The 2015 Pisces New Moon-Solar Eclipse – Are You Ready for A Higher Consciousness?

We get to experience a rather remarkable New Moon this Friday, 20th March 2015 at 2:36a PDT (best viewed in the Arctic Circle, Scandinavia, Europe, and northwestern Russia).  Not only is the event itself pretty spectacular, there’s also some extremely potent energy present that can make a huge impact on the lives of many if not all of us.

To start, the 2015 Pisces New Moon is also a total solar eclipseNew Moons often represent new beginnings, and total solar eclipses (which can only happen during New Moons) bring MAJOR new beginnings. Yet the effect of a total solar eclipse is much like a taking a leap of faith into the future.  The Moon (emotional energy) obstructs the Sun’s light (our authentic self energy), leaving you to make choices with your heart alone.  This could be challenging if you aren’t one to tap into your genuine emotions OR if you’re still clinging on to negative emotional energies (such as fear, regret, resentment, anger, etc.).

This 2015 Pisces New Moon-Solar Eclipse occurs while the Sun, Mercury, Chiron, and Neptune are also traveling through the sign of Pisces.  Though they are not in aspect to the New Moon-Eclipse or each other (within a 3° orb), the fact that all of these bodies are in Pisces and that Pisces is the only body-occupied water sign in the sky right now indicates that this New Moon-Solar Eclipse is a time full of great potential for compassion, forgiveness, and profound emotional healing…yet this time also holds potential for great delusion and despair if emotional expectations for healing or triumph aren’t fulfilled. Continue reading

2014 Pisces Full Moon – Physician, Heal Thyself and the World

The 2014 Pisces Full Moon, at its fullest at 6:38p PDT on Monday, 8th September 2014 (16°), is a very special one.  Let’s start with some basics so I can explain how this Pisces Full Moon is more extraordinary than usual.

The Pisces Full Moon is created by the Moon’s opposition to the Virgo Sun.  This means that the functionality of our lives being reflected back upon us by our emotion and/or spirituality-based ideals.  You may find that around this time each year, when the Pisces Full Moon occurs, you are extra-sensitive to how well your life is or isn’t working for you.  You may notice that the day-to-day experience of your life may or may not match up with your dreams, visions, or ideals for it.  Whether your ideals are simple daydreams or fantastic delusions is not as relevant as the fact that the Virgo Sun reveals the Truth about or behind these ideals to you  in some way.  The Virgo Sun-Pisces Moon opposition helps you recognize and acknowledge the gap between where you are and where you may want to be.

This is also a reminder that the Virgo-Pisces axis in the Zodiac wheel is “the axis of service”.  In watching the energy of this axis play out in client charts and in my own chart over the years, I’ve discovered some very interesting interpretations of and beliefs about service.  Many of these come to Light during the Pisces Full Moon, sometimes revealing some deep emotional-spiritual wounds that are desperate for healing.

Continue reading

Chiron Direct in Pisces – Feeling The Pain That Heals

Early tomorrow morning, November 19th, 2013, at 5:07a PST, Chiron returns to direct motion in the sign of Pisces.  This is wonderful news as it allows for all of the healing work we may have been doing within ourselves over these last five months gets to begin revealing itself on the outside.

Since mid-June 2013, Chiron Retrograde gave us many chances to see ourselves clearly in our own emotional-spiritual wounds, and plenty of opportunities to choose to begin (or finish) healing those wounds.  For some of us, it’s been a challenging journey.  Maybe we were so upset by the wounds that were brought up for us to address and deal with that we deftly and diligently ignored or avoided facing or dealing with them.  Maybe we ignored or avoided the call by avoiding or deflecting personal responsibility for our behaviors rooted in these wounds.  Maybe we defended our interests with vigor, needing desperately to be right about the stance we’ve taken that continues to do damage to our lives.  Or maybe we acted in dramatic desperation, seeking attention, power, influence, and/or control outside of ourselves to make up for a lack of those qualities within us.  In doing any or all of these behaviors, we may have chosen to continue living in pain, possibly missing the opportunities given to us by the Universe to heal.

