The 2015 Aquarius New Moons: A “New You” – Versions 1.0 and 2.0

There are TWO Aquarius New Moons during the 2015 Aquarius Sun Period. Yes, you read that correctly. Two.  Each of them holds the potential to bring you into an experience of yourself that you may never have imagined possible, so get ready – a “new you” may be about to make its debut.

The first Aquarius New Moon occurs at 5:14a PST on 20th January 2015, about 3.5 hours after the Sun enters Aquarius at 1:43a PST.  When it does, it ushers in an awakening of collective consciousness that quickly begins to recognize what needs to be fulfilled, what needs to be completed, and what needs to be eliminated and cleared out of the whole of human kind.  Think of this New Moon as the one that begins the endings that must occur for you and all of humanity to evolve.

Aquarius New Moon #1 occurs under a astro-numerological Aquarius 9 energy.  This is a dynamic leadership energy that is authoritative, focused, and disciplined – all while encouraging everyone to make their unique contributions to the greater whole so that collective goals can be completed.  This approach is often unconventional or unexpected, and others will either reject it (not traditional enough) or embrace it wholeheartedly for its break from conventional authority.

Yet 9 energy is still very results-oriented and driven to bring things to completion.  Though the individual contributions are valued through the Aquarian influence, there may still be a palpable pressure to perform effectively, produce results, and/or get things done or completed.  This hard push to the finish line may be confronting or upsetting for people who don’t perform well under pressure or deadlines, and it may result in people feeling bullied, intimidated, manipulated, and very resentful if not downright angry about having to compromise their individual expression for other people’s goals.

That said, under the influence of Aquarius 9 energy and with the fresh start opportunity provided by Aquarius New Moon #1, you may find yourself inspired to start your 2015 Aquarius Sun Period by ending or moving on from the relationships, associations, and affiliations in your life that do not encourage or align with your visions, intentions, or approaches.  In other words, you purge the social and societal dead weight that has been holding you back, keeping only what supports and encourages you to start or continue moving toward your True individual self-expression and the realization of your intentions.

All of this purging comes to a head when the Leo Full Moon arrives on 3rd February.   The Leo Full Moon itself is part of a Yod configuration that is not only most exact at the Moon’s fullest, but also has the Moon sitting at the point of the Yod, quincunx both Pluto in Capricorn sextile Chiron in Pisces at the base.  This indicates that the transformation or destruction of powerful institutions and conditions may bring emotional and spiritual healing which empowers you to shine your Light and be fully self-expressed on an emotional level and possibly in a very public way.

This 2015 Leo Full Moon occurs under Aquarius 1 astro-numerological energy, which implies that this dynamic demonstration of your fullest self-expression may be the start of your finding exactly who and where you need to be.  You may set off on your own to find or create your place in the whole of human kind.  As you go, you may inspire others to step out of their shadows and all of who they are.  By being your fully-expressed self, you could inspire and innovate your community your society, and/or to humanity-at-large.

The thing is…once you’ve exposed yourself for all that you are and can be, you can’t go back in to hiding.  That’s where the second Aquarius New Moon comes in.

Aquarius New Moon #2 occurs at 3:47p PST on 18th February 2015, within 3 minutes of the transition into the 2015 Pisces Sun Period at 3:50p PST.  Its near-simultaneous proximity to the Pisces Sun transition brings a more comprehensive, compassionate, and transcendental perspective to the collective consciousness.  Think of it as a kinder, gentler, and more inclusive way of being human that focuses on Oneness and union rather than division and separateness.

The second Aquarius New Moon also occurs under the influence of Aquarius 1 astro-numerological energy, which may find you eager to step outside of social and societal expectations in order to claim your unique self-expression while also championing the individuality of others.  You do this with an innate understanding that you aren’t just taking the actions you intend to take to set yourself apart from others for the sake of being unique – you have a bigger intention for your individual expression.  You want to make sure everyone is being all of who they are, shining their most brilliant self-expression so that all of human kind can shine brilliantly together in Oneness, creating a Light that no one of us could ever do alone.

However, this new expansive intention of your newly-awakened True self may not be so easy to implement, especially when the Virgo Full Moon on 5th March to reveal how well you’re practically and purposefully applied this emerging Oneness consciousness to your everyday routine.  You may find yourself being asked to prove that you’ve really changed, that you’re walking your talk, and that your new outlook on life is really making a positive difference in your everyday life.  The proof will be in the practice, as others will know at that point whether or not you’re actually “living the dream”.

These two Aquarius New Moons really do hold the potential to bring about “New You – Version 1.0” which can lead to the expanded “New You – Version 2.0”.  The question becomes…how brightly are you willing to shine?  Your unique expression of Light is within you for the claiming, and the version of you that ultimately emerges and shines in the world is entirely up to you.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


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