2015 Cancer Full Moon – Revelations of Sunlight and Water

Capricorn is the “daddy” energy of the Zodiac.  Goal-oriented, results-minded, authoritative, and disciplinarian, Capricorn energy is meant to focus and discipline us in order to help us get things accomplished in our lives.

Cancer is the “mommy” energy of the Zodiac.  Emotionally nurturing, supportive, caring, and protective, Cancer energy is meant to help us feel supported in our growth and development, encouraging us to go out into the world knowing that we are loved and cared for no matter who we become in our lives.

The Moon is in exact opposition to the Sun at 8:53p PST this evening, Sunday 04 January 2014 to create the 2015 Cancer Full Moon. Here’s what you may want to know and expect about Cancer Full Moons in general and about this particular 2015 Cancer Full Moon event. Continue reading

Earth-Water Grand Sextile…and A Little Yod, Too – Actions Opening Doors

Grand sextile configurations are potent, and this one at its most exact today, October 31st, 2013, may be the most potent that we’ve had since the ones that were part of the Star of David configuration earlier in the year.  In Zodiac order of appearance, this October 2013 grand sextile involves:

  • Mars in Virgo at 9° in sextile aspect to…
  • North Node in Scorpio at 7° conjunct Sun in Scorpio at 8° conjunct Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio at 11° (a stellium) in sextile aspect to…
  • Pluto in Capricorn at 9° in sextile aspect to…
  • Chiron Retrograde in Pisces at 9°, which opposes Mars in Virgo(exact as of 10:29p PDT last night).

Mars in Virgo reveals a strong inclination to take actions with purpose.  The North Node in Scorpio represents how we are all being guided to transform aspects of ourselves and our lives, if not to transform our lives entirely.  The Sun in Scorpio represents Light exposing and revealing our deepest and darkest truths to us for us to face and deal with them.  Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio is giving us an opportunity to go back over things and to think deeply before we speak.  Pluto in Capricorn is clearing out and away the systems, standards, and structures that no longer define or serve us well.  Chiron Retrograde in Pisces is giving us an opportunity to revisit our past in ways that help us heal our emotional-spiritual wounds so we can move forward.

Together, this earth-water grand sextile is a powerful opportunity for us to recognize how our practical actions to provide us with opportunities to make significant changes as result of recent realizations of Truth.  By really taking the time to consider and weigh the options available to each and all of us at this time, we can choose to release certain beliefs and behaviors in order to heal ourselves of our past.  This is a pretty big deal.

Yes, grand sextiles are usually in themselves positive configurations, so we need to recognize that even if the changes are major and may be painful to face, allowing them to occur will work out for the best in the long run.  Yet we do need to consider the players involved – this is some strong energy that affects us both individually and collectively.

On the individual level, the energy of this October 2013 grand sextile is likely to open up some doors for you that you may have been waiting to have opened for a long time.  The questions now at hand are the following:

  • Will you walk through the doors that are opening for you?
  • If you are hesitant to walk through, what do you need to heal and/or overcome in order to walk through them?
  • Are you willing to seize the opportunity, even if it doesn’t look the way you envisioned, thought, or hoped it would?
  • Are you really ready for your life to transform, possibly in a very deep and profound way?

On a collective level, there may be some major events that occur today, or this energy could simply plant the seeds for some major events in the near future.   I look forward to finding out how this actually manifests for each and all of us.

One thing to keep in mind today – the grand sextile may be the biggest thing, but it’s not the only big thing happening.

There is also a yod configuration with Juno in Aquarius at 8°and Uranus Retrograde in Aries at 9° in sextile aspect at the base, making quincunx aspects to Mars in Virgo at 9°at the point.  Yods are also known as “fingers of God”, revealing the results of certain behaviors or approaches by literally pointing us in a direction.  The elements of the base don’t seem like they’d result in the point, yet that’s often how the Universe works – what we humans think makes sense usually doesn’t.

