) imposed upon us.

There have been significant changes on many levels since Pluto has been travelling through Capricorn for the last 6+ years, dissolving structures, systems, and institutions that have served their purpose or are otherwise outdated or obsolete.  These changes are occurring in our nations, communities, cultures, workplaces, institutions, infrastructures, governments, corporations, schools/education systems, social programs, etc.  In the last few years, there is so much that has changed that it would be very difficult to deny that the world today is a far cry from the world we were living in only 5 years ago, let alone 10 or more.  Yet despite all of the major changes, there is still much about the way humanity goes about living in the world that has not changed at all.

The reality of the matter is that NOTHING happens in the world without it affecting ALL of us in some way.  It just takes some things a bit longer to impact us than others.  But leave it to human nature to deny these changes, especially when it’s not fully understood how the changes affect us and we are ambivalent or unwilling to learn how they do.

Many of the major changes happening in the world won’t affect most of us directly.  Yet in this age when information travels from one side of the world to the other in mere minutes, there are still so many of us who think, “It’s happening on the other side of the world.  It has nothing to do with me”, or “It’s happening to the poor/rich/other people – it won’t affect me at all”.  So many of us choose to be completely oblivious to what is happening in the world around us, don’t care to hear or learn about any of it as long as it’s not affecting us directly, and won’t care about it until it hits us at home.  It’s only when we try to do or say something and can’t do or say it freely or easily that we realize how something we could have prevented or spoken up for or against now affects our ability to continue living in our comfort zones, rooted in an assumption of a never-changing status quo.  Then we experience profound upset over something that “(didn’t) matter to us because it (was) happening on the other side of the world”.

Nothing affects us more than changes in someone or something we are emotionally invested in.  During this transit of the Cancer 5 Sun opposite Capricorn Pluto Retrograde, if you haven’t already experienced the effects of major change in your life in the last 2-3 days, be ready to experience it today or within the next 2-3 days. Continue reading