Jupiter in Virgo Opposite Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – September 2015 – Seeking Balanced Solutions for Growing Problems

medical_110001499-011314intThe tension has been building, and it comes to its peak at 11:56p PDT on Wednesday, 16th September 2015 when Jupiter in Virgo makes exact opposition with Neptune Retrograde in Pisces.

Jupiter is all about growth and expansion. Virgo is all about practical and purposeful service – healing, health, wellness, and functionality. If something’s not working, Jupiter in Virgo makes finding a solution for it a big deal. If something works, Virgo Jupiter makes it work better and on a bigger scale. Jupiter in Virgo is saying, “I want to see my work making a practical and meaningful difference in my everyday life and in the everyday lives of those around me.” It’s saying, “I want the effects of my service to be productive and expansive.”

Yet this 2015 Jupiter in Virgo has a curious twist. Virgo is known for healing and problem-solving, and Jupiter has a penchant for increase and amplification. This is the strong indicator of the quickly-growing practical problems we are currently facing – problems which need comprehensive and expandable practical solutions. One major example of this is the global matter of immigration. Both the refugee crisis in the Middle East and Europe and the continuing debate on immigration in the Americas reflect the dynamic expansion and swelling concerns about what is being left behind and what is ahead for both the refugees who are migrating and the nations and peoples who are receiving them. Continue reading

2015 Mars in Pisces – Bridging The Past, Present, & Future (a.ka. – Fantasy or Sci-Fi?)

Mars entered Pisces at 2:20a on 12th January 2015.  When it did, it opened up the possibility of a transition for the ages.

As I was contemplating this post, I recalled a conversation I had with a friend last night.  We were debating the content of and our personal preferences for either fantasy versus science fiction stories.

I observed that fantasy storylines and content seems to echo the past – idealizing the days and stories of medieval hand-to-hand combat, fires and bombs, magical myth and lore, and the fight between good and evil.  There seems to be much bloodshed and suffering in the fantasy realm, and an almost constant vying for power and supremacy that is played out in battles for land/territory over religion, culture, and origin.  It’s reminiscent of the actual fighting during The Crusades, the various empires of the day (Roman, Ottoman, and such), World Wars I and II, etc.

I also observed that science fiction seems to look forward to a future ideal in which everyone is considered and treated as equal, making efforts to overcome race, gender, and species differences.  Sci-Fi also tends to bring historical references into the mix, but only with the intention of showing us how the perceived wrongs of the past can be righted.  Of course, to present a world in which these differences are non-existent and the racial, cultural, and religious battles of the present have been overcome and transcended is a bit idealistic in its own right. And sci-fi also has its laser guns, bombs, and other tools of warfare. Continue reading

Neptune Direct in Pisces – Sending Visions & Ideals Out Into The World

This latest round of Neptune  Retrograde in Pisces began on 9th June 2014, helping us see how the events and circumstances around us help us shape our dreams and goals and also helping us see where we may have been deluding ourselves with fantasy and/or idealism. It’s been an opportunity for us to give birth to new perspectives and visions of ourselves and our lives – what we want them to be or how we want them to become.

Now, as of 11:05p PST on Saturday 15th November 2014, Neptune in Pisces returns to direct motion.  Now we get to send our new or newly-adjusted visions and ideals out into the world, experiencing the presence of Neptune in our lives for all of its inspirational and idealistic glory.

Neptune in Pisces is the epitome of visionary energy.  It is a beacon of what is possible through Oneness and the collective power of All-That-Is.  The ideal that Neptune in Pisces speaks to is that everyone and everything is connected in some way – nothing and no one ever really stands alone as we are all interconnected in all ways always.  Neptune in Pisces direct is now helping all of us realize that truth, even if it seems overly idealistic in the face of what is happening in the world. Continue reading

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – Too Good or Too Unclear to Be True?

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st.  There is an element of this Mercury-Neptune trine that is a little too good to be true.  On the other, a little fantasy may be just what is needed to encourage dreams to be moved into reality.


Mercury in Scorpio is about extremes in thoughts, ideas, and communications.  Things happen quickly and decisively – there is no in-between.  It’s all-or-nothing thinking and speaking, and it wants to make a powerful difference in the lives of everyone involved with its words.

