2015-2016 Juno in Scorpio – Giving Up the Ghosts

Ghost in Blue-Gray - graphicstockLet’s start with a quick review…

Juno entered Libra in September 2015, and when it did, it awakened a powerful commitment to fairness, justice, and equality. Throughout its run, it has brought attention to what is out of balance, unfair, unjust, and unequal in ways that hasn’t been done is a very long time and has done so in peaceful yet profound ways.

Though some people felt that these efforts disturbed the peace, those who believed this were likely the ones who were having their “peace” of an imbalanced status quo disrupted. Like in any situation in which matters have been out of balance for a significant length of time, those who have been denied fair and equal treatment will be eager to obtain what they believe they have a right to, while those who have been receiving the benefits of the imbalances will be reluctant to give up their perks and power.

The balance of power finally begins to tip when Juno enters Scorpio at 11:51p PST on Wednesday, 9th December 2015. This influence will either begin exposing our emotional-spiritual vulnerabilities and our commitment to protecting or defending them (likely out of fear of the unknown)…or awaken personal and collective commitments to releasing or at least moving through our fears, allowing transformative shifts of power to occur. Continue reading

2015 Mars in Libra – Actions for Justice: About Me, About You, or About We?

Motion Flames Background - Hot Orange-Red Abstract Background.

Mars moved into the sign of Libra at 1:41p PST on Thursday, 12th November 2015. When it did, it gave those speaking up for matters of equality, fairness, and justice initiative to act upon their beliefs.

Mars is the ruler of Aries – the sign known as being initiative, assertive, and sometimes even aggressive or violent. It can be very impulsive and a bit (or a lot) hot-headed. Its default motto is “Act first and act later – always be in action”. In fact, Aries rarely reflects on its actions because it’s usually too busy taking action in the moment and moving on to next to look back.

Libra (ruled by Venus) is about balance, fairness, equality, and justice. As an air sign, Libra doesn’t enjoy conflict. It usually opts for peace and diplomacy, preferring to resolve disagreements through intellectual means rather than by action or force. Yet you’d be wise not to take Libra’s often passive nature for granted – when there is blatant injustice, inequality, or imbalance in play, Libra doesn’t mind jumping on the other side of the scale as a way of bringing matters into balance. Libra can have quite a hot streak of its own, if necessary.

That’s why Mars in Libra so powerful – it represents action taken with the intention of setting things right. It is action to bring forth justice. It is action to balance the scales. Continue reading

2015 Mercury Direct in Aquarius – Share Yourself

Okay.  ‘Stop, look, and listen time’ is over.  Now it’s time to share what you’ve learned with the class.

That’s right! It’s almost here!  Mercury in Aquarius goes back into direct motion at 6:57a PST tomorrow morning, Wednesday 11th February 2015.  When it does and if you’ve been paying attention and learning from what you’ve seen and heard, you’ll know exactly how you want to communicate to the world about who you are and what you stand for.

This 2015 Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius has been about watching others being their unique selves within a community, group, or other collective whole.  Through observation of how they navigate their individual identities within a group or community context, you may have found answers to your questions about how to better navigate in your own circles.

You may also have gotten important feedback about how your social and professional circles do or don’t support or encourage your goals and ambitions.  You may have noticed how others define you within your communities and groups.  It was a good time to notice the roles others have given you and/or expected you to play for them.

Now with Mercury Direct, you get to let your collaborators know the role you are designed to play.  You get to let them know all that you (and only you) have to contribute to the world. Continue reading

2014 Full Moon in Aquarius – It’s Show-Up Time!

The Sun in Leo encourages you (and each of us) to shine your unique individual expression of Light with as much brilliance and boldness as we can muster.  That said, you also may find that as you step into your Light more fully and shine more brightly, others around you are likely to respond for better or worse to whom you are making yourself known to be.

These responses and reactions of others to your self-expression help you understand how you are showing up in the world, and give you an opportunity to find out how you are actually showing up for others (and yourself) in the world around you.  These responses and reflections of self are at their most prominent when the Moon is at its fullest in the sign of Aquarius at 11:10a PDT tomorrow, Sunday, 10th August 2014.  Yet there are a few things that make the 2014 Full Moon in Aquarius itself more unique than others. Continue reading

New Moon in Leo – You Shine It, You Own It

With the Sun in Leo these last few weeks, there has been a lot of focus on yourself and who you are choosing to be in and for the world, and who have around you who supports or detriments your ability to shine your unique expression of Light into the world.  The Sun, of course, is still in Leo for another few days, and Mercury is continuing its presence in the sign in direct motion for a couple more weeks.

So by now, you know you have an unique expression of Light inside you that is shining outwardly to the world, whether you are aware of it or not.  And unless you have chosen to hide out in a cave somewhere, with both Sun and Mercury in Leo right now, everyone sees what you have to offer from the inside out.

Now the Moon joins the Sun and Mercury in Leo, and the Moon conjuncts the Sun at 8:55a PDT on Friday, August 17th, 2012.  This conjunction is also known as New Moon in Leo.

The questions at hand are:

  • Do you see yourself completely?
  • Do you fully realize who you are and what you have to share with others?
  • And do you own your complete self-expression from the inside out?

With the New Moon in Leo, there is an opportunity to not only know your Light but to own your Light.  When I say ‘own’, I mean to claim it and be responsible and accountable for it from the inside out.  Owning the expression of Light you shine – owning your unique identity – means to be able to say “Yeah, this is me. What about it?”  to anyone who questions your outward self-expression.  It also means that you are willing to own up to who you are being in your life (for better and worse) because you feel the truth of your self-expression in and from your inner being.

This inward talk of feelings and emotions is heart language, and for those of you who aren’t comfortable with your emotions or with expressing your emotions, this may be a challenging time for you as you are being called upon to be aware of and own your inner feelings as much as you are being aware of and owning your outward expression at this time.  True ownership is being able to inwardly and outwardly express yourself.  Feeling a certain way on the inside and expressing yourself outwardly in alignment with that inner Truth is the ultimate of ownership for who you are being in and for the world.

As stated in the previous blog post and earlier in this one, with the Sun and Mercury both in Leo right now, who you truly are and how you truly feel is probably no secret…to you or anyone else.  Not much can be hidden in the glow of the Leo Sun, and especially with Mercury in Leo, it’s not as if people aren’t already seeing you or talking about what they see.  The question under this New Moon in Leo is whether or not you choose to take 100% ownership for who you are being in your outward expression.

If taking conscious ownership of your self-expression is a challenge for you, it may be because you are not outwardly expressing yourself in full alignment with your inner Truth.  You may find yourself saying things that defend or justify your actions and behaviors – things like, “That’s not really me” or “That’s not what I meant”.  Those types of statements are clues that your emotions and actions are not in alignment with each other, and there is something you get to examine about yourself as to why they aren’t reflecting the Truth of who you know yourself to be and what you meant to express.

New Moons are great times to start something new – it brings an emotional awareness of your self-expression energy, which allows for an emotional renewal of energy.  This Leo New Moon is a perfect opportunity to align how you choose to express yourself on the outside with who you really are on the inside.  It’s a chance to show the world your True colors and to feel comfortable and confident in revealing them to others.

It’s also a chance to remember – if you’re the one who put it out there, it’s yours.  You shine it, you own it.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,
