2015 Mercury and Jupiter in Virgo – Practical Magic

In the last few days, there’s been a palpable shift toward the practical.

As we move just beyond the Leo Sun’s halfway point, we’re already starting to feel the practical, grounding energy of Virgo.

Virgo is mutable earth energy and is the sign of the practical healer. It addresses the functionality of our daily lives – everything that makes our daily lives work. This is the sign of health and wellness, of practical service, and of systems and processes. Whatever works is sustained. Whatever doesn’t work is adjusted until it does work.


Our introduction to this hands-on energy began when Mercury entered the sign of Virgo at 12:15p PDT on Friday, 7th August. When it did, it shifted the focus and intention of our thoughts and words to the real world day-to-day operations of our lives. Continue reading

The “Musical Chairs” of the 2015 Leo Sun Period – Embracing Your New Normal

More and more people are being called into their unique and individual self-expressions right now, and the upcoming 2015 Leo Sun period will be a pretty confrontational time for many as result. Some of you may be a bit scared as what you are being called to create, reveal, and express and you may not have a precedent in your life experience or in anyone else’s for that matter. By acting on your creative spark, you may be the originator of a new service, product, endeavor, or approach. What you bring to light may never have been brought forward by anyone else before you – you may be the first and only one to do it your way if at all…and this can be a lonely place to be.

Yet if you can move beyond being “the only one” and can embrace being “the first one”, you may discover that the light within you is more brilliant than you ever knew it (or yourself) to be. This could be a very exciting time for you and those around you.

Usually I reserve this type of detailed breakdown of coming events for The Life By Soul E-zine, which comes out monthly with the next edition being sent out in 2 days (register here for the mailing list – shameless plug). However, I’ve had so many people asking me about what is going on that I decided to put this bit of it out now as a blog article.

The coming month of the 2015 Leo Sun period (22 July-23 August) has more sign and direction changes than I’ve seen in a long time. There will be 7 sign changes and 2 retrogrades in the next 4.5 weeks! These changes are a major part of the rollercoaster we’ll all be on over the next few weeks.

If you though the last few months were crazy, wait until this month starts. I don’t say that to scare you – I say it to prepare you. Changes are coming, and if you want to make sure you have a seat to sit in as the ups and downs occur, be sure to listen closely to and keep up with the music.

Here’s a big part of the playlist for the next few weeks: Continue reading

2014 Mercury in Virgo – Constructive or Destructive Criticism?

On Friday, 15th August 2014, Mercury entered the sign of Virgo.  In doing so, it raises the question – are your thoughts and words solving problems and healing wounds, or are they causing them?

Mercury traditionally represents intellect and communication.  The ruler of the sign of Gemini, Mercury is known for having a quick mind and a quick mouth.  Though very charming and youthful in nature, Mercury can also be very logical.

In the sign of Virgo (ruled by Chiron), Mercury may find that its more serious intellectual and communicative skills are being applied to some rather mundane yet necessary situations as Virgo attends to the day-to-day of life.  Life’s practical and functional matters are addressed here, such as:  Did the bills get paid?  Did the laundry get done?  Did you do the grocery shopping?  Are you healthy and well – physically, mentally, and emotionally?

To that point, Mercury in Virgo may find its quick and curious mind applied to finding solutions and fixes for things that aren’t working in your own life or the lives of others.  If they aren’t working, you’ll need to fix them.  If they are working, you may find that you’re called upon to make them work better or more efficiently or effectively. Continue reading

Earth Grand Trine and Golden Rectangle Configurations – Defining New Standards for Success

It’s not very often that we have three major planetary geometry configurations so early in a sun cycle, but with this 2013 Virgo Sun Cycle, that’s exactly what we’ve got.

Today, Sunday, August 25, 2013, two of these three configurations are at their most exact at 1:15p PDT.

The first is an Earth Grand Trine, composed of the Moon in Taurus, the Sun conjunct Mercury in Virgo, and Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, with planets on each point within 6 orb of each other at 3°-9°  of their respective signs. Though it is conjunct Mercury, the Sun is just outside my preferred 6° maximum orb.

The Earth Grand Trine gives us an opportunity to get in touch with how we feel (through the Moon in Taurus) about our lifestyle resources in the face of the reality check being provided by the Sun-Mercury conjunction and the transformation of our societal-cultural standards for success and status occurring through Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn.  As the world’s old designations of success no longer ring true, we are having to define success newly for ourselves.

