2015 Venus Conjunct Chiron in Pisces – Martyring Your Ego (For The Whole of Humanity)

Exact at 9:00p PST this evening, Sunday 8th February 2015, we are experiencing a Venus-Chiron conjunction in Pisces (15.62°).  The effects of this conjunction have been felt since 6th February 2015 and will continue to be felt through 10th February 2015.

This 2015 version of Venus conjunct Chiron in Pisces is a bit more profound than its recent predecessors.  There seems to be a lot more at stake this time around as the sense of interconnection that Pisces can bring into our collective consciousness is strangely more palpable in our shared everyday experience.

Pisces is the Zodiac sign known for its imaginative ideals, its boundless vision, and its selfless service.  Ruled by the planet Neptune, it can be a sign of emotional and spiritual transcendence, romanticism, artistry, and inspirational vision.  Yet Pisces also has a dark side – a side that reveals playing victim to self and others, martyrdom, and emotional or spiritual avoidance, delusion, denial, and escapism.  Pisces’ highs can be among the highest and brightest…and its lows can be among the lowest and darkest.

When we place Pisces into the context of Oneness, we may find that Venus in Pisces could be interpreted as partnership with All-That-Is and Chiron in Pisces could represent the healing of All-That-Is.  Blend these two influences together, and we have partnerships that can heal collective emotional and/or spiritual wounds and restore the truth of interconnection and Oneness to everyone and everything.  That may seem like a tall order, but under the influence of Pisces, that grand vision seems (and is very much) possible. Continue reading

A Very Quick Catch-Up Post to Recap A Very Busy Friday – 30th January 2015

It was a very astrologically busy early day, Friday 30th January 2015…and I missed getting ahead of it, probably because I’m in the thick of it myself.  Anyway, let’s take a look at the energies of today’s astrological transits and how they may have affected our day and our collective and individual life journeys.

To start, Pisces Venus squared Sagittarius Saturn earlier at 12:23a PST. Saturn in Sagittarius is a complicated energy because the planet of focus, discipline, boundaries, and responsibility is in the sign of adventure, growth, and expansion.  This combination often reflects responsible and focused growth that is mature and disciplined.  Through Saturn’s square with Venus in Pisces arises a need to set boundaries.  It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of inspired imagination or fantastic delusion in your one-on-one relationships through Venus in Pisces.  Yet Saturn in Sagittarius brings up a need for clearly-defined and strongly-enforced boundaries when it comes to moving freely and forward in relationships, however ideal they may seem in some ways. Continue reading

2015 Venus in Pisces – Losing Our Minds or Healing Our Hearts?

Venus entered Pisces at 7:00a PST on Tuesday, 27th January 2015.  Though Venus rules the cardinal air sign of Libra, make no mistake about it – in Pisces, Venus may encourage us to lose our minds, figuratively and literally.

That’s because logic is pretty much out the window and our heads can be up in the clouds when it comes to relationship and diplomatic matters under Venus in Pisces.  If logic and reason aren’t out completely, they may be severely compromised.  Idealism and delusion tend to rule the day when it comes to our interactions with others when Venus is in dreamy and ethereal Pisces, and within our current world events and circumstances, this affinity for upholding ideology for idealism’s sake may pose a compelling challenge. Continue reading

The April 2014 Venus in Pisces Conjunctions – Neptune and Chiron

There has been a great deal of interest in the recent Venus in Pisces conjunctions earlier in this month of April 2014.  To address those transits directly, I’d like to refer you to two of my past blog posts.


Regarding the recent Venus-Neptune conjunction in Pisces exact at 7:23p PDT on 11 April 2014, I wrote a blog post about the transit in February 2013 that still applies now.

Regarding the recent Venus-Chiron conjunction in Pisces exact at 10:40a PDT on 20 April 2014, I wrote a blog post about the transit in March 2013 that also still applies now.

These blog posts were not written to incorporate ALL of the transits occurring at that time – they speak only to those transits and the energy they bring forth.


If you are interested in learning more about those transits and how they may affect you personally, please click here to contact me about scheduling a private chart interpretation session.


Thanks for your interest, and thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers!

