2015 Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Virgo – Work, Serve, and Grow

spring-sprout-vector_G1Hmqlwu - graphicstockThe Virgo Sun will bring the current status of our daily lifestyle operations to light – the best and the worst of the current operations will be seen as the glory and/or the horror that they are. Nothing remains hidden in the light of the Sun. We will see how the mundane, everyday routines, systems, and processes of our lives are actually functioning.

Virgo Jupiter will bring practical and purposeful expansion, and it will expand whatever is already in place. This is why it’s important to look at and truly see what is happening in this moment right now – whatever we are giving our energy and effort to is growing and expanding.

As the Sun and Jupiter combine their energies, it is an excellent time to notice the practical functionality of our own individual everyday lives as well as the daily operating procedures of the world around us in order to ask ourselves if we are truly making life easier or healthier for ourselves. Are our lives really functioning in healthy and healing ways? Are we really being of practical and purposeful service to ourselves and each other?

This Virgo Sun-Jupiter conjunction is felt from 24th-29th August 2015, but the transit is exact at 3:02p PDT today, 26th August 2015 – a numerological 6 universal day. Six is maternal and/or healing energy – a.k.a. “mommy energy” – and under the influence of Virgo, six wants to improve things. Virgo 6 works to solve problems in the everyday routine of life. Its objective is to nurture and restore the mundane operations of everyday life to their functional best – healed, healthy, efficient, and effective.

Much like a mother giving her nurturing energy to her child, we are nurturing certain elements and aspects of our lives by giving them our effort and energy. That which is given attention, energy, and effort will grow and expand. What isn’t given attention, energy, and effort to will diminish and decrease.

One word which sums up attention, energy, and effort is…WORK!

That’s right. Whatever you are putting your attention, energy, and effort into is what you are working for and toward in your life.

However, in the majority of the world, we have been conditioned us to perceive and believe work to be an exclusively external thing – externally focused and projected. Yet we often fail to recognize that our outward projections of effort and energy come from within us! The results on the outside are reflecting the energy and effort we are applying within ourselves!

We often think that hard work means do more externally – longer hours, harder labor, more complicated systems or processes, more money or materials, etc. Yet we fail to see that right now, the work we individually and collectively need to do is more internal than external. During this 2015 Virgo Sun period and especially under the influence of this Sun-Jupiter conjunction, we also get to look within ourselves to learn and understand what is (and isn’t) driving our external efforts in order to make our external efforts more practically efficient, effective, and purposeful.

We are now waking up to the fact that effective and productive external work is the product of effective and productive internal work. Therefore, we get to look at how we each and all go about applying our resources and efforts to create and manifest the lifestyles we want to live.

On an individual level, this means that you get to take a closer look at how you choose to practice life. Think about that for a moment – really.

  • What or who are you putting your energy into?
  • How are you going about the day-to-day of your life?
  • Why are you doing the work you are doing?
  • What is your intention in doing the work you are doing? What do you hope to accomplish?
  • What or who are you working for? Is it for yourself, for others, or both?
  • What or who works for you in your life? What or who doesn’t work for you?
  • Are you putting effort into something that works for you…or maybe doesn’t work for you?

Those questions are paramount at this time because whatever (or whomever) you are giving your energy and attention to will indeed grow and expand…for better or worse. Therefore, it’s important that whatever you are putting work into is something and/or someone you want to have a growing and expanding presence or influence in your life for the better.

Consider the people and projects which support, encourage, and nurture your healing, health, and wellness; make the day-to-day needs of your life simpler and easier to meet or manage. Those people, projects, and practices bring joy and ease to your life, so there is joy in doing that work! That joy is what transforms work into service. Authentic service is what nurtures lasting growth and expansion.

Wherever and however you authentically serve is where and how you reap lasting rewards.

  • For those of you who have been doing your internal work, your rewards may begin to make themselves known today.
  • For those who begin or do your internal work today, you will likely begin receiving rewards for your efforts in the near future.
  • For those of you who are aware of yet resist doing your internal work, you may find that it’s getting harder to continue as you have been and that you may be making it harder do the internal and external work later. Things may become more complicated or you may be more entangled in your difficulties than you are right now.
  • For those of you who have no idea that you have work to do, you may begin to realize that you might actually be responsible for some if not all of you current life circumstances. Once you start to see how your work affects your life, you may recognize a need to make some changes in your life.