However, for others, we recognized the call to healing that Chiron Retrograde provided, and we’ve made the most of the opening of doors that have led us to the process of healing long-open and emotionally painful wounds.  We faced our monsters, and overcame them (or at least we’ve developed practices that are helping us overcome them).   It’s hasn’t been easy to do, yet the progress and/or results have begun making our lives easier.  We began taking responsibility for our part in perpetuating our wounds, and simply let go of responsibility of what is not ours to be responsible for.  We stopped blaming others for our failures and avoidances, and chose instead to learn the lessons and receive the insights that have always been available to us.  We chose to no longer be victims to others and our circumstances, and have begun practices that allow us to heal our wounds and shift the direction of our lives for the better.

With Chiron in Pisces now back in direct motion, you may notice that the choices you made during the retrograde period begin to show themselves out into the world.  Those around you may see you differently; they may start to behave differently with or around you.  They may realize that you are changing, and they may not know how to deal with what they are witnessing.  This is especially true if they haven’t embraced their own healing process.

As you continue your healing journey in Chiron Direct in Pisces, you may find that you have little to no tolerance for others’ unwillingness to face the sources of their emotional-spiritual wounds and their tendencies to take their pain out on you.  As result, you may start weeding people out of the day-to-day your life.  For these people in your life who have resisted their own healing, your choice may be very frustrating for them.  While you may be able to move on with love and compassion, yet they may not be so compassionate themselves.  They may balk at your new direction and the idea you are willing to go on in your life without them, and blame your absence for their problems and pain…and that’s okay.

Sometimes the most loving thing you can do for yourself and someone else is to walk away to give you both a chance to take responsibility/ ownership of your lives.  Others may get angry with you, but it’s only because you may be leaving them to deal with what they don’t want to face or be responsible for.  It’s important for you to keep in mind that it’s not the confronting or the walking away that is causing the pain; it’s the confronting or walking away that is revealing the real source(s) of their wounds and pain to them.

The people you are leaving behind may not recognize the loving act you are taking, but it’s also not up to you to make sure they do – it is your job to move on.  This may not be easy for you with Pisces being the sign of selfless service, spiritual service, and philanthropy.  In any area of our lives under the influence of Pisces, we tend to believe that we aren’t being loving or spiritual or ‘good’ toward others and/or that we aren’t being of service to them if we say ‘no’ to them or don’t give them what they want or “help” them with what they ask for.  Yet, those are exactly the things you may need to do in order to reclaim your soul.  The thing is that they can be done with love and compassion.

The people around you who have also chosen to heal their wounds will understand what is happening with you.  Whether or not you choose to continue your relationships with each other, you can respect each other’s processes knowing that the life and lifestyle that you are moving into will be pain-free for each of you, even if your interests and activities are diverging.  And if you choose to go separate ways, you can do so peacefully and amicably with compassion and unconditional love – in true Pisces fashion.

Chiron Direct in Pisces will be a very interesting journey, and a long one as Pisces will continue to be in the sign until early 2019.  But take a deep breath and carry on, because healing isn’t painless.  However, it may only be a little painful now to clean out your life and heal your long-open wounds.  It will be much more painful and difficult for you to carry the burden any further.  Let go and let yourself feel the short-term pain that heals you for the long run.  Set yourself free to live the life you’ve dreamed!

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings,


Saturn in Scorpio trine Chiron Retrograde in Pisces – The Positive of Negatives

Trines are considered positive aspects in astrology, so Saturn in Scorpio trine Chiron Retrograde in Pisces – exact as of 2:37a PDT this morning, October 2nd, 2013 –  is an interesting one as it brings a couple of elements into play that don’t have the best reputations for being positive.

Let’s start with Saturn, which is known as the authority figure and disciplinarian of the Zodiac.  It has a reputation for being rather oppressive and restrictive, and an overall wet blanket for any sort of fun that might be had.  In Scorpio, it shows up as extreme measures being taken to focus and discipline one’s emotional-spiritual depths.

