2014 Mercury in Pisces – Everything’s Coming Up “Rose-Colored”?

Pink Rose - hdwallpapers.inThe planet that represents quick minds and quick actions has entered the sign of dreams and visions and ethereal connection.  This could be a very good thing…or a very bad thing.

It really depends on what you want and/or need to get done in these next few weeks that will determine how this 2014 Mercury in Pisces, which entered the sign at 3:24p PDT on 17 March 2014, affects you.

Mercury in Pisces could result in your having a more open mindset than usual, allowing for amazing visionary ideas to come through to make your ordinary mode of thinking extraordinary.

Yet Pisces is also known for being the daydreamer of the Zodiac, and with Mercury in Pisces, your mind may be inclined to drift off into fantasy land a bit more than usual.  It’s okay – allow your mind to drift to what you really want for yourself and your life.

However, as Mercury enters Pisces in 2014, the Sun, Neptune, and Chiron are all moving through the sign of Pisces as well.  That’s a whole lot of dreamy Pisces energy, and a strong indicator of a rare and intensely idealistic “rose-colored glasses” effect on matters that require your thoughts and communications for a few days.  This could be a highly inspirational time for you.  It could also be highly delusional. Continue reading

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – Too Good or Too Unclear to Be True?

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st.  There is an element of this Mercury-Neptune trine that is a little too good to be true.  On the other, a little fantasy may be just what is needed to encourage dreams to be moved into reality.


Mercury in Scorpio is about extremes in thoughts, ideas, and communications.  Things happen quickly and decisively – there is no in-between.  It’s all-or-nothing thinking and speaking, and it wants to make a powerful difference in the lives of everyone involved with its words.

Neptune is in its sign of rulership in Pisces.  It is very comfortable being in the energy of imagination and artistry.  This is where inspiration happens, where intuition reigns.  It is also where our ideals can get the better of us, and though they may inspire us, they may also deceive us into believing that reality doesn’t exist.

With the components of this trine duly noted, when you’re tempted to think or speak in extremes while you are dreaming about your Utopian ideals, be aware that your thoughts and words could lead you to make some very important decisions that cannot be taken back.  But that isn’t the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine.

I’d say that the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine comes in that Neptune is in retrograde motion, meaning its energy is being focused within.  That indicates that the visionary ideals that you are eager to present are probably your own and may be yours alone.  They may be born of your own emotional and spiritual beliefs or truths, yet you may still need to do some soul-searching to clarify them for yourself before you communicate them to others.

This is not to say that your vision isn’t valid or possible.  It is to say that you need to make sure you know what you are saying that you are aware of its possible effects on others, and that you can stand by it all completely before you share it with others. Otherwise, in true Scorpio fashion, your lack of clarity and your failure to consider the bigger picture of humanity and All-That-Is may destroy any possibility of what you want coming into the reality of your experience.

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces can also be a classic case of putting icing and sprinkles on a pile of poop and trying to convince yourself and others that it’s a cupcake.  The circumstances that you are in could be awful, and what is being communicated to you about them could be awful as well.  Yet for some reason, the plethora of red flags being put up through the words being communicated to you are somehow not getting through to you.  This may be because you’ve made up your mind on an emotional-intellectual level and you’re standing firm in your position,  ignoring the truth in favor of the hope that your “rose-colored glasses” ideal of everything magically working out the way you want may be more delusional than you care to admit to yourself or others.

However, Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces could just as well become a case of exchanging deep communications with others that bring forth those “aha” moments of intimacy and vulnerability.  When the parties involved communicate honestly and openly from their respective emotional-spiritual truths, this Mercury-Neptune trine gives a higher than usual probability of compromise or consensus being found.  In an environment of genuine receptivity and openness, the emotional and intellectual chemistry may be too strong to be ignored.  Despite logical and objective Libra 7 energy in the air, this could be a case of that logic and objectivity being considered and matched by the emotional-spiritual bliss of the Mercury-Neptune trine.

Your experience of Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces will depend on the experience you allow for yourself and others.  Questions to assist you through this journey are:

  • Are you allowing yourself to get in touch with your own emotions, feelings, and visions for what is possible in your life or in the world?  Are you clear about your perspective and position within yourself?
  • Are you willing to be vulnerable in sharing your position openly and honestly with others?
  • Are you willing to stand firm in the face of others’ opposition?  And it is wise for you to do that now?