Even though the changes occurring on this level are bigger than you, you begin this re-definition process by figuring out what success means to you now as an individual.  This particular Earth Grand Trine configuration allows you to contribute in the creation of the new collective definitions of success through your own re-definition of success for yourself, first on an emotional level then adjusting your mindset to align with your new emotional truth about success.

The second is a Golden Rectangle, composed of the Moon in Taurus, the Sun conjunct Mercury in Virgo, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, all within a less than 4° orb of each other at 2°-6° of their respective signs.  They form trines, sextiles, and oppositions with each other to create a rectangle shape.

In this Golden Rectangle, we are also being asked to get in touch how we feel about our lifestyle and the workability of our lives again, only this time we are also encouraged to feel our way through the creation of plans and structures for our dreams.  By focusing and disciplining ourselves through making decisive choices, we are able to start laying the foundation for our next life steps.

This Golden Rectangle step is important because it calls upon you to really take ownership and responsibility for your life and the path you choose to travel to progress it. It is your opportunity to plot your course for how the energy of the Earth Grand Trine gets to be expressed and made manifest through you.

You – yes, you being you truly and fully – can help define new standards for success of all of us!

Some people would argue that today’s configurations would be part of another Earth-Water “Star of David” configuration, but as I mentioned in the Virgo E-Zine, due to the fact that Jupiter – which would complete the configuration – is at 12° Cancer, I consider it too far outside orb to make the Water Grand Trine component of the “Star” work.

Yet even though “The Star” doesn’t occur today in my perspective, it doesn’t diminish the effects of these Earth Grand Trine and Golden Rectangle configurations on you or the world.  These are some very profound energies which will indeed be the seeds for a new collective standards of status and success to be established.

The third of the three major configurations are the Cardinal Grand Cross that is at its most exact tomorrow, August 26, 2013.  In this configuration, Uranus Retrograde in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Venus in Libra, and Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn all square and oppose each other in cardinal energy known for its initiative and assertive energy.  There will be plenty more about that in the next post.

In the meantime, make the most of the opportunity to get in touch with what success now means to you – felt in your heart, demonstrated through the reality of your daily life, and manifest into the practical reality of your life.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury Conjunct Sun in Virgo – Aligning Your Mind With Your Practical Reality

After a few weeks of having your mind focused on how to shine your unique expression of Light, now your mindset shifts to the workability of your everyday life.  Mercury entered Virgo yesterday at 3:36p PDT, quickly moving you into awareness of the practical reality of your life.
Today at 1:56p…

Mercury Conjunct Sun in Virgo – Aligning Your Mind With Your Practical Reality

After a few weeks of having your mind focused on how to shine your unique expression of Light, now your mindset shifts to the workability of your everyday life.  Mercury entered Virgo yesterday at 3:36p PDT, quickly moving you into awareness of the practical reality of your life.

Today at 1:56p PDT, Mercury conjuncts the Sun in Virgo, providing you with an opportunity to align your mind with the truths revealed by the Sun’s Light about the real state of your daily life and lifestyle.

Virgo innately understands that without health and wellness, without clear plans and guidelines, without resources used effectively and efficiently, without getting to the root of problems to heal or solve them at their sources; things simply cannot work.  Even if they seem to work at first, any inauthenticity or compromise will eventually throw a wrench into the system or process.

Virgo helps you realize that the day-to-day of your life needs to be functional and healthy in order to support your ability to shine consistently, courageously, and with credible strength.  With the Sun and Mercury conjunct in Virgo, this is a brilliant time to get real with yourself about the reality you are living now.  Once you see yourself as you truly are right now and your life for what it is right now, you can appropriately assess whether or not you’re satisfied and happy with what you learn to be true.

If you are satisfied and happy with the present circumstances of your day-to-day life, you get to enjoy this moment of realizing that you have created a solid foundation for your life and that it supports you in living your inner truth.

If you’re not satisfied or happy with the present circumstances of your life, you get to see where your thoughts and communications fail to line up with your practical reality.  Then you can create a plan to change the course of your life by allowing your inner truth to guide the way.

