2015 Sagittarius New Moon – The Realities & Responsibilities of Growth & Expansion

Cracked Asphalt Seedling 2The passionate and fiery sign Sagittarius is the main character for the last New Moon of 2015. Friday December 11th at 2:29 am – the notions of truth-seeking, exploring and going beyond our limits is calling for some new intentions on our part.

A new sense of freedom and optimism may color this time of year just as much you overdoing things and promising more than you can deliver. Sagittarius aims for things far and wide. It needs to expand and explore. It seeks truth and it wants to share it.

With the New Moon in this sign – its ruler Jupiter wants to bring positive energy and growth into our lives. This energy may also be quite aggressive because of Libra Mars & Aries Uranus Rx . These signify pushes to bring balance and justice into our lives, and these pushes will also serve as a catalysts or fuel for growth and expansion. With this happening on a universal 4 day (for some time zones) whatever foundations developed in this time may hang around for awhile. However for other time zones, the New Moon lands on a universal 5 day – so expect a fair amount of change and movement. Continue reading

The 2015 Aquarius New Moons: A “New You” – Versions 1.0 and 2.0

There are TWO Aquarius New Moons during the 2015 Aquarius Sun Period. Yes, you read that correctly. Two.  Each of them holds the potential to bring you into an experience of yourself that you may never have imagined possible, so get ready – a “new you” may be about to make its debut.

The first Aquarius New Moon occurs at 5:14a PST on 20th January 2015, about 3.5 hours after the Sun enters Aquarius at 1:43a PST.  When it does, it ushers in an awakening of collective consciousness that quickly begins to recognize what needs to be fulfilled, what needs to be completed, and what needs to be eliminated and cleared out of the whole of human kind.  Think of this New Moon as the one that begins the endings that must occur for you and all of humanity to evolve.

Aquarius New Moon #1 occurs under a astro-numerological Aquarius 9 energy.  Continue reading

Catching Up #4 – Nines and Ones – Ending & Beginning, Then Ending & Beginning Again

The numerology of November 2014, December 2014, January 2015, and February 2015 is rather remarkable, so let’s delve into that as we begin the fourth of four blog posts to cover recent astrological and numerological events and get ourselves all caught up.

Nine is the number of completions and endings.  When we enter a 9 Universal month, it is an opportunity for us to reflect upon the recent 8 Universal month which brought us the fruits of our labors and the fulfillment of our intentions after a few months.  During a 9 month, whatever we liked or enjoyed about our results are things we most often want to continue moving forward – we can set the intention to continue or expand it in the 9 month.  However, there are also things that we didn’t like or enjoy about our results, and 9 months are the perfect opportunities to clear out the things that didn’t work or that no longer serve us well.

One is the number of fresh starts and new beginnings.  When we enter a 1 Universal month, it is a time of being ready to plant seeds and get new things started after the 9 month cleared the ground of the outdated and unnecessary, creating space for new things to be cultivated.  In 1 months, we are able to not only create ideas but initiate those ideas into manifest reality through action.  This is where and how we start with a single first step.  We also make renewed commitments to what we want to have continue in our lives during 1 months.

At the end of the year in the Gregorian calendar, the last two months of the old year numbers will always repeat themselves in the first two months of the New Year.   Therefore…

  • November 2014 was a 9 month – endings. (1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 9)
  • December 2014 was a 1 month – beginnings. (1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1)
  • January 2015 is a 9 month – endings. (1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 9)
  • February 2015 is a 1 month – beginnings. (2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1)

When paired with the Sun Signs as in The Life By Soul System, we have experienced and continue to experience the following changes:

From Scorpio 9 energy to Sagittarius 9 energy to Sagittarius 1 energy to Capricorn 1 energy to Capricorn 9 energy to Aquarius 9 energy to Aquarius 1 energy to Pisces 1 energy.

Whew!  Let’s get into some more details about all of that. Continue reading

You + Me + The Moon Makes Three…In The Shadows of A Partial Eclipse – The 2014 Scorpio Sun Period Begins

The first day of the 2014 Scorpio Sun Period is a big one, as The Sun enters Scorpio (at 4:57a PDT), then Venus enters Scorpio (at 1:52p PDT), and then the Moon conjuncts the Sun in Scorpio to form the Scorpio New Moon (at 2:57p PDT)– all within 10 hours of each other on Thursday 23rd October 2014.