In this particular yod, Juno in Aquarius reveals our commitment to make a contribution to humanity, and Uranus Retrograde in Aries revealing our willingness to embrace our unique individual self-expressions.  Together, these air and fire energies give us the foundation and motivation for purpose-driven actions through Mars in Virgo.  Make no mistake – between the grand sextile and the yod, Mars is the key.  The actions and activities that occur today (and really, from October 29th through the extremely powerful Total Eclipse New Moon on November 3rd through November 5th) have serious potential to bring about some of the big things that we’ve felt are coming but haven’t yet arrived.  This could be the time of arrival…or at least the door it all actually begins to come through.

Of course, Uranus Retrograde in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn (exact tomorrow at 3:02a PDT), challenging us to step into our individual expressions by creating our definitions of success and achievement for ourselves.  And Juno in Aquarius squares the North Node-Sun-Mercury Retrograde stellium in Scorpio, challenging us to make a commitment to contribute our unique abilities and talents to humanity even though we may not even know exactly how we are going to do that yet.  It’s okay.  Simply by acknowledging that you are being called to serve a greater purpose and accepting that call, you empower yourself to seek out exactly what that role is.  In doing that, you have something that guides you, supports you, and gives you something to count on through this time of great change and uncertainty – you are given a path to walk or maybe even a trail to blaze, even if you aren’t sure exactly where it leads.

Please comment on this post or send me messages via e-mail, Facebook, G+, or Linked In as the power of these grand sextile and yod configurations plays out.  I’d love to know how it affects your life.  I also look forward to how it will affect my own personal journey, and our collective human journey as well.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Scorpio Trine Jupiter in Cancer – Those Feel-Good Vibes

When Venus in Scorpio trines Jupiter in Cancer (exact at 2:01p PDT tomorrow, September 26th), things can feel pretty good.  At a time when Uranus Retrograde in Aries is giving many of us formidable independence streaks, this transit gives us a good reason why companionship isn’t a bad idea right now.

After all, Venus and Jupiter are both planets of abundance, and they are both moving through water signs bringing forth a lot of emotional energy.  Any partnerships that are acknowledged, chosen, and nurtured right now could experience emotional growth and a powerful deepening of intimacy.  This type of emotional development in a relationship could prove very beneficial to both parties involved on a number of different levels – spiritual, physical, material, and/or financial as well as emotional.  This could be an all-around good thing.

Yes, Venus in Scorpio and Jupiter in Cancer complement each other very well right now…maybe even too well.

That is because in Scorpio, Venus can be very deep, intense, and decisive; and in Cancer, Jupiter may be feeling even more warm and fuzzy about taking chances than usual.  In this water trine aspect, they can make a pretty intoxicating pair that could lead to some very sudden relationship choices based upon feel-good emotions.  Without proper consideration of facts and circumstances at hand, the good vibes of this Venus-Jupiter trine could become a case of too much of a good thing.

Though you may feel really good in the moment, it is important for you to be sure that you are making choices in the moment that are truly good for both of you.  It’s about what’s best for your partner and also what is best for you, individually and together on all levels.

Once you’ve allowed yourselves to be real with each other about what you’re feeling and wanting to do, then enjoy!  Venus in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Cancer can bring some moments of genuine and heartfelt joy coupled with flashes of passion and opportunities for two people to show each other how much they truly care about each other.

There is one thing to make note of – Scorpio Venus’ trine with Cancer Jupiter is moving toward exact twith its effects being felt Monday September 24th through early Sunday, September 29th.  It’s a good thing that the good vibes will carry through until then because Venus is also in a much more challenging transit with Mars in Leo that will be exact on Saturday, September 28th.  I’ll tell you more about  that in the next post.

In the meantime, thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Keep on enjoying the warm and fuzzy feelings while I get to that post about Venus’ next rendezvous…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Reference Post: The Astrological Bodies and Patterns of 29.July.2013, One by One

Per popular request by private message, here’s the components of the major astrological patterns today, Monday, July 29th, 2013, and what each means in its own right:

