You + Me + The Moon Makes Three…In The Shadows of A Partial Eclipse – The 2014 Scorpio Sun Period Begins

The first day of the 2014 Scorpio Sun Period is a big one, as The Sun enters Scorpio (at 4:57a PDT), then Venus enters Scorpio (at 1:52p PDT), and then the Moon conjuncts the Sun in Scorpio to form the Scorpio New Moon (at 2:57p PDT)– all within 10 hours of each other on Thursday 23rd October 2014.

The New Moon at 0° thing will happen again next month in Sagittarius, too, and within an even smaller time frame.  However, it won’t be as special as this Scorpio New Moon.

First of all – with Venus in the mix, this 2014 Scorpio New Moon has a “we” consciousness about it.  There is a heightened awareness of partnerships as their own emotional entities and a call for emotional clarity within them that may not have been present before.

In this specific case of this first day of the 2014 Scorpio Sun Period, the Sun is you, Venus is the other, and the Moon is the emotional component that wasn’t intended to be part of the party but is making its appearance anyway.  The actual partnerships themselves are revealed to be the emotional “third wheels” of what would normally be two-person or two-party companionships. Continue reading

Total Solar Eclipse (New Moon) in Scorpio – The Merge, The Change, and The Course

New Moons typically usher in new beginnings.  However, in this particular case of the 2012 Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio, there is a special kind of new beginning as our Light and darkness merge.  And under Scorpio’s influence, we will be merging the darkest of our darkness and the brightest of our Light together to establish our whole selves.  This is an opportunity to experience our Oneness within our individual selves and outwardly with All-That-Is.

This will also be a North Node eclipse, meaning that we will experience endings and new beginnings that move us forward and upward in the evolution of humanity and of All-That-Is.  This is confirmed by the fact that with Mercury Retrograde in play during this eclipse, this is a time of going back to “make adjustments or course corrections” so that when Mercury goes direct again, we can earnestly progress forward and upward.  This New Moon eclipse – exact on Tuesday, November 13th at 2:08p – will give us our “final” opportunity for major adjustments before our courses are set.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying you won’t be able to make any changes after this eclipse.  We are always able to make adjustments as we travel our paths, of course.  Adaptability, as always, is our best ally as the only true constant in life in change.  However, the changes we experience leading up to and during this eclipse collectively comprise the major change and choice of course we are embarking on.  The destinations we desire and choose when we experience these 2012 Scorpio Total Solar Eclipse changes will determine the paths we take to get to those destinations and/or to accomplish those goals.

The impact of these changes, along with other changes that are likely to occur under and as result of the influence of this Scorpio Total Eclipse will bring massive changes to how we perceive ourselves as individuals and as a collective whole.  As Scorpio deals with our deepest emotional truths and our most vulnerable intimacies, our collective moral and ethical beliefs and practices around matters of money, material resources, sexuality, power, and influence are the matters that are shifting and changing.  What has traditionally given people and institutions status and influence (and therefore, power and control) is losing its validity.  Keeping these emotional secrets and pretending that emotional expression and vulnerability is weakness no longer serves us well.

We’re seeing it now – people in prominent social and professional positions are resigning after having scandals revealed.  Just in these last few days, the director of the CIA here in the US, the leadership of the BBC in Great Britain, and even the puppeteer who gives expression to Elmo!  Deep emotional and sexual secrets and allegations (true and false) are being exposed and/or made for all to see, compromising the integrity of their roles in their institutions and in our society as a whole.  As we see our most revered social, professional, and political leaders toppling under their emotional truths, we are awakening to the real shift that is occurring.

The “end of the world” supposedly forecast by the ending of the Mayan calendar next month is not so much a tangible one, but an emotional-spiritual one.  The world we have known before now no longer serves us well.  The world that is emerging – one in which our emotional, heart-based truths are dictating our courses in life – is now the world that is emerging and gaining influence.  We are no longer willing to live lies by betraying our emotional and spiritual truths in order to obtain or sustain institutional power or control, destroying all that betrays our inner truths or does not ring true to us in order to create space for what does express our deepest truths to be born, to emerge.

