Jupiter in Virgo Opposite Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – September 2015 – Seeking Balanced Solutions for Growing Problems

medical_110001499-011314intThe tension has been building, and it comes to its peak at 11:56p PDT on Wednesday, 16th September 2015 when Jupiter in Virgo makes exact opposition with Neptune Retrograde in Pisces.

Jupiter is all about growth and expansion. Virgo is all about practical and purposeful service – healing, health, wellness, and functionality. If something’s not working, Jupiter in Virgo makes finding a solution for it a big deal. If something works, Virgo Jupiter makes it work better and on a bigger scale. Jupiter in Virgo is saying, “I want to see my work making a practical and meaningful difference in my everyday life and in the everyday lives of those around me.” It’s saying, “I want the effects of my service to be productive and expansive.”

Yet this 2015 Jupiter in Virgo has a curious twist. Virgo is known for healing and problem-solving, and Jupiter has a penchant for increase and amplification. This is the strong indicator of the quickly-growing practical problems we are currently facing – problems which need comprehensive and expandable practical solutions. One major example of this is the global matter of immigration. Both the refugee crisis in the Middle East and Europe and the continuing debate on immigration in the Americas reflect the dynamic expansion and swelling concerns about what is being left behind and what is ahead for both the refugees who are migrating and the nations and peoples who are receiving them. Continue reading

2014 Mercury in Scorpio – Diplomacy’s Wild Ride (from Scorpio to Libra to Scorpio)

Mercury is going to be on quite the wild ride over the next six weeks or so.  Let’s discuss…

To start, Mercury entered Scorpio at 3:39p PDT yesterday, Saturday, 27th September 2014.  This takes Mercury out of Libra – which brought mindsets and communications focused on peace, diplomacy, fairness, and balance – and moves Mercury into the near-opposite experience of dealing in extremes and polarities.  Matters will be looked at through a filter of good or bad, right or wrong, yes or no, etc.  This time in Scorpio is very uncomfortable for Mercury, which is much more at home in the air element of Libra.  Water energy (especially Scorpio) is difficult for Mercury as it skews intellectual objectivity and emotional detachment, which are the cornerstones of Mercury’s mode of operation.  This is what will make Mercury seem a bit schizophrenic.  It will be toggling between extremes of its comfort and discomfort – between logic and emotion – for about six weeks as it moves from Libra to Scorpio, back to Libra, and eventually back to Scorpio. Continue reading

The 1st of August 2014 – Taking Center Stage (a.k.a. – Water Grand Trine #2, Mars-Jupiter Square, and More)!)

On this first day of August 2014, the second Water Grand Trine within 12 days (Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, Chiron Retrograde in Pisces) is at its most exact (16-17°) in the morning hours, bringing forth very emotionally-charged diplomatic efforts.  In various conflicts and debates in different situations around the world and in both private and public matters, there will be allies and advocates sought and partnerships formed in order to protect and defend emotional interests.  Don’t let the usual “positive” nature of trine energy fool you – this is bound to be a very severe and transformative energy presence, felt from the 29th of July through the 3rd of August.  Though there is a serious intention to resolve and heal long-held past wounds, the emotional charge may be too much to overcome.

But believe it or not, this day is not all about the Grand Trine! Continue reading

2014 Mars in Scorpio – Choosing Sides

***Author’s Note***:  Mars entered Scorpio at 7:25p on the 25th of July, and I’m just now getting to this blog post.  I’ve been doing a great deal of writing for the book and a great deal of work in the field, so I apologize for the delay as Mars in Scorpio is an especially important player in what is happening in our lives and in the world right now.  Let’s get to the info!

Mars leaves the sign of Libra where it’s had an unusually long run taking actions to restore fairness and justice in matters since December of 2013, and enters the sign of Scorpio at 7:25p PDT on the 25th of July 2014 where it will be taking very clear and decisive actions now through the 13th September 2014.  It makes this transition only three days after the Sun enters the grand stage of Leo.  Mars in Scorpio will surely and quickly make its presence known on that stage.

Mars in Scorpio has a reputation for being rather intense.  This reputation is well-founded.  Scorpio is a sign that deals in extremes – all or nothing, yes or no.  There is no gray area with Scorpio, and that’s the way it likes it as it inherently knows that there can be trust established where and when things are clearly-defined.  With Mars – the planet of action and activity, the “warrior” of the Zodiac – in this sign, things get very interesting. Continue reading

Mercury Direct in Scorpio – Decisions, Decisions

Everyone breathe.  Mercury Retrograde ends today, November 10th, 2013 at 1:12p PST.

