Mercury in Scorpio – Dealing In Extremes

If we break down the components of the latest movement of Mercury into Scorpio on Sunday, September 29th at 4:38a PDT, we may see some interesting parallels with what is happening in the world right now.

Let’s start with the Scorpio component.  Scorpio likes to deal in extremes – it’s all-or-nothing thinking.   It’s right or wrong, good or bad – there is no in-between.

Then there’s the Mercury component – ideas, thoughts, communications, expedience.  Thoughts and words are abundant for Mercury, and information travels quickly.

Together, this combination of Mercury and Scorpio produce a series of powerfully decisive communications that move so quickly, the people who communicate them can’t take them back.  Hopefully, they mean what they say when they’re saying it.

But let’s not make this lesson or need for awareness exclusive to others – this applies to you and me as well.  Mercury in Scorpio affects us ALL!  No one is exempt from this experience.  Each of us will be on the giving and the receiving end of this communication of extreme positions and decisive correspondence, whether directly or indirectly.

Case and point –  the latest United States government “shutdown”, which I’m putting in quotes because they’re only really shutting down enough to let the general public know that the U.S. Congress is rather confused about its identity and its role, and is taking it out on the citizens it is supposed to be representing.  This is about congresspersons taking and holding extreme positions to make their point and how it affects us all – both domestically and in regard to international relations (a.k.a. – tourism and paying debts).  Yes, there are other things happening in the world right now (Syria, Nigeria, Italy, Greece, etc.) that reflect this Mercury in Scorpio energy as well, but what is happening in the United States right now is a textbook example of what can happen under the influence of Mercury in this placement.

This Mercury in Scorpio dynamic is enhanced by the fact that as of October 1st, we are also in a Libra 7 energy cycle.  This means that a good deal of thought and analysis will be going into partnerships of all kinds.  Partnerships include adversarial conflicts, since there are usually two sides to every argument.  Because of extremes of Mercury in Scorpio combining with the analysis component of 7 energy and the fairness and justice component of Libra energy, I don’t expect much progress to be made on anything right now.  Both sides of each of these matters (and many other governmental and institutional matters around the world) are likely to hold their ground for a while until they consider how much they can win or lose by changing their positions.  A move will only be made once they know they can get what they want, or until they realize they cannot win and admit their defeat or willingness to truly compromise.

How Mercury in Scorpio plays out in your personal life is that the communications you have now with others will likely be a debate of extremes and resolutions will be very decisive.  There will probably be many conversations occurring in various areas of your life, assessing whether or not the partnerships you are in are really partnerships.

Are both parties involved equally invested on every level – mental, emotional, physical, material-financial, and spiritual?  If you aren’t both involved on all levels (and if it’s not legally documented to be a partnership otherwise), then you aren’t in partnership and you’ll need to acknowledge that and some decisions will need to be made about where things go from here.

This won’t be an easy time, and there will probably need to be a great deal of thought that goes into making these choices.  Yet because of Mercury in Scorpio’s influence, you’ll need to do that thinking very quickly and clearly.  If you don’t make the choices yourself, they may be made for you, and that is not necessarily a good thing in this astrological climate.

What may be most important during this time of Mercury in Scorpio is that you want to make sure that the choices you making and communicating to others are really in alignment with your deepest inner truth.  Despite the fact that Mercury is in Scorpio – the sign of power and influence – this is NOT a time for doing what you think will give you power, control, or an upper hand over others, or for trying to manipulate someone else into doing what you want them to do.  This way of thinking and behaving will not serve you well right now.  With the Libra 7 energy at hand through the month of October, logical objectivity and honesty are your best allies in navigating these astrological currents.

One more thing – you may notice that Mercury hasn’t been retrograde in a while.  This is because Mercury is due to go into retrograde motion on October 21st while it is still in the sign of Scorpio.  When it goes retrograde, this ‘thinking and speaking in extremes’ thing will take an inward focus.  It will be important to look within yourself and how your thoughts and beliefs create polarities in your own individual life experiences and even within yourself.

  • When you do or say something in order to regain power or influence over others in the various areas of your life, how does that come back to you?
  • How does the Universe respond when you make a decisive choice or take a decisive stand?

Remember, Mercury is quick, so any answers to how it will come back to you will come to you a very swift and clear manner.  Any delays or disruptions in your communications that are blocking your agenda may be very telling in regard to what your real motives are.

This profound placement of Mercury in Scorpio will be going on for a while – forward, backward, then forward again until Mercury finally moves into Sagittarius on December 7th.   In the meantime, be ready for some powerful debates, discussions, and decisions that will transform our lives individually and collectively on every level of our human (and spiritual) experience.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Scorpio – Dealing In Extremes

If we break down the components of the latest movement of Mercury into Scorpio on Sunday, September 29th at 4:38a PDT, we may see some interesting parallels with what is happening in the world right now.

Let’s start with the Scorpio component.  Scorpio likes to deal in extremes – it’s all-or-nothing thinking.   It’s right or wrong, good or bad – there is no in-between.

Then there’s the Mercury component – ideas, thoughts, communications, expedience.  Thoughts and words are abundant for Mercury, and information travels quickly.

Together, this combination of Mercury and Scorpio produce a series of powerfully decisive communications that move so quickly, the people who communicate them can’t take them back.  Hopefully, they mean what they say when they’re saying it.

But let’s not make this lesson or need for awareness exclusive to others – this applies to you and me as well.  Mercury in Scorpio affects us ALL!  No one is exempt from this experience.  Each of us will be on the giving and the receiving end of this communication of extreme positions and decisive correspondence, whether directly or indirectly.

