The 2015 Aquarius New Moons: A “New You” – Versions 1.0 and 2.0

There are TWO Aquarius New Moons during the 2015 Aquarius Sun Period. Yes, you read that correctly. Two.  Each of them holds the potential to bring you into an experience of yourself that you may never have imagined possible, so get ready – a “new you” may be about to make its debut.

The first Aquarius New Moon occurs at 5:14a PST on 20th January 2015, about 3.5 hours after the Sun enters Aquarius at 1:43a PST.  When it does, it ushers in an awakening of collective consciousness that quickly begins to recognize what needs to be fulfilled, what needs to be completed, and what needs to be eliminated and cleared out of the whole of human kind.  Think of this New Moon as the one that begins the endings that must occur for you and all of humanity to evolve.

Aquarius New Moon #1 occurs under a astro-numerological Aquarius 9 energy.  Continue reading

Catching Up #4 – Nines and Ones – Ending & Beginning, Then Ending & Beginning Again

The numerology of November 2014, December 2014, January 2015, and February 2015 is rather remarkable, so let’s delve into that as we begin the fourth of four blog posts to cover recent astrological and numerological events and get ourselves all caught up.

Nine is the number of completions and endings.  When we enter a 9 Universal month, it is an opportunity for us to reflect upon the recent 8 Universal month which brought us the fruits of our labors and the fulfillment of our intentions after a few months.  During a 9 month, whatever we liked or enjoyed about our results are things we most often want to continue moving forward – we can set the intention to continue or expand it in the 9 month.  However, there are also things that we didn’t like or enjoy about our results, and 9 months are the perfect opportunities to clear out the things that didn’t work or that no longer serve us well.

One is the number of fresh starts and new beginnings.  When we enter a 1 Universal month, it is a time of being ready to plant seeds and get new things started after the 9 month cleared the ground of the outdated and unnecessary, creating space for new things to be cultivated.  In 1 months, we are able to not only create ideas but initiate those ideas into manifest reality through action.  This is where and how we start with a single first step.  We also make renewed commitments to what we want to have continue in our lives during 1 months.

At the end of the year in the Gregorian calendar, the last two months of the old year numbers will always repeat themselves in the first two months of the New Year.   Therefore…

  • November 2014 was a 9 month – endings. (1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 9)
  • December 2014 was a 1 month – beginnings. (1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1)
  • January 2015 is a 9 month – endings. (1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 9)
  • February 2015 is a 1 month – beginnings. (2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1)

When paired with the Sun Signs as in The Life By Soul System, we have experienced and continue to experience the following changes:

From Scorpio 9 energy to Sagittarius 9 energy to Sagittarius 1 energy to Capricorn 1 energy to Capricorn 9 energy to Aquarius 9 energy to Aquarius 1 energy to Pisces 1 energy.

Whew!  Let’s get into some more details about all of that. Continue reading

New Moon in Capricorn – A Turn of Fortune

There have been quite a few changes in the last few weeks, and especially in these first few days of 2013.  I don’t know about you, but many of the changes I’ve experienced and others close to me have experienced have been the result of confrontations or completions.  Quite a few of these have been major shifts within long-standing structures or systems or relationships, if not the end of them altogether.  Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn have definitely been doing what they do in bringing powerful transformative energy to the structures of our lives.

As various matters in our lives change and end, space is cleared for new things to come into our lives.  This is why this 2013 New Moon phase in Capricorn (exact at 11:44a this morning, January 11th, 2013) is such a profound opportunity – it gives each and all of us a chance to establish new goals and objectives for ourselves and our lives.

Many times when things are completed in our lives, we focus on the ending.  We give our attention to what or who is leaving, or what or who we are losing.  We rarely focus on why it ended and what we learned from the person or the situation – we rarely give attention to what is good about things coming to an end.

That is the wonderful opportunity available to us in this New Moon in Capricorn phase.  As we acknowledge the endings we have gone through (or are currently undergoing), what you realize or recognize through that process could just as well motivate you to move in new directions with your career, your relationships, your home/domestic environment, or your health and wellness.

As you consider new directions for these areas of your life, look to which kinds of results could bring you a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment now – in the wake of the changes and endings you’ve experienced.  Also consider which kinds of results could really and truly give you a chance at a fresh start in that/those areas of your life.

New Moon in Capricorn provides an opening to establish new goals and intentions in alignment with your now-awakened desire for new experience of accomplishment or fulfillment.  This could result in your creating an entirely new and different way of viewing success and status in yourself and others.  On a larger scale, this could be the beginning of new and different systems and structures for a new view of success and accomplishment on a social and societal level.