However, you may want to make sure that breath you take is a deep one, because all of those situations you’ve been deliberating, thinking through, mulling over, considering from every angle – the Jeopardy theme has stopped playing with Mercury’s turn of direction.  It’s time for you to make some clear and decisive choices, and to declare those choices to others through words or and/or actions.

Remember, Scorpio deals in extremes, in polarities.  It doesn’t like gray area at all.  Things are black or white, yes or no, good or bad, etc.  Mercury Direct in Scorpio is calling upon each and all of us to be clear and decisive in our thoughts and communications, and in the intentions behind them.  In doing so, there are quite a few awkward or tension-filled situations that now find release and progress if not resolution.  Many frustrating circumstances and long-stagnant situations in your life can be powerfully transformed now – all through the magic of communication.

That said:

  • Which decisions do you need to make now?  And who do you choose to communicate them to?
  • What or whom do you have tension or frustration with where communication of your decision(s) could release it and clear the air?
  • If you’re not sure about where to make decisions in your life, ask yourself which area of your life needs the most transformation.  Are there any decisions can you make in that regard?

Now’s the time to make the decisions that need to be made so you can say what needs to be said in order for everyone involved to be clear about where you and they stand.  Your clear decisions get things moving in your life.

The word “decision” is distinct from the word “choice” in that the suffix ‘-cision’ indicates a cutting, a separation, a severance.  These aren’t just choices that you make and change your mind about later – these are decisions that cut off all other options and can definitively change the course of your life.  Choose wisely and carefully, for Scorpio energy is powerful transformative energy and combined with 8 numerological month we are in, that power is exponentially intensified.  The decisions you make now really are (or will prove to be) a big deal, even if they may not seem like it in the moment.

The Scorpio 8 energy lasts through the end of November.  Mercury will continue its stay in Scorpio through December 4th, 2013.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Scorpio – The Life You Change May Be Your Own

With Mercury and Saturn conjunct in Scorpio – the sign of decisive extremes – exact today at 12:39p PDT, you can be sure that the words you speak (or type) will have an impact if you want them to.  Just make sure it’s the impact you want to make.

This conjunction could be interesting because Mercury has a reputation for being faster than lightning.  You may find yourself having many ideas in a very small frame of time, having very quick judgments and statements, and making rapid fire decisions.  In the sign of Scorpio, your words and choices could come much more quickly and seem much more decisive than you might intend.  Because Scorpio has an all-or-nothing quality about it, you may find that you are expressing yourself in ultimatums more than you usually might.

This is where having Saturn in this conjunction comes in handy.  Saturn, being the great disciplinarian of the Zodiac, often gets a bad rap for being a wet blanket in holding us accountable for all of our responsibilities.  With Mercury, it can seem to block communications or progress in general, and it is often blamed for feelings of being held back or held down in some way.  Yet I’ve learned over the years and through sessions with clients that Saturn’s really not so much about trying to hold you back.  Saturn helps you to achieve your goals and ambitions by trying to get you to stop for a moment to look at your life so you can 1) see where you need to direct your focus, or 2) where you need to set boundaries to keep yourself on track.  It shows you where you get to take responsibility for your life’s journey, or where you may need to try a new approach or an entirely new direction in order to have the success you want to have in your life.

In the case of this conjunction, Saturn’s disciplinarian presence may be exactly what is needed to slow down Mercury’s speed just long enough for you to make sure that what you are speaking or choosing is exactly what you want to say or choose.  Otherwise, you may lock yourself into a position that you’d rather not be on.

This is also a good time for you to use your voice to set your boundaries with others.  With the Sun still traveling through Libra 7 energy during this powerful transit, relationships are still a focal point for another few weeks.  This Mercury-Saturn conjunction is a chance for you to draw your lines in the sand about what you are willing to tolerate or stand for.  Boundaries are important in relationships because they ensure that you can still be yourself and take care of your own business while sustaining your relationships with others.

