2015 Gemini Full Moon – Lessons in Letting Go (of What You Don’t Know)

Fog Fantasy background - GraphicstockThe Full Moon in Gemini is happening today, Wednesday 25th November at 2:44p PST. Here we have the Sagittarius Sun opposing the Gemini Moon.

While the Sun in Sagittarius loves seeking truth and wisdom of experience – the Moon in Gemini loves gathering information and asking why. In other words, the Sun is shining light on the all we have learned in our life and we are questioning our feelings about it.

A personal reflection to explain what I’m talking about:  A little over a week ago I was feeling pretty solid with my sense of self. Then, I got confronted with some unresolved self-doubt issues. I was beginning to think my own life experiences was not enough wisdom for me to actually move forward with my life’s work. This brought up my own feelings not being “qualified or capable” enough in guiding people towards their own healing and awareness. In short,  I figured that  I needed to collect more data before moving forward in any way. This had me feeling stuck, frustrated and mentally overstimulated.

Follow along here, I promise all of it will connect… Continue reading

2015 Cancer Full Moon – Revelations of Sunlight and Water

Capricorn is the “daddy” energy of the Zodiac.  Goal-oriented, results-minded, authoritative, and disciplinarian, Capricorn energy is meant to focus and discipline us in order to help us get things accomplished in our lives.

Cancer is the “mommy” energy of the Zodiac.  Emotionally nurturing, supportive, caring, and protective, Cancer energy is meant to help us feel supported in our growth and development, encouraging us to go out into the world knowing that we are loved and cared for no matter who we become in our lives.

The Moon is in exact opposition to the Sun at 8:53p PST this evening, Sunday 04 January 2014 to create the 2015 Cancer Full Moon. Here’s what you may want to know and expect about Cancer Full Moons in general and about this particular 2015 Cancer Full Moon event. Continue reading

2014 Pisces Full Moon – Physician, Heal Thyself and the World

The 2014 Pisces Full Moon, at its fullest at 6:38p PDT on Monday, 8th September 2014 (16°), is a very special one.  Let’s start with some basics so I can explain how this Pisces Full Moon is more extraordinary than usual.

The Pisces Full Moon is created by the Moon’s opposition to the Virgo Sun.  This means that the functionality of our lives being reflected back upon us by our emotion and/or spirituality-based ideals.  You may find that around this time each year, when the Pisces Full Moon occurs, you are extra-sensitive to how well your life is or isn’t working for you.  You may notice that the day-to-day experience of your life may or may not match up with your dreams, visions, or ideals for it.  Whether your ideals are simple daydreams or fantastic delusions is not as relevant as the fact that the Virgo Sun reveals the Truth about or behind these ideals to you  in some way.  The Virgo Sun-Pisces Moon opposition helps you recognize and acknowledge the gap between where you are and where you may want to be.

This is also a reminder that the Virgo-Pisces axis in the Zodiac wheel is “the axis of service”.  In watching the energy of this axis play out in client charts and in my own chart over the years, I’ve discovered some very interesting interpretations of and beliefs about service.  Many of these come to Light during the Pisces Full Moon, sometimes revealing some deep emotional-spiritual wounds that are desperate for healing.

Continue reading

2014 Full Moon in Aquarius – It’s Show-Up Time!

The Sun in Leo encourages you (and each of us) to shine your unique individual expression of Light with as much brilliance and boldness as we can muster.  That said, you also may find that as you step into your Light more fully and shine more brightly, others around you are likely to respond for better or worse to whom you are making yourself known to be.

These responses and reactions of others to your self-expression help you understand how you are showing up in the world, and give you an opportunity to find out how you are actually showing up for others (and yourself) in the world around you.  These responses and reflections of self are at their most prominent when the Moon is at its fullest in the sign of Aquarius at 11:10a PDT tomorrow, Sunday, 10th August 2014.  Yet there are a few things that make the 2014 Full Moon in Aquarius itself more unique than others. Continue reading

2014 Full Moon in Scorpio – Your Vulnerability Is Your Power

photo by Angela Light
photo by Angela Light

The Moon enters full phase in the sign of Scorpio (23.90°) at 12:16p PDT today, 14 May 2014, opposite the Taurus Sun.

The Taurus Sun is currently shining its Light on your present lifestyle and the resources that support it (a.k.a. – your survival needs).  This brings attention to the material-physical-financial aspects of your life.  Whatever you need to survive and thrive in your life is what Taurus (and Ceres and the 2nd house of your chart) covers.  These are the resources that help you establish your lifestyle and assist you in determining your comfort zone.  Taurus and its associates reveal what you value most in regard to your foundational physical, material, financial, and sexual comfort and expression.