Yet when I see Saturn in Scorpio, I see the focus and discipline needed to go into your emotional-spiritual depths and clean up the mess that’s way down in there.  In other words, it’s a good energy to help you deal with your demons.

When Chiron is in Pisces, it deals with the emotional-spiritual wounds you may have around being of selfless service to others or in recognizing your right to experiencing unconditional love.  Pisces is known as the sign of visionary self-sacrifice.  With Chiron in this sign, if you’ve ever given up what you wanted or needed to take care of yourself or to make your life practically work in the pursuit of unconditional love, a romantic ideal, or for spiritual transcendence; you may now be facing up to how you’ve hurt your ability to function in the real world.

However, Chiron is in retrograde motion, and even though things may be happening outside of you to bring you self-martyrdom to your attention, the real spiritual awakening is happening within you.  You are becoming aware of how you’ve been and what you’ve done to allow this self-sacrifice to occur on the inside, and as result, you get to buckle down and set boundaries to make sure you get the emotional-spiritual clarity and healing that you need.

That reveals how Saturn in Scorpio can assist you now, and that is what is so positive about this trine.

Saturn in Scorpio trine Chiron Retrograde in Pisces is a great combination for dealing with your demons and allowing yourself to see and deal with the damage they have done to your life.  Once you see them and their aftermath, you can deal with them, clear them out, and heal the wounds they’ve left behind.

By owning up to your demons by taking responsibility for them and what you’ve allowed them to do to you and others, you are in a position of power in dealing with them.  Then you can create new rules for yourself and set new boundaries with others that enable you to transform the course of your life from a truly healed place.  As long as you deny ownership for your demons, they will continue to run you and your life.  But when you accept responsibility for them, you own them and you can run them out of your life.  There can be so much positive that comes out of dealing with the negatives in your life, but you really and truly have to be ready and committed to doing so.

Are you really ready for emotional healing?

  • Are you really ready to take responsibility for yourself and your life circumstances?   Are you ready to stop blaming others for where you have chosen to be in your life?
  • Are you really ready to own up to what you have and make the most of it from here, rather than trying to force others to give you what you want or think you should have?
  • Are you really ready to face your wounds and the demons that have caused you to blame others or to expect others to take care of and provide for you?

Are you really ready to make these changes knowing that your life will never be the same once you take the steps?  The choice is up to you.

The effects of this transit have been felt since the morning of September 11th, and will continue to be felt strongly  through the afternoon of October 22nd, 2013.  Make the most of this extraordinary opportunity to heal yourself on a spirit and soul level.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Saturn in Scorpio Trine Chiron Retrograde in Pisces – The Positive of Negatives

Trines are considered positive aspects in astrology, so Saturn in Scorpio trine Chiron Retrograde in Pisces – exact as of 2:37a PDT this morning, October 2nd, 2013 –  is an interesting one as it brings a couple of elements into play that don’t have the best reputations for being positive.

Let’s start with Saturn, which is known as the authority figure and disciplinarian of the Zodiac.  It has a reputation for being rather oppressive and restrictive, and an overall wet blanket for any sort of fun that might be had.  In Scorpio, it shows up as extreme measures being taken to focus and discipline one’s emotional-spiritual depths.

Yet when I see Saturn in Scorpio, I see the focus and discipline needed to go into your emotional-spiritual depths and clean up the mess that’s way down in there.  In other words, it’s a good energy to help you deal with your demons.

When Chiron is in Pisces, it deals with the emotional-spiritual wounds you may have around being of selfless service to others or in recognizing your right to experiencing unconditional love.  Pisces is known as the sign of visionary self-sacrifice.  With Chiron in this sign, if you’ve ever given up what you wanted or needed to take care of yourself or to make your life practically work in the pursuit of unconditional love, a romantic ideal, or for spiritual transcendence; you may now be facing up to how you’ve hurt your ability to function in the real world.