That said, after having much of this year of 2012 to look at ourselves and our lives and choose where we want to take ourselves, we are now being asked to make these choices for ourselves.  We are also being asked to make them from our most vulnerable inner truths.

Scorpio energy wants what it wants, and it doesn’t settle for less – it is an all-or-nothing energy.  It is both extremely destructive and powerfully creative, purging what does not serve you so that what will can come into your life.  And because it is a fiercely intense and powerful emotional energy, Scorpio really speaks to what your heart wants and believes it is worthy and deserving of.  Your heart wants what your heart wants, and it will do everything…or sometimes, nothing to get it.

That said, if you do not want to make the choices for yourself, the Universe will often make them for you.  This is more likely to show up as your being subjected to the choices of others – you will need to respond or react to their very decisive (and possibly extreme) choices.  You will find that you need to adjust to others rather than having others accommodate or adjust to you.

If the idea of being at the whim of others does not appeal to you, the question to ask yourself is…what do you really want for yourself and your life?

Now is the time – during this Scorpio Total Solar North Nodal Eclipse – to be really honest with yourself and confront your deepest emotional depths (both desires and fears).  The Universe is listening, and is entering your coordinates in its Universal GPS.   Your course is being set to go wherever you are choosing it to go right now.  Scorpio is very intentional, so be intentional and specific in your prayers and requests for assistance.  Be careful what you wish for – you can probably get it, though it may not show up as you expect or hope.

A few other influences of note on this Scorpio Total Eclipse day:

  • At the time of the eclipse, there will also be a Water Element Grand Trine of Saturn in Scorpio, Ceres in Cancer, and Chiron in Pisces. (3-4°)  This lets us know that the changes we are undergoing will be mostly about our values and morals regarding our survival resources (such as money, home, food, sex, etc.).  The emotional impact of those morals and values will affect us at the innermost cores of our beings, and the changes we experience as result of that impact can be healing and enduring for the collective whole…and for our individual selves if we allow them to occur in our lives.
  • Uranus is also at 4° in Aries, so unexpected actions and events will act as a challenging catalyst for positive changes in and healing of values and morals in regard to our financial, material, and physical resources.  And the unexpected will come by our own hands – it will be the unexpected actions or results of our actions that have us recognize exactly what we are committed to creating in and through our lives.  You may be surprised at what you are willing to do to get the outcome you truly want.  You may be even more surprised when you actually do it.
  • Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, bring a harsh dose of reality and truth to what seemed like an ideal manifested or “a dream come true”.  The rose-colored glasses may come off of what seemed to be an ideal situation for you.
  • A few hours after it makes its blunt statement of truth, Mercury Retrograde moves back into Scorpio to take its role on the demolition team, joining the Sun, Moon, Saturn, and the North Node already in the sign.

I would love to know how this Scorpio North Node Total Eclipse plays a role in your life!  Please comment here in the blog or on the Life By Soul Facebook or Google + pages to share your experience of this extraordinarily powerful and profound moment in time.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Sun and New Moon in Scorpio – Profound Changes

The Sun moves into Scorpio today at 11:30a PDT, and with it comes quite a few decisions about the directions of our lives. Profound changes are about to occur…if they aren’t already occurring.

In all areas and aspects of our lives, long-term relationships, long-present resource structures, and long-held belief systems are being replaced or altered.  With Scorpio running the show, there is nothing sacred right now.  The collective desire for change is strong, and Scorpio deals with change in extremes.  It’s all-or-nothing when Scorpio is making choices, therefore choices tend to be more like decisions with Scorpio than with any other sign.  However, to find out which areas of your own life may be most affected by this time of profound change, it will depend on which area of your own personal astrology chart Scorpio resides in.