Boundaries are another reason that it is important for you to be very clear in your thoughts, intentions, and speech, and why this Mercury-Saturn conjunction could be make things a bit tricky.  If you are not clear about what your objective is in setting your boundaries, you may be cutting off your nose despite your face by saying things in a way that you didn’t intend.  These misdirected or unclear intentions could end up bringing things to an end that you didn’t intend to have end, or it could bring things to a head that you didn’t intend to have escalate into conflict.

Remember that Scorpio energy can be intense, and you may come across as more decisive as you intend to be.  Also remember that you may want to put a great deal of thought into your communications to make sure you say exactly what you want to say and that your words  are (hopefully) interpreted exactly how you want them interpreted.  You can never have control over what others think – they will always receive through their own emotional and intellectual filters.  However, you can do your best to be responsible for what you put out there in the first place.

What you may find when you take the time to care about the clarity and intention of your communications is that you set in motion an experience that could change the course of your life.  Scorpio energy is a transformative energy, clearing out the old to make way for the new.  This could prove to be a day of profound change for you, all because you finally say what needs to be said.  You may find that the life that is impacted and changed by your words is your own.

This Mercury and Saturn conjunction in Scorpio will be felt from Saturday, October 5th through Saturday, October 12th.  Take this time to do what you need to do to make yourself and your intentions clear.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Scorpio – Dealing In Extremes

If we break down the components of the latest movement of Mercury into Scorpio on Sunday, September 29th at 4:38a PDT, we may see some interesting parallels with what is happening in the world right now.

Let’s start with the Scorpio component.  Scorpio likes to deal in extremes – it’s all-or-nothing thinking.   It’s right or wrong, good or bad – there is no in-between.

Then there’s the Mercury component – ideas, thoughts, communications, expedience.  Thoughts and words are abundant for Mercury, and information travels quickly.

Together, this combination of Mercury and Scorpio produce a series of powerfully decisive communications that move so quickly, the people who communicate them can’t take them back.  Hopefully, they mean what they say when they’re saying it.

But let’s not make this lesson or need for awareness exclusive to others – this applies to you and me as well.  Mercury in Scorpio affects us ALL!  No one is exempt from this experience.  Each of us will be on the giving and the receiving end of this communication of extreme positions and decisive correspondence, whether directly or indirectly.

Case and point –  the latest United States government “shutdown”, which I’m putting in quotes because they’re only really shutting down enough to let the general public know that the U.S. Congress is rather confused about its identity and its role, and is taking it out on the citizens it is supposed to be representing.  This is about congresspersons taking and holding extreme positions to make their point and how it affects us all – both domestically and in regard to international relations (a.k.a. – tourism and paying debts).  Yes, there are other things happening in the world right now (Syria, Nigeria, Italy, Greece, etc.) that reflect this Mercury in Scorpio energy as well, but what is happening in the United States right now is a textbook example of what can happen under the influence of Mercury in this placement.

This Mercury in Scorpio dynamic is enhanced by the fact that as of October 1st, we are also in a Libra 7 energy cycle.  This means that a good deal of thought and analysis will be going into partnerships of all kinds.  Partnerships include adversarial conflicts, since there are usually two sides to every argument.  Because of extremes of Mercury in Scorpio combining with the analysis component of 7 energy and the fairness and justice component of Libra energy, I don’t expect much progress to be made on anything right now.  Both sides of each of these matters (and many other governmental and institutional matters around the world) are likely to hold their ground for a while until they consider how much they can win or lose by changing their positions.  A move will only be made once they know they can get what they want, or until they realize they cannot win and admit their defeat or willingness to truly compromise.

How Mercury in Scorpio plays out in your personal life is that the communications you have now with others will likely be a debate of extremes and resolutions will be very decisive.  There will probably be many conversations occurring in various areas of your life, assessing whether or not the partnerships you are in are really partnerships.

Are both parties involved equally invested on every level – mental, emotional, physical, material-financial, and spiritual?  If you aren’t both involved on all levels (and if it’s not legally documented to be a partnership otherwise), then you aren’t in partnership and you’ll need to acknowledge that and some decisions will need to be made about where things go from here.

This won’t be an easy time, and there will probably need to be a great deal of thought that goes into making these choices.  Yet because of Mercury in Scorpio’s influence, you’ll need to do that thinking very quickly and clearly.  If you don’t make the choices yourself, they may be made for you, and that is not necessarily a good thing in this astrological climate.