Under the influence of Sun conjunct Mercury in Virgo, there is no right or wrong here that is measured or judged by anyone but yourself.  YOU get to figure out what is right or wrong for you alone.  This is about you being given a flashlight (or in some cases, a floodlight) and recognizing the opportunity available now for you to find or continue along your way.

It is also important for you to recognize that during this Sun-Mercury conjunction in Virgo, the feedback of others around you can indeed be helpful and constructive.  Yet when you are operating from your emotional or psychological wounds, it may be difficult for you to see their words or actions as ways to become aware of the truth at hand for you.  If you only see or hear criticism and judgment, be aware that it may be a reflection of your criticism and judgment of yourself.  Distinguish your negative response as an indicator that can guide you directly to the wounds you need to heal within you in order to restore health and wellness and workability to your life.

The influence of this 2013 Virgo Sun-Mercury conjunction can be felt August 20th through August 27th.  Use it to your advantage.  Take this time to get real with yourself.  It could prove to be more valuable to you in the long run than you could ever imagine.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Leo – See Who They Really Are (For You)

Venus entered Leo on Thursday, September 6th at 7:48a PDT.  In doing so, it shifts the focus of our relationships and partnerships away from nurturing and caring protection, and brings our relationships out into the Light for us (and in some cases, for all) to see them for what they really are and what they are really all about.

Venus in Leo is a time when we discover who and what really matters to us in our lives.  This occurs as we recognize the individuals we choose (or want to choose) to share our Light and/or our spotlight with.  In doing so, we also become more aware of who is willing to share their Light with us.  In allowing our partnerships and relationships with important individuals to be seen or known by us and others, we are learning and affirming more about who we truly are by acknowledging who helps and/or influences us in being who we are in and for ourselves and the world.

This Venus in Leo placement also brings forth opportunities for you to affirm or confirm that “This person is important to me” or “This person is a partner or companion to me in some way”.  These are not necessarily declarations of romantic love, for not all partners are romantic or sexual partners.  However, it is a time for verification of the role(s) certain individuals may have in your life.

I use the word “verification” because this Venus in Leo placement begins while the Sun and Mercury are both in Virgo and while Mars is in Scorpio.  This is important to note because it implies that you are still in a plan implementation phase.  You are getting your life in order in some way(s), setting changes in motion to bring your life (or a specific area of your life) into efficiency, effectiveness, and organization.

As you are getting your life in order, it is important to get clear about who you want with you as you continue your life journey…and equally important for you to figure out whom or what you need to let go of in order to manifest what you are planning.  You get to discover or ‘verify’ the status and/or purposes of the relationships you have with others.  There are choices to be made, and you’ll become more aware of the decisions you want or need to make as each of your relationships comes into your Light in some way.

Some questions and suggestions which may prove helpful (and possibly challenging yet productive) to you during this assessment period:

  • Who do you spend the most time with?  Does this person or do these people reflect who you are or want to become for yourself and/or for the world?  Do they lift you up or bring you down?
  • Do the people around you and/or spend time with make you feel good about yourself?  How? Why?  And if you don’t feel good about yourself with or around them, how or why does this occur?
  • Do your partners and companions boost your confidence or your ego?  If so, how do they do this for you or why do they do this for you?  Are they doing it genuinely (which truly feels good) or are they pretending to like you (which may feel off or not as good as it could)?
  • Who hides you from others?  Why do they hide you?  Ask them why before making choices about them.  How you feel as they tell you and your response to what they say may help you get clear about who they are (or aren’t) for you.
  • Who do you hide from others?  Why do you hide them?  Tell them why before making choices about them.  How you feel as you tell them and their response to what you say may help you get clear about who they are (or aren’t) for you.

The communications you have with people during this time serve a purpose – clarifying who is truly supportive of who you truly are and genuinely serves a productive purpose or role in helping you manifest your self-expression in and for the world.

Mercury enters Libra – the sign ruled by Venus – on September 16th, and when it does, that will likely be the time that you begin to communicate your choices outwardly to others.  You’ll be able to say “This person is important and/or essential to me and who I am becoming” or “This person is a partner or companion to me in some way”.  These are not necessarily declarations of romantic love, for not all partners are romantic or sexual partners.  However, it is likely to be a time of outward affirmation of the role(s) certain individuals may have in your life.