Though Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st, its effects will be felt late Saturday, September 28th through Friday October 4th.  Reflect on the last few days, and consider the upcoming few under this influence.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings


Mercury in Scorpio – Dealing In Extremes

If we break down the components of the latest movement of Mercury into Scorpio on Sunday, September 29th at 4:38a PDT, we may see some interesting parallels with what is happening in the world right now.

Let’s start with the Scorpio component.  Scorpio likes to deal in extremes – it’s all-or-nothing thinking.   It’s right or wrong, good or bad – there is no in-between.

Then there’s the Mercury component – ideas, thoughts, communications, expedience.  Thoughts and words are abundant for Mercury, and information travels quickly.

Together, this combination of Mercury and Scorpio produce a series of powerfully decisive communications that move so quickly, the people who communicate them can’t take them back.  Hopefully, they mean what they say when they’re saying it.

But let’s not make this lesson or need for awareness exclusive to others – this applies to you and me as well.  Mercury in Scorpio affects us ALL!  No one is exempt from this experience.  Each of us will be on the giving and the receiving end of this communication of extreme positions and decisive correspondence, whether directly or indirectly.

Case and point –  the latest United States government “shutdown”, which I’m putting in quotes because they’re only really shutting down enough to let the general public know that the U.S. Congress is rather confused about its identity and its role, and is taking it out on the citizens it is supposed to be representing.  This is about congresspersons taking and holding extreme positions to make their point and how it affects us all – both domestically and in regard to international relations (a.k.a. – tourism and paying debts).  Yes, there are other things happening in the world right now (Syria, Nigeria, Italy, Greece, etc.) that reflect this Mercury in Scorpio energy as well, but what is happening in the United States right now is a textbook example of what can happen under the influence of Mercury in this placement.

This Mercury in Scorpio dynamic is enhanced by the fact that as of October 1st, we are also in a Libra 7 energy cycle.  This means that a good deal of thought and analysis will be going into partnerships of all kinds.  Partnerships include adversarial conflicts, since there are usually two sides to every argument.  Because of extremes of Mercury in Scorpio combining with the analysis component of 7 energy and the fairness and justice component of Libra energy, I don’t expect much progress to be made on anything right now.  Both sides of each of these matters (and many other governmental and institutional matters around the world) are likely to hold their ground for a while until they consider how much they can win or lose by changing their positions.  A move will only be made once they know they can get what they want, or until they realize they cannot win and admit their defeat or willingness to truly compromise.

How Mercury in Scorpio plays out in your personal life is that the communications you have now with others will likely be a debate of extremes and resolutions will be very decisive.  There will probably be many conversations occurring in various areas of your life, assessing whether or not the partnerships you are in are really partnerships.

Are both parties involved equally invested on every level – mental, emotional, physical, material-financial, and spiritual?  If you aren’t both involved on all levels (and if it’s not legally documented to be a partnership otherwise), then you aren’t in partnership and you’ll need to acknowledge that and some decisions will need to be made about where things go from here.

This won’t be an easy time, and there will probably need to be a great deal of thought that goes into making these choices.  Yet because of Mercury in Scorpio’s influence, you’ll need to do that thinking very quickly and clearly.  If you don’t make the choices yourself, they may be made for you, and that is not necessarily a good thing in this astrological climate.

What may be most important during this time of Mercury in Scorpio is that you want to make sure that the choices you making and communicating to others are really in alignment with your deepest inner truth.  Despite the fact that Mercury is in Scorpio – the sign of power and influence – this is NOT a time for doing what you think will give you power, control, or an upper hand over others, or for trying to manipulate someone else into doing what you want them to do.  This way of thinking and behaving will not serve you well right now.  With the Libra 7 energy at hand through the month of October, logical objectivity and honesty are your best allies in navigating these astrological currents.

One more thing – you may notice that Mercury hasn’t been retrograde in a while.  This is because Mercury is due to go into retrograde motion on October 21st while it is still in the sign of Scorpio.  When it goes retrograde, this ‘thinking and speaking in extremes’ thing will take an inward focus.  It will be important to look within yourself and how your thoughts and beliefs create polarities in your own individual life experiences and even within yourself.