Neptune is in its sign of rulership in Pisces.  It is very comfortable being in the energy of imagination and artistry.  This is where inspiration happens, where intuition reigns.  It is also where our ideals can get the better of us, and though they may inspire us, they may also deceive us into believing that reality doesn’t exist.

With the components of this trine duly noted, when you’re tempted to think or speak in extremes while you are dreaming about your Utopian ideals, be aware that your thoughts and words could lead you to make some very important decisions that cannot be taken back.  But that isn’t the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine.

I’d say that the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine comes in that Neptune is in retrograde motion, meaning its energy is being focused within.  That indicates that the visionary ideals that you are eager to present are probably your own and may be yours alone.  They may be born of your own emotional and spiritual beliefs or truths, yet you may still need to do some soul-searching to clarify them for yourself before you communicate them to others.

This is not to say that your vision isn’t valid or possible.  It is to say that you need to make sure you know what you are saying that you are aware of its possible effects on others, and that you can stand by it all completely before you share it with others. Otherwise, in true Scorpio fashion, your lack of clarity and your failure to consider the bigger picture of humanity and All-That-Is may destroy any possibility of what you want coming into the reality of your experience.

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces can also be a classic case of putting icing and sprinkles on a pile of poop and trying to convince yourself and others that it’s a cupcake.  The circumstances that you are in could be awful, and what is being communicated to you about them could be awful as well.  Yet for some reason, the plethora of red flags being put up through the words being communicated to you are somehow not getting through to you.  This may be because you’ve made up your mind on an emotional-intellectual level and you’re standing firm in your position,  ignoring the truth in favor of the hope that your “rose-colored glasses” ideal of everything magically working out the way you want may be more delusional than you care to admit to yourself or others.

However, Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces could just as well become a case of exchanging deep communications with others that bring forth those “aha” moments of intimacy and vulnerability.  When the parties involved communicate honestly and openly from their respective emotional-spiritual truths, this Mercury-Neptune trine gives a higher than usual probability of compromise or consensus being found.  In an environment of genuine receptivity and openness, the emotional and intellectual chemistry may be too strong to be ignored.  Despite logical and objective Libra 7 energy in the air, this could be a case of that logic and objectivity being considered and matched by the emotional-spiritual bliss of the Mercury-Neptune trine.

Your experience of Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces will depend on the experience you allow for yourself and others.  Questions to assist you through this journey are:

  • Are you allowing yourself to get in touch with your own emotions, feelings, and visions for what is possible in your life or in the world?  Are you clear about your perspective and position within yourself?
  • Are you willing to be vulnerable in sharing your position openly and honestly with others?
  • Are you willing to stand firm in the face of others’ opposition?  And it is wise for you to do that now?

Though Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st, its effects will be felt late Saturday, September 28th through Friday October 4th.  Reflect on the last few days, and consider the upcoming few under this influence.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings


Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – Too Good or Too Unclear to Be True?

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st.  There is an element of this Mercury-Neptune trine that is a little too good to be true.  On the other, a little fantasy may be just what is needed to encourage dreams to be moved into reality.


Mercury in Scorpio is about extremes in thoughts, ideas, and communications.  Things happen quickly and decisively – there is no in-between.  It’s all-or-nothing thinking and speaking, and it wants to make a powerful difference in the lives of everyone involved with its words.

Neptune is in its sign of rulership in Pisces.  It is very comfortable being in the energy of imagination and artistry.  This is where inspiration happens, where intuition reigns.  It is also where our ideals can get the better of us, and though they may inspire us, they may also deceive us into believing that reality doesn’t exist.

With the components of this trine duly noted, when you’re tempted to think or speak in extremes while you are dreaming about your Utopian ideals, be aware that your thoughts and words could lead you to make some very important decisions that cannot be taken back.  But that isn’t the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine.

I’d say that the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine comes in that Neptune is in retrograde motion, meaning its energy is being focused within.  That indicates that the visionary ideals that you are eager to present are probably your own and may be yours alone.  They may be born of your own emotional and spiritual beliefs or truths, yet you may still need to do some soul-searching to clarify them for yourself before you communicate them to others.

