2015 Gemini Full Moon – Lessons in Letting Go (of What You Don’t Know)

Fog Fantasy background - GraphicstockThe Full Moon in Gemini is happening today, Wednesday 25th November at 2:44p PST. Here we have the Sagittarius Sun opposing the Gemini Moon.

While the Sun in Sagittarius loves seeking truth and wisdom of experience – the Moon in Gemini loves gathering information and asking why. In other words, the Sun is shining light on the all we have learned in our life and we are questioning our feelings about it.

A personal reflection to explain what I’m talking about:  A little over a week ago I was feeling pretty solid with my sense of self. Then, I got confronted with some unresolved self-doubt issues. I was beginning to think my own life experiences was not enough wisdom for me to actually move forward with my life’s work. This brought up my own feelings not being “qualified or capable” enough in guiding people towards their own healing and awareness. In short,  I figured that  I needed to collect more data before moving forward in any way. This had me feeling stuck, frustrated and mentally overstimulated.

Follow along here, I promise all of it will connect… Continue reading

Sagittarius-Gemini Lunar Eclipse – “The Telephone Game”

At 6:45a PST on Wednesday, November 28th, we have a Full Moon in Gemini opposite the Sagittarius Sun.

Gemini is the perpetual student of the Zodiac, constantly seeking mental stimulation.  It lives to learn, and gathers information from anything and anyone.  Really.  Anyone and anything.

That said, Gemini may need to collect a lot of information to discern what is true and what is not.  In fact, it may not even care whether what it is saying is true or not.  To Gemini, information is information and the fact that the information is out there being shared is what makes it true until it is proven otherwise.

Sagittarius, however, is all about truth.  In fact, it is so much about truth that it would rather go out and experience whatever the subject matter is for itself in order to have its own first-hand knowledge to speak from.  Sag wants to teach what it knows to be true, not just what it supposes is truth.

But as the wise and optimistic teacher of the Zodiac, sometimes Sagittarius can be so intellectual and big thinking that what it offers isn’t always easily received.  It may be too generalized, too broad, too expansive, or simply too much information.  Sometimes, it may even seem too good to be true.

So in this Full Moon cycle, the Gemini Full Moon will communicate back to the Sagittarius Sun what it has heard, understood, and learned.  This will be a great opportunity for Sag to find out if what it is sharing with others is being received with integrity and if what it teaches is being authentically represented as it is repeated out there in the world.

In other words, this is a nice real-life game of “Telephone” about to come full circle.

You remember that children’s game, don’t you?  The one where you stand in a line, and the person at one end whispers a sentence or phrase in the ear of the person next to them.  That person then whispers it in the next person’s ear, then that person shares with the next, and it goes all the way down the line until it gets to the last person.  Then that last person yells out what they heard.  It’s funny because what the last person says is rarely what the first person started with.  Usually, it’s not even close.

And so it the way information (and especially gossip) travels, and why the game of “Telephone” is such a perfect analogy for what is likely to happen during this 2012 Gemini Full Moon.  The Sagittarius Sun shares its truth, and that communication goes out into the world, through the ears and mouths of others until it is reflected in the light of the Gemini Full Moon to be revealed as what is said at the end of the line.

This is why it is important to discern fact from fiction during this Full Moon in Gemini.  With the Moon opposite the Sagittarius Sun, now is the time for the information that we’ve each and all put out there to be reflected back to us through Gemini’s ideas, words, and intellectual mindplay.  Finally, in the light of the Sagittarius Sun, the Moon in Gemini gets to let us know how our communications of truth have been or are being received.

This Gemini Full Moon is also a Penumbral (partial) Lunar Eclipse, in which the Earth’s shadow will block the direct reflection of the Sun’s Light for a time.  This indicates, like in the Telephone game itself, that some of the truth communicated from the beginning of the line may be lost in the procession to the end.  However, it also indicates that the Earth’s presence in the shadows will give more substance than usual to the Moon’s watery emotional energy.  This is a good indication that what is being said will probably be a little more than mere reaction or opinion.

Jupiter, Sagittarius’ ruling planet, is in the sign of Gemini as this Lunar Eclipse occurs.  Though not in direct aspect, it is still an interesting placement during this event.  Since Jupiter tends to be generous, larger-than-life, and rather jolly, whatever is communicated or brought to Light will likely be shared loudly and proudly with a cheerful and boisterous energy.

To put Jupiter in Gemini during this 2012 Sag-Gem Lunar Eclipse into context, we’ll say that the kid at the end of the telephone line is that happy-go-lucky kid who likes to blurt stuff out to everyone who will listen, even if it’s something he’s not supposed to share.  Only instead of blowing off whatever comes out of his mouth as his crying “wolf”, we’d be wise to note that what he is saying likely has a substantial element of truth to it.  The truth may not be obvious, but it will be present and presented in some way.