  • When you do or say something in order to regain power or influence over others in the various areas of your life, how does that come back to you?
  • How does the Universe respond when you make a decisive choice or take a decisive stand?

Remember, Mercury is quick, so any answers to how it will come back to you will come to you a very swift and clear manner.  Any delays or disruptions in your communications that are blocking your agenda may be very telling in regard to what your real motives are.

This profound placement of Mercury in Scorpio will be going on for a while – forward, backward, then forward again until Mercury finally moves into Sagittarius on December 7th.   In the meantime, be ready for some powerful debates, discussions, and decisions that will transform our lives individually and collectively on every level of our human (and spiritual) experience.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – Too Good or Too Unclear to Be True?

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st.  There is an element of this Mercury-Neptune trine that is a little too good to be true.  On the other, a little fantasy may be just what is needed to encourage dreams to be moved into reality.


Mercury in Scorpio is about extremes in thoughts, ideas, and communications.  Things happen quickly and decisively – there is no in-between.  It’s all-or-nothing thinking and speaking, and it wants to make a powerful difference in the lives of everyone involved with its words.

Neptune is in its sign of rulership in Pisces.  It is very comfortable being in the energy of imagination and artistry.  This is where inspiration happens, where intuition reigns.  It is also where our ideals can get the better of us, and though they may inspire us, they may also deceive us into believing that reality doesn’t exist.

With the components of this trine duly noted, when you’re tempted to think or speak in extremes while you are dreaming about your Utopian ideals, be aware that your thoughts and words could lead you to make some very important decisions that cannot be taken back.  But that isn’t the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine.

I’d say that the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine comes in that Neptune is in retrograde motion, meaning its energy is being focused within.  That indicates that the visionary ideals that you are eager to present are probably your own and may be yours alone.  They may be born of your own emotional and spiritual beliefs or truths, yet you may still need to do some soul-searching to clarify them for yourself before you communicate them to others.

This is not to say that your vision isn’t valid or possible.  It is to say that you need to make sure you know what you are saying that you are aware of its possible effects on others, and that you can stand by it all completely before you share it with others. Otherwise, in true Scorpio fashion, your lack of clarity and your failure to consider the bigger picture of humanity and All-That-Is may destroy any possibility of what you want coming into the reality of your experience.

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces can also be a classic case of putting icing and sprinkles on a pile of poop and trying to convince yourself and others that it’s a cupcake.  The circumstances that you are in could be awful, and what is being communicated to you about them could be awful as well.  Yet for some reason, the plethora of red flags being put up through the words being communicated to you are somehow not getting through to you.  This may be because you’ve made up your mind on an emotional-intellectual level and you’re standing firm in your position,  ignoring the truth in favor of the hope that your “rose-colored glasses” ideal of everything magically working out the way you want may be more delusional than you care to admit to yourself or others.

However, Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces could just as well become a case of exchanging deep communications with others that bring forth those “aha” moments of intimacy and vulnerability.  When the parties involved communicate honestly and openly from their respective emotional-spiritual truths, this Mercury-Neptune trine gives a higher than usual probability of compromise or consensus being found.  In an environment of genuine receptivity and openness, the emotional and intellectual chemistry may be too strong to be ignored.  Despite logical and objective Libra 7 energy in the air, this could be a case of that logic and objectivity being considered and matched by the emotional-spiritual bliss of the Mercury-Neptune trine.

Your experience of Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces will depend on the experience you allow for yourself and others.  Questions to assist you through this journey are:

  • Are you allowing yourself to get in touch with your own emotions, feelings, and visions for what is possible in your life or in the world?  Are you clear about your perspective and position within yourself?
  • Are you willing to be vulnerable in sharing your position openly and honestly with others?
  • Are you willing to stand firm in the face of others’ opposition?  And it is wise for you to do that now?

Though Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st, its effects will be felt late Saturday, September 28th through Friday October 4th.  Reflect on the last few days, and consider the upcoming few under this influence.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings


Mercury in Scorpio – Dealing In Extremes

If we break down the components of the latest movement of Mercury into Scorpio on Sunday, September 29th at 4:38a PDT, we may see some interesting parallels with what is happening in the world right now.