What may be most important during this time of Mercury in Scorpio is that you want to make sure that the choices you making and communicating to others are really in alignment with your deepest inner truth.  Despite the fact that Mercury is in Scorpio – the sign of power and influence – this is NOT a time for doing what you think will give you power, control, or an upper hand over others, or for trying to manipulate someone else into doing what you want them to do.  This way of thinking and behaving will not serve you well right now.  With the Libra 7 energy at hand through the month of October, logical objectivity and honesty are your best allies in navigating these astrological currents.

One more thing – you may notice that Mercury hasn’t been retrograde in a while.  This is because Mercury is due to go into retrograde motion on October 21st while it is still in the sign of Scorpio.  When it goes retrograde, this ‘thinking and speaking in extremes’ thing will take an inward focus.  It will be important to look within yourself and how your thoughts and beliefs create polarities in your own individual life experiences and even within yourself.

  • When you do or say something in order to regain power or influence over others in the various areas of your life, how does that come back to you?
  • How does the Universe respond when you make a decisive choice or take a decisive stand?

Remember, Mercury is quick, so any answers to how it will come back to you will come to you a very swift and clear manner.  Any delays or disruptions in your communications that are blocking your agenda may be very telling in regard to what your real motives are.

This profound placement of Mercury in Scorpio will be going on for a while – forward, backward, then forward again until Mercury finally moves into Sagittarius on December 7th.   In the meantime, be ready for some powerful debates, discussions, and decisions that will transform our lives individually and collectively on every level of our human (and spiritual) experience.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Scorpio – Dealing In Extremes

If we break down the components of the latest movement of Mercury into Scorpio on Sunday, September 29th at 4:38a PDT, we may see some interesting parallels with what is happening in the world right now.

Let’s start with the Scorpio component.  Scorpio likes to deal in extremes – it’s all-or-nothing thinking.   It’s right or wrong, good or bad – there is no in-between.

Then there’s the Mercury component – ideas, thoughts, communications, expedience.  Thoughts and words are abundant for Mercury, and information travels quickly.

Together, this combination of Mercury and Scorpio produce a series of powerfully decisive communications that move so quickly, the people who communicate them can’t take them back.  Hopefully, they mean what they say when they’re saying it.

But let’s not make this lesson or need for awareness exclusive to others – this applies to you and me as well.  Mercury in Scorpio affects us ALL!  No one is exempt from this experience.  Each of us will be on the giving and the receiving end of this communication of extreme positions and decisive correspondence, whether directly or indirectly.

Case and point –  the latest United States government “shutdown”, which I’m putting in quotes because they’re only really shutting down enough to let the general public know that the U.S. Congress is rather confused about its identity and its role, and is taking it out on the citizens it is supposed to be representing.  This is about congresspersons taking and holding extreme positions to make their point and how it affects us all – both domestically and in regard to international relations (a.k.a. – tourism and paying debts).  Yes, there are other things happening in the world right now (Syria, Nigeria, Italy, Greece, etc.) that reflect this Mercury in Scorpio energy as well, but what is happening in the United States right now is a textbook example of what can happen under the influence of Mercury in this placement.

This Mercury in Scorpio dynamic is enhanced by the fact that as of October 1st, we are also in a Libra 7 energy cycle.  This means that a good deal of thought and analysis will be going into partnerships of all kinds.  Partnerships include adversarial conflicts, since there are usually two sides to every argument.  Because of extremes of Mercury in Scorpio combining with the analysis component of 7 energy and the fairness and justice component of Libra energy, I don’t expect much progress to be made on anything right now.  Both sides of each of these matters (and many other governmental and institutional matters around the world) are likely to hold their ground for a while until they consider how much they can win or lose by changing their positions.  A move will only be made once they know they can get what they want, or until they realize they cannot win and admit their defeat or willingness to truly compromise.

How Mercury in Scorpio plays out in your personal life is that the communications you have now with others will likely be a debate of extremes and resolutions will be very decisive.  There will probably be many conversations occurring in various areas of your life, assessing whether or not the partnerships you are in are really partnerships.

Are both parties involved equally invested on every level – mental, emotional, physical, material-financial, and spiritual?  If you aren’t both involved on all levels (and if it’s not legally documented to be a partnership otherwise), then you aren’t in partnership and you’ll need to acknowledge that and some decisions will need to be made about where things go from here.