The New Moon at 0° thing will happen again next month in Sagittarius, too, and within an even smaller time frame.  However, it won’t be as special as this Scorpio New Moon.

First of all – with Venus in the mix, this 2014 Scorpio New Moon has a “we” consciousness about it.  There is a heightened awareness of partnerships as their own emotional entities and a call for emotional clarity within them that may not have been present before.

In this specific case of this first day of the 2014 Scorpio Sun Period, the Sun is you, Venus is the other, and the Moon is the emotional component that wasn’t intended to be part of the party but is making its appearance anyway.  The actual partnerships themselves are revealed to be the emotional “third wheels” of what would normally be two-person or two-party companionships. Continue reading

Venus in Scorpio – The Death and Birth (and Rebirth) of Your Relationships

Last week on Wednesday, November 21, 2012, Venus moved into the sign of Scorpio.  This is important because Venus in Scorpio often brings the death of some relationships and birth of some others.  Sometimes, it even brings both.

I’m experiencing the effect of this 2012 Venus in Scorpio cycle right now.  In my day job, a co-worker friend was upset upon learning of a particular detail of my employment status.  Because they didn’t agree with the choice that had been made, they ended up speaking many lies about me to other people in our workplace in order to do what they though would ensure and improve their own reputation in the workplace, and to further diminishing my workplace reputation in the process.  When I called them out for lying about me, they took it as a call for dissolving the friendship completely.  What I believed was an issue that could be worked through in a solid and enduring friendship proved to be anything but.

At first, the sudden dissolution of our friendship was very upsetting.  However, after some deeper consideration and thought, I realized that the lies were only the surface issue, and there was a lot that had been said and done that revealed emotional manipulation and other toxic behaviors over the course of our friendship – behaviors that I have been working diligently to clear from my life.  Once I saw the toxicity clearly, I realized that the end of this friendship is for the best.  I recognized that my prayers for having people in my life with healthier and higher energetic vibrations and behaviors are being answered, even if it didn’t seem like it at that moment.

I share my story with you to say this:  Whatever is occurring in your relationships, recognize that it is the answer to your prayers, in alignment with your heart’s desires (your inner truth), and/or aligns with what you are truly committed to creating for your life.

Now some of you may be experiencing the endings of partnerships or relationships, and you may be saying, “But I didn’t mean for THIS to happen!”  There are many occasions where we may be longing for change in a relationship, and we end up getting more than we bargained for when that change shows up in a much more drastic way than we intended or expected.

Recognize that when a more radical change occurs, one of two things is likely happening:

1)      The change you desired is not possible between the parties involved.  There may be too much for one or both of you to accept and/or overcome in order for that change to manifest, so the end of the relationship is brought forth.

2)      The changes you desire for yourself and your life are in the process of being manifest, and whatever does not or may not continue to support or serve that manifestation process is being phased out of your life.  For that reason, the relationship/partnership is ending and being released from your life.

Despite the pain and heartache that may come as relationships end during Venus in Scorpio, it is important to also recognize that when something ends, it brings forth an opening for a new beginning.  And under the current Sagittarius Sun, that new something is likely something or someone who will help you experience more personal freedom and independence, more personal growth, and more expansion of the things that ring true for you in the whole of your life.  These new relationships may actually be new.  However, they may also be renewals or rebirths of old relationships – relationships thought to have been done or gone.  You may experience these relationships as coming “back from the dead”.  Recognize that they are coming back to you for a reason – they are a chance for you to get really clear about a few things:

  • What did this person do to hurt you, and do you still feel hurt by them?
  • Do you have unresolved issues with this person, and would resolving those issues help you heal and move on?  Would resolving the issues enable you to have a relationship of some kind with this person?
  • Could this person be a support to you or serve a purpose in your life journey now – a support or purpose you may not have been ready for when they were in your life before?  Is the timing better or are the circumstances more appropriate now for you to have a relationship with this person?

Now if you are clear about what you want for yourself and your life, but you still don’t like what is happening in your relationships during this 2012 Venus in Scorpio cycle, it is important for you to ask yourself the following:

  • Is it possible that the ending of this relationship/partnership may be for the better for me and my life?
  • Is it possible that the ending of this relationship/partnership may allow the space for another, better relationship or partnership, to come into my life?
  • If I really look at that person for who they are and/or choose to be, do they really fit into the life I am committed to creating for myself?
  • If I really look at that person for who they are and/or choose to be, do I really fit in with the life they are choosing to create for themselves?