However, Chiron is in retrograde motion, and even though things may be happening outside of you to bring you self-martyrdom to your attention, the real spiritual awakening is happening within you.  You are becoming aware of how you’ve been and what you’ve done to allow this self-sacrifice to occur on the inside, and as result, you get to buckle down and set boundaries to make sure you get the emotional-spiritual clarity and healing that you need.

That reveals how Saturn in Scorpio can assist you now, and that is what is so positive about this trine.

Saturn in Scorpio trine Chiron Retrograde in Pisces is a great combination for dealing with your demons and allowing yourself to see and deal with the damage they have done to your life.  Once you see them and their aftermath, you can deal with them, clear them out, and heal the wounds they’ve left behind.

By owning up to your demons by taking responsibility for them and what you’ve allowed them to do to you and others, you are in a position of power in dealing with them.  Then you can create new rules for yourself and set new boundaries with others that enable you to transform the course of your life from a truly healed place.  As long as you deny ownership for your demons, they will continue to run you and your life.  But when you accept responsibility for them, you own them and you can run them out of your life.  There can be so much positive that comes out of dealing with the negatives in your life, but you really and truly have to be ready and committed to doing so.

Are you really ready for emotional healing?

  • Are you really ready to take responsibility for yourself and your life circumstances?   Are you ready to stop blaming others for where you have chosen to be in your life?
  • Are you really ready to own up to what you have and make the most of it from here, rather than trying to force others to give you what you want or think you should have?
  • Are you really ready to face your wounds and the demons that have caused you to blame others or to expect others to take care of and provide for you?

Are you really ready to make these changes knowing that your life will never be the same once you take the steps?  The choice is up to you.

The effects of this transit have been felt since the morning of September 11th, and will continue to be felt strongly  through the afternoon of October 22nd, 2013.  Make the most of this extraordinary opportunity to heal yourself on a spirit and soul level.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Scorpio Trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – Dreams and Nightmares


Yesterday at 11:32p PDT , Venus in Scorpio made an exact trine aspect to Neptune Retrograde in Pisces.

Venus in Scorpio is pretty intense.  Partnerships are not shallow and are not taken lightly under this influence.  Connections run deep and don’t shy away from the darkness inside ourselves and our secrets and shadows that we hide in it.  For these one-on-one relationships to make the life-altering impressions they can make on us, the individuals involved must allow each other to go down into those darkest depths because that’s the only way they can truly know and trust each other.  After all, that’s ultimately what Scorpio is all about – vulnerability and trust.

Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, so it’s especially at home in this water sign of unconditional love and inspired vision.  This is the sign and planet of the dreamers and romantics, and the selfless servants and martyrs to world causes and religions.  This pair is also known for ignoring red flags and escaping pain with avoidance behaviors or through substances to avoid dealing with things altogether.  The retrograde motion means that this energy is happening on a more introspective or personal level – you are awakening to things from the outside in, assessing what is happening around you.  Therefore, you are witnessing the inspired romanticism that others bring to you and engage in around you, and you have an opportunity to be very attentive to how you respond to it as well as what it may make you aware of about yourself.

That said, when Venus in Scorpio and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces come together in trine aspect, it should be wonderful.  After all, trines are supposed to be good, right?

Yes, trines are considered positive aspects.  However, good in aspect theory doesn’t always mean good in actual practice.  Sometimes there can be too much of a good thing.  Other times, what may be good in the moment may not be so good later on.

For some, making such a profound and passionate emotional-spiritual connection with someone like the ones that are possible under a Venus-Neptune water trine is a dream come true.  This is the stuff of romance novels and “chick flicks”.  The depth and intensity of your connection doesn’t scare you – it excites you!  This could be that take your breath away romance that you’ve searched all your life for.

On the flip side, the depth of any connection made now could become a nightmare because it also gets behind and below any façades that may be in place.  It gets into your deep, dark, and dirty and has the potential to reveal it.  It can bring Light to your shadows, burrow into those holes that you keep your tightly-kept secrets hidden, and uncover your most terrifying demons.  This is the flip side of intimacy – the part that reminds you that part of making a powerfully honest connection with a partner requires letting your guard down and trusting them with not only the most beautiful parts of you but also the least beautiful parts of you.