Let’s start with the Scorpio component.  Scorpio likes to deal in extremes – it’s all-or-nothing thinking.   It’s right or wrong, good or bad – there is no in-between.

Then there’s the Mercury component – ideas, thoughts, communications, expedience.  Thoughts and words are abundant for Mercury, and information travels quickly.

Together, this combination of Mercury and Scorpio produce a series of powerfully decisive communications that move so quickly, the people who communicate them can’t take them back.  Hopefully, they mean what they say when they’re saying it.

But let’s not make this lesson or need for awareness exclusive to others – this applies to you and me as well.  Mercury in Scorpio affects us ALL!  No one is exempt from this experience.  Each of us will be on the giving and the receiving end of this communication of extreme positions and decisive correspondence, whether directly or indirectly.

Case and point –  the latest United States government “shutdown”, which I’m putting in quotes because they’re only really shutting down enough to let the general public know that the U.S. Congress is rather confused about its identity and its role, and is taking it out on the citizens it is supposed to be representing.  This is about congresspersons taking and holding extreme positions to make their point and how it affects us all – both domestically and in regard to international relations (a.k.a. – tourism and paying debts).  Yes, there are other things happening in the world right now (Syria, Nigeria, Italy, Greece, etc.) that reflect this Mercury in Scorpio energy as well, but what is happening in the United States right now is a textbook example of what can happen under the influence of Mercury in this placement.

This Mercury in Scorpio dynamic is enhanced by the fact that as of October 1st, we are also in a Libra 7 energy cycle.  This means that a good deal of thought and analysis will be going into partnerships of all kinds.  Partnerships include adversarial conflicts, since there are usually two sides to every argument.  Because of extremes of Mercury in Scorpio combining with the analysis component of 7 energy and the fairness and justice component of Libra energy, I don’t expect much progress to be made on anything right now.  Both sides of each of these matters (and many other governmental and institutional matters around the world) are likely to hold their ground for a while until they consider how much they can win or lose by changing their positions.  A move will only be made once they know they can get what they want, or until they realize they cannot win and admit their defeat or willingness to truly compromise.

How Mercury in Scorpio plays out in your personal life is that the communications you have now with others will likely be a debate of extremes and resolutions will be very decisive.  There will probably be many conversations occurring in various areas of your life, assessing whether or not the partnerships you are in are really partnerships.

Are both parties involved equally invested on every level – mental, emotional, physical, material-financial, and spiritual?  If you aren’t both involved on all levels (and if it’s not legally documented to be a partnership otherwise), then you aren’t in partnership and you’ll need to acknowledge that and some decisions will need to be made about where things go from here.

This won’t be an easy time, and there will probably need to be a great deal of thought that goes into making these choices.  Yet because of Mercury in Scorpio’s influence, you’ll need to do that thinking very quickly and clearly.  If you don’t make the choices yourself, they may be made for you, and that is not necessarily a good thing in this astrological climate.

What may be most important during this time of Mercury in Scorpio is that you want to make sure that the choices you making and communicating to others are really in alignment with your deepest inner truth.  Despite the fact that Mercury is in Scorpio – the sign of power and influence – this is NOT a time for doing what you think will give you power, control, or an upper hand over others, or for trying to manipulate someone else into doing what you want them to do.  This way of thinking and behaving will not serve you well right now.  With the Libra 7 energy at hand through the month of October, logical objectivity and honesty are your best allies in navigating these astrological currents.

One more thing – you may notice that Mercury hasn’t been retrograde in a while.  This is because Mercury is due to go into retrograde motion on October 21st while it is still in the sign of Scorpio.  When it goes retrograde, this ‘thinking and speaking in extremes’ thing will take an inward focus.  It will be important to look within yourself and how your thoughts and beliefs create polarities in your own individual life experiences and even within yourself.

  • When you do or say something in order to regain power or influence over others in the various areas of your life, how does that come back to you?
  • How does the Universe respond when you make a decisive choice or take a decisive stand?

Remember, Mercury is quick, so any answers to how it will come back to you will come to you a very swift and clear manner.  Any delays or disruptions in your communications that are blocking your agenda may be very telling in regard to what your real motives are.