  • Sun in Leo:  Light shining brightly, seeking acknowledgment and/or attention for creative power and strength.  Where do you stand out in your life, whether you want to or not? And where you want to stand out, are you getting the acknowledgment you want or deserve?
  • Moon in Taurus:  Emotions and feelings rooted in lifestyle values resources.  Do you have what you need to feel safe, stable, secure, and comfortable?  If so, things are great!  If not, things are horrible!  Check in with yourself to see how you feel and how this may help you figure out why.
  • Venus in Virgo:  One-on-one relationships help keep your feet on the ground.  Having another person to remind you that life occurs in the here and now, one moment at a time is a very valuable resource for you in this time of change.  The day-to-day of your relationships of all kinds help keep things in practical and purposeful perspective.
  • Mars in Cancer:  Actions are taken in order to nurture, care for, and protect (your) emotional interests.  The more you care about it, the more you’re willing to take action for what is needed to take care of it.  If you care enough, you may even fight for it.
  • Jupiter in Cancer:  Growth and expansion of your emotional interests – whatever you nurture, care for, and protect grows, even if you say that you don’t want to.  Think of it this way – if you give a plant “water”, it will grow.  So, what are you really watering in your life?  Whatever it is, that is what is growing in your life.  If you say you want it, water it.  If you say you don’t, then don’t.
  • Saturn in Scorpio:  You are focused and disciplined about getting to the darkest dark and the brightest light of everything in your life so you can get be very emotionally clear and decisive about  what stays and what goes.  You also get to hold yourself and others responsible and accountable for the standards that are in place now that are outdated and no longer serve us because they lack emotional and spiritual integrity, and for how those structures and standards are now replaced for the future to honor and respect those emotional and spiritual truths.
  • Uranus Retrograde in Aries:  You are more aware of your True self now than you have been in a long time, and you are recognizing where you have been following your own inner voice and where you have been following others trying to belong or fit in. If who you are finding yourself to be now is not in alignment with who you associate with, you may need to change your friends and associates as part of changing your life and reclaiming your individuality.
  • Neptune Retrograde in Pisces:  Dreamy, ethereal, and delusional Neptune is especially so in its home sign.  Beware of where this falls in your own chart now.  It can represent where your visions and dreams for what is possible may come from, but it may also represent where you may be kidding yourself or deluding yourself about who you are or what you are here to do.  (By the way, this is where Venus in Virgo comes in really handy.  Your partners can help you figure out what has a chance of manifesting in tangible reality and what is completely far-fetched.)
  • Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn:  This is THE influence that is running the show right now.  The last time Pluto was in Capricorn, it helped bring about the French and American Revolutions, just to give you an idea of how powerful this energy can be and what it brings about.

Double Water Grand Trine: Mars conjunct Jupiter in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces =  Taking focused and disciplined actions to responsibly grow and expand the vision(s) you are emotionally invested in as well as to clear away what no longer supports you in being responsible and accountable for your life.  This could show up as a focus on the people in your life whom you care for, nurture, and protect on an emotional investment on your part.  You get to be held accountable for where your emotional loyalties lie, and if you’re not happy with where you are putting your energy and attention, only you are responsible for shifting that now.

Earth Grand Trine: Moon in Taurus trine Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn = An emotional need to have your lifestyle needs met drives your partnerships and helps you gain clarity about what stays and what goes in terms of your goals and ambitions for your life – both personal and professional.  This could show up as your partners reminding you of what you need to have your life work on a day-to-day basis, or of which resources you need to have a lifestyle that provides you with comfort, security, ease, and peace of mind.  Anything that is not supporting you or assisting you in meeting those needs and achieving those goals may need to be eliminated from your life at this time.

T-Square #1:  Uranus Retrograde in Aries square (Mars conjunct Jupiter in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn) = Paying attention to how much you get to be and act like your True self helps you figure out which communities support and encourage you in both pursuing your goals and ambitions and taking actions to nurture, care for, and/or protect your loved ones or your emotional interests.  Whenever you don’t feel like you can be your True self fully and uniquely self-expressed or whenever you feel like you are not making a contribution to the greater whole in being who you truly are (and not pretending to be someone you’re not), you seek out a new community that will receive who you are and what you uniquely offer.