This is not to say that your vision isn’t valid or possible.  It is to say that you need to make sure you know what you are saying that you are aware of its possible effects on others, and that you can stand by it all completely before you share it with others. Otherwise, in true Scorpio fashion, your lack of clarity and your failure to consider the bigger picture of humanity and All-That-Is may destroy any possibility of what you want coming into the reality of your experience.

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces can also be a classic case of putting icing and sprinkles on a pile of poop and trying to convince yourself and others that it’s a cupcake.  The circumstances that you are in could be awful, and what is being communicated to you about them could be awful as well.  Yet for some reason, the plethora of red flags being put up through the words being communicated to you are somehow not getting through to you.  This may be because you’ve made up your mind on an emotional-intellectual level and you’re standing firm in your position,  ignoring the truth in favor of the hope that your “rose-colored glasses” ideal of everything magically working out the way you want may be more delusional than you care to admit to yourself or others.

However, Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces could just as well become a case of exchanging deep communications with others that bring forth those “aha” moments of intimacy and vulnerability.  When the parties involved communicate honestly and openly from their respective emotional-spiritual truths, this Mercury-Neptune trine gives a higher than usual probability of compromise or consensus being found.  In an environment of genuine receptivity and openness, the emotional and intellectual chemistry may be too strong to be ignored.  Despite logical and objective Libra 7 energy in the air, this could be a case of that logic and objectivity being considered and matched by the emotional-spiritual bliss of the Mercury-Neptune trine.

Your experience of Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces will depend on the experience you allow for yourself and others.  Questions to assist you through this journey are:

  • Are you allowing yourself to get in touch with your own emotions, feelings, and visions for what is possible in your life or in the world?  Are you clear about your perspective and position within yourself?
  • Are you willing to be vulnerable in sharing your position openly and honestly with others?
  • Are you willing to stand firm in the face of others’ opposition?  And it is wise for you to do that now?

Though Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st, its effects will be felt late Saturday, September 28th through Friday October 4th.  Reflect on the last few days, and consider the upcoming few under this influence.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings


Full “Harvest” Moon in Pisces – Reality-Inspired Fantasies

Not only is it the “Harvest Moon” – the Full Moon that is closest to the transition into the autumn season.  Exact as of 4:13a this morning, September 19th, this 2013 Full Moon in Pisces is also reflecting the Virgo Sun’s light back onto itself, bringing us into awareness of just how all of our work over the last few months is paying off…if it’s paying off in the first place.

With this Full Moon in Pisces being the Harvest Moon, it is a perfect time to notice the fruits of our labors since the Aries Sun cycle in late March/mid-April.  How have “the seeds” we planted during the spring grown?  If they have grown, what have they grown into?  How are they affecting us now?  Did we do the work we needed to do in order to nurture, protect, and support them to have an abundant harvest now?

If you have done the necessary work, congratulations!  This Full Moon could very well make you aware of just how much work you’ve done and how much you’ve accomplished since the spring.  Look at where you are now compared to where you were six months ago.  How does it feel for you to have something to show for your work?

If you haven’t done the necessary work, your inclination right now may be to avoid or run away from the fact that you haven’t done the necessary work to nurture your seeds.  That fact may bring you to your emotional desire to escape the realities of your life, and you may be creating dreams or fantasies that help you avoid the practical truths of the day-to-day situations and circumstances you are facing.  This Full Moon reflects back to you what you haven’t taken care of in the day-to-day of your life, even though it’s become rather urgent to address.

A large part of this avoidance mechanism can be disguised as being of service to others.  Pisces is so sensitive, selfless, and good-hearted that it is known to give its own security and well-being up for that of others.

Yet Pisces is also known for using its eager willingness to serve others as a way of being an escape artist.  By keeping yourself busy with the business and wellness of others, you may think that you don’t have to deal with yourself and how you aren’t doing the work for yourself that you do for everyone else.  Keep in mind that by avoiding your own work in the name of service to others, you may think that you’re getting away with your avoidance by playing saint to the sinners you get to “save” through your efforts.