This profound placement of Mercury in Scorpio will be going on for a while – forward, backward, then forward again until Mercury finally moves into Sagittarius on December 7th.   In the meantime, be ready for some powerful debates, discussions, and decisions that will transform our lives individually and collectively on every level of our human (and spiritual) experience.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Libra Square Jupiter in Cancer – Growing or Outgrowing?

Mercury in Libra inspires ideas, thoughts, and communications of partnership.  Often under this influence, you tend to think in “we” rather than “me”.  Your partner(s) and companions are considered in virtually every choice you make.

Yet with Jupiter in Cancer, there is growth and expansion in your own individual emotional identity.  You find yourself opening up to new emotional experiences and a greater capacity for learning about how your emotional ties can affect your life choices.

When you grow emotionally, you may find that the relationships you are currently in are rooted in what emotionally served you before your growth occurred.  Now, on the other side of your emotional expansion, you may be finding that you’ve outgrown some of your partnerships and one-on-one relationships.

This is how Mercury in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer, exact as of 7:20p PDT yesterday, September 19th, may show up for you in your life.

As you recognize that you are outgrowing (or have outgrown) some of your relationships or that together you are outgrowing the current contexts of them, you may realize that these relationships must undergo changes.  You and your companions/partners get to have the conversations that clarify whether you are growing together or growing apart and if you can make the necessary changes that enable you to both grow into your individual Truths.  These may not be easy conversations to have, especially if you are realizing the latter is the case.  However, now is a great time to have them, especially if you’ve been avoiding having them for a while.

Through these often challenging conversations, you may find that you are in relationships that grow with you.  You may recognize how you and your partner can support and encourage each other into your highest individual expressions.  You may find that through your union, you can move forward in ways that allow you to make greater contributions to the world – separately and together – than you ever could do alone.

Yet you may also find those relationships in your life which you allow to keep you from becoming all that you want and need to be in the world.  If you find yourself feeling held back from your personal emotional growth, you may need to release yourself from partnerships that no longer serve you.  These endings may find you feeling simultaneously liberated and sad, especially if these relationships have been emotional cornerstones of your life for a long time.  Yet these endings may also very well provide beginnings that give you the freedom and access to what you really and truly need in order to fully step all you are here to be in this world.

Healthy, happy, and fulfilling relationships that emotionally nurture, support, and encourage you will enhance your life and assist you in expansion of who you are in the world.  Take the time to assess who the people are in your life who can contribute to you and your life in ways that emotionally nurture and fulfill you.  You probably already know who they are – just honor your feelings in this regard.  This Mercury-Jupiter square gives you a very special opportunity to have these conversations and work these matters out in a profound way through early Sunday, September 22nd.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Libra Square Jupiter in Cancer – Growing or Outgrowing?

Mercury in Libra inspires ideas, thoughts, and communications of partnership.  Often under this influence, you tend to think in “we” rather than “me”.  Your partner(s) and companions are considered in virtually every choice you make.

Yet with Jupiter in Cancer, there is growth and expansion in your own individual emotional identity.  You find yourself opening up to new emotional experiences and a greater capacity for learning about how your emotional ties can affect your life choices.

When you grow emotionally, you may find that the relationships you are currently in are rooted in what emotionally served you before your growth occurred.  Now, on the other side of your emotional expansion, you may be finding that you’ve outgrown some of your partnerships and one-on-one relationships.

This is how Mercury in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer, exact as of 7:20p PDT yesterday, September 19th, may show up for you in your life.

As you recognize that you are outgrowing (or have outgrown) some of your relationships or that together you are outgrowing the current contexts of them, you may realize that these relationships must undergo changes.  You and your companions/partners get to have the conversations that clarify whether you are growing together or growing apart and if you can make the necessary changes that enable you to both grow into your individual Truths.  These may not be easy conversations to have, especially if you are realizing the latter is the case.  However, now is a great time to have them, especially if you’ve been avoiding having them for a while.

Through these often challenging conversations, you may find that you are in relationships that grow with you.  You may recognize how you and your partner can support and encourage each other into your highest individual expressions.  You may find that through your union, you can move forward in ways that allow you to make greater contributions to the world – separately and together – than you ever could do alone.