Under the influence of Venus in Scorpio, any relationships that are not in alignment with your inner truth will fall away from your life – they will “die”.  Usually that death is figurative – sometimes it is literal.  Nevertheless, if it no longer serves you life or if it is taking you off or away from your chosen (or destined) path, it will be released from your life.

This 2012 Venus in Scorpio cycle may not be an easy phase.  In fact, it may prove to be more challenging than other Venus in Scorpio cycles in the recent past.  However, this particular cycle is a very important one in this point in time.

Allow the relationship deaths, births, and rebirths to occur in your life at this time.  Pay attention to what they are trying to reveal to you and teach you.  You may then begin to recognize them as blessings in disguise.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius – Whatcha Got To Say? – Part One: Clarifying Your Truth

Mercury in Sagittarius begins to move in retrograde motion on Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 at 3:04p PST.  Mercury in Sagittarius tends to have a pretty blunt delivery of the truth of matters, and usually doesn’t hesitate to share exactly what is on its mind.

However, for this next 9 days or so, it’s not about the sharing quite yet.  While Mercury moves in retrograde motion, it’s more about recognizing what you have to share with others and getting clear about it before you share it with others.

Sagittarius is the wise teacher, the mentor of the Zodiac.  It has learned from its experiences, and wants to share what it has learned with others.  Out of its experiences, it also gains a great deal of wisdom, and often its philosophy about life changes as it goes along in its life journey.  This philosophy is something that Sagittarius also wants to share with others, not so much to gather a following, but to share what it has come to know as truth.

The Truth is of ultimate importance to Sagittarius.  In fact, truth trumps all other matters where Sagittarius is concerned.  It’s not worth doing or talking about if it doesn’t get you closer to the truth – the real truth, and nothing but the real truth.  That is what Sagittarius is always searching for and striving for – the ultimate knowledge and sharing of the truest of truths.

That said, with Mercury going retrograde in Sagittarius,  there is some soul-searching to be done in these next 9 days or so before Mercury goes back into Scorpio in this cycle of retrograde motion.  There is time to consider what rings true to you and what does not. There is some time to also consider what you have learned to be true and what truths you really do have to share with others.

Sagittarius Mercury in retrograde will also present you with opportunities to communicate those truths to others before Mercury returns to direct motion to move you forward and beyond your past.

It has been my experience that Mercury Retrograde is not only an introspective time – it is also a “do-over” opportunity.  It gives you a chance to communicate what you didn’t say the first time or to receive what you didn’t get the first time around.

However, if you are starting something during a Mercury Retrograde, often some aspect of it (if not all of it) will come around again or need to be re-done (done over again).

Mercury Retrograde can also bring challenges in communication and technology as well, but I’ve found that these tend to occur when you are trying to avoid or ignore an important lesson or fact that you need to know or address.   In this case of Mercury in Sagittarius, consider which truths you may be avoiding or resisting – ones that you’d rather not face and/or deal with.

So as you look over your life in the next week or so while Mercury Retrograde is in the sign of Sagittarius, consider what is true for you in your life.  Ask yourself:

  • Does this ring true for me?  If so, why?  If not, why?
  • What truth(s) may I be avoiding or resisting, and why?
  • Is it my truth…or someone else’s truth?
  • Am I afraid to share this truth with another person or people?  If so, why?
  • What could someone else learn or gain from my sharing my life experience with them?
  • What can I communicate now that I thought or felt that I couldn’t before?
  • What opportunities are opening for me to share with others to complete my past and clear the way for now and next to emerge in my life?

All of these are very powerful questions you can ask yourself and your closest friends and loved ones to make the most of this Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius.


The timing of this Mercury Retrograde is especially interesting…at least for those of us here in the United States.

That said…on to part two!  (See the next post…coming shortly.)

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



New Moon in Leo – You Shine It, You Own It

With the Sun in Leo these last few weeks, there has been a lot of focus on yourself and who you are choosing to be in and for the world, and who have around you who supports or detriments your ability to shine your unique expression of Light into the world.  The Sun, of course, is still in Leo for another few days, and Mercury is continuing its presence in the sign in direct motion for a couple more weeks.

