2015 Venus in Libra – Choosing the Middle “Side”

arrow-34-glyph-icon_M1Bq5hLu_LIt’s that time of year again – when Venus returns to its home sign of Libra for a few weeks. As of 7:31a PST on Sunday, 8th November 2015, Venus is back its familiar environment of reason, logic, and intellect to objectively assess its one-on-one relationships with others.

Libra is a cardinal air sign. Cardinal signs initiate their elemental energy, so Libra is the starting (and completion) point for air’s intellectual, logical, and reasonable processes. This is where thoughts, ideas, and communications begin. The beauty and elegance in which these ideas are presented and delivered, balance, fairness, and equality applied execution of these ideas, and the peace and ease which can result from the application of these logical and diplomatic solutions – these are the usual subjects at hand under the influence of Libra. These subjects influence our one-on-one relationships of all kinds now through the 5th of December.

Libra’s desire for balance and equality goes to the public in Aquarius (fixed air) for assessment and comparison. How does this new idea play in the community? What is the popular opinion? What are the masses calling for in response (or reaction) to it? Then the desire goes through Gemini (mutable air) who gathers and assesses information, then crafts a message that can be brought back to Libra’s negotiating table to balance the scales. Each time this cycle occurs, the collective or public opinion shifts a bit more. This is why what was popular 50 years ago may not be so popular today. What was ordinary and accepted in the past may not be so acceptable now. Continue reading

2015 Venus in Taurus – What & Who Do You (Truly) Value Most?

Venus entered the sign of Taurus earlier today, 17th March 2015 at 3:14a PDT. Under its influence, you get to recognize which partnerships make your life easy, comfortable, safe, and secure. That means that for the next 3.5 weeks, you get to assess which of the one-on-one relationships in your life prove most valuable to you.

Taurus is earth fixed energy, and represents what makes you feel solid, safe, secure, and stable in your lifestyle. It’s what is easy for you, what you are comfortable with, and often indicates your “default” lifestyle standards and values.  Even if you don’t really like your lifestyle and/or what composes it, if it’s easy for you to stick with and you’re used to it, you’ll more than likely choose it over any other options presented to you.

That said, it’s usually difficult for you to make changes in the areas of your life that are influenced by Taurus. Taurus, Ceres, and the 2nd house of your personal chart as they reveal how you’re hardwired for comfort and ease regarding your physical-material-financial resource needs. However, though you may not be able to change what’s truly important to you in these matters, under Venus in Taurus you may be able to alter your perception of what is important to you. Continue reading

The Lunar Grand Trine-Kite of 29 January 2015 – Playing With Fire

On 29th January 2015, there is an Air Grand Trine at its most exact. But thanks to the involvement of the Moon and the Nodal Axis in this configuration, this Grand Trine becomes an Air-Fire Lunar Nodal Kite.  Let’s discuss what that means.

Planetary configurations which involve the Moon often make a big impact in a very short frame of time.  In this case, the Moon will be in Gemini while this Kite is in effect.  Gemini Moons tend to have us attempting to process our emotions through our minds – a very intellectual approach to very heartfelt matters.  Emotional matters may be approached with the intellectual care and ease of a tabloid journalist who eagerly and craftily seeks the expression of feelings that may not be easily articulated.  On the other hand, the Moon in Gemini may make it easier to articulate our feelings and the emotional energies we are experiencing in ways others can understand. Continue reading

2015 Venus in Pisces – Losing Our Minds or Healing Our Hearts?

Venus entered Pisces at 7:00a PST on Tuesday, 27th January 2015.  Though Venus rules the cardinal air sign of Libra, make no mistake about it – in Pisces, Venus may encourage us to lose our minds, figuratively and literally.