However, neglecting your own dreams and goals doesn’t make you selfless – it makes you selfish!  You are selfish because you aren’t doing what you need to do to sustain yourself.   You cannot be there to support others if you’ve compromised your own health, wellness, and life functionality to “be there” for others.  You’re selfish because you may not be supporting yourself and who you get to be in the world.  If you aren’t being yourself in the world, those you “serve” aren’t able to connect with you in ways that fulfill both you and those who receive your service.

The 2013 Pisces Harvest Moon helps you recognize where you are trying to hide from your reality by using your beautiful and romantic reality-inspired fantasies of selfless service, which may actually show up as selfish service, martyrdom, and self-sacrifice.   And if you choose to be awake and aware of what the Universe is telling you through synchronicity (or for some of you, coincidence), you may find some answers to exactly what is holding you back in any areas of your life in which you feel stuck or disappointed with your outcomes to date.

Use the light of this Full Harvest Moon in Pisces to seek and find the truth about the last six months of your life.  See what the fruits of your labors are showing themselves to be. Also notice where your dreams and fantasies may be inspired by your avoidance of the reality you may not want to face.  The power of the Harvest Moon will be felt most strongly through Friday, September 20th.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…
~Light, Love, and Blessings,


Full “Harvest” Moon in Pisces – Reality-Inspired Fantasies

Not only is it the “Harvest Moon” – the Full Moon that is closest to the transition into the autumn season.  Exact as of 4:13a this morning, September 19th, this 2013 Full Moon in Pisces is also reflecting the Virgo Sun’s light back onto itself, bringing us into awareness of just how all of our work over the last few months is paying off…if it’s paying off in the first place.

With this Full Moon in Pisces being the Harvest Moon, it is a perfect time to notice the fruits of our labors since the Aries Sun cycle in late March/mid-April.  How have “the seeds” we planted during the spring grown?  If they have grown, what have they grown into?  How are they affecting us now?  Did we do the work we needed to do in order to nurture, protect, and support them to have an abundant harvest now?

If you have done the necessary work, congratulations!  This Full Moon could very well make you aware of just how much work you’ve done and how much you’ve accomplished since the spring.  Look at where you are now compared to where you were six months ago.  How does it feel for you to have something to show for your work?

If you haven’t done the necessary work, your inclination right now may be to avoid or run away from the fact that you haven’t done the necessary work to nurture your seeds.  That fact may bring you to your emotional desire to escape the realities of your life, and you may be creating dreams or fantasies that help you avoid the practical truths of the day-to-day situations and circumstances you are facing.  This Full Moon reflects back to you what you haven’t taken care of in the day-to-day of your life, even though it’s become rather urgent to address.

A large part of this avoidance mechanism can be disguised as being of service to others.  Pisces is so sensitive, selfless, and good-hearted that it is known to give its own security and well-being up for that of others.

Yet Pisces is also known for using its eager willingness to serve others as a way of being an escape artist.  By keeping yourself busy with the business and wellness of others, you may think that you don’t have to deal with yourself and how you aren’t doing the work for yourself that you do for everyone else.  Keep in mind that by avoiding your own work in the name of service to others, you may think that you’re getting away with your avoidance by playing saint to the sinners you get to “save” through your efforts.

However, neglecting your own dreams and goals doesn’t make you selfless – it makes you selfish!  You are selfish because you aren’t doing what you need to do to sustain yourself.   You cannot be there to support others if you’ve compromised your own health, wellness, and life functionality to “be there” for others.  You’re selfish because you may not be supporting yourself and who you get to be in the world.  If you aren’t being yourself in the world, those you “serve” aren’t able to connect with you in ways that fulfill both you and those who receive your service.

The 2013 Pisces Harvest Moon helps you recognize where you are trying to hide from your reality by using your beautiful and romantic reality-inspired fantasies of selfless service, which may actually show up as selfish service, martyrdom, and self-sacrifice.   And if you choose to be awake and aware of what the Universe is telling you through synchronicity (or for some of you, coincidence), you may find some answers to exactly what is holding you back in any areas of your life in which you feel stuck or disappointed with your outcomes to date.