Yet you may also find those relationships in your life which you allow to keep you from becoming all that you want and need to be in the world.  If you find yourself feeling held back from your personal emotional growth, you may need to release yourself from partnerships that no longer serve you.  These endings may find you feeling simultaneously liberated and sad, especially if these relationships have been emotional cornerstones of your life for a long time.  Yet these endings may also very well provide beginnings that give you the freedom and access to what you really and truly need in order to fully step all you are here to be in this world.

Healthy, happy, and fulfilling relationships that emotionally nurture, support, and encourage you will enhance your life and assist you in expansion of who you are in the world.  Take the time to assess who the people are in your life who can contribute to you and your life in ways that emotionally nurture and fulfill you.  You probably already know who they are – just honor your feelings in this regard.  This Mercury-Jupiter square gives you a very special opportunity to have these conversations and work these matters out in a profound way through early Sunday, September 22nd.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Libra – Don’t Shoot the Messengers!

Libra is the sign of partnerships and as Mercury entered this sign at 12:07a PDT this morning of September 9th, 2013, so begins a great opportunity for you to open lines of communication with others.  As you do so, you’ll likely find these communications prove very insightful and beneficial to you in the long run.  Through them, you find people who can support, encourage, and give you alternate perspectives of your thoughts, ideas, and plans – views that you may not have considered otherwise.

Libra energy is diplomatic, fair, and strives to restore peace, fairness, and balance to whatever it touches.  This is important to remember because in order to establish that environment during this 2013 version of Mercury’s journey through Libra, your verbal and written exchanges with others could seem anything but peaceful and balanced in the moment they occur or come to you.  Just because these communications could be beneficial doesn’t mean the messages will be easy for you to hear or receive.

During this 2013 Mercury in Libra period, Mercury will square Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn and Jupiter in Cancer, and will oppose Uranus Retrograde in Aries.  These transits are important because the communications that come to you really are meant to be supportive and encouraging.  It may not seem or feel like it in the moment, but that’s only because the messengers aren’t as emotionally invested in your circumstances as you are.  Therefore, they will be much more objective and fair in their assessments of your circumstances, challenges and turmoil.  This Mercury in Libra period may very well be a case of the kindness of others coming in the form of difficult words to hear and/or speak.

  • Mercury squares Pluto Retrograde at 1:29p PDT on September 14th may awaken you to a much-needed and long-overdue overhaul of your public and/or professional structures.  This could be very challenging time of upheaval for you, and you may find that you won’t be able to get through it all alone.  Talk to and exchange ideas with people who you trust and who don’t have an invested stake in your situation for insights and advice.
  • Mercury opposes Uranus Retrograde at 11:41p PDT on September 15th, and your communications with others act as mirrors of your own behaviors, beliefs, and truths to help you figure out if you want to be more or less of whom you’ve always been for others.  Do your relationships encourage you to shine your unique expression of Light fully and brightly?  Pay special attention to your conversations with others to notice if they encourage you or tear you down.
  • Finally, Mercury squares Jupiter in Cancer 7:20p PDT on September 19th, and with this transit, you’ll need to consider that any growth and expansion occurring in your connections with family and loved ones could be challenged by messages and information you are receiving from others now.  As Libra is logical and rather emotionally detached, there’s a good chance the information you’re getting is objective and honest.  You may need to ask yourself if your reactions to the information you’re receiving is because your emotions are clouding your judgment in your relationships at this time.

The important thing to note during this 2013 Mercury in Libra phase is to not shoot the messengers!  Recognize that these people coming into your life at this time are here to help you work out imbalances and unjust situations in your life.  They are here to help you figure out how the peace can be restored to these areas of your life.  You may be tempted to take out your frustrations on them, but if you take a deep breath, you may realize that they really are doing their best to help you and they can greatly assist you in seeing the truth of your circumstances with clarity.

Mercury will be in the sign of Libra over the next three weeks through September 29th.  Remember that even when it’s tough to hear what they have to say, the messengers come in peace.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Libra – Don’t Shoot the Messengers!

Libra is the sign of partnerships and as Mercury entered this sign at 12:07a PDT this morning of September 9th, 2013, so begins a great opportunity for you to open lines of communication with others.  As you do so, you’ll likely find these communications prove very insightful and beneficial to you in the long run.  Through them, you find people who can support, encourage, and give you alternate perspectives of your thoughts, ideas, and plans – views that you may not have considered otherwise.

