2015 Aries Full Moon-Total Lunar Eclipse – The Iron Fist in The Velvet Glove

lunar-eclipse-blood-moon - RON DELVAUX VIA THE VIRTUAL TELESCOPE PROJECT - google search
photo credit: Ron Delvaux via The Virtual Telescope Project

A huge game-changing release is underway with the Aries Full “Blood Moon”-Total Lunar Eclipse is this Sunday, September 27th 2015 at 7:51p PDT. This moon  marks the FINAL eclipse of 2015, so expect that these energies will be POWERFUL and LONG LASTING.

*NOTE: I want to acknowledge that there has been a lot of talk regarding the significance of this Full Blood Moon-Total Lunar Eclipse. Some people speculate that the world is coming to an end (or something to that effect). Please filter the information you are consuming, especially if you notice if the message is fear based. While this moon is going to be intense, it is intended to support you in your life journey. Low-vibrating energies will want to broadcast their message, but that doesn’t mean you have to tune in.

So, back to our regularly scheduled post…

As we build towards the 2015 Aries Full Moon, you’ll notice at least three days prior (if not earlier, for some) emotional experiences of imbalances will show up. Specifically, with this Aries Full Moon reflecting the Libra Sun, matters pertaining to your self-identity will be in view and if there has been any imbalance regarding self, you’ll know it.

Your relationships will also be pulled into view – from the perspective of how YOU are being in them. This is not exclusive to your significant other/ close friends, but also the connections you have with your business partners, co-workers, the environment and even yourself. Continue reading

2015-2017 Saturn in Sagittarius – Eyes on The Prize

digital visualization of eyes

Saturn in Sagittarius may seem like a potentially painful blend of energies. Yet, if you take a moment to understand how these energies can actually complement each other well, you may find that this is actually a call to get serious about your personal growth.

You may say it, but do you really want to expand your mind or expand your experience of life? Do you really want to achieve success and expand upon it? When Saturn enters Sagittarius at 7:50p PDT on Thursday, 17th September 2015, consider it your invitation to embark on a two-year journey to expand beyond your perceived boundaries and limitations and discover things about yourself and your life you may not even have known were possible for you. Continue reading

2015 Mercury Retrograde in Libra – A Demand for Justice

cal-0814-cl5-court13We aren’t even out of the Jupiter-Neptune Retrograde opposition mentioned in the last post, and I’m going to inform you (or remind you) of another doosy.

Welcome back, Mercury Retrograde.

This September-October 2015 episode of Mercury Retrograde is brought to you by the sign of Libra, and it begins its retrograde motion at 11:10a PDT on Thursday, 17th September 2015. Under the influence of Libra, Mercury Retrograde is going to let you know exactly what is just, fair, and equal in the eyes of logical and impartial assessment.

The funny thing with Mercury Retrogrades is that people often complain about how their communication devices, electronics, and appliances and such start having issues. They can’t send their emails or text messages. They can’t get in touch with someone for some reason. Their smartphone crashed. Their car’s dashboard freaked out. Etc, etc, etc…

The thing to remember is that retrogrades are “feedback” energies. With Mercury Retrograde in Libra, it gives us a sense of how our thoughts and communications might be shaped or affected by our one-on-one interactions with others. It also lets us know how or what people we interact with are thinking and feeling in response to our communications. But most of all, acts as a reminder that communication is only difficult during Mercury Retrograde when you’re trying to talk more than you’re trying to listen or when communication may not need to happen at all. Continue reading

Jupiter in Virgo Opposite Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – September 2015 – Seeking Balanced Solutions for Growing Problems

medical_110001499-011314intThe tension has been building, and it comes to its peak at 11:56p PDT on Wednesday, 16th September 2015 when Jupiter in Virgo makes exact opposition with Neptune Retrograde in Pisces.

Jupiter is all about growth and expansion. Virgo is all about practical and purposeful service – healing, health, wellness, and functionality. If something’s not working, Jupiter in Virgo makes finding a solution for it a big deal. If something works, Virgo Jupiter makes it work better and on a bigger scale. Jupiter in Virgo is saying, “I want to see my work making a practical and meaningful difference in my everyday life and in the everyday lives of those around me.” It’s saying, “I want the effects of my service to be productive and expansive.”

