Uranus in Aries Direct – The Arrival of The Unexpected

NOTE:  This article was going to post yesterday morning, Friday, December 14th.  It was already running late, with Uranus going direct in Aries at 4:03a PST on Thursday, December 13th, so I was rushing to get it done when I heard of the shootings in Connecticut and the stabbings in China.  With the emergence of those events, I wanted to preface this post differently.  I apologize in advance for the much longer than usual post.

Though I don’t think I could explain the details of what happened yesterday through astrology or numerology, I can at least give some general insights into the energy that is in motion right now.  And I can earnestly say that Uranus going direct in Aries probably played a big part in the shift that opened the opportunities for events such as these to occur.

Almost all of what follows below was written before yesterday’s events came to light.  I felt it would be important to keep as much of this in tact as possible because it still speaks true to the essence of this Uranus in Aries direction change.  I hope that it can provide some insights and maybe some solace in a bigger picture kind of way.


Aries is the sign of initiative and action.  It can also be very competitive and assertive, and sometimes even downright aggressive in an unquenchable desire to be first and/or to win in everything it takes on.  It is exclusively rules by the planet Mars, and is often referred to as a strong, masculine, warrior energy.

Uranus is the planet of the unexpected and unpredictable.  It is also associated with individuals within the context of a group dynamic and therefore, humanity at large.  It is often looked to when assessing matters of mass communication, publicity, or humanitarian efforts.  Groups, teams, social circles, associations, affiliations, corporations, governments – any collection of 3 or more people or any institution that serves many is going to be associated with Uranus.  Uranus is the ruling planet of the sign of Aquarius.

When these two energies are combined as Uranus in Aries in direct motion, it can make for some very interesting events.  Sometimes, it can even make for some devastating ones.

When a planet is moving retrograde, much of what happens is happening within an individual.  With Uranus in Aries retrograde, you may have found that you were more aware of the people you’ve been associated and affiliated with and what they inspire you to be and do.  You may have been surprised that you were interested in spending your social time with new groups of people, or that you are outgrowing the energy dynamic in some of your long-time affiliations.  You may have even been preparing to take actions to change things up a bit in regard to these areas of your life.  A retrograde is more of a private if not introspective process.

When Uranus in Aries goes direct, that energy shifts direction and flows outward.  When it does, those actions become visible and notable to everyone around you.  Suddenly, your preparations are implemented into action, and the people you interact with in these groups and circles with may be surprised by what you are choosing to do.

That said, Uranus in Aries direct is a general influence, meaning that we all get to begin taking actions to make changes to our affiliations and associations.  We’ve all been reassessing who we spend our time with and how we take action within those groups to some degree.  Now, we will get to initiate necessary changes through our actions.

Keeping in mind the associations of Uranus and Aries, these are likely changes that have been much needed and coming forth for a long time.  This Uranus in Aries combination can be pretty explosive, so it’s likely that the events that begin to occur during this Uranus in Aries direct period have been a long time in coming, and are finally having their day.

That said, you may find that people around you will surprise you with the changes that they are making, and with how they choose to take action in their lives.  You may be surprised by how they choose to respond to your own choices and actions to initiate change.  The unexpected travels both directions under this Uranus in Aries direction change, and it is very possible some sparks will fly.  These changes are sure to be lively, maybe even seeming harsh or militant in the sense of urgency and assertiveness under which they are being made.

How Uranus in Aries aspects specific planets and points in your personal chart will help you understand how this may uniquely affect you.  However, on a collective note, this is a pretty powerful energy that will affect all of us collectively for a while to come.  Uranus will be in Aries into March of 2019, so we will experience quite a few assertive, possibly aggressive collective changes over the next 6-7 years.

There are two major aspects that occur shortly after Uranus goes direct in Aries that should be of note:

1)      Early on Friday the 14th (3:10a PST/6:10a EST), Aries Uranus trines Sagittarius Mercury, bringing surprisingly truthful communication energy to the fore.  You may not be expecting to hear or know what comes to light under this influence.  Even if you know something will be said or done, you may not expect what that something ends up being.  You may also be surprised that the news itself may become much more publicly known than expected or desired.  Be aware that whatever comes to Light may not be or remain as private or secret as you think or hope.

2)      On Wednesday the 19th (1:39p PST/4:39p EST), Aries Uranus trines Sagittarius Venus, and there may be some surprises occurring within your one-one-one partnerships of all kinds.  There may be unexpected shifts in the direction of your relationship(s), and these may have to do with a need for more free and open individual self-expression by one or both individuals within the partnership.  And again, be prepared for the news of any change to not remain as private or secret as you may want it to.