Notice how I said physical.

That is because Scorpio is where the intimacy actually comes from.  Scorpio being the fixed energy-water element sign in the Zodiac represents the emotional component of those afore-mentioned survival needs.  Scorpio  (and Pluto and the 8th house of your chart) is where you feel the emotional impact of your fundamental physical-material-financial-sexual experiences.  Scorpio and its associates reveal where the experiences that symbolically represent and sometimes literally continue the cycle and circle of your life (birth, death, rebirth/transformation) show up in your life.  To that point, the Taurus-Scorpio polarity is intense because of its association with your basic survival needs, which is why you experience these emotions with such vulnerability.  Sharing how you really and truly feel about your life and your lifestyle makes you feel like you are opening yourself up emotionally in ways that may threaten your very survival.  Continue reading

The April 2014 Libra Full Moon-Total Eclipse – The Fire, The Mirrors, The Red Shadow, and The Cross

The Full Moon is exact at 25.25° Libra at 12:42a PDT on 15th April 2014, and if you’re awake in North America around that time, there’s a good chance you’ll see it.  In fact, you may not be able to miss it as it will be quite an event.

Total lunar eclipses tend to draw a crowd.

This isn’t just any total lunar eclipse, though…and I’m not just talking about the deep red color of the eclipse shadow which gives it the nickname of a “blood moon”.

During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth blocks the Sun’s Light being fully reflected upon the Moon.  To interpret this astrologically, this is saying that the current physical-material circumstances of our lives get in the way of revealing the emotional truths that need to be addressed in order for us to truly move forward in our lives.  The fact that the Moon’s South Node aligns with the Aries Sun indicates that the Sun’s Light will be shining from our past to help reveal the emotional truth of the future we must move into now, both collectively and as individuals…if only we can manage to get all the worldly stuff out of our way to see it!

With the Full Moon in Libra, it is our relationships that help us see ourselves more clearly as our partners act as mirrors or reactionaries to our own actions and behaviors.  We can see the truth of ourselves only after our behaviors are brought to our attention and we do the work to clear enough that “stuff” out of our path to progress.  Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn helps us with that earthly blockage clearing, so even though lunar eclipses usually indicate that there may be more work involved to make the transition happen, the work will be well worth it and its positive effects will endure, if you choose to do it.

This April 2014 lunar eclipse represents a turning point – a point at which the past can now (finally!) be overcome by a call to claim the future.  This may be the moment when implementing the future becomes more important than preserving the past.  Old beliefs and habits lose their grip, clearing the way for new experiences to rise to the surface…but you MUST be willing to let them go!  This is definitely a time at which holding onto a past that no longer serves you could prove exponentially more harmful than helpful. Continue reading

2014 Full Moon in Leo – Be Your Own Valentine


2014 - photo by Michelle Miller
2014 – photo by Michelle Miller


This 2014 Full Moon in Leo on Friday, 14th February (a.k.a. – Saint Valentine’s Day) brings you into a space of emotional awareness and wellness as you have an opportunity to look at how you are fulfilling your role(s) in collaboration with others.  However, this is not about how well you are performing for others – this is about how well you are loving and honoring yourself in the process of fulfilling your community role.

In the Light of the Aquarius Sun which draws your attention to your unique contribution to your communities and being part of something bigger than yourself, you may find yourself met with a question:

As you strive to love and belong with others, how much and how well do you love and feel true to yourself as you do? Continue reading

Full Moon in Gemini – The Wisdom of Curiosity

Life is a series of lessons, designed for us to learn from as well as to teach from.  During this 2013 Gemini Full Moon, we each and all have an opportunity to experience both sides of this educational coin.

The Full Moon was at its maximum fullness in the sign of Gemini at 1:28a PST this morning, 17th December 2013.  Gemini is the perpetual student of the Zodiac.  It seeks out information – eager to learn, gather ideas, and exchange information with others in order to increase its knowledge base and have more intellectual tools at its disposal to create from.

The Sun is still in the sign of Sagittarius, representing the wisdom of the Zodiac.  Sagittarius wants to get out in the world and put Gemini’s theories to the test, then to come back and tell Gemini what is true or false about its theories based on the wisdom of experience.

The Gemini Full Moon reflects the Sagittarius Sun’s Light – you will now have the opportunity to see how what has been accepted as truth stands up to questions and doubts.  You will now get to see if what you’ve known to be wise and true really has the experience and genuine wisdom to back itself up.  This is also wonderful as students – often thought to be powerless in the face of wisdom – have an opportunity to realize the wisdom and intelligence inherent in their simple curiosity.