Yet this 2015 Jupiter in Virgo has a curious twist. Virgo is known for healing and problem-solving, and Jupiter has a penchant for increase and amplification. This is the strong indicator of the quickly-growing practical problems we are currently facing – problems which need comprehensive and expandable practical solutions. One major example of this is the global matter of immigration. Both the refugee crisis in the Middle East and Europe and the continuing debate on immigration in the Americas reflect the dynamic expansion and swelling concerns about what is being left behind and what is ahead for both the refugees who are migrating and the nations and peoples who are receiving them. Continue reading

2015 Virgo New Moon-Solar Eclipse – The Call of Duty

grunge-frame-of-sunrays_MJtGuC5d - graphicstockThis September 2015 New Moon in Virgo kick-starts us into some pretty intense energy of self-reflection & healing. This lunar phase goes exact on Saturday 12th September at 11:41p PDT at 20.27° Virgo and is also a partial SOLAR ECLIPSE! (only seen by southern Africa & Antarctica).

With any solar eclipse, the Moon partially or fully blocks the light from the Sun, creating a shadow of darkness which adds intensity to the light that does come shining through around the shadow. Though some things may remain hidden, there is a strong possibility that some unexpected events may come to the surface, leaving a lasting impression. If the revelations are difficult, there is a chance these impression may burn and hurt us.

With that said, this New Moon in Virgo wants us to look at how we’ve been practically dealing with our day-to-day. Virgo wants us to bring our issues to the ground and find effective solutions to any problems we have in our life. Ruled by Chiron (contemporarily) and Mercury (traditionally), Virgo has the sheer intelligence and healing ability for finding the perfect and practical solution for anything. In this sense, we’ll need to truly analyze what we’ve been spending our days doing and if those things are directed to our highest and greatest good. Continue reading

2015 Venus Retrograde Conjunct Mars in Leo – Acknowledging The Light That Wants to Shine

abstract-fire-background_zkIDodrd - graphicstockYesterday, Tuesday 1st September 2015 at 10:04p PDT, Venus Retrograde made exact conjunction with Mars in the sign of Leo (14.92°). This conjunction has a lot to do with partners allowing and encouraging each other to shine fully self-expressed in the spotlight of life. Let’s discuss each of these components separately before explaining how they come together.

Venus Retrograde in Leo may find us standing in the light of our companions and partners. There are a few questions which arise under this influence:

  • Are you shining your own light, or are you simply reflecting your partner’s? Is your partner shining their own light, or are they reflecting yours?
  • Is your light being hidden, drowned out, outshined, or overwhelmed by your partner’s light? Is your partner being overwhelmed, drowned out, outshined, or hidden by yours?
  • Are you being encouraged by your partner(s) or companions to shine your unique creative self-expression? Are you encouraging your partner’s creative self-expression?
  • Are you being pushed to express yourself in ways that make you known or stand out to others? Are you pushing others to express themselves more fully?

With all of that being asked, Venus Retrograde in Leo asks you to recognize your role in your relationships, and you may find that your role is or isn’t in alignment with you True self. If you find you are being inauthentic or repressed in any relationship in any way, that is an indicator that you may want to reassess the relationship.

Mars in Leo is passionate self-expression. Mars in its own right is assertive and initiative. Leo is bold, courageous, and creative. Mars in Leo is a strong and passionate fire – a creative and expressive force to be reckoned with.

When Mars in Leo combines with Venus Retrograde in Leo, this conjunction is a sure sign that if your unique self isn’t getting its stage time, it will probably fight for it. You may notice yourself standing up for yourself more than usual in your one-on-one interactions and relationships of all kinds. This is especially the case if you feel like your talents and contributions are not able to shine forth – you’re more inclined than usual to make sure that your creativity and uniqueness are seen and known under this influence. Continue reading

The Six Retrograde Planets of Summer 2015 – Seeing Yourself and Others Clearly

Sunset on Water 2


There’s a lot of planetary energy in retrograde motion right now. In fact, we have 6 bodies in retrograde motion at the present time, and they will all be in retrograde motion for the remainder of the 2015 Leo Sun and well into the 2015 Virgo Sun period.

Here’s all of the players in order of station to direct (or change of direction):


  • Ceres is retrograde in Capricorn until 4th September (retrograde in Capricorn since 3rd August).
  • Venus is currently retrograde in Leo until 6th September (retrograde in Leo since 31st July).
  • Pluto is currently retrograde in Capricorn until 29th September (retrograde since 16th April).
  • Neptune in retrograde in Pisces until 18th November (retrograde since 12th June).
  • Chiron is also in Pisces, and is retrograde until 28th November (retrograde since 24th June).
  • And finally, Uranus Retrograde in Aries until 25th December (retrograde since 26th July).

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