2014 Libra New Moon – Intentions for Acceptance, Peace, and Love

Only 28 hours after the Sun entered the sign of Libra for the Autumnal Equinox, it joins the Moon in conjunction to create the 2014 Libra New Moon at 11:14p PDT this evening, 23rd September 2014.  Like every New Moon, this is about new beginnings – in this case, the start of a new season.

Autumn represents harvest and completion.  The seeds planted in the spring have become mature plants bearing their fruit.  We now get to see what is coming to fruition – to see how what we have nurtured is coming into manifestation.  We may be happy with some of our results, and not so happy about some of them, too.  Yet whatever we witness and experience, we get to remember that it is the fruit of our intentions, efforts, and labors.

To that point, in the 2014 Libra New Moon, now is the time to acknowledge our results whether we like them or not.  These results are our proof of who we have been, who we are, and who we are on track to continuing to be…unless we choose to change something in our process so we can change the results that we get.  Yet change is difficult to come by during a Libra Sun period as Libra usually doesn’t want to ruffle any feathers by making necessary adjustments – Libra wants to keep the peace, not make waves, not upset anyone.  Libra wants to keep things peaceful and calm.

It’ll have a tough time doing that this year as this 2014 Libra Sun period is going to be anything but calm.

The amount of fire element energy that is place and moving into key positions (Mars in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo, Uranus Retrograde in Aries, South Node in Aries) produces an assertive and initiative energy that is unusual for a Libra Sun period, and creates a circumstance in which Libra’s air actually ends up fueling the flames of change rather than cooling or calming them.   In the face of the impending blaze, this 2014 Libra New Moon is the prime opportunity for each and all of us to set peaceful, calming, and balancing intentions.  This is our chance to set intentions for fairness, justice, and beauty to prevail in the face of rage, bitterness, and violence.  By setting these new intentions to view the people and events around us objectively, to accept what is happening as the fruits of our past and possibly outdated intentions, and to make the effort to understand each other even if it may not seem possible; we have a chance to face and move through if not fully overcome any anger and hatred that is likely to erupt over the next 4.5 weeks.

This great overcoming is going to require joint efforts.  In the true spirit of Libra, overcoming evil and hatred is not something that can be done alone – it requires partnership.  Yes, you still need to be individually focused and objective.  However, for your intentions to be effective there must be others who share your logic, reasons, and beliefs.  There must be many more people than you alone coming up with ideas and reasoning for peaceful intentions to be made and peacefully powerful efforts to put those intentions in place.

The fruits we harvest during this 2014 Libra New Moon and 2014 Libra Sun period are of our own creation, and they are not simply matters of right-or-wrong, good-or-bad, or darkness-or-Light.  They are matters in which these polarities get to be balanced – their two sides get to be brought to fairness, justice, and equality.  They get to be acknowledged objectively for what they are and dealt with without bias or judgment.  In setting our peaceful  intentions under the influence of this 2014 Libra New Moon, we also get to remember that one side of a polarity cannot exist or be known without its equal opposite.  This is why these are, instead, matters of right and wrong, good and bad, and darkness and Light – all learning to co-exist in equal and balanced partnership.  We cannot deny what must exist.  We cannot deny both sides of ourselves and each other.

We can only say a prayer that we are strong enough to acknowledge the harvest we have created for all that it is and to ring it into balance.  Set intentions for acceptance, peace, and love tonight.

We are going to need them over these next few weeks.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


The ‘Trifecta’ – Sun, New Moon, and Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Gemini makes quite an entrance on Sunday, May 20th.

The Sun enters the sign at 8:15a PDT, followed by the New Moon at 4:47p PDT.  And if it’s not enough to have those two events happening on the same day, an Annular Solar Eclipse occurs at 6:24p PDT.

This trifecta of major events is an interesting event in itself.

But before we get into the details of the events, it is important to understand what Gemini is bringing to the table.

Gemini is an air sign.  Being the first of the air signs in the natural Zodiac order, Gemini represents the beginning of mental and intellectual awareness.  It is the perpetual student of the Zodiac, and is known to be very childlike in nature.  It is an appropriate association, as children are absorbing information constantly, learning about the world and about whom they are in the world simultaneously.  Because of its youthful exuberance for gathering and exchanging information, Gemini can often comes across as downright immature, but don’t let that immaturity fool you.  Underneath that childlike “innocence” is a very cunning and intelligent mind.

It is very important to understand that from the Gemini point of view, any exchange of communication is primarily for gathering information.  They aren’t trying to let you know about themselves (unless they have a large dose of Aries or Leo in their charts as well).  Nope.  It’s all about picking your brain and learning about what is going on around them.  It is a very observant, objective and emotionally detached way of going about things.  And it’s not personal. It’s not about you – it really is about them.  It is about their learning and growing in their mental and intellectual self-awareness.

All of that being said, the Sun entering Gemini brings an end to the material and physical focus of Taurus, and a beginning to all of the ideas we come up with and information we assemble to either 1) use all of the stuff we’ve accumulated, or 2) obtain all that we now recognize that we want or need to accumulate.  It is a time of gathering information and knowledge in order to make the most of the material and physical resources we have available to us.

The New Moon in Gemini brings a new emotional beginning regarding information and the communication of that information.  Often, this is in the form of information coming to us rather than our giving information.  In true Gemini fashion, any communications we give are most likely given in order to get other information from others more so now than at any other time of year.