Use the light of this Full Harvest Moon in Pisces to seek and find the truth about the last six months of your life.  See what the fruits of your labors are showing themselves to be. Also notice where your dreams and fantasies may be inspired by your avoidance of the reality you may not want to face.  The power of the Harvest Moon will be felt most strongly through Friday, September 20th.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…
~Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mars in Gemini square Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – Take Action and Enjoy the Ride

This is a big one, as Mars in Gemini – acting upon your thoughts and ideas – came into square transit with Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – your ideals, visions, and dreams exact at 4:57p PDT yesterday, June 7th, 2013, calling upon you to recognize how taking actions upon your ideas may be challenged by how you envision the matter you are taking action for coming about in your life.

From roughly Wednesday, June 5th though Monday, June 10th, you may notice that  a few things may be happening in your life that are challenging you to let go of what you believe should be happening in certain areas of your life.  These happenings may be minor or major, depending on how the transit affects your personal chart.

Nevertheless, you may realize that you are taking actions expecting things to go a certain way, only to realize that it’s not going to happen the way you wanted.

When you act solely upon your vision rather than allowing your vision to simply inspire you, you may miss out on what actually comes into your life to help you manifest your vision.  This is because you may have become so invested in the process looking a specific way that you don’t notice the opportunities that open up for you to get you where you want to go.

It’s like looking at a closed door so intently out of belief that it is the door you must go through to have what you want, only that you don’t notice that two other doors opened up in the same room that allow you to walk through to your ultimate desired destination.

This square transit of Mars and Neptune Retrograde will challenge you to notice if you are looking at the closed door, or if you are aware of the others opening.  It may also challenge you to ask yourself if you do notice the open doors, why are you so determined to open the one that is closed?

Taking action is one thing, but taking action on an opportunity that is not available is another.  If you’ve knocked a few times and you’re made no progress, maybe looking for another way to get where you want to go isn’t such a bad idea.  However, it may occur to you as bad if you are attached to the process looking a particular way.

Instead of waiting for the door on the left to open and allow you to go to where you want to go because you believe it should be the door on the left, notice that a door on your right that is open has a sign over it that says “the way to your dream”.  Understand that it really doesn’t matter if the door is on the left or the right – if you know in your heart that it’s the door that gets you there, walk through it!  Take action on the opportunity or the ideas that are coming to you or that are already available to you NOW!

Stop waiting for the door you think should be open, or the offer that should be coming to you, or the phone call, text, or e-mail message that you think you deserve to receive, or…well, any of that!  If you’ve been waiting and if it hasn’t happened the way you think it should, it’s probably time to look somewhere else for what you want.

Also recognize what is fact and what is fantasy.  Mars in Gemini will encourage you to act upon your logic, while Neptune in Pisces, even while retrograde, may encourage you to follow a fantasy that may be extremely unrealistic.  (In other words, Brad Pitt is not going to leave Angelina Jolie and their brood of children for you.  Sorry.)

I am not saying give up on your dream.  I am saying give up when you think it should happen, where it should happen, how it should look while it happens, why it should be happening, and/or who it should be.  Let go of those details and trust the process.

By allowing the Universe to answer your prayers exactly how you’ve asked for them to show up in it its own way, you may get what your heart truly desires in the end.  Remember – the outcome is what matters.  The journey is what happens so that you will appreciate that outcome.

Mars in Gemini square Neptune Retrograde in Pisces  encourages you to take action on the opportunities available to you now, then let go of the wheel and let the Universe drive.  You may be surprised how easily things come about once you give up control of every little detail by paying attention to what opens up around you, and trusting you are being given access to or opportunities to receive everything you need to get you exactly where you want to go.

So. take actions and enjoy the ride.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Steps - GDC

Mars Conjunct Neptune in Pisces – Acting On Vision

“Is this the real life…Is this just fantasy?” – Queen, “Bohemian Rhapsody”

That first line, and really the entire song, captures the essence of this placement in so many ways.  After all, Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces is the realization that our actions can create the reality of our lives, and therefore, we can create the life of our dreams with our actions…which makes it important for us to be aware of both how we are acting and what we are dreaming.

Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces, and therefore is very much at home moving through its native sign – the sign of unconditional and Universal Love, compassion and selfless service, and idealism and imagination.  Residing in its own home until 2025, this is the power of the visionary in the truest sense of the word, and creative power in all its forms will prove extraordinary, ruling over any other powers or influences in the whole of the Universe at this time.