The real truths of matters are revealed in the answers to the questions asked of you and those that you ask of others.  True wisdom will often speak from first-hand experience, while pretentiousness tends to speak from theory or intellect alone.   This is not to say that ideas and theories don’t have merit – it is to say that just because we think it doesn’t make it as real as the experience.  In fact, we can make ourselves believe whatever we want to.  The question then becomes how much do we choose to live into that belief?

Belief doesn’t make something true.  It just means that you believe in it and live into that belief.  Yet our beliefs are not always the actual reality of things.  What if your actual experience reveals something different to you – perhaps that one of your long-held beliefs is false?  Then what?  Do you continue to seek proof or create evidence to prove that your belief is true, or do you adapt the newly-revealed truth as your own and experience life newly?

Many of us spend way too much time trying to believe our past to be true, to be valid. We identify ourselves so strongly with our beliefs that it can be challenging for us to let go of old, outdated beliefs to adopt new ones that empower and enable us to follow through on the extraordinariness of our individualities.  Yet we must let go of what has been proven false if we are to live into our real truth – we must let go of the time-worn beliefs that have been proven wrong so we can allow ourselves to be healed and made right and true for our life purposes.

This Gemini Full Moon opposite the Sagittarius Sun is a special opportunity for you to see how much wisdom you already have, yet also how much wisdom you still have to gain.  Life is a never-ending education – just when you think you know it all, you find there is still more to learn.  Just when you think you know the truth about something, you find that a truth you’ve held no longer applies.  You will never know it all.  You will always have something to learn, and therefore you will always have something to ask.  This Full Moon is a chance for you to ask yourself “why” you believe what you believe.

With the Gemini Full Moon’s quick progression into the sign of Cancer, we are encouraged to nurture our curiosity and ideas, no matter how far-fetched they may seem.  This often slow process may seem tedious, yet it is necessary in order for us to emotionally mature into the wisdom necessary to follow through on bringing our ideas to into tangible-experiential reality.  The Sagittarius Sun reveals to us on some level the development that will be necessary, and we may better understand which theories and ideas (or which parts of them) and which parts of ourselves (mental, emotional, material-physical, and/or intellectual) will need protection and nurturing during our process to discover truth within us and around us.

This is also a good time for you to ask how you may best go about nurturing your ideas and theories.  Which steps can you take to seek out new truths? Which places can you go to find/have experiences that will reveal truths to you?  Which people can you look to as teachers, mentors, or guides in your journey to truth?

Most important, remember that the ultimate truth within you is always seeking union with the ultimate truth around you.  Honor what you know to be true from within, and be willing to keep an open mind and an open heart as you travel forward into the world.  The truth is out there, waiting for you to discover it for yourself.

Embrace the journey, and learn from it.  Learn how much wisdom you have, and how much wisdom you still have to gain.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Full “Harvest” Moon in Pisces – Reality-Inspired Fantasies

Not only is it the “Harvest Moon” – the Full Moon that is closest to the transition into the autumn season.  Exact as of 4:13a this morning, September 19th, this 2013 Full Moon in Pisces is also reflecting the Virgo Sun’s light back onto itself, bringing us into awareness of just how all of our work over the last few months is paying off…if it’s paying off in the first place.

With this Full Moon in Pisces being the Harvest Moon, it is a perfect time to notice the fruits of our labors since the Aries Sun cycle in late March/mid-April.  How have “the seeds” we planted during the spring grown?  If they have grown, what have they grown into?  How are they affecting us now?  Did we do the work we needed to do in order to nurture, protect, and support them to have an abundant harvest now?

If you have done the necessary work, congratulations!  This Full Moon could very well make you aware of just how much work you’ve done and how much you’ve accomplished since the spring.  Look at where you are now compared to where you were six months ago.  How does it feel for you to have something to show for your work?

If you haven’t done the necessary work, your inclination right now may be to avoid or run away from the fact that you haven’t done the necessary work to nurture your seeds.  That fact may bring you to your emotional desire to escape the realities of your life, and you may be creating dreams or fantasies that help you avoid the practical truths of the day-to-day situations and circumstances you are facing.  This Full Moon reflects back to you what you haven’t taken care of in the day-to-day of your life, even though it’s become rather urgent to address.

A large part of this avoidance mechanism can be disguised as being of service to others.  Pisces is so sensitive, selfless, and good-hearted that it is known to give its own security and well-being up for that of others.

Yet Pisces is also known for using its eager willingness to serve others as a way of being an escape artist.  By keeping yourself busy with the business and wellness of others, you may think that you don’t have to deal with yourself and how you aren’t doing the work for yourself that you do for everyone else.  Keep in mind that by avoiding your own work in the name of service to others, you may think that you’re getting away with your avoidance by playing saint to the sinners you get to “save” through your efforts.

