2014 Taurus 3 Sun trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn – Growing Your Future by Facing Your Past

The Taurus 3 Sun was in an exact trine transit with Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn at 5:37p PDT today, 04 May 2014, bringing your knowledge and the gathering of information about building a solid future for yourself to the fore.  You may find yourself assessing what you already know about approaching this process and asking yourself what else you need to learn.  However, this transit is actually an opportunity for you to learn what you really need through a very practical experience of facing and clearing your past in order to create your future.

Taurus and Capricorn are both earth signs.  Capricorn is cardinal, initiating movement toward the goals, while Taurus stabilizes the resources and assesses the value of everything that supports the manifestation of the goals.  This Sun-Pluto trine is a time for taking tangible, physical, and/or material steps to build a solid foundation for the eventual manifestation of those ideas.  This is “practicing what you preach”, “putting your money where your mouth is”, “where the rubber meets the road”, etc. Continue reading

The April 2014 Libra Full Moon-Total Eclipse – The Fire, The Mirrors, The Red Shadow, and The Cross

The Full Moon is exact at 25.25° Libra at 12:42a PDT on 15th April 2014, and if you’re awake in North America around that time, there’s a good chance you’ll see it.  In fact, you may not be able to miss it as it will be quite an event.

Total lunar eclipses tend to draw a crowd.

This isn’t just any total lunar eclipse, though…and I’m not just talking about the deep red color of the eclipse shadow which gives it the nickname of a “blood moon”.

During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth blocks the Sun’s Light being fully reflected upon the Moon.  To interpret this astrologically, this is saying that the current physical-material circumstances of our lives get in the way of revealing the emotional truths that need to be addressed in order for us to truly move forward in our lives.  The fact that the Moon’s South Node aligns with the Aries Sun indicates that the Sun’s Light will be shining from our past to help reveal the emotional truth of the future we must move into now, both collectively and as individuals…if only we can manage to get all the worldly stuff out of our way to see it!

With the Full Moon in Libra, it is our relationships that help us see ourselves more clearly as our partners act as mirrors or reactionaries to our own actions and behaviors.  We can see the truth of ourselves only after our behaviors are brought to our attention and we do the work to clear enough that “stuff” out of our path to progress.  Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn helps us with that earthly blockage clearing, so even though lunar eclipses usually indicate that there may be more work involved to make the transition happen, the work will be well worth it and its positive effects will endure, if you choose to do it.

This April 2014 lunar eclipse represents a turning point – a point at which the past can now (finally!) be overcome by a call to claim the future.  This may be the moment when implementing the future becomes more important than preserving the past.  Old beliefs and habits lose their grip, clearing the way for new experiences to rise to the surface…but you MUST be willing to let them go!  This is definitely a time at which holding onto a past that no longer serves you could prove exponentially more harmful than helpful. Continue reading

Mercury in Leo Direct – It’s No Secret

Mercury ends its latest retrograde motion cycle and goes direct in Leo at 10:40p PDT on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012.

While in retrograde motion, Mercury in Leo has given us the chance to introspectively look at ourselves and how we do or don’t shine out into the world.  We’ve had some time to think about whom we want to declare ourselves to be in the world and how we want to create and/or establish the details and circumstances of our lives so that they reflect and support our unique expressions of Light in the world.

These last few weeks have also presented us with an opportunity to retrospectively set the record straight and to retrospectively ask for what we need in order to get our unique expressions of Light out into the world for others to see.

Now, with Mercury going direct, now is the time to outwardly start letting others know exactly who we are, what we are up to, and what we are committed to creating in and for our lives now and moving forward.  We now get to ask for what we need in order to be supported in expressing our unique expressions of Light in this moment and for the future we are building for ourselves.

Leo can be rather dramatic in its expression, especially when Mercury in Leo goes direct while the Sun is also in Leo.  The light of the Sun exposes the Truth of just about everything, and Mercury is quick to share what the Sun exposes.  So when something comes to light, it can do so quickly and in big way under this double Leo influence.  What you say and share may either come out in dramatic fashion, or it may create a lot of drama around you for better or worse.  If ever there is a time when the Light of your unique expression could come off as a blinding glare rather than a warm glow, now through August 22nd is the time.

It is very important for you to be aware of the potential impact of what you are saying or sharing may have on your environment or on others in your environment.  There is very little if anything hidden during Sun in Leo, so with both the Sun and Mercury Direct in Leo, it is very unlikely that any secrets shared in confidence will be kept.

This is not to say that no one can be trusted.  It is to say that what you think is private or secret communication during this time may not be as private or secret as you think it is or should be.  You may be surprised to find out that more people already know or are aware of what you have to say than you are aware of.  In fact, any communication surprises are more likely to be on you than on anyone else as Mercury goes direct in Leo.