I’m laughing as I notice how I typed “chance” and “fresh start” in that last paragraph because I’m recalling that the Major Arcana Tarot Card I drew for the 2012-2013 Capricorn Sun Cycle e-zine was Fortune.

I literally just went into that document to copy and paste what I wrote for that card in that article:

Fortune brings clarity and purpose to this 2012-2013 Capricorn Sun cycle, which is ironic because the Wheel of Fortune usually brings anything but clarity and certainty to matters.  In fact, the Fortune card is the epitome of change and chance. Of course, with changes come opportunities for you to take a chance on new beginnings and fresh starts.  How perfect that the calendar new year occurs during this Sun cycle!”

With the influences of all of the planetary positions at this current time, we are very much experiencing a turn of Fortune.

And the results will be a matter of perception.

Some of us resist and avoid change desperately.  Others of us embrace it and encourage it, sometimes to a fault by changing things that don’t need to be changed.  During this New Moon in Capricorn a balance needs to be found.  You can do this by:

  • Discerning what needs to stay and what needs to go in certain areas of your life in order for you to achieve your goals
  • Allowing what wants to leave to go and make way for something new to take its place that is in alignment with your goals.
  • Giving yourself permission to leave if you want to leave in order to give yourself a chance at something new that is in alignment with your goals.

Of course, you need to be clear about what your goals and ambitions are, and those may have changed recently.  So remember to focus on the positives of what has changed.

  • What can you do now that these changes have occurred that you couldn’t do before?
  • What have you learned about yourself that you didn’t know before these changes happened?
  • What have you learned about others and the world around you that you didn’t know or see before these changed occurred?

Look for the positives in your new circumstances and surroundings during this New Moon in Capricorn phase, and even if it may not seem that way now, your turn of Fortune could result in a very good year.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Scorpio – The Death and Birth (and Rebirth) of Your Relationships

Last week on Wednesday, November 21, 2012, Venus moved into the sign of Scorpio.  This is important because Venus in Scorpio often brings the death of some relationships and birth of some others.  Sometimes, it even brings both.

I’m experiencing the effect of this 2012 Venus in Scorpio cycle right now.  In my day job, a co-worker friend was upset upon learning of a particular detail of my employment status.  Because they didn’t agree with the choice that had been made, they ended up speaking many lies about me to other people in our workplace in order to do what they though would ensure and improve their own reputation in the workplace, and to further diminishing my workplace reputation in the process.  When I called them out for lying about me, they took it as a call for dissolving the friendship completely.  What I believed was an issue that could be worked through in a solid and enduring friendship proved to be anything but.

At first, the sudden dissolution of our friendship was very upsetting.  However, after some deeper consideration and thought, I realized that the lies were only the surface issue, and there was a lot that had been said and done that revealed emotional manipulation and other toxic behaviors over the course of our friendship – behaviors that I have been working diligently to clear from my life.  Once I saw the toxicity clearly, I realized that the end of this friendship is for the best.  I recognized that my prayers for having people in my life with healthier and higher energetic vibrations and behaviors are being answered, even if it didn’t seem like it at that moment.

I share my story with you to say this:  Whatever is occurring in your relationships, recognize that it is the answer to your prayers, in alignment with your heart’s desires (your inner truth), and/or aligns with what you are truly committed to creating for your life.

Now some of you may be experiencing the endings of partnerships or relationships, and you may be saying, “But I didn’t mean for THIS to happen!”  There are many occasions where we may be longing for change in a relationship, and we end up getting more than we bargained for when that change shows up in a much more drastic way than we intended or expected.

Recognize that when a more radical change occurs, one of two things is likely happening:

1)      The change you desired is not possible between the parties involved.  There may be too much for one or both of you to accept and/or overcome in order for that change to manifest, so the end of the relationship is brought forth.

2)      The changes you desire for yourself and your life are in the process of being manifest, and whatever does not or may not continue to support or serve that manifestation process is being phased out of your life.  For that reason, the relationship/partnership is ending and being released from your life.

Despite the pain and heartache that may come as relationships end during Venus in Scorpio, it is important to also recognize that when something ends, it brings forth an opening for a new beginning.  And under the current Sagittarius Sun, that new something is likely something or someone who will help you experience more personal freedom and independence, more personal growth, and more expansion of the things that ring true for you in the whole of your life.  These new relationships may actually be new.  However, they may also be renewals or rebirths of old relationships – relationships thought to have been done or gone.  You may experience these relationships as coming “back from the dead”.  Recognize that they are coming back to you for a reason – they are a chance for you to get really clear about a few things:

  • What did this person do to hurt you, and do you still feel hurt by them?
  • Do you have unresolved issues with this person, and would resolving those issues help you heal and move on?  Would resolving the issues enable you to have a relationship of some kind with this person?
  • Could this person be a support to you or serve a purpose in your life journey now – a support or purpose you may not have been ready for when they were in your life before?  Is the timing better or are the circumstances more appropriate now for you to have a relationship with this person?