However, neglecting your own dreams and goals doesn’t make you selfless – it makes you selfish!  You are selfish because you aren’t doing what you need to do to sustain yourself.   You cannot be there to support others if you’ve compromised your own health, wellness, and life functionality to “be there” for others.  You’re selfish because you may not be supporting yourself and who you get to be in the world.  If you aren’t being yourself in the world, those you “serve” aren’t able to connect with you in ways that fulfill both you and those who receive your service.

The 2013 Pisces Harvest Moon helps you recognize where you are trying to hide from your reality by using your beautiful and romantic reality-inspired fantasies of selfless service, which may actually show up as selfish service, martyrdom, and self-sacrifice.   And if you choose to be awake and aware of what the Universe is telling you through synchronicity (or for some of you, coincidence), you may find some answers to exactly what is holding you back in any areas of your life in which you feel stuck or disappointed with your outcomes to date.

Use the light of this Full Harvest Moon in Pisces to seek and find the truth about the last six months of your life.  See what the fruits of your labors are showing themselves to be. Also notice where your dreams and fantasies may be inspired by your avoidance of the reality you may not want to face.  The power of the Harvest Moon will be felt most strongly through Friday, September 20th.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…
~Light, Love, and Blessings,


Full “Harvest” Moon in Pisces – Reality-Inspired Fantasies

Not only is it the “Harvest Moon” – the Full Moon that is closest to the transition into the autumn season.  Exact as of 4:13a this morning, September 19th, this 2013 Full Moon in Pisces is also reflecting the Virgo Sun’s light back onto itself, bringing us into awareness of just how all of our work over the last few months is paying off…if it’s paying off in the first place.

With this Full Moon in Pisces being the Harvest Moon, it is a perfect time to notice the fruits of our labors since the Aries Sun cycle in late March/mid-April.  How have “the seeds” we planted during the spring grown?  If they have grown, what have they grown into?  How are they affecting us now?  Did we do the work we needed to do in order to nurture, protect, and support them to have an abundant harvest now?

If you have done the necessary work, congratulations!  This Full Moon could very well make you aware of just how much work you’ve done and how much you’ve accomplished since the spring.  Look at where you are now compared to where you were six months ago.  How does it feel for you to have something to show for your work?

If you haven’t done the necessary work, your inclination right now may be to avoid or run away from the fact that you haven’t done the necessary work to nurture your seeds.  That fact may bring you to your emotional desire to escape the realities of your life, and you may be creating dreams or fantasies that help you avoid the practical truths of the day-to-day situations and circumstances you are facing.  This Full Moon reflects back to you what you haven’t taken care of in the day-to-day of your life, even though it’s become rather urgent to address.

A large part of this avoidance mechanism can be disguised as being of service to others.  Pisces is so sensitive, selfless, and good-hearted that it is known to give its own security and well-being up for that of others.

Yet Pisces is also known for using its eager willingness to serve others as a way of being an escape artist.  By keeping yourself busy with the business and wellness of others, you may think that you don’t have to deal with yourself and how you aren’t doing the work for yourself that you do for everyone else.  Keep in mind that by avoiding your own work in the name of service to others, you may think that you’re getting away with your avoidance by playing saint to the sinners you get to “save” through your efforts.

However, neglecting your own dreams and goals doesn’t make you selfless – it makes you selfish!  You are selfish because you aren’t doing what you need to do to sustain yourself.   You cannot be there to support others if you’ve compromised your own health, wellness, and life functionality to “be there” for others.  You’re selfish because you may not be supporting yourself and who you get to be in the world.  If you aren’t being yourself in the world, those you “serve” aren’t able to connect with you in ways that fulfill both you and those who receive your service.

The 2013 Pisces Harvest Moon helps you recognize where you are trying to hide from your reality by using your beautiful and romantic reality-inspired fantasies of selfless service, which may actually show up as selfish service, martyrdom, and self-sacrifice.   And if you choose to be awake and aware of what the Universe is telling you through synchronicity (or for some of you, coincidence), you may find some answers to exactly what is holding you back in any areas of your life in which you feel stuck or disappointed with your outcomes to date.

Use the light of this Full Harvest Moon in Pisces to seek and find the truth about the last six months of your life.  See what the fruits of your labors are showing themselves to be. Also notice where your dreams and fantasies may be inspired by your avoidance of the reality you may not want to face.  The power of the Harvest Moon will be felt most strongly through Friday, September 20th.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…
~Light, Love, and Blessings,