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini – Learning and Growing in Partnership

At 5:52a PST, Venus in Pisces squared Jupiter in Gemini.  Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter is a challenging aspect, but only in that it challenges us to look at our partnerships of all kinds in different ways.  For some of us, that difference may seem to be a negative.  For others of us, it may seem to be a positive.  However it occurs for you, the shift that occurs will probably be the best thing for both (and all) parties involved for you and your partner(s) to learn some new things and gain some clarity about the true nature of your relationship.

Venus in Pisces tends to idealize relationships and partnerships with a rose-colored glasses perspective.  It looks for the best in everything, and tends to go into denial or tries to escape reality when the truth proves the fantasy to be untrue.  Though Venus is naturally associated with air energy (Libra), in Pisces it’s ability to see things clearly and objectively is drowned out by Pisces’ watery emotion.  One’s emotions are likely heavily invested in dreams, visions, and sometimes delusions of “happily ever after’.

Jupiter in Gemini tends to seek ways to expand its knowledge base and grow in its ability to have intellectual   and objective exchanges with others in ways that give all parties involved more information.  With Gemini being an air sign, Jupiter has no emotional investment in the information communicated – it’s all ideas and logic.  And with Jupiter usually associated with fire energy (Sagittarius), it is eager to make a big deal of the new truths it is discovering.  Jupiter in Gemini is enthusiastic about what it is learning and passionate about sharing it with anyone who will listen and feed its fire by giving it even more to learn.

Combining these two energies proves very interesting as Jupiter in Gemini brings information to Venus in Pisces that will likely challenge Venus’ perception that everything is good, happy, and wonderful.  Even if what is being communicated by Jupiter in Gemini isn’t absolutely true, it puts enough reasonable doubt in the air about what is or isn’t real or true – enough of a question to burst Venus in Pisces’ bubble.

And with Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun in Pisces today as well, the truths that come to Light may leave Venus in Pisces either having to come to terms with its dreams being tempered with reality, or desperate to escape the truth that is emerging.

For you as an individual, you may find yourself choosing to accept the reality of a situation that you have been resisting for some time as information comes forth that has you let go of your ideal to make the best of what you’ve got.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that the dream is dead – just that it may come in a way different that you envisioned, or that something even better than you could ever imagine is coming to you instead.

On the other hand, if you are really emotionally invested in a particular outcome, you may find that this Pisces Venus-Gemini Jupiter square has you running to escape the truths coming to Light.  You may find yourself in heavy denial, seeking shelter from the reality that is revealing itself so harshly.

The tension dynamics of Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter are likely to be visible in matters of partnerships and one-one-one relationships of all kinds.  This may show up as one partner wanting to grow intellectually with the other or as one wanting to grow in a new or different direction than their partner to expand their knowledge or to put themselves in a position to have more communication or interaction with others.  The other partner may not want to grow closer in this way or may feel their ability to think for themselves is being compromised by their partner.

Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter could be especially notable in partnerships of a romantic nature.  Partners who have been feeling a great deal of emotional or spiritual connection may now take time to actually talk or think about what is happening between them rather than just going by their feelings and emotions alone.  In doing so, they may realize that they don’t have much more than emotions and dreams – that there’s no intellectual connection or that they don’t think enough alike for their connection to work out long term.  Others may find that they connect better in their meeting of the minds than they do emotionally or spiritually, or vice-versa, and this may lead them to shift the dynamic of their relationship.

Either of the afore-mentioned reactions of acceptance or denial could be yours, but they could also be the experience of your partner if you are the one holding the intellectual cards in the dynamic of this transit.  They may not see this conversation or revelation coming, and your thoughts on the nature of your partnership could be quite upsetting for them.  Be aware of this possibility before you drop what may be a bomb on their vision, and if you are on the receiving end of the news, be aware that your partner probably doesn’t intend to hurt you.

These are the growing pains of relationships – the ones in which we realize that partnership is not all always easy or fun or dreamy.  Sometimes, there are some realities that needs to be addressed for it to work if it’s going to last.  Even then, if they do last, the relationships may not always last in the way we think or hope they will.

