2015 Venus in Libra – Choosing the Middle “Side”

arrow-34-glyph-icon_M1Bq5hLu_LIt’s that time of year again – when Venus returns to its home sign of Libra for a few weeks. As of 7:31a PST on Sunday, 8th November 2015, Venus is back its familiar environment of reason, logic, and intellect to objectively assess its one-on-one relationships with others.

Libra is a cardinal air sign. Cardinal signs initiate their elemental energy, so Libra is the starting (and completion) point for air’s intellectual, logical, and reasonable processes. This is where thoughts, ideas, and communications begin. The beauty and elegance in which these ideas are presented and delivered, balance, fairness, and equality applied execution of these ideas, and the peace and ease which can result from the application of these logical and diplomatic solutions – these are the usual subjects at hand under the influence of Libra. These subjects influence our one-on-one relationships of all kinds now through the 5th of December.

Libra’s desire for balance and equality goes to the public in Aquarius (fixed air) for assessment and comparison. How does this new idea play in the community? What is the popular opinion? What are the masses calling for in response (or reaction) to it? Then the desire goes through Gemini (mutable air) who gathers and assesses information, then crafts a message that can be brought back to Libra’s negotiating table to balance the scales. Each time this cycle occurs, the collective or public opinion shifts a bit more. This is why what was popular 50 years ago may not be so popular today. What was ordinary and accepted in the past may not be so acceptable now. Continue reading