Now if you are clear about what you want for yourself and your life, but you still don’t like what is happening in your relationships during this 2012 Venus in Scorpio cycle, it is important for you to ask yourself the following:

  • Is it possible that the ending of this relationship/partnership may be for the better for me and my life?
  • Is it possible that the ending of this relationship/partnership may allow the space for another, better relationship or partnership, to come into my life?
  • If I really look at that person for who they are and/or choose to be, do they really fit into the life I am committed to creating for myself?
  • If I really look at that person for who they are and/or choose to be, do I really fit in with the life they are choosing to create for themselves?

Under the influence of Venus in Scorpio, any relationships that are not in alignment with your inner truth will fall away from your life – they will “die”.  Usually that death is figurative – sometimes it is literal.  Nevertheless, if it no longer serves you life or if it is taking you off or away from your chosen (or destined) path, it will be released from your life.

This 2012 Venus in Scorpio cycle may not be an easy phase.  In fact, it may prove to be more challenging than other Venus in Scorpio cycles in the recent past.  However, this particular cycle is a very important one in this point in time.

Allow the relationship deaths, births, and rebirths to occur in your life at this time.  Pay attention to what they are trying to reveal to you and teach you.  You may then begin to recognize them as blessings in disguise.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Full Moon in Scorpio/Taurus – New Beginnings, New Boundaries

The Moon goes full phase in the sign of Scorpio on May 5th at 8:35p PDT, opposing the Taurus Sun.

Scorpio is a water sign, and is a sign of extremes – in or out, all or nothing, black or white.  Scorpio does not like the middle of the road or gray areas.  It likes things to be clear and decisive.  Very decisive

In the latest monthly e-zine, I mentioned how this Taurus cycle began as a Taurus 9 cycle – a time of completions, or recognizing what needed to come to an end in certain (or maybe all) areas of your life in tangible and actual ways.

Now that we’ve entered the month of May and entered a Taurus 1 cycle, it’s now about new beginnings and tangibly/actually getting things started.  Those new beginnings are taking root in the space created by clearing out the old.

That said, with new circumstances and environments in your life, new personal boundaries need to be established.  For both Taurus and Scorpio, the establishment or destruction of personal boundaries is a matter of utmost importance.

For Taurus, standing firm in its comfort zone on a material and physical level is how it maintains its personal boundaries.  However, for Scorpio, dealing in emotional extremes are its way of tearing down or building up those boundaries. In times of change, those old boundaries may no longer serve you with the recent changes in your life.  It is likely time to clear the old ones away to create new ones for the new circumstances and experiences in your life.

This Scorpio Full Moon cycle is about emotionally ‘letting go’ of our old and outdated personal boundaries so that the new elements that are trying to grow into our lives can be brought forth.  This may be a major change and renewal for you, and with Scorpio being a water sign, these boundary changes are likely to trigger extreme emotional responses.

Scorpio is most often moved to extremes when it feels emotionally vulnerable or exposed.  It doesn’t reveal its emotional truth easily, and when it does, usually it’s doing it in response to its personal boundaries being challenged or changed. Scorpio reveals its emotional truth in order to force a change to occur, or when it feels forced to reveal it in response to a change that is occurring or has already occurred.

Over these next few days (May 3rd-May 7th), it is a great take time to notice the areas of your life in which major changes are occurring, and how you and/or the people around you are actively responding to those changes.  Recognize that the responses you experience and/or witness may be emotionally driven.  Consider what you are learning about others during this time, and what you are learning about your own feelings about your relationships and interactions with them. This goes both ways as you may learn and realize their feelings about their interactions and relationships with you as you re-define and adjust your personal boundaries.  You may find that what is happening and what you learn about yourself and others during this Full Moon may also be the reason(s) for needed major changes or decisions in the certain aspects of your life.

Once you notice and learn what you need to, you may find that the personal boundaries you need to set or re-define become crystal clear.  Just in case you are still uncertain, now is the time to draw those new lines in the sand.

If you have not yet defined or re-defined your personal boundaries in certain areas of your life, it is likely you will make the decisions to do so during this Full Moon cycle…or it is possible that those decisions will be made for you – you may have no choice but to set boundaries in the face of certain revelations or events.