So by now, you know you have an unique expression of Light inside you that is shining outwardly to the world, whether you are aware of it or not.  And unless you have chosen to hide out in a cave somewhere, with both Sun and Mercury in Leo right now, everyone sees what you have to offer from the inside out.

Now the Moon joins the Sun and Mercury in Leo, and the Moon conjuncts the Sun at 8:55a PDT on Friday, August 17th, 2012.  This conjunction is also known as New Moon in Leo.

The questions at hand are:

  • Do you see yourself completely?
  • Do you fully realize who you are and what you have to share with others?
  • And do you own your complete self-expression from the inside out?

With the New Moon in Leo, there is an opportunity to not only know your Light but to own your Light.  When I say ‘own’, I mean to claim it and be responsible and accountable for it from the inside out.  Owning the expression of Light you shine – owning your unique identity – means to be able to say “Yeah, this is me. What about it?”  to anyone who questions your outward self-expression.  It also means that you are willing to own up to who you are being in your life (for better and worse) because you feel the truth of your self-expression in and from your inner being.

This inward talk of feelings and emotions is heart language, and for those of you who aren’t comfortable with your emotions or with expressing your emotions, this may be a challenging time for you as you are being called upon to be aware of and own your inner feelings as much as you are being aware of and owning your outward expression at this time.  True ownership is being able to inwardly and outwardly express yourself.  Feeling a certain way on the inside and expressing yourself outwardly in alignment with that inner Truth is the ultimate of ownership for who you are being in and for the world.

As stated in the previous blog post and earlier in this one, with the Sun and Mercury both in Leo right now, who you truly are and how you truly feel is probably no secret…to you or anyone else.  Not much can be hidden in the glow of the Leo Sun, and especially with Mercury in Leo, it’s not as if people aren’t already seeing you or talking about what they see.  The question under this New Moon in Leo is whether or not you choose to take 100% ownership for who you are being in your outward expression.

If taking conscious ownership of your self-expression is a challenge for you, it may be because you are not outwardly expressing yourself in full alignment with your inner Truth.  You may find yourself saying things that defend or justify your actions and behaviors – things like, “That’s not really me” or “That’s not what I meant”.  Those types of statements are clues that your emotions and actions are not in alignment with each other, and there is something you get to examine about yourself as to why they aren’t reflecting the Truth of who you know yourself to be and what you meant to express.

New Moons are great times to start something new – it brings an emotional awareness of your self-expression energy, which allows for an emotional renewal of energy.  This Leo New Moon is a perfect opportunity to align how you choose to express yourself on the outside with who you really are on the inside.  It’s a chance to show the world your True colors and to feel comfortable and confident in revealing them to others.

It’s also a chance to remember – if you’re the one who put it out there, it’s yours.  You shine it, you own it.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


New Moon in Cancer – Companions for the Journey

The Moon enters its next New phase in the sign of Cancer at 9:42p PDT on Wednesday, July 18th, 2012.

This New Moon in Cancer is occurring near the end of the Cancer Sun cycle rather than the beginning, following the Full Moon in Capricorn earlier in the Cancer Sun cycle.  What’s interesting about this order of events is that by experiencing the Capricorn Full Moon first, we’ve been nudged by the Universe to set goals and ambitions for ourselves – to make decisive choices about where we want to go, how we want our lives to be, and who we want to have along with us for the journey as our companions and champions.

Now is the time for us to begin taking the steps to manifest the fulfillment of our goals and intentions clarified since the Full Moon, and in doing so, it is time for us to nurture, support and protect what is emotionally important to us as we pursue those outward ambitions.

This is a perfect time to check in with ourselves regarding the new goals, new intentions and new beginnings we’ve created in and for our lives:

  • What have you started recently?
  • What seeds have you planted for your future?
  • How can you make sure your new beginnings get the support, encouragement and protection they need to grow in healthy and positive ways?

In answering these questions for yourself, you may find yourself being more aware than usual of your emotional support structure – the people in your life who help you become aware of how you feel and who support you and encourage you in the times when your life is changing dramatically (for both better and worse) or you’re your circumstances are challenging you intensely.