Libra energy is diplomatic, fair, and strives to restore peace, fairness, and balance to whatever it touches.  This is important to remember because in order to establish that environment during this 2013 version of Mercury’s journey through Libra, your verbal and written exchanges with others could seem anything but peaceful and balanced in the moment they occur or come to you.  Just because these communications could be beneficial doesn’t mean the messages will be easy for you to hear or receive.

During this 2013 Mercury in Libra period, Mercury will square Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn and Jupiter in Cancer, and will oppose Uranus Retrograde in Aries.  These transits are important because the communications that come to you really are meant to be supportive and encouraging.  It may not seem or feel like it in the moment, but that’s only because the messengers aren’t as emotionally invested in your circumstances as you are.  Therefore, they will be much more objective and fair in their assessments of your circumstances, challenges and turmoil.  This Mercury in Libra period may very well be a case of the kindness of others coming in the form of difficult words to hear and/or speak.

  • Mercury squares Pluto Retrograde at 1:29p PDT on September 14th may awaken you to a much-needed and long-overdue overhaul of your public and/or professional structures.  This could be very challenging time of upheaval for you, and you may find that you won’t be able to get through it all alone.  Talk to and exchange ideas with people who you trust and who don’t have an invested stake in your situation for insights and advice.
  • Mercury opposes Uranus Retrograde at 11:41p PDT on September 15th, and your communications with others act as mirrors of your own behaviors, beliefs, and truths to help you figure out if you want to be more or less of whom you’ve always been for others.  Do your relationships encourage you to shine your unique expression of Light fully and brightly?  Pay special attention to your conversations with others to notice if they encourage you or tear you down.
  • Finally, Mercury squares Jupiter in Cancer 7:20p PDT on September 19th, and with this transit, you’ll need to consider that any growth and expansion occurring in your connections with family and loved ones could be challenged by messages and information you are receiving from others now.  As Libra is logical and rather emotionally detached, there’s a good chance the information you’re getting is objective and honest.  You may need to ask yourself if your reactions to the information you’re receiving is because your emotions are clouding your judgment in your relationships at this time.

The important thing to note during this 2013 Mercury in Libra phase is to not shoot the messengers!  Recognize that these people coming into your life at this time are here to help you work out imbalances and unjust situations in your life.  They are here to help you figure out how the peace can be restored to these areas of your life.  You may be tempted to take out your frustrations on them, but if you take a deep breath, you may realize that they really are doing their best to help you and they can greatly assist you in seeing the truth of your circumstances with clarity.

Mercury will be in the sign of Libra over the next three weeks through September 29th.  Remember that even when it’s tough to hear what they have to say, the messengers come in peace.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury in Aries – Talking Your Walk

We often hear how important it is to make sure that our actions are in alignment with our words – that we need to “walk our talk” or “practice what we preach”.  Under the influence of this 2013 Mercury in Aries cycle, we get to make sure that our words are in alignment with our actions.  We get to preach about what we practice.  This time around, we get to talk about our walk.

With the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus already in Aries at the time Mercury joined their party at 7:37p PDT on Saturday, April 13th,  many courses of actions are already in progress.  In fact, some may already be done.  So, in light of the actions already underway or completed, all we can really do is talk about what we’ve got going on or what we’ve already gotten done.

That said, Mercury is in Aries until May 1st, so this will be a very quick trip through this fire sign of initiative and action.  It will be important for you to speak up about what you have done or have been doing in the last few months, and even more important for you to share the ideas and thoughts that have come to light out of your activities.  It will also be essential for you to take some initiative in certain areas of your life where communication is needed.  Opening these lines of communication could create opportunities that move you more quickly and easily forward along your inspired path.

Talking up yourself and your latest activities could be especially beneficial to you as Venus enters Taurus on Monday, April 15thMercury in Aries may prove very helpful in establishing solid connections with others as you may find that speaking up and speaking out about your passions now may help you obtain the necessary resources and solid connections with others.  These connections that can help you make some real and tangible progress in things that really matter to you in your life.

Make the most of this Mercury in Aries energy while you’ve got it available to you.  Talk your walk, and don’t let yourself pass you by doors that could be open to the fulfillment of your passions.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