T-Square #2:  Sun in Leo square (Moon in Taurus opposite Saturn in Scorpio) = Your ability to shine your unique expression of Light boldly and brightly is the measure of 1) how emotionally comfortable you are in living your current lifestyle and/or with your lifestyle values and resources, and 2) how focused and disciplined you are in getting to the bottom of what keeps you from having what you want or need for your lifestyle to be emotionally and spiritually fulfilling for you.  Whenever you lack confidence in being yourself fully, feel like you have to pretend to be someone you’re not (dishonoring the truth of who you are), or you would rather hide what you have to offer than share it with or contribute it to another or others, you can bet that one or the other or both lifestyle components are not being met.

Please – do not ignore or avoid the changes that are happening right now, and especially don’t take them for granted!  The changes already in motion are growing/expanding, and the ones just getting started will have a much bigger impact than any of could imagine right now.  Exactly what?  We’ll have to wait and see.  But if history teaches us anything, we’ll want to take note of this intensely powerful time of transformational on every level of our lives and every conscious step of the way.

And for those of you who asked for this breakdown and explanation of what these energies are and how they are working together, I hope it helps. 🙂

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Full Moon in Virgo – Mud is Thicker Than Water

Ah yes!  Today at 12:26p PST brings us a Full Moon in Virgo, and along with it a much needed dose of substance and reality.

We are in the midst of an unusually water-logged Pisces Sun cycle with 7 major influences in water signs – there are 5 influences currently in Pisces (Sun, Mercury, Mars, Chiron, and the sign’s ruler Neptune) and 2 influences in Scorpio (Saturn and North Node).  To add to the strangeness, both Mercury and Saturn are also in retrograde motion, awakening us emotionally from within as well as affecting us through our outer environments.

This 2013 Pisces Sun cycle is a time where our dreams, visions, emotions, and intuitions are the powers that be – a very liquid energy that demands that we go with the flow of its energy and allow ourselves to be guided to what we need to be, do, and know at this time.  We are being asked to let go and let the Universe guide us from our inside out, even if it has to come from the outside first.  Yet it all feels rather elusive if not downright imaginary – there isn’t much for us to hold onto or count on right now.

In fact, the only two influences currently in earth signs and giving us anything of substance are 1) Pluto in Capricorn, which is usually good at extremes, either strengthening or destroying the structures and systems in place, so it’s not a sure bet for keeping anything stable or secure; and 2) Juno in Capricorn, which is committed to getting results and achieving success, yet in this excess of water is having a really tough time figuring out just what those goals and ambitions are and/or how to go about achieving them.

Yet in the midst of all of this intangible emotional-spiritual ebb and flow, this Full Moon in Virgo helps us gain some sense of tangible reality.  Not a lot, though.  After all, we are dealing with moody and emotional Moon energy, and Virgo is a mutable earth sign, and the earth it provides is more like thick mud rather than really solid earth. Nevertheless, Full Moon in Virgo gives us something thicker than water, and that emotional substance is a very welcome presence in this ethereal Pisces wonderland right now.

The effects of the Full Moon in Virgo can be felt for a day or two before and after the Full Moon is exact.  Make the most of this energy to make some markers to define your path.  Of course, you may want to remember that you’re sticking these markers into mud – they are subject to change position.

That leads us to another reminder:  The only true constant in life is change.  So in the midst of the changes that are happening for each and all of us, now during this Full Moon in Virgo is a good time to ask yourself what you are awakening to about yourself and others as you move through this Pisces Sun cycle.

  • What are you learning about your dreams, your visions, your emotions, and your spirituality?
  • How are your feelings, thoughts, and visions changing in these areas of your life?
  • And what are you realizing that you want or need to change in these areas your life now?

And one more thing:  Even though it’s been very fluid, the water has been relatively clear.  Even though your emotional-spiritual energy has been flowing very quickly and may have been overwhelming at times, it has also been providing you with great emotional-spiritual clarity in doing so.  The mud of the Full Moon in Virgo may make the water rather murky, but it should remain just clear enough for you to recognize what is really changing in yourself and in your life.  That recognition is the first step in embracing and allowing these changes to occur.

Let go and allow yourself and your life to evolve.  Use the mud of the Full Moon in Virgo to help you slow your trip down the river rapids a little, and use the change in speed to actually shift your position and as result, your life’s direction.

It may not feel like it now, but mud can be very therapeutic and you may find that the changes happening for you now may be bigger blessings than you could possibly imagine.