The last time we were graced with Neptune in Pisces was approximately 250 years ago – roughly the years 1760 through 1785.  Think about what was happening in history during that frame of time, and you get an idea of how profound the visionary power of this influence can be.

Mars in Pisces – as I discussed in a previous post – is taking actions to put ourselves first, making sure we have what we need to care for ourselves so we can be fully present to the Highest level of service we can provide to others.  Mars in Pisces also enables us to take the initiative more than we usually would in being of selfless service to others.  We may even be inclined to fight for the care and well-being of others.

Mars in Pisces is an annual occurrence, but the conjunction of Mars and Neptune isn’t a frequent transit, and this conjunction within the sign of Pisces is very rare.  The combination of Mars and Neptune in Pisces creates an energy in which we are inspired to take assertive actions to make our most fantastic dreams and visions the manifest reality of our lives.  Contrary to popular beliefs about Pisces energy, this combination is rarely a shrinking violet kind of vibe – this is some pretty powerful and forthright stuff.  Dare I say, this Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces energy can show up as Pisces energy at its forward best.

However, even in its forward best, Pisces can be a bit (or a lot) delusional.  I mention that because if there is any downfall for Pisces, it’s its knack for romantic idealism and fantasy.  The harsh practical realities of life don’t always sit well with Pisces – they are usually trying to hide or escape them rather than face or embrace them.  Neptune and Pisces can take us into the realm of daydreams and fantasies – into the mirage of an ideal reality.  And when Mars tries to act upon those mirages as if they are real, it often finds itself eating sand rather than drinking water.  This is where the dark side of Pisces can show up – the victim or martyr shows up when Neptune in Pisces’ dream doesn’t come true.

The sad thing is that when we experience this kind of disappointment, we often fail to realize that we set ourselves up for it.  And usually, it’s because we simply didn’t take the actions or steps we needed to take to make it or allow it to happen.  Sometimes, we’ve taken actions…but the actions we took weren’t in alignment with our dreams and ended up taking us further away from our dreams and visions instead of closer to them (like the young man in the song who chose to take actions that left him feeling far away from who he knew he could be).

For example:  Unless your dream mate is the mail person or the pizza delivery guy, you’re not going to meet the love of your life if you sit inside your house all day.  Even if you’re online dating, at some point, in order to make it real, you have to take or allow for action to meet the person face-to-face in the flesh.

So it goes with the dynamic of Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces.  This is your chance to take actions on your dreams.  Mars gives us the passion and energy to take actions to make those dreams come true…but only if we create the circumstances so that the ideal can be brought into reality.

Consider your biggest dreams and visions for your life through the following questions:

  • What do I really want for myself and my life – the big picture summary/outcome?  What do I envision for my life?  What do I envision for my community or for the world?  (A simple answer, probably summed up in one or two sentences.)
  • When I ask myself what I really want, if that list is more than 10 items long, which of the qualities or characteristics are truly “must-haves”?
  • Are these items on my list things that I really want, or are they things other people in or around my life want for me or for themselves? (It’s important for them to be your own for you to be truly happy with the outcome(s).)
  • Am I prepared to take whatever actions are necessary for me to manifest this vision into reality?  Am I willing to do my part to put myself in the path of the manifestation of my dreams?
  • Am I willing to step into my vision to have what I dream truly become my reality?  Do I really want this to be real for me?

That last question always makes me chuckle a bit because you’d be amazed at how many of us say that we want our dreams to come true, but then refuse to take the actions because we are afraid of how our lives will change if we actually get what we want.  It leads us to the crucial questions of the whole Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces experience:

  • How does what I say I want fit into the lifestyle I envision for myself?
  • Does that action help or align with my vision for my life, or does it destroy, hinder, or change that vision?

(Note:  If it doesn’t align with your envisioned course/direction or if it changes your course altogether, you may want to consider that it may not really what you want for yourself OR that you may really be envisioning a major change of direction for your life.)

That is the creative power of Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces.  Through intentional action rooted in your dreams and visions, you really do have the power to change your individual lifestyle.  And through the changes you make for your own life, you also hold the ability to change the world around you and the world as a collective whole.  Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces can bring forth proof of a basic tenant of Universal Truth – your actions really do have an impact on everything and everyone around you, and that everyone and everything around you has an impact on you as well.