However, keep in mind – trines are generally considered “positive” aspects, meaning that the energies of the two planets in aspect interact nicely with each other.  Traditionally, they usually bring out the qualities of each of the planets involved in a harmonious way and therefore tend to bring out the best qualities of the people or parties involved, even if it may not seem that way at the moment the changes happen.  Whatever unexpected events occur will likely prove best in the long run for everyone involved.  Trust that these are collective changes that need to happen for each and all of us to serve and/or fulfill our collective and individual life journeys.

And if your “private business” does become “public knowledge”, trust that it’s because there are people who learn of the news who can help you move forward and upward from them.  There are doors that will close, clearing people from your life that you no longer need to have with you on your journey.  There will also be other doors that open that will bring new people in to your life experience and help you move toward the awakening to the Light within you, the fulfillment of your life purpose, and ultimately, your True happiness.

Allow these changes to happen. Don’t fight them, even if they prove extremely difficult, as fighting what comes forth may be what you (also) are inclined to do under this influence.  See what the changes are bringing to a close for you, but also look to see what they are opening up…or at least open yourself up to finding out what may be possible now that these changes have occurred.  You may find that these changes may become bigger blessings than you could have ever hoped for or dreamed of – for yourself and for others.


In the aftermath of the tragedies of December 14, 2o12, I can only hope that the injuries and losses of those precious lives is not in vain, and that something wonderful and beneficial to many may come out of such devastating and senseless heartbreak.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of the victims of yesterday’s events, and to all of the survivors as well.  I pray for your wellness, your recovery, your strength and courage to continue on.

And if yesterday’s events are an indicator of things to come, I pray for us all to be safe and well in the coming days, months, and years under Uranus in Aries’ influence.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Mercury in Leo Direct – It’s No Secret

Mercury ends its latest retrograde motion cycle and goes direct in Leo at 10:40p PDT on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012.

While in retrograde motion, Mercury in Leo has given us the chance to introspectively look at ourselves and how we do or don’t shine out into the world.  We’ve had some time to think about whom we want to declare ourselves to be in the world and how we want to create and/or establish the details and circumstances of our lives so that they reflect and support our unique expressions of Light in the world.

These last few weeks have also presented us with an opportunity to retrospectively set the record straight and to retrospectively ask for what we need in order to get our unique expressions of Light out into the world for others to see.

Now, with Mercury going direct, now is the time to outwardly start letting others know exactly who we are, what we are up to, and what we are committed to creating in and for our lives now and moving forward.  We now get to ask for what we need in order to be supported in expressing our unique expressions of Light in this moment and for the future we are building for ourselves.

Leo can be rather dramatic in its expression, especially when Mercury in Leo goes direct while the Sun is also in Leo.  The light of the Sun exposes the Truth of just about everything, and Mercury is quick to share what the Sun exposes.  So when something comes to light, it can do so quickly and in big way under this double Leo influence.  What you say and share may either come out in dramatic fashion, or it may create a lot of drama around you for better or worse.  If ever there is a time when the Light of your unique expression could come off as a blinding glare rather than a warm glow, now through August 22nd is the time.

It is very important for you to be aware of the potential impact of what you are saying or sharing may have on your environment or on others in your environment.  There is very little if anything hidden during Sun in Leo, so with both the Sun and Mercury Direct in Leo, it is very unlikely that any secrets shared in confidence will be kept.

This is not to say that no one can be trusted.  It is to say that what you think is private or secret communication during this time may not be as private or secret as you think it is or should be.  You may be surprised to find out that more people already know or are aware of what you have to say than you are aware of.  In fact, any communication surprises are more likely to be on you than on anyone else as Mercury goes direct in Leo.

However, the surprises may be to your advantage.  You may be surprised, for example, that someone you share with may have a contact they share your communication with who is able to get you what you need to move your plans and intentions along.  You may be surprised that you are sought after or acknowledged for your unique self-expression as result of your initial communication or expression of your True self to someone(s) else.

Once the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd, the energy will shift from getting attention for how you are shining your unique expression of Light into the world, and will shift to how you are practically attending to your unique expression in the everyday living of your life.

Virgo is about attending to the details of day-to-day life – maintaining your health, your overall well-being, and the things that make your life work on any given day.  It’s still about you, but it’s more about you on practical terms rather than in idealistic or creative terms.  When Mercury in Leo combines with Sun in Virgo, it will become a matter of taking the ideas and expression you’ve created for yourself during Sun in Leo and establishing a plan for implementation or fulfillment of them, giving yourself something(s) you can do everyday to make sure your Light continues to shine and expand its reach out into the world.

But for the next two weeks, it’s still all about you and your Light.  There is no secret about what you have to offer the world now.  All there is for you to do is to choose to shine it brightly for all to see and to ask for the support you need to shine it.  You may find yourself pleasantly surprised by what you have the opportunity to receive.  Be open and allow it all to come into your life.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,