During this Cancer New Moon, you will likely become more aware of who is helping you or hindering you in developing healthy emotional expressions and healthy emotional support structures in your pursuit of your goals and ambitions.  And as we approach the Sun’s entrance into Leo on Sunday, July 22nd, you may also more clearly recognize the people in your life who are (or can) support and encourage you in shining your unique and individual Light out into the world.

For those of us who have not yet clearly defined our goals or intentions, this may be a very challenging time as we realize our lack of support and encouragement, recognize our inability to nurture or protect what is emotionally important to us, or notice that opportunities to seize and achieve our goals may be passing us by.  It will be important for us to ask for what we need to feel emotionally supported, nurtured, and protected as we move forward.

For those of us who have gotten clear about where we are going and what we want to achieve and accomplish, this may be a remarkably easy time as our emotional support structure roots us on.  We feel capable of nurturing and protecting what is emotionally important to us.  We seize the opportunities presented to us and feel like we are on the road toward the fulfillment of our goals and life purpose.  It will be important for us to continue to communicate our emotional needs clearly.

Keep in mind that Mercury is in retrograde, and that we are still in a “do-over” period regarding our communications and the information we are receiving.  You may find yourself addressing, correcting or clarifying past communications in order to “course-correct” and set a clear direction for your next life steps that is more in alignment with your inner truth.  You may also find that certain communications, choices and/or commitments made now may need to be revisited at a later date – that something about them isn’t as clear or complete as believed in this moment, yet even those things will help you become more clear about how to .

In whichever form it comes, all of the information you are receiving and revisiting right now during this Cancer New Moon is helping you identify who and what is emotionally supporting, encouraging and protecting you right now in this time of your life.  Allow these elements of your support structure to reveal themselves.  Allow yourself to notice them, and to be objective in assessing them.

And once you have distinguished who and what is coming along for your life journey, welcome them into your life as your companions and friends – maybe even as your “family” of sorts – as you travel your chosen path.  Allow yourself to let your guard down and allow those people to be there for you as you move forward on your life’s path.

Enjoy this New Moon phase.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,



The ‘Trifecta’ – Sun, New Moon, and Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Gemini makes quite an entrance on Sunday, May 20th.

The Sun enters the sign at 8:15a PDT, followed by the New Moon at 4:47p PDT.  And if it’s not enough to have those two events happening on the same day, an Annular Solar Eclipse occurs at 6:24p PDT.

This trifecta of major events is an interesting event in itself.

But before we get into the details of the events, it is important to understand what Gemini is bringing to the table.

Gemini is an air sign.  Being the first of the air signs in the natural Zodiac order, Gemini represents the beginning of mental and intellectual awareness.  It is the perpetual student of the Zodiac, and is known to be very childlike in nature.  It is an appropriate association, as children are absorbing information constantly, learning about the world and about whom they are in the world simultaneously.  Because of its youthful exuberance for gathering and exchanging information, Gemini can often comes across as downright immature, but don’t let that immaturity fool you.  Underneath that childlike “innocence” is a very cunning and intelligent mind.

It is very important to understand that from the Gemini point of view, any exchange of communication is primarily for gathering information.  They aren’t trying to let you know about themselves (unless they have a large dose of Aries or Leo in their charts as well).  Nope.  It’s all about picking your brain and learning about what is going on around them.  It is a very observant, objective and emotionally detached way of going about things.  And it’s not personal. It’s not about you – it really is about them.  It is about their learning and growing in their mental and intellectual self-awareness.

All of that being said, the Sun entering Gemini brings an end to the material and physical focus of Taurus, and a beginning to all of the ideas we come up with and information we assemble to either 1) use all of the stuff we’ve accumulated, or 2) obtain all that we now recognize that we want or need to accumulate.  It is a time of gathering information and knowledge in order to make the most of the material and physical resources we have available to us.

The New Moon in Gemini brings a new emotional beginning regarding information and the communication of that information.  Often, this is in the form of information coming to us rather than our giving information.  In true Gemini fashion, any communications we give are most likely given in order to get other information from others more so now than at any other time of year.