That’s because logic is pretty much out the window and our heads can be up in the clouds when it comes to relationship and diplomatic matters under Venus in Pisces.  If logic and reason aren’t out completely, they may be severely compromised.  Idealism and delusion tend to rule the day when it comes to our interactions with others when Venus is in dreamy and ethereal Pisces, and within our current world events and circumstances, this affinity for upholding ideology for idealism’s sake may pose a compelling challenge. Continue reading

Full Moon in Pisces – Head in the Sky, Feet on the Ground, Peace Within

This morning at 6:58a PDT, the Moon went Full in Pisces opposite the Virgo Sun.  Being the second Full Moon in the month of August 2012, this is known in folk lore as a “blue moon”.

Of course, this sparks all kinds of wonderful, dreamy wish-come-true fantasy, perfect for a Full Moon in Pisces.  Pisces is known for its dreamy and idealistic qualities.  In fact, Pisces’ imaginative presence can have us coming up with all kinds of fantastic notions about what could happen “once in a blue moon”.

However, as much as you may want to go completely into dreamland, you may find that today (and the next couple of days) is more about keeping your feet on the ground while your head is a bit more in the sky than usual.  Being at the end of the Virgo 4 cycle we’ve been in for the last 9 days, there is an awareness that today is the last day for really planning the plans you’ve been planning in order to bring the dreams you’ve been dreaming into tangible and practical forms.  As we move into Virgo 5 energy tomorrow, the changes we’ve been planning to make are likely to begin taking root.

Pisces energy is not only about idealism and fantasy.  It is about compassion, unconditional love, forgiveness and alignment with our spiritual Truth.  It is the giving of our attention and service to others as expression of those qualities through charity and philanthropy, growing and expanding our loving natures beyond ourselves as outwardly as possible.   Pisces represents that which inspires us with a vision of an ideal world in which we all recognize our interconnection and have compassion for each other.  It represents our Oneness with All-That-Is.

The Pisces Full Moon tries to bring us into greater awareness of this Oneness.  It calls upon us to take a moment from our detailed planning and plotting to check in with ourselves emotionally, spiritually, and collectively.  The following questions are at hand:

  • How do the details of your plans look and especially feel in the Light of the Oneness?  Do they feel good (as in loving and positive)?  Do they help you feel peaceful and secure within yourself, or anxious and unsettled within yourself?
  • In the face of All-That-Is and all that possibly can be, you may realize just how many options there are to manifest your dreams and intentions.  Are your plans and intentions specific enough?  Are they even big enough?
  • Big plans and intentions require great faith. However, are your plans and intentions so far removed from the reality you are currently in that they might be considered rather delusional, unrealistic or “wishful thinking”?  If so, what are more practical and realistic perceptions of your goals and intentions that will help you see the possibilities or steps available to you here and now to help you move toward actual manifestation of your goals?
  • Are your plans and intentions compassionate, loving, and/or aligned with your inner spiritual Truth?  Do you believe that you can fulfill your plans by taking actions that are also in alignment with your emotional and spiritual inner Truth?

Intuitively, you know the best course of action and intention for your plans to be implemented and your dreams to come true.  The Full Moon in Pisces encourages you to TRUST YOURSELF!  Trust your intuitions.  Trust your insights.  Trust your gut when it has you feeling a certain way (tense or relaxed) when you are thinking a thought or when an idea passes through your head.  Tension is a ‘no’.  Relaxed and peaceful is a ‘yes’.

And it is very possible that relaxed and peaceful feeling may surprise you or scare you if it doesn’t align with what you are thinking about the situation or circumstance.  TRUST IT ANYWAY!  If peace and ease come first, then that first answer is the correct answer. When it arises first, that inner peace and ease is your indicator that it’s the right choice – it’s the right path for you.  Use your awareness of this energy to fine-tune your plans and intentions before you start implementing them over the next few weeks.

Who knows.  By following those feelings of peace and ease as they first arise, you may find that “once in a blue moon” isn’t so far-fetched after all.

Keep your feet on the ground, your head to the sky, trust the peace and ease of your inner Truth…and enjoy the day!

~ Light, Love and blessings,