This won’t be an easy time, and there will probably need to be a great deal of thought that goes into making these choices.  Yet because of Mercury in Scorpio’s influence, you’ll need to do that thinking very quickly and clearly.  If you don’t make the choices yourself, they may be made for you, and that is not necessarily a good thing in this astrological climate.

What may be most important during this time of Mercury in Scorpio is that you want to make sure that the choices you making and communicating to others are really in alignment with your deepest inner truth.  Despite the fact that Mercury is in Scorpio – the sign of power and influence – this is NOT a time for doing what you think will give you power, control, or an upper hand over others, or for trying to manipulate someone else into doing what you want them to do.  This way of thinking and behaving will not serve you well right now.  With the Libra 7 energy at hand through the month of October, logical objectivity and honesty are your best allies in navigating these astrological currents.

One more thing – you may notice that Mercury hasn’t been retrograde in a while.  This is because Mercury is due to go into retrograde motion on October 21st while it is still in the sign of Scorpio.  When it goes retrograde, this ‘thinking and speaking in extremes’ thing will take an inward focus.  It will be important to look within yourself and how your thoughts and beliefs create polarities in your own individual life experiences and even within yourself.

  • When you do or say something in order to regain power or influence over others in the various areas of your life, how does that come back to you?
  • How does the Universe respond when you make a decisive choice or take a decisive stand?

Remember, Mercury is quick, so any answers to how it will come back to you will come to you a very swift and clear manner.  Any delays or disruptions in your communications that are blocking your agenda may be very telling in regard to what your real motives are.

This profound placement of Mercury in Scorpio will be going on for a while – forward, backward, then forward again until Mercury finally moves into Sagittarius on December 7th.   In the meantime, be ready for some powerful debates, discussions, and decisions that will transform our lives individually and collectively on every level of our human (and spiritual) experience.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn – Are You All-In…or Looking For A Way Out?

Pluto represents  power and influence.  More importantly, it is the ruler of Scorpio which deals in extremes.  It’s all or nothing, good or bad, right or wrong…you get the picture.  If the results aren’t coming or if your goals aren’t being achieved, Pluto is sure to clear out whatever isn’t working to make room for something new to come in that will get the job done.  It may even scrap your current plans and bring in new ones altogether.

Pluto is traveling through the sign of Capricorn, which has long-time structures and systems in a pretty major state of overhaul.  Some “enduring” institutions may even be destroyed or eliminated altogether during this approximately 13-year cycle (until 2023).  These transformations may not only affect institutions in the larger scope of the world or culture or society.

In fact, with Pluto going retrograde as of 12:35p PDT on Friday, April 12th, this energy of this transformation shifts from the world outside to the world within you.  The happenings on the outside begin to have an effect on the inside of your being.  With this turn of direction, there is a turning inward of this powerful energy which may have a profound influence on your personal and/or individual goals and ambitions.  Suddenly, under the power of Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, the objectives that you’ve been striving for may either not seem so important to you anymore, or they may become more clear and important to you than ever before.

This is a time for you to look at the things you’ve been determined to accomplish or achieve in your life for a long time.  Good questions to address are:

  • Do you still have a passion for the goals you are striving for?  Are you still “all-in”, or do you find yourself looking for a way to get out of your current situation?
  • Are your goals and ambitions still serving you well, or does it seem like they are taking you away from something(s) else that is more important to you now?
  • Are you still pursuing that goal or outcome because you really want to, or because you feel obligated to see it through?
  • Is someone or something else pushing you to achieve a certain result or outcome?  Do you want something different for yourself and/or your life?
  • Are you happy with the results of your life so far?  If not, what results would you want to see, and is what you currently have in place helping you achieve those results?

These changes will largely depend on where this Capricorn Pluto Retrograde falls in your personal astrology chart.  For more information on how this Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn may affect you and your life, please contact me for a personal chart reading or click here to learn more about Capricorn in the houses of an astrology chart.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio – Back into the Darkness

Mercury represents our mental-intellectual and communicative energies and when in retrograde motion, Mercury draws these energies within.  We shift focus away from the world and onto our individual selves.  Our internal dialogue and thought process comes to the fore rather than the expressing of our ideas and thoughts outwardly to others.