That said, if you want to connect with someone in a profound and life-altering way, if you’re ready to come clean and let someone know ALL of who you really are – inside and out – this is the time.  After all, this is a trine aspect.  There’s a chance that they’ll still love you afterward.

That said, they may love you in the moment.  But as time goes by, the demons that cannot be overcome could destroy the relationship.  Through this process, you may find that your partner’s demons are too much for you, or you may find that your demons are too much for your partner.

But one thing to note about this aspect is that it is happening under a Virgo Sun – there is an energy of healing and restoration in the air that brings forth a desire to heal, restore, and renew each other in transformative ways during this Venus-Neptune trine.  Therefore, you may find that by revealing yourselves completely to each other, you are able to help each other move through darkness to Light and healing much more quickly and effectively than either of you could alone.

Just remember that things can be very passionate and powerful right now under Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces.  Use this trine effectively, wisely, and carefully in your partnerships of all kinds.  The effects of this trine aspect can be felt Wednesday September 11, 2013 through Monday, September 16th.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Scorpio Trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – Dreams and Nightmares


Yesterday, September 13th, 2013, at 11:32p PDT , Venus in Scorpio made an exact trine aspect to Neptune Retrograde in Pisces.

Venus in Scorpio is pretty intense.  Partnerships are not shallow and are not taken lightly under this influence.  Connections run deep and don’t shy away from the darkness inside ourselves and our secrets and shadows that we hide in it.  For these one-on-one relationships to make the life-altering impressions they can make on us, the individuals involved must allow each other to go down into those darkest depths because that’s the only way they can truly know and trust each other.  After all, that’s ultimately what Scorpio is all about – vulnerability and trust.

Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, so it’s especially at home in this water sign of unconditional love and inspired vision.  This is the sign and planet of the dreamers and romantics, and the selfless servants and martyrs to world causes and religions.  This pair is also known for ignoring red flags and escaping pain with avoidance behaviors or through substances to avoid dealing with things altogether.  The retrograde motion means that this energy is happening on a more introspective or personal level – you are awakening to things from the outside in, assessing what is happening around you.  Therefore, you are witnessing the inspired romanticism that others bring to you and engage in around you, and you have an opportunity to be very attentive to how you respond to it as well as what it may make you aware of about yourself.

That said, when Venus in Scorpio and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces come together in trine aspect, it should be wonderful.  After all, trines are supposed to be good, right?

Yes, trines are considered positive aspects.  However, good in aspect theory doesn’t always mean good in actual practice.  Sometimes there can be too much of a good thing.  Other times, what may be good in the moment may not be so good later on.

For some, making such a profound and passionate emotional-spiritual connection with someone like the ones that are possible under a Venus-Neptune water trine is a dream come true.  This is the stuff of romance novels and “chick flicks”.  The depth and intensity of your connection doesn’t scare you – it excites you!  This could be that take your breath away romance that you’ve searched all your life for.

On the flip side, the depth of any connection made now could become a nightmare because it also gets behind and below any façades that may be in place.  It gets into your deep, dark, and dirty and has the potential to reveal it.  It can bring Light to your shadows, burrow into those holes that you keep your tightly-kept secrets hidden, and uncover your most terrifying demons.  This is the flip side of intimacy – the part that reminds you that part of making a powerfully honest connection with a partner requires letting your guard down and trusting them with not only the most beautiful parts of you but also the least beautiful parts of you.

That said, if you want to connect with someone in a profound and life-altering way, if you’re ready to come clean and let someone know ALL of who you really are – inside and out – this is the time.  After all, this is a trine aspect.  There’s a chance that they’ll still love you afterward.

That said, they may love you in the moment.  But as time goes by, the demons that cannot be overcome could destroy the relationship.  Through this process, you may find that your partner’s demons are too much for you, or you may find that your demons are too much for your partner.