Remember that however Pisces Venus square Gemini Jupiter occurs for you today, any shift that occurs will probably be the best thing for all parties involved for you and your partner.  Embrace any changes that may happen today, and allow them to help you learn and grow in your knowledge and understanding of the true nature of partnership.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blesings,


Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces – A Transit of Two Expressions

Venus conjuncts Neptune in the sign of Pisces today at 5:37a PST.  Neptune is in its native sign in Pisces, which makes it especially comfortable in this realm of dreams, fantasies, idealism, and imagination.  Venus, the ruler of Libra, is surprisingly uncomfortable in Pisces as its natural objectivity is challenged or compromised here.  Nevertheless, Venus becomes more emotionally sensitive and intuitive here, and the balance within partnerships and relationships of all kinds are affected.

This transit of Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces is remarkable because it really has a dual purpose.  It brings forth the two main expressions of Pisces’ ethereal energy, and its effects on your life really depend on how you choose use this energy or allow yourself to be affected by it.

For artistic and creative types, this transit is fabulousVenus also represents aesthetic beauty, and Neptune is all about imagination and inspired vision.  Together in the sign of Pisces, some very beautiful and inspirational results can be produced…or at least conceptualized during this transit.  If you’ve been struggling with a creative or artistic project, this Venus-Neptune conjunction may give you the inspiration you need to get out of your rut.

But for people in one-on-one relationships – especially those of a romantic nature –this transit can be deception is in full bloom.  This Venus-Neptune conjunction in Pisces is the ultimate “rose-colored glasses” effect, and your desire for your dreams or fantasies to be come true may often gloss over the realities of the union.  If you’re looking to ignore or avoid the challenges of your relationships, this is the transit for you!  And if you’re already inclined to think the best of your partners, then this is going to allow them to really move some things right past you.  (Then again, if you’re the craftier one of the pair of you, you may find you’re able to get a whole lot past your partner during this time.)

Of course, just because you’re able to get things past each other doesn’t mean that you’ll get away with them.  That’s the problem with this Venus-Neptune conjunction in Pisces – once the glasses come off, the harsh and sometimes painful truths eventually become clear.  With Venus in Pisces until March 21st, it may not reveal itself right away.  But once we get a good deal of earth and/or air energy moving through the cosmos, things will probably start coming to the surface if not suddenly right out in the open. Then you’ll have to deal with your secret(s) coming out.

There’s also a downside for the artistic-creative and spiritual-intuitive types as well.  You may have amazing visionary ideas during this time.  However, once you have the ideas you also need to apply the energy and effort to make those ideas come to life.  This is where things can be challenging for those who don’t give much importance to the physical, financial, or material world outside of their creative mediums.  They can come up with the ideas, but don’t always have the faculty in “real world” terms or systems.

This is where the other component of Venus comes into play – partnership.  And this is where the two sides of this transit of Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces come together.

Partnership is crucial to getting things done.  Nothing gets done completely alone.  That said, those who cannot (or don’t want to) do need to find someone who can and will, and under this influence this can be a problem.  The person who seems like the perfect partner may not actually be…and the person who is the perfect partner may not seem to meet your ideal so you may not consider them.

It is important during this time of Venus-Neptune conjunction in Pisces to not buy into appearances, but rather, to invest in actualities.  Relationships and partners will not be what they seem to be – for better and for worse.  So here’s some tips:

  • Be as completely open and honest as you can in your dealings.
  • And though it will be tempting, do your best not to hide anything from others or from yourself during this time.
  • Be bold in asking any questions that may come up for you – don’t be afraid to ask for what you need to know.
  • Gauge your relationship choices carefully and assess your options with as much emotional detachment as you can muster.
  • And if you’re really gun-shy right now, you may want to wait until late March to make any final choices.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Pisces – Inspired, But Not Fooled

Just when we thought we had some stability…

Venus entered Pisces at 6:03p PST this evening, adding a sixth planetary influence (yes, 6!) in the dreamy water sign of Pisces.  Get ready for some idealistic romanticism in your relationships and partnerships of all kinds.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying that all of a sudden you’re going to start trying to make lifelong plans with that guy from the accounting department who’s your partner on that work project.  But it can mean that you may be rather oblivious to how he’s trying to take credit for the whole project and get you fired for “not doing your part”.