However, the surprises may be to your advantage.  You may be surprised, for example, that someone you share with may have a contact they share your communication with who is able to get you what you need to move your plans and intentions along.  You may be surprised that you are sought after or acknowledged for your unique self-expression as result of your initial communication or expression of your True self to someone(s) else.

Once the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd, the energy will shift from getting attention for how you are shining your unique expression of Light into the world, and will shift to how you are practically attending to your unique expression in the everyday living of your life.

Virgo is about attending to the details of day-to-day life – maintaining your health, your overall well-being, and the things that make your life work on any given day.  It’s still about you, but it’s more about you on practical terms rather than in idealistic or creative terms.  When Mercury in Leo combines with Sun in Virgo, it will become a matter of taking the ideas and expression you’ve created for yourself during Sun in Leo and establishing a plan for implementation or fulfillment of them, giving yourself something(s) you can do everyday to make sure your Light continues to shine and expand its reach out into the world.

But for the next two weeks, it’s still all about you and your Light.  There is no secret about what you have to offer the world now.  All there is for you to do is to choose to shine it brightly for all to see and to ask for the support you need to shine it.  You may find yourself pleasantly surprised by what you have the opportunity to receive.  Be open and allow it all to come into your life.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


Your Future is Now – All You Have to Do is Create It.

I’m not big on horoscopes and forecasting the future, which may sound strange coming from an astrologer because that’s what most people contact astrologers for – for consultations on the future, right? I can do the future stuff and I do it very well, but it’s not something I choose do on a regular basis because I’m not a strong advocate for that type of work.

The thing is…I am a proponent of free choice. I believe that as an astrologer, it’s my job to give you the information based on who you are (as you were born – your personal blueprint, so to speak) and on the present energies in your life. This is so you can make an empowered choice about the things in your life that matter to you and create a future for yourself based on that choice. Consider me the messenger who delivers the blueprints and/or road maps – how you choose to go about building your life or traveling down the highway of life once you’ve got the tools is entirely up to you.

So why it is that we as humans feel we have to know things before we experience them? After all, we have a large portion of the metaphysics industry based upon providing access to the future for those who say and believe they can’t see it for themselves, and yet, they do have the capacity to see it for themselves. The truth is that we each have the capacity and ability to see the future for ourselves, yet we don’t trust ourselves so we don’t trust what we see. That’s why we go to others – to tell us what we already know yet tell ourselves we don’t. And that’s why I do what I do. I want to have people awaken to and know that they have it within themselves to know their future because it’s a future they are choosing to create…out of their own free will.

What if we could learn to trust our own visions, insights, and intuitions? What if we could be self-confident in acting upon what we genuinely know is best for us, even when it flies in contrast to what others may be telling us or the circumstances we find ourselves in? What if we could filter our doubts and fears and recognize the certainty and clarity of our heart’s desires?

And that’s why I do and love the work I do as an astrologer-numerologist. I believe it’s crucial to let people know how they’re uniquely designed, how they tend to behave in certain situations, and how those characteristics and behaviors have influenced their choices and have them in the circumstances they are in. That way, they know themselves well enough to distinguish who they truly are regardless of what they or others think and say they are.

I don’t look at astrology and numerology as tools for predicting the future, as much as I look to them as tools to be used to understand where we are right now and to create a future from here. The power of awareness that these practices make available to us is so amazing in that it empowers us to look to ourselves to discern what is important to us individually, to recognize what our individual and unique contribution(s) to the world can be, and how we are solely responsible for putting it out there and sharing it with others so all of us can benefit from each of us being in the world. It really is about uncovering how each of us is remarkable in our individuality, and acknowledging that each of us really is one of its kind, and one of a kind for a reason. We each have a role to play in this world and that role is important, whether to one person or one billion people. Does knowing the future really matter if we are focused on whom we are or can be right now, delivering our individual life purpose to human kind?

I share my gift for providing this work so that people may recognize their gifts and share them with others so that forward motion of contribution can continue from now into that future we are creating individually and collectively. When we choose to share with and contribute to each other, we all experience fulfillment, and when we are experiencing fulfillment, we are looking at what we have to offer now rather than the experience of what is missing and we need to get. In that state of being, there is no space for fear or doubt or anxiety about what is going to happen in the future – it simply doesn’t matter. We are each living in the present moment, and enjoying it to the fullest by living our lives to the fullest. That is the future I am committed to creating through my astrology-numerology practice – a future in which we are each and all fully expressed in our greatness, knowing what we’re meant to give so others can receive it and live more fully through it. I am committed to your being aware of your greatness and the contribution you have to make to the world around you while you’re here.

It’s a beautiful thing, sharing the gifts we’ve been given with others. What kind of future could be created if we all shared our best now instead of wishing for it later?

Enjoy the week. Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings, Grace