Doing the internal work requires that you face the reality of your life. Not the ideal you’re hoping will become reality, but the practical and tangible reality of what you are living and dealing with right now. You will need to see yourself and your daily life and lifestyle in real, practical, tangible terms. If you’re not willing to let go of your ideals to face the reality of what-is, this Sun-Jupiter conjunction may be a very difficult time for you.

Yet if you are willing to face and accept the practical reality of your everyday life at this time, you may find that opportunities for you to progress forward and upward begin to appear. The doors open to those who are willing to open them – if you are clear and serious about your desire for healing and wellness for yourself and all around you, though it may be difficult to face some hard truths at first, you’ll likely find that optimism gradually emerges and begins to influence your life perspective and choices. Your life has purpose when you’re clear about the work you get to do, and purpose brings joy, and joy brings authenticity to your practical works and service.

Work, serve, and grow. That is the message of Sun conjunct Jupiter in Virgo. take time to look at yourself and your life, and figure out how to make this the reality of your life…and experience the growth and expansion of joy in your life.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Scorpio Sun Square Jupiter in Leo – The Dilemma of Light and Darkness

Everything in existence has a balance.  Some say “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”.   Others say “you get what you give”.

I say that you can only shine your Light as brightly as your darkness is dark.  This square of the Scorpio Sun and Jupiter in Leo, exact at 7:05p PST on 13th November 2014, holds potential for that balanced to be experienced in first-hand reality.

How deeply are you willing to explore your emotions and psyche in order to come to terms with ALL of who you are?  How far are you willing to delve into the darkest depths of your soul?  These are the questions you get to answer during this square transit.

The darkness of the soul often finds itself being labeled as bad, wrong, evil, lower, lesser, etc.  It is demonized, criticized, avoided, and denied.  The darkness is shunned in favor of being lighter and brighter and “Higher”.  I would strongly disagree.

I disagree because it is often within that darkness where our true strength and brilliance hides.  Negative thoughts and emotions don’t just come out of nowhere – they are often the product of the oppression or repression of our unique expressions of Light.  Resentment comes when others hold us down or back from sharing our unique expression.  Regret comes when we hold ourselves back or down from being all that we can be in and for the world.

Pain comes when we avoid or deny our responsibility in how we are being treated by others or how we are treating ourselves, because whether we realize it or not, we always have a choice in how we express ourselves.

This particular Sun-Jupiter square reveals the dilemma of Light and darkness that inevitably arises when we choose to shine our Light more brightly. Continue reading

Mercury in Sagittarius – The Truth is Good…So More is Better?

Mercury, the quick-footed and quick-minded ruler of Gemini, finds itself traveling through its opposite sign of Sagittarius for the next few weeks, entering the sign at 6:43p PST yesterday, 4th December 2013.

This is always a fun ride, because Sagittarius is known for being adventurous, bold, and willing to try anything once in order to learn from the experience.  That said, it draws knowledge and wisdom from those experiences that it is eager to share with or teach to others.  But what often gets overlooked by many is the reason Sagittarius wants to actually go out and do whatever can be done.

The reason is that truth is always the ultimate goal for Sagittarius.  It wants to know that the knowledge and wisdom it shares with others is true because they’ve actually been there and done that and therefore, they know it first-hand to be true.  They build their life philosophies upon their experiential truths and until they have another experience that teaches them otherwise, they will often teach and/or preach what they practice.

This is why Mercury in Sagittarius can be so amusing.  With Mercury being the planet of thoughts, ideas, and communications; it has a lot to say when it is in this sign.  Much of what is communicated is rooted in the truth of experience.  It’s the truth and nothing but the truth and it’s usually unfiltered.  After all, why filter what you absolutely know to be true?