Then again, maybe he does end up being the guy you’ve been dreaming of, and it just may end up being happily ever after.

Under Venus in Pisces, it really could go either way.

Venus is most often associated with the traditional female archetype.  It can represent positive energy, fairness, balance, and aesthetic beauty.  However, it is also popularly associated with partnerships.  One-on-one relationships of all kinds are represented by Venus, though despite its feminine association it is a rather detached and objective relationship energy.   What makes this particular version of Venus decidedly emotional is its blending with the emotional and selfless Pisces energy.

Pisces is dreamy, imaginative, idealistic, and fantastic.  It is often associated with artists, visionaries, and other highly creative types.  Pisces usually has a strong aversion to tangible reality, so it often tries to escape it through imagination, delusion, or sometimes even addiction to substances that help numb out  the pain of reality.  Pisces can also martyr itself due to its inclination to selflessly serve others in the name of Universal and unconditional love.

Together in Venus in Pisces, these energies can idealize partnerships like no other.  There is a tendency to only want to see the best in your partners, and to only see the good parts of your one-on-one relationships.  There is very little inclination to look at the practical realities of your partnerships.

In fact, Venus in Pisces is inclined to focus only on the emotional-spiritual part of the deal, which is where the romanticism and idealism come into play.  Venus in Pisces can be so emotionally and spiritually focused, it can lose itself in its romantic ideals.  It is often deluding itself that a relationship may be better than it actually is just because it holds the dream that it should be better.  After all, the person is your “perfect partner” or “soulmate” or the “person of your dreams”.  The thing is…they’re often everything to you except who they really are as their true selves and who they really and truly are for you.  It’s hard to see people for who they really are when you are so determined to see them as what you want them to be.

However, “should” isn’t always enough.  This is why so many relationships end up in disappointment under the influence of Venus in Pisces.  This energy can bring these unworkable partnerships to the surface.  In many partnerships, a partner is often so idealized that they either

1) feel pressured to meet the ideal of the other,

2) feel they must escape the idealistic demands of the other,

3) try to live up to the other’s ideal by sacrificing their true self for the vision their partner holds of them, or…

4) …feel trapped in expectations, so they do everything they can to prove their partner wrong about who they are so the partner will let them go and set them free.

Yet for all of the warnings, there is a beautiful side of Venus in Pisces – the side on which dreams really do come true.

This is because sometimes, the fantasy really becomes the reality.  Sometimes, the dreams really do come true.  Under Venus in Pisces, sometimes we meet partners that can help make our visions our reality.

In business partnerships, this can be the appearance of or connection with a person who ends up being a great person for you to pair up with to manifest an idea you’ve held for a long time.  Or it could be a person who manages the financial side of matters while you focus on the creative side…or vice-versa.  It could be someone with the technical knowledge to bring your artistic idea into tangible reality.  Or maybe, it’s just the emergence of your artistic or creative muse – the inspiration for your visionary contribution.

Or on a personal level, the relationship that we take for granted in its practical everyday function gets the emotional-spiritual boost it needs to move from a platonic relationship into a romantic one.  Sometimes, that person you never really considered more than a friend suddenly looks like a viable “more-than”.  Sometimes, that person you thought was kind of crazy to be so into you ends up being someone you go crazy being without.

That said, this is a very intense Venus in Pisces as it enters the sign while the Sun, Mercury Retrograde, Mars, Chiron, and Neptune are all in the sign.  This only strengthens the dreamy and idealistic qualities as the general energy at hand, our thoughts and ideas and communications, our actions, our emotional-spiritual wounds, and our social ideals are all under the influence of Pisces’ emotional-spiritual ebb-and-flow.  And now that we’ve gotten one-on-one relationships involved in this crazy river rapids ride of emotional-spiritual energy, there is even more reason to be conscious and cautious of the dynamics that are in play.  Take time to do your best to be sure that whatever you pursue in your partnerships and relationships during these next few weeks is the real deal and not wishful thinking.

Allow yourself to be inspired…but not to be fooled.  Under this 2013 Venus in Pisces, open yourself to Universal Love, and let it flow freely within yourself and others with out attachment or expectation.  Your heart and soul will thank you for it in the end, no matter the outcome.


Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