You may also find that you need to tell certain people that they no longer have a role in your life, or you may simply phase them out of your life by no longer being in communication with them.  These choices will likely become more clear with Pluto going into direct motion on September 17th – you’ll have a better idea of who and what stays or goes after Pluto begins to outwardly reveal your inner transformation and commitment to your goals and ambitions.  As you see the changes starting to manifest around you, you may also see more clearly what needs to change for you.

September 2012 is definitely a month of intention and changes to align yourself with your chosen intentions.  Embrace the opportunities available to you now to make the choices and changes you need to make in your relationships.  These challenging questions are being presented to you now for you to answer now or very soon.  Use the answers you find to help you choose and establish the support structure you’ll need to succeed in the accomplishing of your long-term goals and ambitions.

Make the most of this energy available to you.  It may be difficult in the moment, but facing the challenges now will likely make the road ahead much easier to navigate.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love and blessings,


Mercury in Virgo – Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize

Mercury enters Virgo this evening, August 31st, 2012 at 7:33p PDT.  With it comes a shift in our mental and communicative focus – away from the attention we draw to ourselves and what we reveal ourselves to be, and toward the implementation of the plans we have been creating to align our lives with the Truth of who we are.

Virgo is about organizing, systematizing, and practical implementation.  It is also about healing and wellness, clearing out what is toxic to us and bringing things back into integrity and good health.  Its practical and purposeful nature often associates Virgo with your works, service, and daily routine.

Mercury joins the Sun in the sign of Virgo for an amplification of this practical and purposeful energy.  With our minds and communications now shifting into this realm, you are likely to see a stark contrast between the theatrical drama of Leo we’ve been experiencing over the last few weeks and the nuts and bolts approach of Virgo.  Things will almost suddenly become pretty simple and straight-forward, and there will be a more cut-and-dried approach to getting things started and/or done.  There won’t be much tolerance for drama or excess over the next few weeks.  If it isn’t effective or efficient, it’ll probably be discarded or ignored. The intention in the next couple of weeks is to “keep your eyes on the prize”.

That said, Mercury’s journey through Virgo this time around will be a quick and useful one – it will be in direct motion its entire time in Virgo, moving into Libra on September 16th.  Ideas and thoughts and our communications of them will likely be clear, concise and very deliberate.  They will also serve the dual purpose of 1)  helping us implement plans and intentions, and 2) healing the wounds that may surface as we start letting go of all that no longer serves us well.

This Virgo 5 Sun-Mercury cycle is a time of clearing away who and what distracts, discourages, or otherwise detriments us in the pursuit of our goals and dreams.  We clear away the negatives to create space for all that is practical, tangible and positive to come into our live to assist us with the manifestation of our plans and intentions.  Though there will be some tangible and physical actions taken, the majority of this work done during Mercury in Virgo will be done through words more than any other means.

Some questions to consider over the next 16 days:

  • Who and what supports you in “winning the prize(s)” in your life…and who and what seems to distract you or take you away from it?
  • What do you need to get what will support or encourage you in manifesting your goals and dreams? What and/or who stands in the way of getting what you need?
  • Is it really someone or something else, or it is your own beliefs and behaviors and thoughts that need to change?

We aren’t done with Leo entirely.  Venus enters Leo on September 6th, and will bring a little drama back into our lives as others begin to respond and react to the communications we make.  We are likely to have our ‘drama moments’ as well – after all, we aren’t the only ones who are making changes.

Everyone in our lives is under the influence of this Virgo 5 Sun-Mercury combination.  So we’ll need to deal with our feelings and thoughts about being on both the giving and receiving end of the changes we are all undergoing.  For some of us who are already well-aligned with our inner Truths, the changes we are called to make may be small and barely noticeable.  But for some of us who have found ourselves to be more out of alignment with our inner Truths than we may like, we may find ourselves called upon to make some pretty major life changes in these next few weeks.  And of course, as we make these changes, they inevitably have an effect on not only us but those closest to us.  Our relationships will be affected, and the relationship effect will only be more pronounced once Mercury moves into Libra on the 16th.

But for now, we focus on implementing the details of our plans.  We focus on getting ourselves and our lives cleaned, cleared and organized for the new and wonderful people and things we are bringing into our lives – all of whom will help us “keep our eyes on the prize” so we may manifest and fulfill our goals and dreams.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and blessings,