But one thing to note about this aspect is that it is happening under a Virgo Sun – there is an energy of healing and restoration in the air that brings forth a desire to heal, restore, and renew each other in transformative ways during this Venus-Neptune trine.  Therefore, you may find that by revealing yourselves completely to each other, you are able to help each other move through darkness to Light and healing much more quickly and effectively than either of you could alone.

Just remember that things can be very passionate and powerful right now under Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces.  Use this trine effectively, wisely, and carefully in your partnerships of all kinds.  The effects of this trine aspect can be felt Wednesday September 11, 2013 through Monday, September 16th.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Pisces – Communications of Connection and Intention

Adding to the mix of yesterday’s Mars-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, Mercury joins them as it begins its journey through the sign at 6:55p PST.  This briefly creates a “stellium” – a powerful conjunction transit involving 3 or more planets.  This will be a pretty potent force from about now through Friday or so this week.

Mercury in Pisces is an interesting combination.  That is because it shifts  intellectual and informational exchanges from a focus on our individual expressions within the whole of humanity to a focus on our individual service to All-That-Is.  We may each and collectively begin to awaken more fully to our connections to each other, to the earth, and to the cosmos.

Mercury is known as “the great messenger”.  Communications and information is its game, though it is also associated with speed and acceleration.  It is very quick-minded and witty, and also known to be rather youthful and curious.  The “Mercurial” Peter Pan is a character example of how this planet’s energy can show up in the world.

Pisces is about unconditional love and compassion.  It is a sign associated with philanthropy and selfless contribution to others, and it tends to be deeply emotional and/or spiritual in its inspiration and expression.  It is extraordinarily loving, caring, and nurturing – a very healing energy.  However, it can also be selfless to a fault, overextending itself to the point of self-sabotage, self-victimization, or self-sacrifice – martyrdom is not an uncommon expression of Pisces energy.

Together, Mercury in Pisces can be a great communicator of messages of unconditional love.  Its role is to inspire others through words (written and spoken) in order to help them step into their Higher callings and their spiritual purposes in this world in the name of selfless service to others.

This is a time when each of us may experience repetitive messages – synchronicities in which we’ll be thinking or speaking of people or things and they call or show up, or information that helps us move forward toward long-held visions or dreams.  We may find we are having more of these experiences than usual.  The heightened frequency of occurrences will be happening to remind us of how we are all connected and interconnected – how our own thoughts and words – both internally and externally communicated – really do go forth into the Universe and are heard by the Universe.

In other words, during this Mercury in Pisces period, we each may discover (or be reminded) that there really is no such thing as coincidence.  Everyone and everything is connected.   Everything and everyone is intended.

So…referring back to the stellium transit of Mercury, Mars, and Neptune in Pisces – now would be a good time to pay attention to those ideas and thought that keep coming around into your conscious awareness.  Don’t ignore the repetition!  If you keep hearing and/or seeing things that remind you of someone or something, be prepared to take action upon those matters or expect to hear from those people or from someone associated with whatever keeps showing up that is calling you to take action in alignment with your dreams and goals.  It is time to step forward into your vision.  It is time to begin living into your dream.

What makes this 2013 Mercury in Pisces extra special is that it also brings our first Mercury Retrograde of the year on February 23rd, and the retrograde period will last until March 17th.  It will be a much more powerful Mercury Retrograde than usual, as all of the inner planetary bodies and influences (Mars, Sun, Venus, and the Moon) will be transited by conjunction with Mercury in Pisces Retrograde.  Each of us will feel the effects in our actions and reactions, our relationships and partnerships, our emotional states, and our sense of ourselves both individually and collectively.  It will be a very profound and moving time for all, which I’ll discuss in more detail in a later post.  Just remember – retrogrades are “do-over” influences, so there will be plenty of opportunities for reflection, clarity, reconciliation, and maybe even release.

That said, be aware of the messages and take notice of what can awaken and may be possible for you during this 2013 Mercury in Pisces cycle.  I am excited to hear about your experiences.  Please comment on this post on the blog, or post on the Facebook or Google + pages to share your experiences with us if you’d like.  You can also private message me through the pages, if you’d prefer.