Thank you for reading and sharing this post.  Until next time…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Cancer – Watering Your Relationships

Venus moves out of the “perpetual student” energy of Gemini and into the “nurturing mother” energy of Cancer at 6:43a PDT on Tuesday, August 7th, 2012.

Venus is the planetary representative of one-on-one relationships of all kinds.  It is the ambassador of partnership, which is why it is also usually associated with the ideals of love and beauty.  However, Venus is considered the ruler of Libra – an air sign.  Air is mental energy – intellect, detachment, objectivity.  It is an important distinction to make as beauty and love are often in the eye of the beholder.  Therefore, love is often what we make it, and what we make it is often what we think it should be rather than how it may actually show up or what it actually is.

Sometimes, our perceptions of love and beauty aren’t really even our own, but rather are someone else’s ideals of love and beauty that we have adopted as our own. It is very important for us to get in touch with what is real and True for us as individuals so we can find our true partners in all areas of our lives.  In knowing what genuinely resonates as lovely and beautiful to us as individuals, we can then seek out the company of others with truly like minds and hearts.

When we remind ourselves that love is objective and unconditional, then we can embrace our relationships for what they are, and we can embrace the people we are in relationship with for who they are instead of trying to change them or make them into something they are not.  It is when we accept others as they are that we are open to the Truth and actuality of Love, we are open to beauty in all its forms, and we allow ourselves to receive and embrace the expressions of love and beauty which come into our lives.

That said, with Venus entering the sign of Cancer, we revisit Cancer’s nurturing, caring and protective energy.  With Venus in this sign, we may find ourselves being called upon to nurture and protect the relationships and partnerships that are important to us and which bring a healthy and balanced exchange of love and beauty into our lives.

Venus in Cancer is much like caring for plants.

If you don’t water a plant, it dies.  If you over-water a plant, it dies.  So it is important to water the plant, yet also important not to water it too much.

Water is often associated with emotional energy in the Zodiac and Tarot.  Therefore, if we think of the water in the plant analogy as the emotions in our relationships:

  • If we nurture and care for our relationships – if we give them just enough of the emotional attention (“water”) they need – then they can thrive.
  • However, if we don’t give them enough emotional attention we may find that those relationships dry up and disappear from our lives, or sometimes, if we give them too much emotional attention, we can overwhelm them with so much care or protection that it’s too much and they feel the need to escape from our lives.

In this Leo 4 period, the energy is such where we are being called upon to establish and/or define the foundations or structures that support us in shining our unique expressions of Light into the world.  When we bring Venus in Cancer in to that mix, it is important for us to notice the relationships that we are “watering” in our lives.

  • Which ones do we say are important to us, yet we don’t nurture and protect?
  • Which ones do we say are not important to us, yet we find ourselves giving plenty of emotional attention to?
  • Which ones do we find ourselves nurturing and protecting even though they may be non-supportive, detrimental or destructive to our unique expression?
  • And which ones do we find we are trying to kill off even though they may be encouraging and supporting us to shine our individual Light brightly out into the world?

Recognize the roles that others are playing for you in your life.  Distinguish if they are a positive, healthy and genuinely supportive influence in your life, or if they are a negative or unhealthy influence for you, detracting from what you are committed to creating in your life.

Also notice if you have any resistance to people who want to support, nurture, and/or protect you and your expression of your True self out into the world.  If you are resisting, ask yourself why.

  • What are your fears or aversions to receiving this support from others?
  • What are you afraid of giving up or letting go of in your life in order to receive the support you really need to grow and succeed in your expression of your unique and individual self?
  • Is what you say you are committed to creating really in alignment with who you truly are, or are you resisting because you are adopting someone else’s ideals of love and beauty as your own and deep down you know it is not true to who you are or want to be?

There is a lot to consider as you move forward through the remainder of this Venus in Cancer cycle which continues through September 6th.   It’s a quick trip through a very important period of 2012.  I hope awareness of the energy available to you helps you make the most of this precious opportunity to establish a solid support structure for the next steps of your life’s journey.

Water the “plants” that are important to you.  Help them grow…and know that you’re helping yourself grow in the process.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,