However, for all of the amusement that Mercury in Sagittarius brings, therein lies the rub.  Mercury’s influence may cause many of us to blurt out whatever’s on our minds, which may come across as overwhelming or hurtful to those who aren’t ready to hear or learn their unfiltered truths.  This could be especially challenging for some because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter – the planet of optimism, abundance, growth, and expansion.  The people speaking the truths may earnestly believe they are doing you a favor by doing so, yet what they may actually be doing by speaking the truth is opening an ever-flowing can of worms.

This is also made a bit more challenging by the fact that Mercury squares Neptune in Pisces as it entered Sagittarius.  Neptune in its sign of rulership makes it extra dreamy and delusional.  When in square aspect with Mercury in Sagittarius, more communication may not be better.  In fact, it may leave you being seen as more delusional than truthful, and the tendency to exaggerate or fabricate “facts” in order to fill holes in the truth you wish to communicate may tank your credibility altogether.

Therefore, some questions you may want to ask yourself before you speak during Mercury in Sagittarius are:

  • Is the truth I want to communicate really the truth?
  • Am I exaggerating the truth, or is it really that big a deal?
  • Is what I want to communicate based upon truth I have experienced, or upon truth I am logically deducting?
  • Is there a reason for my communicating this truth now?  Does it serve a purpose that I want to grow and expand?

And some questions you may ask yourself when others are speaking their truth to you are:

  • Are they telling me something that I really need to hear and that serves my Highest good?
  • Are they telling me something I know is true but don’t want to deal with?  Am I trying to avoid something by shutting them down or out?

Remember, the truth always comes out eventually.  Take what is revealed during Mercury in Sagittarius as a blessing, even if it may not feel that way in the moment.  It really is all good in the end.  Mercury will be in Sag until 24th December 2013.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini – Choosing Your Own Communications Adventure

As mentioned earlier in the month of Gemini, Mercury is very much at home in its own sign of Gemini.  Information comes and goes quickly and effortlessly, making communicating a breeze.

Jupiter is known for its growth and expansion characteristics.  It can also make whatever it touches larger than life, therefore, it can take the information and communications of Gemini and expand them or elaborate on them.

Jupiter is also known for bringing a jolly and optimistic quality to any matter.  So, with Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini @12:56a PDT, Jupiter thinks that information is good, right?  Information is meant to be shared – why not share it in a big way and with as many people as possible?  And while we’re at it, why not dress it up a bit?

The challenge with this conjunction is that not everything is meant to be shared.  When Mercury, the ruler of Gemini conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini, you can only imagine how quickly word can spread about just about anything and everything.

And in sharing, some of what is shared spreads faster than you may intend it to.  In fact, the information may move faster than you realize, causing you to possibly miss out on an opportunity to get some control over what is being said and who it’s being said to.  On top of that, you may find that what is being said isn’t false, but there may be some elaboration of the truth.  Rather than omissions from the story, there may be additions instead.

Yet, one thing to keep in mind is that Jupiter is at home in the sign opposite Gemini, Sagittarius.  It is not only about making things bigger and more optimistic – it is also about gaining wisdom from experience.  That said, when Jupiter in Gemini is conjuncted by Mercury, it’s not just about the ideas and/or words.  It’s learning from the experience of what fast-moving information and/or quick-flying gossip can do.  There’s wisdom to be gained from the communication experiences that you have during this time.  It can be quite an adventure if you choose to see it that way.

Unfortunately, we often learn when things go badly.  So for most of you, there would need to be the experience of having information you didn’t want out being spread all over, or someone making a much bigger deal about something involving you than was actually the case.  This could be a major lesson in what to share with others, learning that what you say may not remain in close circles.  You may learn to be more aware of what you share and who you share it with.

However, some of you may have a positive experience with this Mercury-Jupiter conjunction.  In this case, you may learn how to get a positive message or helpful information to others in a fun and easy way.  You may also notice that since jolly Jupiter is bigger in size than nimble Mercury, it doesn’t move as quickly.  Much like information, good news rarely travels as quickly as bad news.  With Gemini being an air sign possessing the qualities of natural objectivity and emotional detachment, it could be a great time to take the time to have patient yet remarkably thorough conversations that help clear up any confusion that may exist in any matters at hand.  This conjunction can bring positive communicative energy to interactions of all kinds.