And all of this comes on the same day there is a Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini.  Eclipses often bring forth major turning points in our lives, and major events or major life-altering decisions come out of the events that happen around eclipses.  With Solar Eclipses, often things that have long been hidden come to Light.  Things that have been appearing in one way are exposed as their reality as the eclipse lifts.  The Truth comes out of the shadows, and it’s not a reflection or perception of the Truth – it’s the real Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

The funny thing about the Gemini dynamic is that what we are saying that we think is not important may actually very important or significant to those who are listening to us, and vice-versa.  It is often said that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.  Well, in the case of this significant Gemini trifecta, ‘the revelation is in the ears of the recipient’.  Everyone gets the information they need to hear to move forward in their life journeys.  The question is…do we receive or reject the information – the Truth – we hear?

Do we embrace the information, knowledge, and Truth presented to us and learn from it to make life choices that empower and enliven us and move us forward…or do we choose to be in denial and fight the Truth being revealed to us, remaining stagnant or moving backward, losing our power and aliveness in the process?

With those questions on our minds, pay attention to the messages and information coming to you during this next few days.  And as always with eclipses, remember that the effects of this period are sure to be felt for a long time to come.  This isn’t a passing fancy or a phase to be taken lightly – the choices you make based on the information you get now are likely to have a major impact on your life and may affect you and your life for at least the next 4-6 months, if not the rest of your life.

It may seem a little heavy for a “child’s mind”, but our inner children are stronger than we often give them credit for being.  Allow yourself to see and receive the revelations!  See where they take you and your life from here and now.  Enjoy the power and process of this Gemini trifecta.

Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Sun in Libra: What’s Love Got to Do With It?

This Sun in Libra cycle is a wonderful opportunity to transform our relationship to the concept of…well, relationships.

Sun in Libra generally brings matters of equality, fairness, balance, respect, and peace to the fore.  Because it deals with elements that tend to be associated with matters between two people(s), Libra is also known as the sign representing relationships, partnerships and romantic love.  Yet though the relationships and partnerships part of the equation has merit in a general sense, I’ve found that the romantic love part of the equation rarely holds up.

Why?  Because Libra is an air sign.  Air signs are known (if not notorious) for being objective and emotionally detached – NOT qualities many people consider in regard to relationships, especially of a romantic nature.  That said, the fact that Libra is an air sign gives great insight into its role in relationships, and it gives us access to transformation of our concepts of what relationships are.

So…what’s love got to do with relationships in the context of Libra?

When discussing love in the sign of Libra, it is important to understand that it’s really more a sense of acceptance and respect that we can each have for each of the people around us.  It’s an unconditional yet intellectual ‘love’ – the acceptance and respect of others that needs to exist simply because we are individuals who must co-exist with one another.

In our one-on-one relationships, this is a matter of acceptance of the fact that this general expression of acceptance and respect can be present in each and all of our relationships.  It’s also a matter of accepting that “relationships” are not just romantic in nature – they take many forms.

We have relationships with our lovers and life partners/spouses, of course.  Yet we also have relationships with our co-workers, our business partners, our family members, our friends, our bank teller, our checkout person at the store, etc.  Even if the relationships aren’t always deep or profound, they are one-on-one interactions with other people that serve purposes in our lives.

Every single person we interact with has a specific purpose in our lives.  Whether a person in our life is an emotional interaction, a business or professional interaction, a deep and meaningful interaction, or a passing and seemingly insignificant moment of interaction – it is still a one-on-one interaction with another person.

Some of us connect with other people:

  • for emotional fulfillment
  • for financial and material resource and/or gain
  • for physical and/or health benefits
  • for career and/or social advancement or expansion
  • for companionship
  • to gather information
  • to start and/or share a family (have children)
  • to avoid being responsible for ourselves
  • for spiritual communion
  • for practical purpose(s) in the day-to-day matters of life
  • to maintain connections to our past
  • to establish connections with the future we want to create

Our reasons, purposes and intentions for connecting others are where our relationships get complicated.

Relationships in themselves are objective in principle and nature. They are simply two people interacting with each other.  Whether those interactions occur as emotionally, spiritually, materially, and/or physically profound is entirely up to us as individuals.

Therefore, it is our individual interpretation of an objective relationship which makes that relationship subjective. WE give our relationships meaning. WE are responsible for how attached or detached we become to the people and things in our lives.

There are two sides to every one-on-one relationship as we each go into each relationship for different reasons and with different intentions.  This is why what may be a deep and profound connection for one person may be shallow and insignificant to the other.  This is where “the balancing scales of Libra” go into action.

Every now and then, those reasons and intentions match, producing a wonderful and healthy interaction.

Yet more times than not, the reasons, purposes and intentions are different.  And what is easy or obvious for one person may not be so easy and obvious to the other.

This is why we experience relationships in which:

  • we may be so emotionally invested in the relationship while the other person seems to care less
  • we think we have a personal friendship with someone, only to find that all they’ve wanted from us is a professional connection with someone else through us
  • we think someone wants us for our money only to find out that they really wanted us to emotionally and spiritually connect with them.

In these exchanges, recognize that as much as the actions and reactions of others reveal who they are, the actions and reactions you have to the changes and people in your life reveal who you are.  Our relationships – the people we choose to interact with and spend our time with and energy on are a reflection of who we believe ourselves to be and what we value in our lives.  Also recognize that our relationships and partnerships are a reflection of the love, respect and acceptance you have for yourself, and how you behave or choose to express yourself to your partners in your one-on-one relationships is a reflection of the love, respect, and acceptance you have for others.

It also serves you well to be objective in your examination of your relationships with others.  By looking at them in objective terms (especially when times are challenging in a relationship), you are able to clearly see what your own motives are in and for the interactions, what the other person’s motives and intentions may be, and what about it all does and doesn’t work in relation to the Libra principles of balance, equality, fairness, justice, and harmony.

I encourage you to use this time of Sun in Libra to explore your relationships with others, and in doing so, to learn even more about yourself.  It is a great time to shift your relationship to your relationships.

Enjoy the week! Until next post…

~ Light and Blessings,