Thank you for reading and sharing!  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Virgo – “The Ideal”or “The Real Deal”?

Venus is the ruling planet of Libra, our current Sun sign.  Therefore, the themes of relationships, balance, equality and beauty continue to be extremely present in our daily awareness.  Venus on its own accord also represents matters of unconditional love, abundance, and feminine power and energy.

While Venus was in Leo, you got to see your relationships under the bright exposure of Leo’s stage lights.  Almost everything in your relationships was exposed for better and worse.  In some cases, you may have found yourself blinded by the Light, believing that some or most of your relationships and partnerships were wonderful, warm, and glamorous. They could have been exciting and fun with their low points and high points, much like a rollercoaster – exciting and fun for some, horrific experiences for others, and either way quite a ride.

But Venus moved out of dramatic and theatrical Leo and into practical and purposeful Virgo at 11:59p PDT on Monday, October 2nd, 2012.

Virgo brings your perception of your relationships firmly back to earth.  It gives you a chance to see if your relationships give you solid ground to stan upon once the theatrical drama of Leo is gone (for now).  It is a healing energy – Virgo strives to make things as healthy and well, and does its best to be as efficient and effective as possible in that process.  It is very pragmatic and detail-oriented, and often creates plans, routines, and systems to get matters at hand taken care of. It tends to be focused on the day-to-day operations of one’s life, making sure everything runs smoothly and properly.

That said, Venus in Virgo is not a glamorous placement.  It’s a practical one. With the bright lights of Leo gone, you are left with Virgo’s practical routine – grocery shopping, paying the bills, taking out the trash, getting the dishes done, sharing the bathroom in the morning, etc.  There is a reality of life that has to be accounted for, and you find yourself having to deal with that truth.

During this time, you become more aware of the practical and purposeful roles of the relationships in your life.  You’ll notice that some of your relationships really help you get through your daily existence with ease and joy.  But you may also find that some of your relationships may have served their purpose in your life and may now be holding you back rather than helping you move forward at this point in your life’s journey.  The point of this 2012 Venus in Virgo cycle is for you to figure out who actually works in your life and who doesn’t – literally and figuratively.

  • Beyond the glow and hype of the ‘honeymoon’, do your daily routines blend well together?  Are your lifestyles and values really compatible or complementary?
  • Do you truly feel unconditional love for these people to accept them however they may show up for you in your shared everyday routine?
  • Do you feel unconditional love for yourself where you feel confident and comfortable in bringing these people into your life for them to see you in your everyday routine?
  • Are you really ready to share those everyday parts of your life with them?  Are you ready to witness the everyday parts of their lives?

In other words, you are being called upon to find out if your relationships are “the real deal” that help you get through the day-to-day successfully, or simply grand “ideals” that look really pretty but aren’t able to hold up to the workload and serve you well.

As challenging as the prospect of realistically assessing your relationships and partnerships may be, this discerning presence of Venus in Virgo and the need to answer these questions for yourself could not come at a better time.

Mercury and Saturn are still in Libra until Friday, so there will still be some objectivity in assessing your relationships…for a bit.  However, both planets move into Scorpio at week’s end, making for some very powerful all-or-nothing energy.  You’ll likely find yourself wanting to make some very decisive choices, and these choices will likely be rooted in some very deep and extreme emotions, not nearly as balanced, objective, or disciplined as they have been under Libra’s energy.

Mars moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius on Saturday, so you’ll definitely find yourself inspired to take actions that will enable you to grow and expand your awareness and experience of life.  But once again, you’ll need to be aware of the emotional extremes that will be influencing your choices and therefore, dictating your course moving forward.  It will be important for you to dig deep, to start facing your dark side, and to continue honoring your deepest emotional truths in these next few weeks.