You can dictate the terms of those effects.  All you need to do is to choose how you take action in the face of your dreams and visions and the life choices they present to you.  Do you want your dreams to be real, or to remain dreams?

The choice is up to you.  How much do you really want it to be real?

You can work with the energy of this transit for a couple more days.  Its effects will have power February 2nd through February 6th, 2013 (the conjunction was exact at 12:56p PST today).   Do your best to make the most of this amazing energy – take your first (or next) steps toward the life of your dreams today!

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Full Moon in Pisces – Head in the Sky, Feet on the Ground, Peace Within

This morning at 6:58a PDT, the Moon went Full in Pisces opposite the Virgo Sun.  Being the second Full Moon in the month of August 2012, this is known in folk lore as a “blue moon”.

Of course, this sparks all kinds of wonderful, dreamy wish-come-true fantasy, perfect for a Full Moon in Pisces.  Pisces is known for its dreamy and idealistic qualities.  In fact, Pisces’ imaginative presence can have us coming up with all kinds of fantastic notions about what could happen “once in a blue moon”.

However, as much as you may want to go completely into dreamland, you may find that today (and the next couple of days) is more about keeping your feet on the ground while your head is a bit more in the sky than usual.  Being at the end of the Virgo 4 cycle we’ve been in for the last 9 days, there is an awareness that today is the last day for really planning the plans you’ve been planning in order to bring the dreams you’ve been dreaming into tangible and practical forms.  As we move into Virgo 5 energy tomorrow, the changes we’ve been planning to make are likely to begin taking root.

Pisces energy is not only about idealism and fantasy.  It is about compassion, unconditional love, forgiveness and alignment with our spiritual Truth.  It is the giving of our attention and service to others as expression of those qualities through charity and philanthropy, growing and expanding our loving natures beyond ourselves as outwardly as possible.   Pisces represents that which inspires us with a vision of an ideal world in which we all recognize our interconnection and have compassion for each other.  It represents our Oneness with All-That-Is.

The Pisces Full Moon tries to bring us into greater awareness of this Oneness.  It calls upon us to take a moment from our detailed planning and plotting to check in with ourselves emotionally, spiritually, and collectively.  The following questions are at hand:

  • How do the details of your plans look and especially feel in the Light of the Oneness?  Do they feel good (as in loving and positive)?  Do they help you feel peaceful and secure within yourself, or anxious and unsettled within yourself?
  • In the face of All-That-Is and all that possibly can be, you may realize just how many options there are to manifest your dreams and intentions.  Are your plans and intentions specific enough?  Are they even big enough?
  • Big plans and intentions require great faith. However, are your plans and intentions so far removed from the reality you are currently in that they might be considered rather delusional, unrealistic or “wishful thinking”?  If so, what are more practical and realistic perceptions of your goals and intentions that will help you see the possibilities or steps available to you here and now to help you move toward actual manifestation of your goals?
  • Are your plans and intentions compassionate, loving, and/or aligned with your inner spiritual Truth?  Do you believe that you can fulfill your plans by taking actions that are also in alignment with your emotional and spiritual inner Truth?

Intuitively, you know the best course of action and intention for your plans to be implemented and your dreams to come true.  The Full Moon in Pisces encourages you to TRUST YOURSELF!  Trust your intuitions.  Trust your insights.  Trust your gut when it has you feeling a certain way (tense or relaxed) when you are thinking a thought or when an idea passes through your head.  Tension is a ‘no’.  Relaxed and peaceful is a ‘yes’.

And it is very possible that relaxed and peaceful feeling may surprise you or scare you if it doesn’t align with what you are thinking about the situation or circumstance.  TRUST IT ANYWAY!  If peace and ease come first, then that first answer is the correct answer. When it arises first, that inner peace and ease is your indicator that it’s the right choice – it’s the right path for you.  Use your awareness of this energy to fine-tune your plans and intentions before you start implementing them over the next few weeks.

Who knows.  By following those feelings of peace and ease as they first arise, you may find that “once in a blue moon” isn’t so far-fetched after all.

Keep your feet on the ground, your head to the sky, trust the peace and ease of your inner Truth…and enjoy the day!

~ Light, Love and blessings,