Mercury Retrograde also brings a ‘do-over’ element to matters.  You may find that you either need to revisit or do things again that you thought were done before, or that things you start or say during a Mercury Retrograde period may need to be done again or will come up again once Mercury goes direct.

Sometimes, you may find that the “do-over” is more about being given a second chance.  If you wanted to say or do something before and you didn’t seize the opportunity then, this influence may give you a chance to do it this time around.

That said, when Mercury is in Sagittarius, Sagittarius is about learning and teaching from experience.  It is the wise man/woman of the Zodiac, and it is in a constant seeking of the ultimate Truth in everything and everyone.  In order to find that Truth, it goes out into the world, seeking adventures, traveling and exploring new places and new peoples, making the most of the classroom of life and the world we live in.  It seeks adventures to have the experiences and to be able to learn then speak first-hand of what it has found to be true through its experience.

When Mercury in Sagittarius is in retrograde, it encourages you to do an inward assessment of your life experiences.  What have you learned from our experiences?  How do you apply what you have learned to your life?  What to you have to share with and/or teach to others as result of your experiences?  It has you take time to assess all of this for yourself.  This was earlier in this week.

However, in this November 2012 cycle, Mercury Retrograde moves back into Scorpio, which it did earlier this week at 12:43a PST on Wednesday, November 14th.  In Scorpio, Mercury Retrograde encourages you to go beyond the experiential truths and lessons of Sagittarius and to go deeper into your darkness and your emotional depths to find the truths that are hidden there as well.  This is because at this point in the overall evolution of humanity (and your individual role in that process), it is important that you not only seek the experiences, but that you understand the reasons why you seek the adventures and experiences that you do.

As I have stated in previous posts, Scorpio does not like gray area.  It is very decisive – all or nothing energy.  It is most comfortable when things are clearly defined, which is why it tends to extremes and polarized thinking – birth and death, Light and darkness, good and evil, right and wrong.  During this particular Mercury Retrograde motion, you get to look at your individual self and important aspects of your life in these polarizing terms.  You have the opportunity to more clearly define yourself and who you are as an individual.  You get the chance to define yourself – for yourself (before you do so for anyone else) – your expression of Love, Light, and Life in this world.

The distinction that this is a time for defining yourself for yourself is a powerful one.  Each of us must be confident in who we are as individuals in order to bring about and manifest all that we set out do be and do and have in this world and in our human experience.  Without a clear sense of self, we drift with the wind and often find ourselves playing victim to circumstances rather than feeling and being empowered in our choices and in the direction of our lives.

However, it is not to say that this self-definition we give ourselves is permanent – far from it.  It is actually giving each of us a starting point from which to experience our personal (individual) and collective (group) evolution.  It is a chance to establish a new foundation from which to grow and expand ourselves in our world.

Mercury will be retrograde until November 26th, at which time it will go back into direct motion in Scorpio.  At this point in time, it is likely that you will find yourself outwardly reflecting who and what you have defined yourself to be in the world.

Mercury then moves back into Sagittarius on December 10th, at which time you may find yourself sharing and/or teaching what you have discovered and realized with others in the hopes that they, too, will learn, grow, and expand their lives through you.

Yes, there will always be the quirky things that happen during Mercury Retrograde, too.  For example – I lost my car keys yesterday. I am fortunate to have had a spare, and the journey from ‘momentary despair’ to ‘salvation by the spare’ helped remind me that I have wonderful and generous people in my life to be thankful for.  The key ring also had a couple of things on it that in losing them signified for me (in true Scorpio fashion) the ending of a couple of things that had served their purpose for me.  The losses couldn’t have come at a better time for me as it affirmed my belief that everything happens for a reason and a season.  When the “season” changes, so do the reasons why certain things and people do (or don’t) belong in my life.

Mercury Retrograde has a reputation for affecting communications and information.  I have had friends who have had e-mails mistakenly sent or rebounded, paperwork misplaced or lost, important calls missed…and a few more having significant and life-altering experiences like family members and close friends dying or nearing death.  It has been quite an intense Scorpio cycle in 2012 – a lot of profound change.

Yet the changes are and will prove for the better.  Trust in that, even if it doesn’t seem so in the moment.  We are growing and evolving into our True selves in every moment.  Embrace the Truth and the Light you can find going back into the darkness of this 2012 Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