The effects of this Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini will last for another day or two, so make the most of this energy that allows you to choose your own communications adventure.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings.


Sagittarius New Moon – Moving Beyond The Walls

With the Sagittarius New Moon arriving at 12:32a PST on December 13th, 2012, it is a wonderful time to embrace the truth that has been (and continues to be) revealed to you, awakening you to what moves you forward in life.  Making effort is one necessary thing.  Being conscious of who you are being in your life or certain areas of your life is the other.  That full consciousness – that self-awareness – helps you determine where your efforts are best applied.

In this time of the Sagittarius New Moon, it is a time for growth and expansion into new beginnings, but more than that, it is time to move into those new beginnings with honesty and integrity about who you are as a being and who you are choosing to be in your life.  This requires that you not only get clear about who you really and truly are, what you intend to create, and where you intend to go.  It also requires you to look at what has held you back and what you need to do in order to overcome it so you can move forward with your intentions.

Some of us intend to move forward in our lives to achieve success in certain areas of our lives or maybe in life in general, but we can’t seem to get off the ground.  Some of us achieve a great level of success only to have that success fall apart – sometimes again and again.  These apparent failures can discourage us and have us give up on our dreams and goals.

We often see our failures as negatives, and out of our fears of repeating the same mistakes, we don’t allow ourselves to move forward.  We put a brick (or in some cases, bricks) up in order to protect ourselves from experiencing more hurt when we try again the next time.

But what we often don’t recognize is that sometimes our failures happen to help us recognize what stands in our way, not to put more in our way.

What is standing in our way is usually a wall of our own creation generated by the bricks of our past experiences.  Something “bad” happened before when we went after our dream, so we believe it will happen again.  And out of the fear of it happening again, we actually end up bringing about what we didn’t want to have happen….because we never went back to address the root issue.  We simply created new plans and intentions without cleaning up the mess from before and understanding how that mess happened, and tried to move forward.

But you can’t move forward if you don’t tear down the brick wall you’ve been putting up in front of you to keep the past from hurting you again.  You’ll just keep running yourself into that wall…until you choose take it down.

Now I understand that this may be some pretty heavy subject matter for some of you, especially in the face of the optimistic and positive energy Sagittarius, and of course, the holidays.  Yet that is exactly why now may be the perfect time to share (or get started by facing up to) the truth of who you are and what you truly want to have grow, expand, and find genuine happiness in your life!

As we are each and all surrounded by this optimistic Sagittarius energy of opening up and out, even if it seems terrifying to do so, taking down those bricks and getting honest with yourself and others about yourself and others could be the best thing for you right now.  What better time to do that than with the people closest to you during the holiday season?

Of course, with all of this truth opening up for everyone in this Sagittarius New Moon phase, you may find that truth comes to you before you get to it.  It may have already starting arriving on Tuesday the 11th with Sagittarius Mercury squaring Pisces Neptune – an influence that may have had Truth clashing with your ideals or fantasies.

Recognize what those truths – both the ones you reveal and the ones revealed to you – are opening up in your consciousness.  Notice which dreams and ideals are being confronted right now.  See what knowledge and wisdom is being revealed to you in what appears to be negative.  It’s not to say that you won’t be frustrated or upset in the process, or that you can’t be.  It is to say that there really is always a positive to the negative, even if we don’t see it as first.

That’s the beauty of the New Moon.  It doesn’t reflect the Sun’s Light, so we often don’t see what gifts are being given to us right away.  That’s why it is important to remind yourself that no matter what comes to Light during this Sagittarius New Moon phase, it’s exactly what you need to know to learn and grow, and it really is for the highest good of all involved for you to hear and know it now.

This Sagittarius New Moon gives you and all of us the opportunity to move beyond the walls we’ve put up and start forward into the great wide open of life where we have freedom to grow and expand into our truth, and therefore, our True happiness.

I hope you’ll embrace the energy available to you in these next couple of days.  Don’t be afraid.  It’s only freedom.  Once you start growing into it, you’ll be okay.

As always, thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings,