Embrace the experiences of this Full Moon cycle and the redefinition of your personal boundaries and the course of your life.

Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Sun and New Moon in Taurus – Blessings in Disguise

New Moon in Taurus arrived at 12:19a PDT on Saturday, April 21, 2012, officially ushering in support for and acceleration of the Sun in Taurus energy that began on April 19th.

Taurus is about our “survival needs” – food, shelter, and sex, which translate into our material, physical and financial resources at a fundamental level.  Taurus represents what has us each feel comfortable, safe, and secure in our lives.

However, along with Sun (and for now, the New Moon) in Taurus:

  • Mars is direct in Virgo, letting us know our choices and actions of all kinds really do have effects on our day-to-day lives.
  • Mercury is direct in Aries, letting us know that what we really think about our lives is going to be reflected in those actions.
  • Venus is in Gemini, making sure that we give positive and loving thought and consideration to all of our options and all possible scenarios in front of us.
  • Uranus in Aries brings unexpected events that help us see who we are choosing to be for ourselves and others in our lives.
  • And Neptune and Chiron are both in Pisces right now, helping us not only be aware of our visionary dreams and ideals, but also where we may be deluding ourselves with fantasies and escapist behaviors.  These influences may also be bringing us into awareness of the wounds or insecurities we are trying to hide or protect with our idealism, romanticism, and escapist behaviors.

It’s a combination of energies that is going to bring about many awakenings, many ending, and many new beginnings.  It’s likely to be a time of many “blessings in disguise”.

I’m choosing to use that term because many of us are going to be experiencing changes on an individual level that may not be easy or pleasant for us in the next few days.  In fact, in some circumstances, they may be downright emotionally or spiritually painful.   There are likely to be situations, circumstances, relationships, resources – things that we have always counted on or grown accustomed to – that may no longer feel like a “good fit” for us, or we may be in a time of serious assessment of them to see if we want to commit to them for the long haul.  We will also have a chance to clearly see what we are stubbornly holding onto in our lives, and to ask ourselves whether or not it is wise and/or genuinely loving for us to continue to hold on so tightly.

Many of us may find that we’ve known the answers all along, but we’ve resisted them.  For example, I’ve known I’ve needed to sever ties with a particular family member for a very long time, but I’ve resisted cutting the cord because “it’s family” and I was trying to give the person the benefit of the doubt.  I’ve allowed them to continue to be a detrimental presence in my life until very recently when I made the choice to start doing whatever it takes to put permanent distance between us.  I’ve begun taking the steps to free myself of the situation with the unexpected understanding of my other family members, and I though I feel sad about the choice, I also feel relieved and free in making it, knowing it’s been a long time coming. In fact, I wonder why I didn’t make the choice sooner now understanding what it could open me up to experience in my life.

That said, questions to ask yourself in the time of this New Moon are:

  • What are you holding onto in your life? Is it real? Is it good? Is it really a good thing? Or are you trying to convince yourself that it’s good because you don’t want to let go of your ideal or fantasy about it – because you don’t want to give up on the dream…or maybe it’s not a dream, but the resources it provides for you?
  • Is there something in your life that you’ve known in your heart and soul is ‘over’, but you haven’t let it end because you don’t know or you’re afraid of who you may be without it as part of your everyday life (whether it’s a circumstance, a relationship, or a way of behaving in your life)
  • What beliefs or behaviors did you take on earlier in your life to help you survive or “survive”?  Are those survival behaviors and beliefs still serving you well now?
  • What life experience are you hiding from or afraid of? Or are you simply afraid of the unknown of the future? Is that fear keeping you from moving forward in the rest of you life?

You may find that you may take unexpected actions or make unexpected choices in regard to certain areas of your life, especially in the areas that affect your “‘survival” resources.  In some cases, others in your life will make those unexpected choices or take those unexpected actions which may affect your foundational resources and possibly the course of your life.  Understand that the choices and actions occurring right now are allowing for things to come to an end for new things to come and begin in their place – things that are more in alignment with the life you want for yourself, or rather, the life you believe you can have and manifest.

Strangely, in this New Moon cycle, the new beginnings that usually come and/or are best started under  New Moon energy are actually new experiences of life after certain long-standing situations that affect the foundation of your life come to an end.  These endings are happening so you can replace those outdated and outworn elements with new ones which will help solidify and strengthen the foundation of and the resources for your life.

Remember that these unexpected endings and beginnings…they may all be blessings in disguise.

Thanks for reading and sharing. Until next time…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