And all of this comes on the same day there is a Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini.  Eclipses often bring forth major turning points in our lives, and major events or major life-altering decisions come out of the events that happen around eclipses.  With Solar Eclipses, often things that have long been hidden come to Light.  Things that have been appearing in one way are exposed as their reality as the eclipse lifts.  The Truth comes out of the shadows, and it’s not a reflection or perception of the Truth – it’s the real Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

The funny thing about the Gemini dynamic is that what we are saying that we think is not important may actually very important or significant to those who are listening to us, and vice-versa.  It is often said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.  Well, in the case of this significant Gemini trifecta, ‘the revelation is in the ears of the recipient’.  Everyone gets the information they need to hear to move forward in their life journeys.  The question is…do we receive or reject the information – the Truth – we hear?

Do we embrace the information, knowledge, and Truth presented to us and learn from it to make life choices that empower and enliven us and move us forward…or do we choose to be in denial and fight the Truth being revealed to us, remaining stagnant or moving backward, losing our power and aliveness in the process?

With those questions on our minds, pay attention to the messages and information coming to you during this next few days.  And as always with eclipses, remember that the effects of this period are sure to be felt for a long time to come.  This isn’t a passing fancy or a phase to be taken lightly – the choices you make based on the information you get now are likely to have a major impact on your life and may affect you and your life for at least the next 4-6 months, if not the rest of your life.

It may seem a little heavy for a “child’s mind”, but our inner children are stronger than we often give them credit for being.  Allow yourself to see and receive the revelations!  See where they take you and your life from here and now.  Enjoy the power and process of this Gemini trifecta.

Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Full Moon in Scorpio/Taurus – New Beginnings, New Boundaries

The Moon goes full phase in the sign of Scorpio on May 5th at 8:35p PDT, opposing the Taurus Sun.

Scorpio is a water sign, and is a sign of extremes – in or out, all or nothing, black or white.  Scorpio does not like the middle of the road or gray areas.  It likes things to be clear and decisive.  Very decisive

In the latest monthly e-zine, I mentioned how this Taurus cycle began as a Taurus 9 cycle – a time of completions, or recognizing what needed to come to an end in certain (or maybe all) areas of your life in tangible and actual ways.

Now that we’ve entered the month of May and entered a Taurus 1 cycle, it’s now about new beginnings and tangibly/actually getting things started.  Those new beginnings are taking root in the space created by clearing out the old.

That said, with new circumstances and environments in your life, new personal boundaries need to be established.  For both Taurus and Scorpio, the establishment or destruction of personal boundaries is a matter of utmost importance.

For Taurus, standing firm in its comfort zone on a material and physical level is how it maintains its personal boundaries.  However, for Scorpio, dealing in emotional extremes are its way of tearing down or building up those boundaries. In times of change, those old boundaries may no longer serve you with the recent changes in your life.  It is likely time to clear the old ones away to create new ones for the new circumstances and experiences in your life.

This Scorpio Full Moon cycle is about emotionally ‘letting go’ of our old and outdated personal boundaries so that the new elements that are trying to grow into our lives can be brought forth.  This may be a major change and renewal for you, and with Scorpio being a water sign, these boundary changes are likely to trigger extreme emotional responses.

Scorpio is most often moved to extremes when it feels emotionally vulnerable or exposed.  It doesn’t reveal its emotional truth easily, and when it does, usually it’s doing it in response to its personal boundaries being challenged or changed. Scorpio reveals its emotional truth in order to force a change to occur, or when it feels forced to reveal it in response to a change that is occurring or has already occurred.

Over these next few days (May 3rd-May 7th), it is a great take time to notice the areas of your life in which major changes are occurring, and how you and/or the people around you are actively responding to those changes.  Recognize that the responses you experience and/or witness may be emotionally driven.  Consider what you are learning about others during this time, and what you are learning about your own feelings about your relationships and interactions with them. This goes both ways as you may learn and realize their feelings about their interactions and relationships with you as you re-define and adjust your personal boundaries.  You may find that what is happening and what you learn about yourself and others during this Full Moon may also be the reason(s) for needed major changes or decisions in the certain aspects of your life.

Once you notice and learn what you need to, you may find that the personal boundaries you need to set or re-define become crystal clear.  Just in case you are still uncertain, now is the time to draw those new lines in the sand.

If you have not yet defined or re-defined your personal boundaries in certain areas of your life, it is likely you will make the decisions to do so during this Full Moon cycle…or it is possible that those decisions will be made for you – you may have no choice but to set boundaries in the face of certain revelations or events.

Embrace the experiences of this Full Moon cycle and the redefinition of your personal boundaries and the course of your life.

Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