For example, Scorpio resides in the 3rd house of my personal astrology chart, but it doesn’t sit on either cusp of the house.  Therefore, Scorpio is considered to be “intercepted” in the 3rd house between Libra and Sagittarius.

The 3rd house is about communication, learning, and one’s mental process.  With Libra on the opening cusp of the 3rd house in my chart, I thrive on one-on-one communications and interactions with others – I am passionate about them.  When it comes to exchanging information and ideas, I prefer exchanging one-on-one.  More information and clearer insights seem to come to me through more intimate interactions than from group or mass communications.

The key word in that last sentence is ‘intimate’, for that is how Scorpio shows up for me in my communications and thinking.  I like getting below the surface of people and getting to the heart of matters with them – finding out what really drives them and what really has them feel the way they feel about things.  There is no subject or action that is taboo for me.  Whether it is spirituality, sexuality, current events, politics, religion, race, etc., if it’s important to the person I’m talking to, I’m often willing go there because it’s an opportunity for me to learn what is important to them and why it is important to them.  I like discovering and figuring out what makes people tick and what they really think and feel about certain matters through my one-on-one conversations with them.

And the exploration isn’t a one way street.  Due to Libra’s need for fairness and balance at the beginning of the house, Sagittarius’ crusade for truth, growth and expansion at the end of the house, and especially with Mercury in Sagittarius as the last planet residing in the 3rd house of my chart, I have no problem sharing with others the more intimate thoughts and details of my own life if they want to know.

The fact that Scorpio shows up in my life in this way brings light to the area of my life in which profound change is likely to occur.

I am currently writing the first Life By Soul™ book, I have been writing a lot- much more than I should be for each of the Life By Soul™ combinations.  It became clear when I brought a segment of the book to my recent writers’ group meeting and we found that I was being redundant saying the same things over and over again, over-explaining the crucial elements of each combination.  One of my group co-members suggested I change the format so I can get to my points more quickly.  The message was pretty much, “Shut up and get to the point!”  It wasn’t mean-spirited, but it was direct…and it resonated.

This redundancy thing also shows up in my “day job”.  My other job is as a sales agent for a major cable telecom provider, yet most of my previous work experience has been as a customer service representative. I find that I am used to problem-solving and explaining things to people.  This method works in customer service, but it doesn’t work in sales.  For sales, I’m talking and explaining way too much and I end up confusing my customers which results in their wanting to think things over or their not wanting to buy from me.  My sales numbers are not as good as they could be as result, and it’s a very frustrating position for me to be in.

I went for a long walk/run after the writers’ group meeting, and it dawned on me just how often I go on explaining and repeating myself in every area of my life!  THIS is that the area I get to focus my changes on is my communication style.  I now understand that I really do talk too much and explain too much and how!  The fact is…I don’t need to say so much to make my point, and I don’t need to explain anything unless the customer asks me to explain.  I need to teach myself to listen more and talk less – I get to be more silent and to give my words more value in the process of communicating with others.

Note that the New Moon occurs in Scorpio at 12:57p PDT this Wednesday October 26th, only three days after the Sun enters the sign.  This makes this week a perfect time to initiate whatever profound changes are needed in your life in these areas of your life that are driven by your emotional depths.  You may want to consider making choices for your life in that area(s) Scorpio resides in your chart that are based upon the inner truth you really feel rather than by only what is practical and tangible.

Just be aware that the changes you choose to bring to your life may also bring some challenges to the more stable and long-term relationships you are part of.  Just because it’s a good time to start changes doesn’t necessarily mean that actually making them will be a fun or easy process.  In fact, it may take quite a bit of effort to make these changes happen, but well worth it in the long run if you are truly determined to manifest the life you want.

Look at where Scorpio falls in your astrological chart for guidance in how to utilize this energy in your personal life journey. For more information and insights, go to to review the astrology, numerology, and tarot services that I offer through Life By Soul that can assist you in this process of profound change.

Thank you for reading and sharing.  Enjoy the week!

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