It’s going to be quite a time of profound energy and changes – another crazy ride, only a different (and probably bigger) type of rollercoaster.  You’ll appreciate having the earthy and grounding presence of Venus in Virgo as you ride this one through.  Use its energy to help you distinguish and establish your “real deal” relationships, and allow these connections to help you and the people you are connected to get through what is sure to be quite a transformative time.  It will be important for you to know who will really be there for you when the going gets going.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Full Moon in Pisces – Head in the Sky, Feet on the Ground, Peace Within

This morning at 6:58a PDT, the Moon went Full in Pisces opposite the Virgo Sun.  Being the second Full Moon in the month of August 2012, this is known in folk lore as a “blue moon”.

Of course, this sparks all kinds of wonderful, dreamy wish-come-true fantasy, perfect for a Full Moon in Pisces.  Pisces is known for its dreamy and idealistic qualities.  In fact, Pisces’ imaginative presence can have us coming up with all kinds of fantastic notions about what could happen “once in a blue moon”.

However, as much as you may want to go completely into dreamland, you may find that today (and the next couple of days) is more about keeping your feet on the ground while your head is a bit more in the sky than usual.  Being at the end of the Virgo 4 cycle we’ve been in for the last 9 days, there is an awareness that today is the last day for really planning the plans you’ve been planning in order to bring the dreams you’ve been dreaming into tangible and practical forms.  As we move into Virgo 5 energy tomorrow, the changes we’ve been planning to make are likely to begin taking root.

Pisces energy is not only about idealism and fantasy.  It is about compassion, unconditional love, forgiveness and alignment with our spiritual Truth.  It is the giving of our attention and service to others as expression of those qualities through charity and philanthropy, growing and expanding our loving natures beyond ourselves as outwardly as possible.   Pisces represents that which inspires us with a vision of an ideal world in which we all recognize our interconnection and have compassion for each other.  It represents our Oneness with All-That-Is.

The Pisces Full Moon tries to bring us into greater awareness of this Oneness.  It calls upon us to take a moment from our detailed planning and plotting to check in with ourselves emotionally, spiritually, and collectively.  The following questions are at hand:

  • How do the details of your plans look and especially feel in the Light of the Oneness?  Do they feel good (as in loving and positive)?  Do they help you feel peaceful and secure within yourself, or anxious and unsettled within yourself?
  • In the face of All-That-Is and all that possibly can be, you may realize just how many options there are to manifest your dreams and intentions.  Are your plans and intentions specific enough?  Are they even big enough?
  • Big plans and intentions require great faith. However, are your plans and intentions so far removed from the reality you are currently in that they might be considered rather delusional, unrealistic or “wishful thinking”?  If so, what are more practical and realistic perceptions of your goals and intentions that will help you see the possibilities or steps available to you here and now to help you move toward actual manifestation of your goals?
  • Are your plans and intentions compassionate, loving, and/or aligned with your inner spiritual Truth?  Do you believe that you can fulfill your plans by taking actions that are also in alignment with your emotional and spiritual inner Truth?

Intuitively, you know the best course of action and intention for your plans to be implemented and your dreams to come true.  The Full Moon in Pisces encourages you to TRUST YOURSELF!  Trust your intuitions.  Trust your insights.  Trust your gut when it has you feeling a certain way (tense or relaxed) when you are thinking a thought or when an idea passes through your head.  Tension is a ‘no’.  Relaxed and peaceful is a ‘yes’.

And it is very possible that relaxed and peaceful feeling may surprise you or scare you if it doesn’t align with what you are thinking about the situation or circumstance.  TRUST IT ANYWAY!  If peace and ease come first, then that first answer is the correct answer. When it arises first, that inner peace and ease is your indicator that it’s the right choice – it’s the right path for you.  Use your awareness of this energy to fine-tune your plans and intentions before you start implementing them over the next few weeks.

Who knows.  By following those feelings of peace and ease as they first arise, you may find that “once in a blue moon” isn’t so far-fetched after all.

Keep your feet on the ground, your head to the sky, trust the peace and ease of your inner Truth…and enjoy the day!

~ Light, Love and blessings,