Case and point –  the latest United States government “shutdown”, which I’m putting in quotes because they’re only really shutting down enough to let the general public know that the U.S. Congress is rather confused about its identity and its role, and is taking it out on the citizens it is supposed to be representing.  This is about congresspersons taking and holding extreme positions to make their point and how it affects us all – both domestically and in regard to international relations (a.k.a. – tourism and paying debts).  Yes, there are other things happening in the world right now (Syria, Nigeria, Italy, Greece, etc.) that reflect this Mercury in Scorpio energy as well, but what is happening in the United States right now is a textbook example of what can happen under the influence of Mercury in this placement.

This Mercury in Scorpio dynamic is enhanced by the fact that as of October 1st, we are also in a Libra 7 energy cycle.  This means that a good deal of thought and analysis will be going into partnerships of all kinds.  Partnerships include adversarial conflicts, since there are usually two sides to every argument.  Because of extremes of Mercury in Scorpio combining with the analysis component of 7 energy and the fairness and justice component of Libra energy, I don’t expect much progress to be made on anything right now.  Both sides of each of these matters (and many other governmental and institutional matters around the world) are likely to hold their ground for a while until they consider how much they can win or lose by changing their positions.  A move will only be made once they know they can get what they want, or until they realize they cannot win and admit their defeat or willingness to truly compromise.

How Mercury in Scorpio plays out in your personal life is that the communications you have now with others will likely be a debate of extremes and resolutions will be very decisive.  There will probably be many conversations occurring in various areas of your life, assessing whether or not the partnerships you are in are really partnerships.

Are both parties involved equally invested on every level – mental, emotional, physical, material-financial, and spiritual?  If you aren’t both involved on all levels (and if it’s not legally documented to be a partnership otherwise), then you aren’t in partnership and you’ll need to acknowledge that and some decisions will need to be made about where things go from here.

This won’t be an easy time, and there will probably need to be a great deal of thought that goes into making these choices.  Yet because of Mercury in Scorpio’s influence, you’ll need to do that thinking very quickly and clearly.  If you don’t make the choices yourself, they may be made for you, and that is not necessarily a good thing in this astrological climate.

What may be most important during this time of Mercury in Scorpio is that you want to make sure that the choices you making and communicating to others are really in alignment with your deepest inner truth.  Despite the fact that Mercury is in Scorpio – the sign of power and influence – this is NOT a time for doing what you think will give you power, control, or an upper hand over others, or for trying to manipulate someone else into doing what you want them to do.  This way of thinking and behaving will not serve you well right now.  With the Libra 7 energy at hand through the month of October, logical objectivity and honesty are your best allies in navigating these astrological currents.

One more thing – you may notice that Mercury hasn’t been retrograde in a while.  This is because Mercury is due to go into retrograde motion on October 21st while it is still in the sign of Scorpio.  When it goes retrograde, this ‘thinking and speaking in extremes’ thing will take an inward focus.  It will be important to look within yourself and how your thoughts and beliefs create polarities in your own individual life experiences and even within yourself.

  • When you do or say something in order to regain power or influence over others in the various areas of your life, how does that come back to you?
  • How does the Universe respond when you make a decisive choice or take a decisive stand?

Remember, Mercury is quick, so any answers to how it will come back to you will come to you a very swift and clear manner.  Any delays or disruptions in your communications that are blocking your agenda may be very telling in regard to what your real motives are.

This profound placement of Mercury in Scorpio will be going on for a while – forward, backward, then forward again until Mercury finally moves into Sagittarius on December 7th.   In the meantime, be ready for some powerful debates, discussions, and decisions that will transform our lives individually and collectively on every level of our human (and spiritual) experience.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Honesty is the Best Policy

Sun conjuncted Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius on Sunday, December 4th. Mercury squared Mars in Virgo the same day.  It’s made for quite the dynamic this week as Mercury represents mental energy and communication, meaning whatever is on your mind has been apt to come out of your mouth.
However, Mercury is retrograde until the 14th – it’s influence is turned inward, causing you to be self-reflective or to go within.  So with the conjunction, whatever has been coming out of your mouth is saying more about you than it is about whomever or whatever you think you are speaking about.  And with Sagittarius being the sign of influence over the Sun and Mercury right now, chances are there has been a whole lot of truth being revealed…even if you’ve thought you’ve been  hiding it.
With the square, the Sag Mercury Retrograde has been triggered and challenged by Mars in practical and efficient Virgo.  The actions you’ve been taking in your everyday life to have your life work ‘properly’ and the results of those actions are likely strongly affecting your mindset and your manner of communication.  If what you are saying and what you are doing have not been in alignment, it has definitely brought (and may continue bringing) chaos and havoc to aspects of your life.  Remember that actions always speak louder than words, so look back on the week to see where you have been and continue to practice what you preach.
If you are in the practice of saying one thing while doing another, you can be sure that if the truth hasn’t already come out, it will come out now, or at least sooner than later.  This is why it is crucial that you take on the old saying, “honesty is the best policy”.  When in doubt over which option to take, it’s best to be up front and straight-forward with letting others know what you really think and how you really feel.  Your actions will betray you if you are not thinking or speaking what is true for you. 
And therein lies the challenge of this Mercury Retrograde period.  It is a time to face where we haven’t been being honest with ourselves in our lives.  Mars inspires actions to move our everyday lives forward, and the Sun reveals where our actions and our thoughts and words do and do not match up.
I hope you’ve made the most of this week that has you facing your fears and revealing the truth of your innermost thoughts and feelings.  I also hope you look back on the week so far to see where your real truth has already revealed itself.  And keep in mind it all comes to a head at the end of the week when the Full Moon in Gemini arrives on Saturday morning.
Until next post…
~ Light, Love and Blessings,