That said, we may be very surprised at what information comes back to us during this Full Moon cycle, and we may be even more surprised by the form in which it comes back.  There is a lot of Scorpio energy in the air (Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and North Node), and a nice little chunk of Capricorn as well (Mars and Pluto).  Whatever comes out is sure to help us make some very decisive choices in alignment with our intentions, ambitions, and goals.

Two special influences of note during this eclipse:

  • Venus conjunct Saturn in Scorpio (establishing ‘til death do us part connections, or bringing about the suffocation death of a relationship or partnership)
  • Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (taking actions to kill off whatever stands in the way of reaching one’s goals and ambitions, or ambitions and goals once thought dead rising from the ashes through inspired action)

Both of these conjunctions (though both will be waning at the time of the Lunar Eclipse) will be within aspect orb with the Lunar Eclipse, increasing the power of their influence.  But with our being in a Sagittarius Sun cycle, the outcomes of our choices and the transformations that occur in our lives as result of them will likely end up positive and beneficial in the long run.

So, keep your ears open during this 2012 Sagittarius-Gemini Lunar Eclipse.  You never know what truths you may hear.  You may not even recognize them, but this time around. The game may actually worth the way it’s supposed to.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius-Gemini: Questions, Answers, and Lessons

There is a Full Moon at 1:14pm this coming Wednesday, June 15th.  This time around, the light is originating from the Gemini Sun, being reflected by the Moon in Sagittarius.

Gemini is considered ‘the student’ of the Zodiac, while Sagittarius is ‘the teacher’. In this Full Moon, the student’s light is reflected in the teacher’s presence.  The teacher gets to show off what its student has learned.  It’s rather appropriate that many school graduations are occurring around this time, with teachers and educators displaying and celebrating the accomplishments of their students.

You can expect that along with the grand celebrations, there will be a lot to say and think about – it’s a good time to reflect upon recent events and milestones.  Even if you are not a student graduating or a teacher standing proud in your students’ light, you have access to this powerful reflective energy in your own life right now.

Gemini’s sunlight reveals what is available for you to learn as well as what you already know.  Whether you want to admit it or not, in any area(s) of your life you have been having questions about, at this point and on some level you already have the information you need, you’ve already heard or received the communication you needed to receive.  The ‘signs’ you’ve been looking for have already been given.  And if you’re reading this and saying, “no, they haven’t”, they are probably being given to you right now.  Look and listen to and think about all that’s around you right now to recognize the answers to your questions.

Also consider Sagittarius moon reflecting that Gemini sunlight.  Sagittarius often gets mentioned for its joyful, optimistic, larger than life energy.  Yet, what tends to be left out is Sag’s affinity for Truth in any and all forms.  Its crusade for Truth and its joy in finding it is what sets Sagittarius free to be the adventurer it is.  Even rough patches in its journey through life are seen as a bit of excitement in the ride.  For Sagittarius, “it’s all good”…or at least it’s all well-intended.  All roads lead to Truth.

Gemini’s light being reflected by the Sagittarius moon represents the intellectual (mental and verbal) revelation and communication of the truth of all you’ve learned so far being brought to the fore.  This is your chance to really assess what you have learned and gained up to this point in your journey through 2011.

But what happens when there’s a Lunar Eclipse?

The Lunar Eclipse means that the Earth (or rather, its shadow) is crashing this ‘reflection party’. Its position and role in this Sagittarius/Gemini Full Moon cycle represents practical and tangible elements of your life supporting the Moon’s revelation and communication of Truth, allowing the truth of the matters at hand to come to the forefront of your life in a big and very real way.  The tangible and practical aspects of your life may be physically or substantially communicating to you the answers and the truth that you have been asking for, giving you actual proof of your true intentions even if you believed you were generating otherwise.  What you see is what you get in this case, and what you get (or don’t get) is the reality of your inner truth showing up.  This is a wonderful time to look around you and within you to find out what you are really thinking and believing about yourself and your life.

Think of this Full Moon/Eclipse as a Truth and authenticity checkpoint.

The good news is that whatever answers you are getting are revealing Truth to you.  The questionable news is whether or not you choose to accept or deny the Truth being revealed and communicated to you.

If things are moving quickly and easily for you, chances are you are moving along on course with your actions in alignment with your words, thoughts, feelings and intentions. Everything that is in alignment with Truth is moving and showing up quickly and effortlessly.

If things have been moving slowly or if you’re feeling blocked or stagnant in your efforts, you may consider these delays or blocks as “Do Not Enter – Wrong Way” signs.  Everything that is not in alignment is moving very slowly if it isn’t being blocked altogether.

Now more than ever is a time to “go with the flow”.  Allow yourself to be guided by the truth right now.  The Universe is growing you – let it teach you how to use what you know and have learned.

Enjoy the week, and enjoy the ride!


Until the next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings,
